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Untitled - D Ank Unlimited


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CD15 (Leu M1) 143 CD20 primary antibody<br />

CD15 (Leu M1)<br />

A monoclonal antibody that recognizes the human myelomonocytic<br />

antigen lacto-N fucopentose III. It is present<br />

on more than 95% of mature peripheral blood eosinophils<br />

and neutrophils and is present at low density on circulating<br />

monocytes. In lymphoid tissue, CD15 reacts with Reed–<br />

Sternberg cells of Hodgkin disease and with granulocytes.<br />

It also reacts with few tissue macrophages and does not<br />

react with dendritic cells.<br />

C2 s<br />

s<br />

C2 s<br />

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COOH<br />

γ/ζ<br />

s s<br />

COOH<br />

C2 s<br />

s<br />

C2 s<br />

s<br />

Structure of CD16.<br />

CD16<br />

An antigen that is also known as the low-affinity Fc<br />

receptor for complexed IgG–FcγRIII. It is expressed on<br />

natural killer (NK) cells, granulocytes, neutrophils, and<br />

macrophages. Structural differences in the CD16 antigen<br />

from granulocytes and NK cells have been reported. This<br />

apparent polymorphism suggests two different genes for the<br />

FcγRIII molecule in polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMNs)<br />

and in NK cells. The CD16 molecule in NK cells has a<br />

transmembrane form, whereas it is phosphatidylinositol<br />

(PI)-linked in granulocytes. CD16 mediates phagocytosis. It<br />

is the functional receptor structure for performing antibodydependent,<br />

cell-mediated cytotoxicity (ADCC). CD16 is<br />

also termed FcγRIII.<br />

CDw17<br />

An antigen that is a cell surface glycosphingolipid moiety,<br />

lactosylceramide, and is present principally on granulocytes<br />

but also on monocytes and platelets.<br />

CD18<br />

An antigen (molecular weight of 95 kDa) that is an integral<br />

membrane glycoprotein. This integrin β 2 subunit is noncovalently<br />

linked to CD11a, CD11b, and CD11c molecules and<br />

is expressed on leukocytes. It is important for cell adhesion.<br />

The immunodeficiency known as leukocyte adhesion<br />

deficiency (LAD) has been shown to be caused by a genetic<br />

defect of the CD18 gene.<br />

CD19<br />

A constituent of the B cell coreceptor.<br />

CD20<br />

A B cell marker (molecular weight of 33, 35, and 37 kDa) that<br />

appears relatively late in B cell maturation (after the pro-B<br />

cell stage) and persists for some time before the plasma cell<br />

stage. Its molecular structure resembles that of a transmembrane<br />

ion channel. The gene is on chromosome 11 at band<br />

q12–q13. It may be involved in regulating B cell activation.<br />

CD20 primary antibody<br />

A mouse monoclonal antibody (clone L26) directed against<br />

an intracellular epitope of the CD20 antigen present on<br />

human B lymphocytes. It may be used to aid in the identification<br />

of cells of B lymphocytic lineage and is intended<br />

for qualitative staining in sections of formalin-fixed,<br />

paraffin-embedded tissue. Anti-CD20 antibodies specifically<br />

bind to antigens located in the plasma membrane and<br />

cytoplasmic regions of normal B lymphocytes that may also<br />

be expressed in Reed–Sternberg cells. Unexpected antigen<br />

expression or loss of expression may occur, especially in<br />

neoplasms. Occasional stromal elements surrounding heavily<br />

stained tissue and/or cells may show immunoreactivity.<br />

The clinical interpretation of any staining, or its absence,<br />

must be complemented by morphological studies and evaluation<br />

of proper controls.<br />

s<br />

s<br />

s<br />

s<br />

COOH<br />

Structure of CD19.<br />

NH 2<br />

COOH<br />

Structure of CD20⎯tonsil.<br />

CD20 primary antibody.<br />


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