Untitled - D Ank Unlimited

Untitled - D Ank Unlimited

Untitled - D Ank Unlimited


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Illustration Credits<br />

Figure for C1 redrawn from Arlaud GJ, Colomb MG, Gagnon J. A functional model of the human C1 complex. Immunology Today,<br />

8, 107−109, 1987.<br />

Figure for normal adult thymus reprinted from Atlas of Tumor Pathology, 2nd Series, Fascicle 13. Armed Forces Institute of Pathology.<br />

Figures for the normal thymus reprinted from Atlas of Tumor Pathology, 3rd Series, Fascicle 21. Armed Forces Institute of Pathology.<br />

Figures for Mac-1, CD22, CD42, subcapsular sinus lymph node, CD21, CD4, CD8, structure of CD1, structure of CD4, structure of<br />

CD8, ribbon structure of a CD8 + T cell receptor, structure of CD5 and the structure of CD45 redrawn from The Leukocyte Antigen<br />

Facts Book, Academic Press, Orlando, FL, 1993.<br />

Figures for synthetic polypeptide antigen with multichain copolymer, complement receptor, complexes on the surface of B cells,<br />

orthotopic graft, and oncofetal antigen redrawn from Bellanti JA. Immunology II. WB Saunders, Philadelphia, 1978.<br />

Figure for antigen presentation, Bjorkman PJ, Saper MA, Samroui B, Bennet WS, Strominger JL, Wiley DC. Structure of the human<br />

class I histocompatibility antigen, HLA-A2. Nature, 329, 506−512, 1987 (Macmillan Magazines, Ltd). Reprinted courtesy of<br />

Nature Publishing Group.<br />

Figures for mechanism of γ-globulin protection for catabolism, Brambell FWR, Hemmings WA, Morris IG. A theoretical model of gammaglobulin<br />

catabolism. Nature, 203, 1352−1355, 1964. (Macmillan Magazines, Ltd). Reprinted courtesy of Nature Publishing Group.<br />

Figure for vitronectin courtesy of Mike Clark, PhD, Division of Immunology, Cambridge University, 2000.<br />

Figure for Wu-Kabat plot, Kelvin GV, Capra JD, Edmundson AB. The antibody-combining site. Scientific American, 236, 50−43,<br />

1977. Reprinted with permission from GV Kelvin.<br />

Figure for F(ab) 2 fragment portions reprinted courtesy of Dr. Leon Carayannopoulos, Department of Microbiology, University of<br />

Texas Southwestern Medical School, Dallas, TX.<br />

Figure for FcRII, Conrad DH, Keegan AD, Kalli KR, Van Dusen R, Rao M, Levine AD. Superinduction of low affinity IgE receptors<br />

on murine B lymphocytes by LPS and interleukin-4. Journal of Immunology, 141:1091−1097, 1988. Reprinted with permission.<br />

Figure for Philadelphia chromosome, Cotran RS, Kumar V, Robbins SL. Robbins Pathologic Basis of Disease. WB Saunders,<br />

Philadelphia, 1989. Reprinted with permission.<br />

Figure for Heymann glomerulonephritis, Cotran RS, Kumar V, Robbins SL. Robbins Pathologic Basis of Disease. WB Saunders,<br />

Philadelphia, 1989. Reprinted with permission.<br />

Figures for schematic representation of CcEe and D polypeptide topology within the erythrocyte membrane; schematic representation<br />

of the biosynthetic pathways of ABH, Lewis and XY antigens; the Duffy blood group, Human Blood Groups, Daniels G.<br />

Blackwell Scientific, Oxford, UK, 1995. Reprinted with permission.<br />

Figures for structure of CD3/TCR complex, Davis Μ. T cell receptor gene diversity and selection, Annual Review of Biochemistry,<br />

59: 477, 1990. Reprinted with permission.<br />

Figure for lymphocyte scanning electron micrograph, Deutsch M, Weinreb A. Apparatus for high-precision repetitive sequential optical<br />

measurement of lifting cells. Cytometry, 16: 214−226, 1994. Reprinted with permission.<br />

Figure for preliminary three-dimensional structure of human interferon (recombinant form) redrawn from Ealick SE, Cook WJ,<br />

Vijay-Kumar S. Three-dimensional structure of recombinant human interferon. Science, 252: 698−702, 1991. Reprinted with<br />

permission, American Association for the Advancement of Science.<br />

Figure for Langmuir plot redrawn from Immunology, Eisen H. Lippincott-Raven, New York, 1974, pp. 371, 373.<br />

Figure for Elek plate redrawn from Staphlococcus pyogenes and Its Relation to Disease, Elek SD. E&S Livingstone, Edinburgh and<br />

London, 1959.<br />

Figures for lymphocytes, small lymphocytes, plasma cell, macrophage-histiocyte inbone marrow, eosinophil, basophil, monocyte,<br />

polymorphonuclear neutrophil, lymph nodes, spleen, Peyer’s patches, tonsil, Hassall’s corpuscle, and renal rejection descriptions<br />

compliments of Marsha L Eigenbrodt, MD, MPH and Edwin H Eigenbrodt, MD.<br />

Figure for abzyme (adapted), Haver E, Quartermous T, Matsueda GR, Runge MS. Innovative approaches to plasminogen activator<br />

therapy. Science, 243: 52−56, 1989. Reprinted with permission, American Association for the Advancement of Science.<br />

Figure of photomicrograph of immunoglobulin light “staining” by immunoperoxidase, Harris LJ, Larson SE, Hasel KW, Day J,<br />

Greenwood, McPherson A. The three-dimensional structure of an intact monoclonal antibody for canine lymphoma, Nature 360:<br />

369−372, 1992 (Macmillan Magazines, Ltd). Reprinted courtesy of Nature Publishing Group.<br />

Figure of Paul Ehrlich, photograph courtesy of the Cruse collection; adapted from Hemmelweit F, Collected Papers of Paul Ehrlich,<br />

Pergamon Press, Tarrytown, NY, 1956−1960.<br />

Figures for immunochromatography and absorption chromatography redrawn from Practical Immunology, Hudson L, Hay FC.<br />

Blackwell Scientific, Cambridge, MA, 1989.<br />

Figures for CTLA-4, IL-6, IL-4, TNF-, GM-CSF, HIV-1 virus structure, LFA-1, streptococcal M protein, Fc domain of IgG, IFNreceptor,<br />

IL-1 receptor, CRP, IL-5, IL-6, cytokine receptor families, CTLA-4, IL-4 receptor, IFNs, IL-2, TGF-, Bence-Jones<br />

protein, myelin autoantibodies, TCR, CD2, VCAM-1, CD32, IL-10, IL-8, NCAM-11, B cell antigen receptor, IL-1 receptor,<br />

IL-10, and mannose receptor generated from Humphrey W, Dalke A, Schulten K. VMD: Visual Molecular Dynamics, Journal of<br />

Molecular Graphics, 14.1: 33−38, 1996.

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