Untitled - D Ank Unlimited

Untitled - D Ank Unlimited

Untitled - D Ank Unlimited


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high endothelial postcapillary venules 325 hinge region<br />

substance is a polysaccharide to immunocompetent adult<br />

animals. Although no precise inducing dose of antigen can<br />

be defined, usually in high-dose tolerance the antigen level<br />

exceeds 10 4 mol antigen per kilogram of body weight. Also<br />

called high-zone tolerance.<br />

high endothelial postcapillary venules<br />

Lymphoid organ vessels that are especially designed for<br />

circulating lymphocytes to gain access into the parenchyma<br />

of an organ. They contain cuboidal endothelium that permits<br />

lymphocytes to pass between the cells into the tissues.<br />

Lymphocyte recirculation from the blood to the lymph<br />

occurs through these vessel walls.<br />

High<br />

endothelial<br />

venule<br />

(HEV)<br />

Vein<br />

Clathrin<br />

Anti-gp330 IgG<br />

High endothelial venules (HEVs).<br />

Coated pit<br />

gp330<br />

high endothelial venules (HEVs)<br />

Postcapillary venules of lymph node paracortical areas.<br />

They also occur in Peyer’s patches that are components of<br />

gut-associated lymphoid tissue (GALT). Their specialized<br />

columnar cells bear receptors for antigen-primed lymphocytes.<br />

They signal lymphocytes to leave the peripheral<br />

blood circulation. These cuboidal cells express adhesion<br />

molecules that promote adherence and transendothelial passage<br />

of naïve lymphocytes. A homing receptor for circulating<br />

lymphocytes is found in lymph nodes.<br />

high responder<br />

A mouse, guinea pig, or other inbred strain that mounts<br />

pronounced immune responses to selected antigens in comparison<br />

to the responses of other strains including so-called<br />

low responder strains. Immune response (IR) genes encode<br />

this capability.<br />

Heymann’s glomerulonephritis.<br />

high titer, low avidity antibodies (HTLAs)<br />

Antibodies that induce erythrocyte agglutination at high dilutions<br />

in the Coombs’ antiglobulin test. These antibodies cause<br />

only weak agglutination and are almost never linked to hemolysis<br />

of clinical importance. Examples of HTLA antibodies are<br />

anti-Bg a , -Cs, -Ch, -Kna, -JMH, -Rg, and -Yk, among others.<br />

high-zone tolerance<br />

Antigen-induced specific immunosuppression with relatively<br />

large doses of protein antigens (tolerogens). B cell<br />

tolerance usually requires high antigen doses. High-zone<br />

tolerance is relatively short lived. Called also high-dose<br />

tolerance. Refer to high-dose tolerance.<br />

higher vertebrates<br />

Animals with backbones, including the agnatha (jawless fish<br />

such as lampreys); Chondrichthyes (cartilaginous jawed fish<br />

such as skates, sharks and rays); Osteichthyes (bony jawed<br />

fish including lobe-finned, ray-finned, and advanced bony<br />

fishes such as salmon); amphibians (frogs, toads, and salamanders);<br />

reptiles (crocodiles and snakes); birds; and mammals<br />

that include such divergent species as mice and humans.<br />

highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART)<br />

The combined use of reverse transcriptase inhibitors and<br />

a viral protease inhibitor for HIV infection. This therapy<br />

can diminish virus titers to undetectable levels for more<br />

than a year and slow the progression of HIV disease. The<br />

combination slows the development of drug-resistant mutant<br />

viruses that arise when a lone drug is used.<br />

highly polymorphic<br />

Units of inheritance (i.e., genes) possessing numerous alleles<br />

for which most subjects in a population are heterozygous.<br />

hinge region<br />

An area of an immunoglobulin heavy chain situated<br />

between the first constant domain and the second constant<br />

domain (C H1 and C H2) in an immunoglobulin (Ig) polypeptide<br />

chain. The high content of proline residues in this<br />

region provides considerable flexibility to this area, which<br />

enables the Fab region of an immunoglobulin molecule to<br />

combine with cell surface epitopes it might not otherwise<br />

reach. Fab regions of an Ig molecule can rotate on the hinge<br />

region. The angle between the two Fab regions of an IgG<br />

molecule may extend up to 180°. In addition to the proline<br />

residues, one or several half cysteines may be associated<br />

with the interchain disulfide bonds. Enzyme action by<br />

papain or pepsin occurs near the hinge region. Whereas γ,<br />

α, and δ chains contain hinge regions, μ and ε chains do<br />

not. The 5′ part of the C H2 exon encodes the human and<br />


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