Water Resources Engineering - Homepage Usask

Water Resources Engineering - Homepage Usask

Water Resources Engineering - Homepage Usask


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(KUL-code: I998 (Th); I999 (Pr))<br />

Lecturer: BATELAAN O.<br />

ECTS-credit: 5 pts<br />

Contact hours: 30 hrs. of theory/30 hrs. of practical<br />

Prerequisites: Introductory hydrological knowledge<br />

Time and place: 1 st semester, VUB<br />

Course syllabus: Lecture notes<br />

Evaluation: Quotation on exercise problems and an individual project<br />

Comparable handbook: Maguire, D., M.F. Goodchild and D.W. Rhind (eds.), 1991. Geographical information<br />

systems: principles and applications. Longman Scientific and Technical. London, UK.<br />

Volume I (principles), 649 p and Volume II (applications): 447 p.<br />

Schultz, G.A. and E.T. Engman, eds. Remote sensing in hydrology and water<br />

management. 2000, Springer: Berlin. 483 p.<br />

Additional information: http://homepages.vub.ac.be/~batelaan/g1_course/g1_course.html<br />

Learning objectives:<br />

This course is instrumental in support of general objectives of the program such as (1) the modeling of process<br />

and water systems, (2) planning, budgeting and exploitation of water systems, (3) evaluation, optimalisation and<br />

management of water systems and (4) impact analyses and decision support systems. Its objective is to equip<br />

the student with a set of spatial data management and analysis tools, which can be applied to different water<br />

resources problems. The objective of the course is therefore not to concentrate on one specific water resources<br />

aspect or analysis/modeling technique but to stimulate and allow the student to integrate different data sets,<br />

analysis and modeling tools into a common environment from where he/she can tackle the water resources<br />

problem in an integrated manner. Practical learning objective for the student at the end of the course will<br />

therefore be that he/she independently is able to analyze a water resources problem with the help of GIS/RS.<br />

Further objective of the course is the build up of a framework of notions and understanding for the student of<br />

the diverse GIS and remote sensing technologies, systems and techniques in order that he/she will able to<br />

communicate with experts in this field and can follow new trends and technologies.<br />

Course description:<br />

The course intends to give the state of the art of spatial information processing using GIS and earth observation<br />

techniques and image processing methods, applied to water resources engineering problems. Student’s<br />

acquisition of practical skills is promoted by computer exercises in GIS analyses and remote sensing processing<br />

techniques with different GIS/RS packages.<br />

1. GIS techniques:<br />

- Basic principles of digital cartography, LIS and GIS: history and definitions;<br />

- Spatial data models: vector models, tesselation models, raster, TIN, etc;<br />

- Data input techniques: digitizing, scanning, and V/R en R/V conversion;<br />

- Planimetric integration: map projections and coordinate transformations;<br />

- Spatial interpolation techniques: trend surface analysis, local interpolation techniques;<br />

- Accuracy of spatial data analyses: type of errors, error modeling, error propagation; and<br />

- Cartographic modeling techniques: local, focal and zonal operations, model building.<br />

2. Remote sensing techniques:<br />

- Introduction to remote sensing: physical principles of earth observation, energy sources, radiation<br />

principles, energy interactions, data acquisition and interpretation;<br />

- Remote sensing scanning techniques: optical spectrum, multispectral, thermal, and hyperspectral;<br />

- Microwave remote sensing: physics, platforms, sensors, image processing and interpretation; and<br />

- Present and future observation platforms, sensors and their characteristics.<br />

3. Image processing methods:<br />

- Digital image processing: rectification, restoration, enhancement, multi-image manipulation;<br />

24 / Course syllabi

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