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Untitled - D Ank Unlimited

Untitled - D Ank Unlimited


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ight 115 Brucella immunity<br />

bright<br />

An adjective used in flow cytometry to indicate the relative<br />

fluorescence intensity of cells being analyzed, with bright<br />

designating the greatest intensity and dim representing the<br />

lowest intensity of fluorescence.<br />

BRM<br />

Abbreviation for biological response modifier.<br />

bromelin<br />

An enzyme used to render erythrocyte surfaces capable of<br />

being agglutinated by incomplete antibody.<br />

bronchial-associated lymphoid tissue (BALT)<br />

BALT is present in birds and mammals, including humans.<br />

In many areas it appears as a collar containing nodules<br />

located deep around the bronchus and connected with the<br />

epithelium by patches of loosely arranged lymphoid cells.<br />

Germinal centers are absent (except in chickens), although<br />

cells in the centers of nodules stain lighter than do those at<br />

the periphery. Plasma cells are occasionally present beneath<br />

the epithelium. The cells in BALT have a high turnover rate<br />

and apparently do not produce immunoglobulin G (IgG).<br />

BALT development is independent of that of the peripheral<br />

lymphoid tissues or antigen exposure. The cells of BALT<br />

apparently migrate there from other lymphoid areas. This<br />

tissue plays an important role in mounting an immune<br />

response to inhaled antigens in respiratory infectious<br />

agents. Refer also to MALT.<br />

bronchial asthma<br />

Intermittent and reversible airway obstruction that results<br />

from repeated hypersensitivity reactions leading to inflammatory<br />

disease in the lung. Chronic inflammation of the<br />

bronchi with eosinophils, hypertrophy, and hyperreactivity<br />

of bronchial smooth muscle cells occur.<br />

bronchiectasis<br />

Chronic dilatation of the bronchi of the lungs associated<br />

with expectoration of mucopurulent material.<br />

bronchodilator<br />

Quick acting aerosolized β adrenergic drug that inhibits<br />

mast cell degranulation and relieves bronchoconstriction<br />

during acute asthma attacks.<br />

(A) Protein solution<br />

in low concentration<br />

Attachment<br />

to receptors<br />

Microvilli<br />

Phagosome<br />

Lysosome<br />

Fusion and<br />

digestion<br />

Phagolysome<br />

releasing<br />

undigested protein<br />

from cell<br />

Alveolar wall<br />

BALT<br />

Bronchial-associated lymphoid tissue (BALT).<br />

Bronchiole<br />

BRST-2 (GCDFP-15), monoclonal antibody (murine)<br />

Detects BRST-2 antigen expressed by apocrine sweat<br />

glands, eccrine glands (variable), minor salivary glands,<br />

bronchial glands, metaplastic epithelium of the breast,<br />

benign sweat gland tumors of the skin, and the serous<br />

cells of the submandibular gland. Breast carcinomas<br />

(primary and metastatic lesions) with apocrine features<br />

express the BRST-2 antigen. BRST-2 is positive in<br />

extramammary Paget’s disease. Other tumors tested are<br />

negative.<br />

Brucella immunity<br />

The immune response to Brucella infection is marked by<br />

early immunoglobulin M (IgM) synthesis followed by a<br />

switch to IgG and IgA. IgE is also detected. IgM persists<br />

for an unusually long time, possibly responding to the<br />

T cell-independent antigen lipopolysaccharide (LPS).<br />

Antibodies are important for the serodiagnosis of Brucella<br />

infection. The only protective role of the antibody is probably<br />

as a pre-existing mucosal antibody that decreases<br />

(B) Protein solution<br />

in high concentration<br />

Attachment<br />

to receptors<br />

Microvilli<br />

Phagosome<br />

Lysosome<br />

Fusion and<br />

digestion<br />

Phagolysome<br />

releasing<br />

undigested protein<br />

from cell<br />

Mechanism of γ-globulin transmission by the cell. (A) Concentration of γ-globulin is only a little more than sufficient to saturate the receptors and the<br />

proportion degraded is less than 40%. (B) Concentration is about four times that in (A); hence over 80% is degraded. The amount released from the cell<br />

remains constant, regardless of concentration.<br />


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