Untitled - D Ank Unlimited

Untitled - D Ank Unlimited

Untitled - D Ank Unlimited


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homologous recombination pathway 339 hookworm immunity<br />

homologous recombination pathway<br />

A DNA repair pathway that employs homologous DNA to<br />

repair major gaps in double-stranded DNA in an<br />

“error-free” manner. Associated with the BLM gene (refer<br />

to Bloom syndrome).<br />

homologous restriction factor (HRF)<br />

An erythrocyte surface protein that prevents cell lysis by<br />

homologous complement on its surface. It bears a structural<br />

resemblance to C8 and C9.<br />

homologous vaccine<br />

Autogenous vaccine.<br />

homology region<br />

A 105- to 115-amino-acid residue sequence of heavy or<br />

light chains of immunoglobulins that have primary structures<br />

resembling other corresponding sequences of the<br />

same size. A homology region has a globular shape and an<br />

intrachain disulfide bond. The exons that encode homology<br />

regions are separated by introns. Light polypeptide chain<br />

homology regions are termed V L and C L. Heavy chain<br />

homology regions are designated V H, C H1, C H2, and C H3.<br />

homology unit<br />

A structural feature of an immunoglobulin domain.<br />

homopolymer<br />

A molecule comprised of repeating units of only one<br />

amino acid.<br />

homotransplantation<br />

Homograft (i.e., allograft) transplantation.<br />

homozygote<br />

An organism whose genotype is characterized by two identical<br />

alleles of a gene.<br />

homozygous<br />

Containing two copies of the same allele.<br />

homozygous typing cell (HTC) technique<br />

An assay that employs a stimulator cell that is homozygous<br />

at the HLA-D locus. The HTC incorporates only a<br />

minute amount of tritiated thymidine when combined with<br />

a homozygous cell in the MLR. This implies that the HTC<br />

shares HLA-D determinants with the other cell type. By<br />

contrast, when an HTC is combined with a nonhomozygous<br />

cell, much larger amounts of tritiated thymidine are incorporated.<br />

Many variations between these two extremes are<br />

noted in actual practice. HTCs are frequently obtained from<br />

the progeny of marriages between cousins.<br />

homozygous typing cells (HTCs)<br />

Cells obtained from a subject who is homozygous at the<br />

HLA-D locus. HTCs facilitate MLR typing of the human<br />

D locus.<br />

Hood, Leroy<br />

Pioneer in immunogenetics and molecular biology. His<br />

work with Tonegawa proved that three separate DNA segments<br />

must be combined to complete the heavy chain variable<br />

region sequence of immunoglobulin. They found yet<br />

another diversity (D) group of DNA segments in addition to<br />

the V and J segments. Hood went on to demonstrate mutations<br />

in these gene segments. The elegant body of scientific<br />

evidence elucidated finally solved one of immunology’s<br />

most mystifying conundrums.<br />

hook effect<br />

An artifact that may be seen in the immunoradiometric<br />

assay (IRMA) when a hormone assayed is present in very<br />

high concentration. The excess amount cannot be measured<br />

by the detector system because it will have reached its<br />

Leroy Hood.<br />

theoretical limit. The diminished counts with the labeled<br />

antibody at the elevated hormone concentration yield spuriously<br />

low results. Thus, IRMA is not an appropriate method<br />

for assaying hormones present in relatively high concentrations,<br />

such as gastrin, prolactin, or hCG. The hook effect<br />

requires measurement of two separate concentrations to<br />

establish linearity.<br />

hookworm immunity<br />

Hookworms in humans induce various antibody responses<br />

that may be assayed by ELISA or the radioimmunoassay<br />

technique. There is a prominent immune response to<br />

excretory–secretory (ES) products and surface antigens, as<br />

well as a sharp rise in specific immunoglobulin isotypes<br />

during infection. Marked elevation of total serum immunoglobulin<br />

E (IgE) occurs in human hookworm disease; the<br />

remaining additional immunoglobulin in the circulation<br />

is not specific for parasite antigens. Serum IgA may be<br />

diminished during hookworm disease, because hookworm<br />

proteases are able to digest host IgA. The greater the burden<br />

of worms, the more intense the antibody response to adult<br />

antigens. Subjects who have fewer worms develop higher<br />

titers of antilarval antibodies that increase the resistance to<br />

larval challenge. Hookworms induce T H2-type responses<br />

together with specific IgE antibodies against ES products<br />

and eosinophilia. Evidence is lacking to support the concept<br />

that T H2-dependent immunity plays a major role in hostprotective<br />

immunity against hookworms. Little is known<br />

concerning cellular responses to hookworms. Eosinophilia<br />

is a common finding in hookworm infection. Production<br />

of superoxide is increased, and chemotaxis of eosinophils<br />

from infected donors is enhanced; yet, the eosinophilia has<br />


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