Untitled - D Ank Unlimited

Untitled - D Ank Unlimited

Untitled - D Ank Unlimited


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freemartin 283 functional affinity<br />

termed F. tularensis LVS, are easily killed by polymorphonuclear<br />

leukocytes and are susceptible to hydrochloric acid<br />

and hydrogen peroxide produced as a result of the oxidative<br />

burst. No significant toxins are produced by F. tularensis.<br />

T-cell-mediated immunity can prevent fulminating disease.<br />

Infection or vaccination with live attenuated bacteria can<br />

induce host protection against tularemia.<br />

freemartin<br />

The female of dizygotic cattle twins; the other twin is a<br />

male. Their placentas are fused in utero, causing them to be<br />

exposed to each other’s cells in utero prior to the development<br />

of immunologic maturity. This renders the animals<br />

immunologically tolerant of each other’s cells and prevents<br />

a twin from rejecting grafts from the other twin. The female<br />

has reproductive abnormalities and is sterile.<br />

Frei test<br />

A tuberculin type of delayed hypersensitivity skin test<br />

employed to reveal delayed-type hypersensitivity in lymphogranuloma<br />

venereum patients. Following intradermal<br />

injection of lymphogranuloma venereum virus, an erythematous<br />

and indurated papule develops after 4 days.<br />

Freund, Jules (1890–1960)<br />

Hungarian physician who later worked in the United States.<br />

He made many contributions to immunology, including his<br />

work on antibody formation, studies on allergic encephalomyelitis,<br />

and the development of Freund’s adjuvant. He<br />

received the Lasker Award in 1959.<br />

Freund’s adjuvant<br />

A water-in-oil emulsion that facilitates or enhances an<br />

immune response to antigen incorporated into the adjuvant.<br />

There are two forms. Complete Freund’s adjuvant<br />

(CFA) consists of lightweight mineral oil that contains<br />

killed, dried mycobacteria. With the aid of an emulsifying<br />

agent such as Arlacel A, antigen in an aqueous phase is<br />

incorporated into the oil phase containing mycobacteria.<br />

This emulsion is then used as the immunogen. Incomplete<br />

Freund’s adjuvant (IFA) differs from the complete form<br />

only in that it does not contain mycobacteria. In both<br />

cases, the augmenting effect depends on and parallels the<br />

magnitude of the local inflammatory lesion, essentially a<br />

non-necrotic monocytic reaction with fibrous encapsulation.<br />

Whereas the complete form facilitates stimulation of<br />

both T and B limbs of the immune response, the incomplete<br />

variety enhances antibody formation but does not stimulate<br />

cell-mediated immunity except for transient Jones–Mote<br />

reactivity. The adjuvant principle in mycobacteria is the cell<br />

wall wax D fraction. CFA does not potentiate the immune<br />

response to the so-called thymus-independent antigens such<br />

as pneumococcal polysaccharide or polyvinylpyrrolidone.<br />

CFA may be combined with normal tissues and injected<br />

into animals of the type supplying the tissue to induce<br />

autoimmune diseases such as thyroiditis, allergic encephalomyelitis,<br />

or adjuvant arthritis.<br />

Freund’s adjuvant, complete<br />

Refer to Freund’s adjuvant.<br />

Freund’s adjuvant, incomplete<br />

Refer to Freund’s adjuvant.<br />

front typing<br />

In blood typing for transfusion, antibodies of known<br />

specificity are used to identify erythrocyte ABO antigens.<br />

Differences between front and back typing may be<br />

attributable to acquired group B or B subtypes, diminished<br />

ABO blood grouping by front and back typing.<br />

immunoglobulins, anti-B and anti-A1 antibody polyagglutination,<br />

rouleau formation, cold agglutinins, Wharton’s jelly,<br />

or two separate cell populations.<br />

frustrated phagocytosis<br />

The inability of a phagocyte to engulf a target particle<br />

because of its large size or fixation in a tissue, which leads<br />

to the external release of lysosomal contents, resulting in<br />

localized tissue injury.<br />

FTA–ABS (fluorescence treponema antibody absorption)<br />

A serological test for syphilis that is very sensitive (i.e.,<br />

approaching 100%) in the diagnosis of secondary, tertiary,<br />

congenital, and neurosyphilis.<br />

FTA–ABS test<br />

An assay for specific antibodies to Treponema pallidum<br />

in the sera of patients suspected of having syphilis. Before<br />

combining serum with killed T. pallidum microorganisms<br />

fixed on a slide, the serum is first absorbed with an extract<br />

of Reiter’s treponemes to remove group-specific antibodies.<br />

After washing, the specimen is covered with fluorescein-labeled<br />

antihuman globulin, followed by examination by fluorescence<br />

microscopy with ultraviolet light. Demonstration<br />

of positive fluorescence of the target microorganisms<br />

reveals specific antibody present in the serum. The greater<br />

specificity and sensitivity of this test make it preferable to<br />

the previously used FTA-200 assay.<br />

FTY720<br />

An investigational immunosuppressive drug, which is a<br />

synthetic analogue of the fungal toxin known as myriocin<br />

and synthesized by Isaria sinclairii, which inhibits the<br />

serine palmitoyltransferase enzyme needed for the de novo<br />

production of sphingolipids and sphingosine. This drug has<br />

no effect on innate immune system cells, making it more<br />

desirable than other immunosuppressive drugs that might<br />

facilitate opportunistic infections.<br />

Fudenberg, Hugh (1928–)<br />

Prolific author and editor of immunology research articles<br />

and books. Research interests have included immunoglobulins,<br />

cell-mediated immunity, suppressor T cells, and<br />

neuroimmunology, among others.<br />

full chimerism<br />

The state in which all of an individual’s hematopoietic cells<br />

are of donor origin. This results when a bone marrow or<br />

hematopoietic stem cell transplant is performed following<br />

myeloablative conditioning to eliminate all the recipient’s<br />

hematopoietic cells.<br />

functional affinity<br />

Association constant for a bivalent or multivalent antibody’s<br />

interaction with a bivalent or multivalent ligand. The<br />


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