Water Resources Engineering - Homepage Usask

Water Resources Engineering - Homepage Usask

Water Resources Engineering - Homepage Usask


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(KUL-code: IC03 (Th); IC04 (Pr))<br />

Lecturer: WYSEURE G.<br />

ECTS-credit: 5 pts<br />

Contact hours: 30 hrs. of theory/30 hrs. of practical<br />

Prerequisites: hydraulics; irrigation agronomy<br />

Time and place: 1 st semester, VUB<br />

Course syllabus: Lecture notes<br />

Evaluation: Common mark for theory and practical. Evaluation on submitted projects.<br />

Comparable handbook: James, G.L., 1988. Principles of farm irrigation system design. John Wiley & Sons,<br />

Inc., 543 p.<br />

Ritzema H.P. (Ed. In chief). 1994. Drainage principles and applications. ILRI<br />

publication 16. Wageningen.1125 pages (ISBN 90 70754 3 39)<br />

Keller, J. and R.D. Bliesner, 1990. Sprinkle and trickle irrigation. A. Van Nostrand<br />

Reinhold Book, 652 p.<br />

Additional information: WWW-site: http://www.agr.kuleuven.ac.be/vakken/G9IET.htm<br />

Learning objectives:<br />

The learning objective is to learn how to design field application methods for drainage and irrigation. Rather<br />

than a systematic study of all possible systems selected design examples and projects are worked out. This<br />

course also aims at developing a problem-solving attitude with aid of ICT-tools.<br />

Course description:<br />

Within the framework of the MSc with courses in water management, hydrology and hydraulics and alongside a<br />

course in irrigation planning, operation and management and with a preceding course in irrigation agronomy<br />

this course focuses on the field application methods in drainage and irrigation. As a consequence water<br />

resources and distribution for irrigation engineering are not covered.<br />

1. General design criteria: General review of irrigation and drainage techniques. Importance of soil, climate<br />

and water resource in the selection of an irrigation and/or drainage method. Definition of objectives:<br />

application uniformity, adequacy and efficiency. General principles of lateral design.<br />

2. Drip Irrigation: Emitter hydraulics. Soil reservoir under drip irrigation. Filter and system head<br />

characteristics. Lateral design.<br />

3. Sprinkler Irrigation: Sprinkler hydraulics. Types of sprinkler systems. Lateral design<br />

4. Surface Irrigation: Surface irrigation hydraulics: advance, storage, depletion and recession. Land leveling<br />

for irrigation. Design of furrow, border and basin.<br />

5. Runoff Irrigation: Feasibility study based on socio-economical, climatological, hydrological, agromomical<br />

and soil conditions. Use of a simulation model (Parched-Thirst) as a design tool for Rainwater Harvesting.<br />

Choice of external/internal runoff and appropriate runoff catchment/cropped area proportion. Infrastructure<br />

for erosion and water excess control.<br />

6. Agricultural Drainage: Drainage principles; Subsurface drainage and modelling of water table dynamics;<br />

Surface drainage; Salinity control; Design criteria; Determination of physical parameters; Practical realization<br />

Contact time for general principles and as an introduction to design case-studies in supervised self-study. Field<br />

visits and practical fieldwork for basic data collection. Students complete a design project, which is reported in<br />

written and oral form.<br />

38 / Course syllabi

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