Untitled - D Ank Unlimited

Untitled - D Ank Unlimited

Untitled - D Ank Unlimited


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diversity 232 DNA laddering<br />

Formation of disulfide bond<br />

Cys – SH + HS – Cys<br />

diversity<br />

The presence of numerous lymphocytes with different<br />

antigenic specificities to create a lymphocyte repertoire that<br />

is large and varied. Diversity, which is critical to adaptive<br />

immune responsiveness, is a consequence of structural variability<br />

in antigen-binding sites of lymphocyte receptors for<br />

antigen (antibodies and TCRs).<br />

diversity (D) gene segments<br />

Abbreviated coding sequences between the V and constant<br />

gene segments in the immunoglobulin heavy chain and<br />

T cell receptor β and δ loci together with J segments are<br />

recombined somatically with V segments during lymphocyte<br />

development. The recombined VDJ DNA encodes<br />

the carboxyl terminal ends of the antigen receptor V<br />

regions, including the third hypervariable (CDR) regions.<br />

D segments used randomly contribute to antigen receptor<br />

repertoire diversity.<br />

Dixon, Frank James (1920–2008)<br />

American physician noted for his fundamental contributions<br />

to immunopathology, particularly the role of immune<br />

complexes in the production of disease. He is also known<br />

for his work on antibody formation. Dixon was the founding<br />

director of the Research Institute of Scripps Clinic.<br />

DN thymocytes<br />

Double negative thymocytes that fail to express either CD4<br />

or CD8 molecules. Thus, they have a CD4- CD8- Formation of disulfide bonds from the oxidation of two sulfhydryl groups<br />

and the breaking of disulfide bonds through reduction, leading to sulfhydryl<br />

formation.<br />

surface<br />

phenotype. The four DN thymocyte subpopulations are<br />

designated DN1 through DN4.<br />

DNA binding motif<br />

A nuclear transcription factor binding site variably present<br />

in genomic DNA, such as KB that binds NF-KB and<br />

ISRE (interferon-stimulated response element) that binds<br />

IRFs.<br />

DRI<br />

Oxidation<br />

Cys – S – S – Cys<br />

Breakage of disulfide bond<br />

Cys – S – S – Cys<br />

Cys – SH HS – Cys<br />

Cys – S CH2COO Cys – S<br />

–<br />

CH2COO –<br />

DNA Sequence<br />

Reduction<br />

2(ICH 2 COOH)<br />

DNA-dependent RNA polymerase<br />

An enzyme that participates in DNA transcription. With<br />

DNA as a template, it catalyzes RNA synthesis from the<br />

ribonucleoside-5′-triphosphates.<br />

DNA fingerprinting<br />

A method used to demonstrate short, tandem-repeated<br />

highly specific genomic sequences known as mini satellites.<br />

The probability that two persons would have the<br />

identical DNA fingerprint is only 1 in 30 billion. DNA<br />

fingerprinting has greater specificity than restriction fragment<br />

length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis. Each individual<br />

has a different number of repeats. The insert-free,<br />

wild-type M13 bacteriophage identifies the hypervariable<br />

mini satellites. The sequence of DNA that identifies the<br />

differences is confined to two clusters of 15 base-pair<br />

repeats in the protein III gene of the bacteriophage. The<br />

specificity of this probe, known as the Jeffries probe,<br />

renders it applicable to parentage testing, human genome<br />

mapping, and forensic science. RNA may also be split into<br />

fragments by an enzymatic digestion followed by electrophoresis.<br />

A characteristic pattern for that molecule is<br />

produced and aids in identifying it.<br />

DNA laddering<br />

Endonucleases are activated during apoptosis. Activated<br />

endonucleases nick genomic DNA at internucleosomal<br />

sites to produce DNA fragments. Not all cell types<br />

Protein Sequence<br />

CAG CTT AAG TTT GAA TGT CATTTC TTC AAT Glu Leu Lys Phe Glu Cys His Phe Phe Asn<br />

1001<br />

DR2(15 and 16) c AGG G Pro Trp Val<br />

1002<br />

DNA fingerprinting.<br />

Frank James Dixon.

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