Untitled - D Ank Unlimited

Untitled - D Ank Unlimited

Untitled - D Ank Unlimited


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fluorescein-labeled antibody 278 fluorescence quenching<br />

HO<br />

SS<br />

1028<br />

appear apple-green under ultraviolet irradiation, permitting<br />

easy detection of antigens of interest in tissues and cells.<br />

FITC fluoresces at 490 and 520 nm. FITC-labeled antibodies<br />

are useful for the demonstration of immune deposits in<br />

both skin and kidney biopsies.<br />

fluorescein-labeled antibody<br />

An antibody tagged with a fluorescein derivative such as<br />

fluorescein isothiocyanate. These antibodies are useful for<br />

localizing antigens in tissues and cells by their brilliant<br />

apple-green fluorescence under ultraviolet light.<br />

fluorescence<br />

Emission of light of one wavelength by a substance irradiated<br />

with light of a different wavelength.<br />

fluorescence-activated cell sorter (FACS)<br />

An instrument designed to measure the size, granularity,<br />

and fluorescence of cells attributable to bound fluorescent<br />

antibodies as individual cells flow in a stream<br />

0<br />

Fluid mosaic model.<br />

O +<br />

COO –<br />

Structure of fluorescein.<br />

RBC debris<br />

10 8<br />

10 1 10 2 10 3<br />

CD45 ECD<br />

Granulocytes<br />

Monocytes<br />

Lymphocytes<br />

Flow cytometric analysis of normal peripheral blood.<br />

OH<br />

HO<br />

O O<br />

N C S<br />

COOH<br />

Structure of fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC).<br />

past photodetectors. Single-cell analysis by this method<br />

is termed flow cytometry, and the device that makes the<br />

measurements and/or sorts cells is termed a flow cytometer<br />

or cell sorter. The flow cytometry fluorescence detectors are<br />

connected to computer-controlled electromagnetic deflector<br />

plates programmed to deposit a cell with a particular fluorescent<br />

signal due to bound fluorochrome-tagged antibody<br />

of a particular wavelength (color) and intensity to a specific<br />

collection tube.<br />

fluorescence enhancement<br />

Increased fluorescence of certain substances after their<br />

combination with antibody. This is attributable to changing<br />

the substance from an aqueous milieu to the hydrophobic<br />

surroundings of the antibody combining site.<br />

fluorescence microscopy<br />

A special microscope that uses ultraviolet light to illuminate<br />

a tissue or cell stained with a fluorochrome-labeled substance<br />

such as an antibody against an antigen of interest in the tissue.<br />

When returning from an excited state to a ground state,<br />

the tissue emits fluorescent light that permits the observer to<br />

localize an antigen of interest in the tissue or cell.<br />

fluorescence quenching<br />

A method to ascertain association constants of antibody<br />

molecules interacting with ligands. It results from excitation

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