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JUDGMENT-BASED AND REASONING-BASED STOPPING RULES IN DECISION MAKING UNDER UNCERTAINTY Kathryn Ritgerod Nickles Wake Forest University Shawn P. Curley University of Minnesota P. George Benson Rutgers University Working Paper. Please do not quote without permission. Send correspondence to Kathryn Ritgerod Nickles The Wayne Calloway School of Business and Accountancy Wake Forest University P.O. Box 7285 Reynolda Station Winston-Salem. NC 27109-7285 (910) 759-4410 FAX (910) 759-6133 nicklesk@wfu.edu December 4, 1995 1

<strong>JUDGMENT</strong>-<strong>BASED</strong> <strong>AND</strong> <strong>REASONING</strong>-<strong>BASED</strong> <strong>STOPPING</strong> <strong>RULES</strong><br />


Kathryn Ritgerod Nickles<br />

Wake Forest University<br />

Shawn P. Curley<br />

University of Minnesota<br />

P. George Benson<br />

Rutgers University<br />

Working Paper. Please do not quote without permission.<br />

Send correspondence to<br />

Kathryn Ritgerod Nickles<br />

The Wayne Calloway School of Business and Accountancy<br />

Wake Forest University<br />

P.O. Box 7285 Reynolda Station<br />

Winston-Salem. NC 27109-7285<br />

(910) 759-4410<br />

FAX (910) 759-6133<br />

nicklesk@wfu.edu<br />

December 4, 1995<br />


AB.S'T RA CT<br />

As a practical matter, people necessarily use some kind of stopping criterion to take<br />

actions in the world. Frequently, stopping is dictated by intema/factors or aspects of the<br />

decision maker's thinking. One such aspect is the individual's internal assessment of whether<br />

enough information has been obtained. This research investigates the bases for this assessment<br />

and asks from a cognitive perspective: What underlies the individual's assessment that she has<br />

obtained enough information to draw a conclusion?<br />

This question is addressed within the context of probability assessment. Two key mental<br />

activities, judgment and reasoning. are differentiated and provide the foundation for categorizing<br />

proposed stopping criteria in probability assessment. Judgment-based and reasoning-based<br />

stopping rules are identified, and their predictions for stopping are tested empirically. The<br />

methodology consists of deferred decision-making (optional stopping) tasks combined with "think<br />

aloud" verbal protocols.<br />

Whereas previous research acknowledged stopping, if at all, only in terms of judgment or<br />

as ad hoc rules, this research highlights the role of reasoning in stopping. In particular, the<br />

reasoning-based mental list role is implicated. With this rule, it is the individual's internal list of<br />

requisite components for task completion that serves as the stopping criterion.<br />

The research also<br />

implicates, but to a lesser extent, the judgment-based magnitude threshold role. With this rule, it<br />

is the individual's cumulative assessment of the evidence as haVing reached or exceeded an<br />

internally held threshold that influences stopping.<br />

KEYWORDS decision analysis, probability assessment, mental representation,<br />

reasoning, judgment, stopping rule, deferred decision-making.<br />



Stopping rules are a fundamental aspect of human thinking. As a practical matter, people<br />

necessarily use some type of stopping criterion in order to initiate actions in the world. The<br />

consumer, for example, determines that he has obtained enough information about a particular<br />

used car, and he stops his strategy of shopping around. The physician completes a review and<br />

assessment of test results and diagnoses the patient's illness. The economist shifts from data<br />

collection to the construction of a forecast of next year's housing starts based on her knowledge<br />

and the available data.<br />

In each of these situations. external factors such as the time or monetary resources<br />

available to the decision maker may determine when conclusions are drawn. Often, however, an<br />

external factor is not critical. Instead, stopping is dictated by internal factors or aspects of the<br />

decision maker's thinking. For example, the housing forecaster may judge that she has obtained<br />

enough information about current economic conditions. Rather than time or monetary<br />

constraints, it is her internal state that functions as the stopping criterion, prompting her to move<br />

from data collection to conclusion.<br />

Of particular relevance to stopping criteria are the empirical findings that have consistently<br />

suggested that individuals frequently stop prematurely in decision tasks, for example, by adopting<br />

the first plausible conclusion. People may use naive reasoning to accept a claim that "sounds<br />

right," minimizing cognitive effort but sacrificing accuracy {Perkins, Allen, & Hafner, 1983, p.<br />

186). Researchers point out that errors in decision making often occur because individuals stop<br />

too soon (Baron, Beattie, & Hershey, 1988). People fail to consider alternatives (Farquhar &<br />

Pratkanis. 1993). Decision makers fail to access relevant information, and they leave out or<br />

overlook important elements (Fischhot'r, 1977; Fischhot'r, Slovic, & Lichtenstein. 1978;<br />

Shafir & Tverksy, 1992).<br />


!fit is the individual's internal assessment of having obtained enough infonnation that<br />

prompts her to stop, then the bases for that assessment should be investigated. The current<br />

research asks fi"om a cognitive prospective<br />

What underlies the individual's assessment that she<br />

has obtained enough information to draw a conclusion? Asked another way What aspects of the<br />

individual's thinking activities prompt her to stop accessing available information?<br />

These questions are addressed within the broad context of decision making under<br />

uncertainty with a focus on probability assessment. Specifically, this research investigates the<br />

internal stopping rules that prompt the decision maker's personal assessment that she has enough<br />

information to provide the probability that an event will occur. This context was chosen because<br />

of the critical role played by probability assessment in the predominant theory of decision making<br />

under uncertainty (von Newmann & Morgenstern. 1947; von Winterfeldt & Edwards, 1986) and<br />

because of its role in forecasting tasks (e.g., Murphy & Winkler, 1984).<br />

In general, little attention has been paid to stopping phenomena (Nickles, 1995). In<br />

decision analysis, checks for consistency and stability of the decision maker's responses are taken<br />

as evidence that stopping is appropriate (Spetzler & Stael von Holstein, 1975). These ad hoc<br />

rules have no connection to the thinking processes used by the assessor in the construction of<br />

probability or preference assessments. Other stopping criteria. discussed explicitly in the study of<br />

sequential or deferred decision making, include rules that have a specified theoretical connection<br />

to normative models of stopping (Busemeyer & Rapoport, 1988; Peterson & Beach, 1967; Pitz.<br />

Reinhold, & Geller, 1969). Typically, researchers employ implicit assumptions about the decision<br />

maker's mental activities including his mental scaling and weighing activities and the ability to set<br />

and maintain mental standards for making comparisons. However. no clear cognitive perspective<br />

is provided within which to address these implicit assumptions about aspects of the decision<br />

maker's thinking that may influence the individual to stop seeking information. Moreover, the<br />


particular scale or construct that is presumed to be monitored by the decision maker is generally<br />

ill-defined.<br />

The current research addresses these deficiencies.The paper uses a cognitive framework<br />

for the mental activities involved in probability assessment that provides the foundation for<br />

identifying and categorizing proposed stopping criteria in probability assessment. These criteria<br />

are then tested empirically. The methodology and analyses are described. Finally, a discussion<br />

explains the implications of these findings for stopping prematurely in probability assessment.<br />


The traditional cognitive framework for probability assessment posits that the decision<br />

maker, drawing on available evidence, uses judgment, which is assumed to be some type of mental<br />

evaluation, to produce the probability (Hogarth, 1987). This type of representation has been<br />

implicit in the research discussed above in which stopping criteria have been studied (Busemeyer<br />

et aI., 1988; Pitt et aI., 1969)<br />

In contrast, a more detailed framework for understanding what the individual actually does<br />

cognitively derives from recent accounts of probability assessment that emphasize the constructive<br />

nature of probability (Curley & Benson, 1994; Payne, Bettman. & Johnson, 1992; Shafer, 1981;<br />

Smith, Benson. & Curley. 1991). According to this view, the essence of probability assessment is<br />

the individual's attempt to form a belief about the occurrence of the event of interest, a process<br />

dominated by his cognitive capacity to reason. Drawing on available evidence and using<br />

reasoning, the individual constructs arguments to reach a conclusion. This part of the assessment<br />

process, which is so dominated by informal reasoning, has been described as belief assessment<br />

(Benson, Curley, & Smith, in press). Subsequently, the assessor determines his degree of belief in<br />

the conclusion, culminating in a probability. This latter phase is referred to as response<br />

assessment; its characteristic activity is judgment, defined as a mental evaluation or comparing<br />

activity.<br />


Identifying the two key cognitive activities of probability assessment provides a<br />

framework for characterizing and developing stopping criteria. In past research, the explicit<br />

internal stopping rules have all been judgment-based. For the judgment-based rules, the decision<br />

maker is assumed to set and maintain some type of mental threshold along a key dimension, e.g.,<br />

plausibility, and to keep a "running total" or measure relative to this dimension (e.g, Gettys &<br />

Fisher, 1979). When the measure crosses the threshold, he ceases to access additional<br />

inforntation, prompting action and completion of the task. Two general forms of judgment-based<br />

stopping rules can be identified from the literature. depending on the nature of the threshold being<br />

applied.<br />

2lL Judgment-Based Stopping Rules. Using the judgment-based magnitllde threshold<br />

role, the individual maintains an internal running total of the cumulative impact of the evidence in<br />

support ora particular conclusion (e.g., a prediction that housing sales will increase) When the<br />

cumulative support matches or exceeds the threshold, he ceases to collect additional evidence.<br />

With this rule, the individual behaves as if the threshold for cumulative impact is the stopping<br />

criterion.<br />

Using the judgment-based rule called the difference threshold role, the individual assesses<br />

the marginal value of the latest piece of evidence.The individual is assumed to keep an internal<br />

record of the cumulative impact of accessed data along a key dimension (e.g., plausibility). In<br />

addition, he is assumed to compare his cumulative assessment after the most recently accessed<br />

infonnation item to that preceding the current item. When the absolute difference between these<br />

two assessments falls below the individual's internal difference threshold, he stops. Intuitively, the<br />

individual stops in the belief that he is learning nothing new; the evidence is not substantial enough<br />

to influence his conclusion.<br />

Using either of these judgment-based rules, the individual is assumed to evaluate evidence<br />

on the basis of a key dimension, for example, plausibility, but the dimension is often ill-specified<br />


or undefined. To achieve generality for the current study, an experimental procedure was<br />

developed that did not require specification of the dimension being monitored in the rules. It is<br />

discussed later in the paper.<br />

lb. Reasoning-Based Stopping Rules. During the belief assessment phase of probability<br />

assessment, as the individual collects evidence and constructs arguments using available<br />

information, he develops a mental representation of the elements of the decision situation (Yates,<br />

1990). These elements may include the arguments he constructs during informal reasoning,<br />

previously constructed arguments, data gathered from external sources and/or evoked from long<br />

term memory, and propositions under consideration.Three stopping rules that depend on the<br />

individual's decision representation are hypothesized below. The rules are called reasoning-based<br />

because each is dominated by the individual's informal reasoning processes.<br />

When a person reasons informally during probability assessment, he generates arguments<br />

that serve to develop and elaborate his conception of the decision situation. As he continues to<br />

reason, some arguments may be relegated to long term memory due to the limited capacity of<br />

working memory, while other arguments move into working memory. For example, his attention,<br />

and thus his mental representation. may spotlight only the most recently constructed arguments<br />

(Zechmeister & Nyberg, 1982). As the individual accesses information, constructs arguments,<br />

and accommodates his mental representation, he at some point may return to a prior internal<br />

representation containing the same subset of arguments. Returning to the same subset of<br />

arguments can be interpreted as indicating a stability of the problem representation. This then can<br />

be used as a signal to terminate the development of his internal representation, a phenomenon<br />

referred by Yates and Carlson (1982) as representational stability. The representational stability<br />

nile suggests that it is a recurring representation that influences the individual to stop accessing<br />

additional information and to reach a conclusion.<br />


The second reasoning-based stopping rule is similar to the first rule in that stopping is tied<br />

to stability within the mental representation. In this case, the individual may tentatively form<br />

conclusions as he is accessing infonnation. As he constructs arguments, at some point his<br />

conclusion may achieve stabiJity. The propositional stability nile suggests that it is the<br />

unchanging nature of the decision makers conclusion that prompts stopping.<br />

Using the mernallist nile, when asked to reach a conclusion, the individual develops or<br />

accesses from long term memory a mental list of the components he believes are required for a<br />

response. Belief structures such as schemas (Bartlett. 1932) or scripts (Schank & Abelson, 1977)<br />

may guide and organize the individual's construction of the mental list that becomes the set of<br />

criteria for task completion. Once the decision maker believes he has collected information on the<br />

requisite elements (collects the evidence and/or constructs the arguments), he reaches a<br />

conclusion and completes the task.<br />


Stopping Rules' Predictions. The five identified stopping rules were tested using pairs of<br />

contrasting situations in three experiments. The study's tasks were constructed to have ecological<br />

validity with the goal that any results should generalize to real-world probability forecasting.<br />

Specifically, participants were asked to provide probability assessments when predicting sales in<br />

the national housing market and when predicting the short term interest rate of a small bank.<br />

Conditions that individuals typically face in such tasks were manipulated in the contrasting<br />

situations within the three experiments.The three contrasts included providing the forecaster<br />

with (1) familiar or repeated information versus all new, non-repeated information, (2)<br />

information items that regularly alternate in support of different conclusions versus unanimous<br />

data that support a particular conclusion. and (3) contradictory infonnation versus confinning<br />

information relative to the individual's initial conclusion.<br />


The different rules offered different predictions in the contrasting situations. Table 1<br />

provides a summary of these predictions.The column headings in the table provide the contrasts<br />

afforded by the information manipulations. Each row of the table corresponds to a different<br />

stopping rule. Each cell in the table represents a particular stopping rule's prediction in light of<br />

the specific manipulation of the data. The next three sub-sections provide the rationales<br />

underlying the various predictions.<br />

[Insert Table here. ]<br />

Familiar (F) l'S. Netll (N). When constructing a probability assessment, an individual may<br />

access information that is essentially the same as data seen previously, i.e., familiar information. If<br />

the individual is monitoring the cumulative impact ora key variable (e.g., plausibility), such data<br />

are likely to have little effect on this measure. Consequently, the two threshold rules would<br />

predict that accessing familiar information items would be evaluated by the forecaster as less<br />

useful for the task. For the magnitude threshold rule. this means that the threshold is less likely to<br />

be crossed, and later stopping is likely to occur compared to the assessor who sees all new,<br />

non-repeating information. This prediction is summarized as F > N in Table 1<br />

According to the difference threshold rule, however, familiar information implicates a<br />

small difference between the current set of information items and the previous set. The small<br />

difference could very well fall below the difference threshold. leading to stopping. Thus,<br />

according to the difference threshold rule. and in contrast to the magnitude threshold rule, earlier<br />

stopping is likely when available data are familiar, that is, F < N.<br />

For the representational stability rule, familiar data are likely to lead to the construction of<br />

arguments similar to arguments generated earlier or to the recall of previous arguments. A<br />

continued focus on essentially the same set of arguments prompts the participant to stop and<br />

reach a conclusion, that is, F < N<br />


Propositional stability similarly predicts earlier stopping, i.e., F < N. As the decision<br />

maker accesses familiar information, her conclusion is likely to remain the same. According to<br />

this rule, such stability prompts completion of the task.<br />

In contrast, the mental list rule does not predict earlier stopping when data are familiar.<br />

Presumably, familiar information items are ones that already have been compared to the<br />

individual's list. Since other items are still being sought, she should continue, that is, F > N.<br />

Alternating (A) vs. Unanimolls .~upport (U). The next pair of contrasts operates<br />

similarly, although the pair is designed to distinguish different sets of stopping rules.<br />

infonnation manipulation provides the individual with data that regularly alternate in support of<br />

different conclusions (A) or data that are unanimous in support of one conclusion (U).<br />

distinguish predictions among the stopping rules and to control for the possible influence of<br />

familiar data. only non-repeating items are made available.<br />

According to the magnitude threshold rule, it is the individual's cumulative assessment of<br />

information in support of a particular conclusion that influences stopping. When available data<br />

vary systematically in terms of their support of alternative conclusions, it should take longer to<br />

cross either threshold since movement towards one threshold is immediately followed by<br />

movement towards the opposite threshold. As a consequence, the individual is expected to access<br />

more information before her critical threshold for a particular conclusion is reached compared to<br />

when all data are unanimous for a particular conclusion.The prediction is A > U in Table 1<br />

For the difference threshold rule, only the absolute value of the differences is compared to<br />

the difference threshold; directionality is not relevant.The rule operates similarly whether<br />

information items are provided in an alternating or unanimous fashion. The difference threshold<br />

rule makes no prediction for differential stopping, that is, A = U.<br />

The representational stability rule predicts differential stopping. Data that alternate in<br />

support of different conclusions are likely to introduce new elements into the individual's mental<br />


conception of the decision situation and prompt additional argument construction. In this way,<br />

the individual continues to elaborate her internal representation and stability is unlikely to occur.<br />

In contrast, when the data are unanimous, new arguments are less likely to arise, the decision<br />

representation becomes stable, and earlier stopping occurs.<br />

The prediction is A> U.<br />

Likewise with the propositional stability rule, when information items alternate in support<br />

of different conclusions, the assessor is less likely to maintain the same conclusion. In contrast,<br />

unanimous information should lead to a stable conclusion sooner and earlier stopping, A > U.<br />

The mental list rule does not predict differential stopping, that is, A = U. According to<br />

this rule, the individual stops when she accesses all the elements she believes are required for<br />

reaching a conclusion. The direction of the support of the inforntation items is not relevant.<br />

Contradictory (C1) vs. Confirming (CF). The third information manipulation that<br />

distinguishes predictions among the stopping rules involves providing contradictory evidence<br />

(CT) to the individual or providing confirming evidence (CF) after an initial response is generated<br />

To control for the possible influence offamiliar data, only non-repeating items are made available<br />

to the participant. This manipulation allows participants to reach an initial conclusion before an<br />

additional piece of evidence is introduced and the assessor is allowed to continue (or not) as<br />

before.<br />

Ifa participant used either of the judgment-based rules, a critical threshold would have<br />

been reached in achieving the initial conclusion. For the magnitude threshold rule, contradictory<br />

evidence, but not confirming evidence, could cause the individual to fall below the threshold. If<br />

so, the assessor would continue to access additional infonnation until the threshold is again<br />

crossed. In contrast, the individual who is provided with confirming evidence to an initial forecast<br />

would not be expected to continue collecting evidence or to change her opinion. The prediction<br />

is CT > CF in Table

Using the difference threshold rule, the judgment of the latest difference mayor may not<br />

fall below her internal difference threshold, and she mayor may not continue to access data.<br />

However. because this rule considers only the absolute difference of the individual's assessments<br />

and not the contradictory or confirming nature (i.e., direction) of the data, it does not predict<br />

differential stopping, that is, CT = CF.<br />

The representational stability rule predicts differential stopping. Contradictory data are<br />

likely to prompt the individual to generate new arguments that could be unrelated to those<br />

generated earlier.' With new argument construction. the participant's internal representation is<br />

enhanced, and representational stability is unlikely to occur. In contrast, continued elaboration of<br />

the individual's internal representation is unlikely when confirming information is introduced.<br />

Thus, the individual's internal representation remains stable, and she does not collect additional<br />

evidence. that is, CT > CF.<br />

The propositional stability rule does not predict differential stopping for contradictory and<br />

confinning evidence that is introduced relative to the individual's initial response.When the<br />

participant keeps her initial conclusion in the face of evidence that is contradictory (but not<br />

definitively so), the conclusion appears robust. In this case, the ongoing stable quality of the<br />

individual's conclusion prompts her to stop collecting evidence.The propositional stability rule's<br />

prediction is CT = CF.<br />

The mental list rule makes a similar prediction that differential stopping will not occur. If<br />

contradictory evidence were introduced, it could change the value of the variable(s) on the<br />

individual's intemaIlist but would not necessarily change the list itself. Stopping still occurs when<br />

the person's set of elements for reaching a conclusion is met. The mental list rule predicts<br />

CT=CF.<br />

Research De.\'ign and Procedures. The research design for each of the three experiments<br />

was a 2 X 2 within-subjects design in which 90 subjects, 30 in each experiment, participated in<br />


deferred decision-making (optional stopping) tasks. Individuals were paid for their participation<br />

and were recruited from among senior management students, MBA students, and other graduate<br />

students. The main dependent variable in each experiment was the number of information items<br />

accessed by participants. In addition. "think aloud" verbal protocols were collected (Ericsson &<br />

Simon, 1993). In Experiment 3, a detailed analysis of subjects' protocols was conducted to<br />

investigate the individual differences implicated in that study.<br />

The first experimental factor was the manipulation of the information provided to<br />

participants.The second factor was the business setting in which the forecasting tasks were<br />

operationalized. either predicting housing sales or predicting the interest rate of a small bank.<br />

Two versions of each setting were constructed so that each subject completed a total of four<br />

forecasting tasks. two in each experimental condition. In each experiment. the order of<br />

treatments was randomized within subjects with the exception that the two types of business<br />

settings alternated with one another.<br />

The researcher worked individually with each participant and the same general procedures<br />

were followed in each experiment. Participants were instructed to imagine themselves as seeking<br />

a position on a research staff. Their hiring evaluation required their completing several<br />

forecasting tasks. The participant initially read aloud a short business scenario describing the<br />

business situation in the task. After the initial information and after every subsequent piece of<br />

information, the subject had the option to make a prediction or to defer reaching a conclusion in<br />

order to obtain additional information, one item at a time, supplied by the researcher. This<br />

deferred decision-making arrangement enabled control of each participant's access to information.<br />

Participants were instructed that a timely forecast would be expected in each task, and<br />

without sacrificing accuracy. they should provide their predictions as soon as possible.<br />

Participants could request additional infonnation from the researcher, but a time tradeoff was<br />

involved. A time lapse of 2 days was involved for each information item requested. Participants<br />


were also informed that no predict~on would be considered "right" or "wrong." To avoid<br />

motivational biases, no payoff or penalty was associated with any prediction made by participants.<br />

Before beginning the four tasks. each participant was given a practice forecasting task that<br />

required a prediction about the trend in retail sales of a clothing store. The practice task involved<br />

the same procedures as described above.<br />

4. DA T A ANAL YSES<br />

4.1 E.~periment 1. In Experiment 1, each participant completed 4 tasks, two housing<br />

sales predictions (H) and two interest rate predictions for a bank (B). In each setting, participants<br />

were provided with either familiar, repeated data (F) or all new, non-repeating (N) information.<br />

The Analysis of Variance, conducted with a General Linear Models Procedure, indicates main<br />

effects from both factors: information manipulation (F (1, 87) = 7.13, P = .009) and setting<br />

(F(l. 87) = 30.98.p = .0001), with no significant interaction between the two factors<br />

(F(l, 87) = .99, P - .3214). Participants accessed on average more infonnation items when<br />

provided familiar. repeated information than when provided new. non-repeated items. In addition,<br />

participants accessed more information items in the bank interest rate setting compared to the<br />

housing sales setting.2<br />

The distributions of the paired differences for each setting/information manipulation in<br />

Experiment 1. i.e.. (HF-HN) and (BF-BN). are represented graphically in Figure la. This display<br />

shows that the majority of participants accessed more information when provided familiar,<br />

repeated information, i.e., HF-HN >0 and BF-BN >0. This conclusion is also supported by a<br />

nonparametric, one-tailed sign test which rejected the null hypothesis that the median difference<br />

equals 0 (HF-HN: 18/25,p = .O216~ BF-BN:19/28,p = .0436). Significantly more items were<br />

accessed than would be expected by chance when the data were familiar (F) versus new (N) in<br />

both settings. These results implicate the magnitude threshold and mental list rules (Table 1).3<br />


[Insert Figure here.]<br />

The experimental methodology did not assume that participants necessarily would respond<br />

similarly, i.e., use the same stopping rules, or that individuals necessarily would use the same<br />

stopping rule in each prediction setting. However. the data allow the examination of the<br />

consistency of participants' responses across both settings. The data in Table 2 provide an<br />

illustration of the responses. Row 1 contains the number of participants who accessed more<br />

information items in the bank interest rate setting in the familiar condition (BF-BN > 0); row 2<br />

contains the number of participants who accessed the same number of items (BF-BN = 0); row 3<br />

contains the number of participants who accessed more data in the new, nonrepeated condition in<br />

the bank interest rate setting (BF-BN< 0). The columns are defined similarly for the housing sales<br />

setting. As indicated by the shading in Table 2, almost half of the participants (13/30) responded<br />

in a consistent manner with responses from 1<br />

participants falling in the greater-than-zero<br />

category for both settings, i.e., HF-HN> 0 and BF-BN > o. In summary, the results in<br />

Experiment 1 generally appear to be consistent with the predictions of the magnitude threshold<br />

and mental list stopping rules, i.e., HF > HN and BF > BN.<br />

[Insert Table 2 here.<br />

4.2 Experintent 2. In Experiment 2, thirty participants completed 4 tasks, two<br />

predictions of housing sales (H) and two predictions ora bank's interest rate (B). In each setting,<br />

participants were provided with either information items that regularly alternated in support of<br />

different conclusions (A) or unanimous data that supported a particular conclusion (U).<br />

The Analysis of Variance, conducted with a General Linear Models Procedure, indicated<br />

that neither of the main effects was significant: information manipulation (F(l, 87) =<br />

83,<br />

p = .1798) or business setting {F (I, 87) = .02, P = .8809). No significant interaction between the<br />

two factors was indicated (F(l, 87) = .02, P = .8809).<br />


Figure Ib includes the graphical displays of the paired differences (HA-HU, BA-BU) of<br />

participants' responses in the contrasting situations in both settings.<br />

The mean differences in the<br />

number of information items accessed in each setting are similar, and, in general, both plots are<br />

evenly distributed around O. This conclusion is supported by a nonparametric, two-tailed sign test<br />

which failed to reject the null hypothesis that the median difference equals zero (HA-HU: 12/23,<br />

p - 1.0; BA-BU: 14/23, P = .4049). Thus, the outcomes in Experiment 2 do not support<br />

significant differences, i.e., HA = HU and BA = BU.4<br />

These results implicate the difference threshold and mental list stopping rules (Table 1).5<br />

For these two rules, the direction of the information accessed by participants is not relevant. In<br />

light of this aspect of the implicated rules and to corroborate the previous analysis, we examined<br />

participants' sensitivity or lack of sensitivity to the direction of the evidence by comparing<br />

participants' predictions to the evidence. For the difference threshold and mental list stopping<br />

rules, one would expect as many predictions in one direction as in the other for the experimental<br />

condition in which the data alternated in support of different conclusions. In fact, this occurred in<br />

the bank setting. When participants were asked to predict a bank's future interest rate, 500/0 of<br />

their conclusions (interest rate will increase or interest rate will decrease) matched the direction<br />

indicated by the last item accessed, and 50% did not. However, this outcome is not replicated in<br />

the housing sales setting. When participants were asked to predict future housing sales, 75% of<br />

their conclusions matched the direction indicated by the last item accessed, and 25% did not. In<br />

contrast, in the other condition when available data were unanimous in support of one conclusion<br />

(U). almost all of the conclusions in either task matched the direction of the evidence accessed (as<br />

expected under any rule) Thus. results in the bank interest rate setting further support<br />

participants' use of the difference threshold and mental list rules to the extent that the direction of<br />

the accessed information had no relevance.<br />


The analysis of participants' responses across settings in Experiment 2 is provided in Table<br />

3. As indicated by the shading in the table, only 9 participants responded in a strictly consistent<br />

manner across business settings, less than the 13 consistent responses observed in Experiment 1<br />

However, a clustering of responses about (0,0) occurred in Experiment 2 with almost half of the<br />

responses (13/30) \vithin of (0.0) across settings. In summary. these results as well as those described<br />

above appear generally to be consistent with the predictions of the difference threshold and mental<br />

list stopping rules.<br />

[Insert Table 3 here.<br />

4.3 Experiment 3. Thirty participants in Experiment 3 completed a total of 4 tasks, two<br />

predictions of housing sales (H) and two predictions ora bank's interest rate (B). In this<br />

experiment, the information manipulation that distinguishes predictions among the stopping rules<br />

involved providing contradictory evidence (CT) to participants versus providing confirming<br />

evidence (CF) relative to their initial responses in the tasks.<br />

The Analysis of Variance indicates main effects from the information manipulation<br />

(F(I, 87) = 12.29,p = .0007), but not the business setting (F(l, 87) = .05,p = .8271), with no<br />

significant interaction between the two factors (F{ 1,87) = .05; P = .8271). As indicated in Figure<br />

lc, the mean difference in each setting (HCT -HCF. BCT -BCF) is small, less than one item.6<br />

Nevertheless, participants on average accessed significantly more data in the contradictory<br />

condition, i.e., when the available data contradicted their initial predictions.This conclusion is<br />

supported by a non parametric, one-tailed sign test which rejected the null hypothesis that the<br />

median difference equals 0 (HCT -HCF lO/IO.p = .OOI~ BCT-BCF: 9/11, P = .0327). As<br />

expected, there are no significant differences in the mean number of items accessed by participants<br />

before their initial predictions and. thus. before the information manipulation of either<br />

contradictory or confirming evidence relative to their forecasts. In multiple tests, the observed<br />

levels of significance werep > .25.<br />


The graphical displays for Experiment 3 in Figure lc show that the responses fall mainly<br />

into two groups. One category of responses, consistent with the overall statistical analysis above,<br />

includes paired responses in which participants accessed more information when provided<br />

contradictory evidence relative to their initial response, i.e., CT > CF. This category includes 10<br />

pairs in the housing sales settings and 9 pairs in the bank interest rate setting.<br />

These responses<br />

implicate the magnitude threshold or representational stability rules (Table 1). The other category<br />

includes responses in which the difference in the number of information items accessed in the two<br />

contrasting situations is zero, i.e.. CT - CF In each setting, more than half of the paired<br />

responses comprise this category and includes 20 pairs in the housing sales setting and 19 pairs in<br />

the bank interest rate setting.<br />

These responses are consistent with the difference threshold,<br />

propositional stability, or mental list stopping rules (Table I).<br />

There are 2 cases involving the bank interest rate setting in which two participants<br />

accessed more information when the evidence confirmed their initial predictions compared to the<br />

situation in which the available evidence was contradictory, i.e., BCT -BCF < o. These two cases<br />

are anomalous results and are not predicted by any of the stopping rules. As such, they provide<br />

an error rate against which to compare the responses in each of the two categories identified<br />

above. For example. as a subset. the 41 responses that show either a zero difference or<br />

less-than-zero difference could be expected to follow a binomial distribution. and, thus, fall<br />

randomly into either category. However, for a binomial with n = 41 andp = .5, the cumulative<br />

probability distribution function indicates that for paired differences in the less-than-zero category<br />

as less than or equal to 2, the observed significance level is essentially zero (p < .00005). The<br />

test, therefore, provides strong evidence that the 39 responses at zero (Figure lc) represent a<br />

definite pattern. likewise, the J 9 responses that show a greater-than-zero difference greatly<br />

outnumber the 2 less-than-zero responses (19/21, P = .0001<br />


Comparison of individuals' responses across settings is provided in the 3 X 3<br />

cross-tabulation that contains the frequencies of the less-than-zero, zero, and greater-than-zero<br />

frequencies (Table 4). Consistent responses are indicated by the shading in the table. The modal<br />

response in Experiment 3 was paired differences equal to zero. Almost half of the participants<br />

(14/30 or 47%) accessed either no items following their initial predictions in either contrasting<br />

condition (CT or CF) or the same number of items in both settings. i.e., HCT-HCF = 0 and<br />

BCT-BCF - 0.'<br />

[Insert Table 4 here.<br />

In summary, the responses in Experiment 3 reveal two separate patterns. In one pattern,<br />

participants accessed no information (or in one case the same amount of information) in both<br />

contrasting situations after reporting their initial predictions. i.e.. CT = CF. These responses<br />

implicate the difference threshold, propositional stability, or mental list rule (Table 1). In the<br />

second pattern, participants sought more information when given a piece of contradictory<br />

information than when given confirming information relative to their initial conclusions, i.e.,<br />

CT > CF. These responses implicate the magnitude threshold or representational stability rule<br />

(Table 1).<br />

To investigate these individual differences further and to obtain more information about<br />

the particular rules being implicated within these subgroups, a detailed analysis of subjects' verbal<br />

protocols was conducted for Experiment 3. The following subsections describe, in turn, the<br />

collection procedure, the coding schemes, and the data analyses.<br />

4.3a ProtocolAnalysis. As participants completed each of the 4 prediction tasks, they<br />

were asked to "think aloud," and report their thoughts as they considered the available data to<br />

reach a conclusion (Ericsson & Simon. 1993) The verbal protocols were transcribed from audio<br />

tape and parsed into conversational moves by one coder.. After the protocols were parsed, they<br />

were coded using a system that was developed specifically to identify the participant's comments<br />


as evidence for two key mental activities, judgment and reasoning.These codes were then<br />

connected with the proposed judgment-based a.nd reasoning-based stopping rules. The system is<br />

described in more detail below.9<br />

Before coding was undertaken for the protocols in Experiment 3, a check was made for<br />

the reliability of the coding scheme. Using the coding system. two coders independently scored<br />

pilot subjects' verbal protocols and achieved an overall level of agreement of 84%. When<br />

reliability was checked for distinguishing the three categories of judgment, reasoning, and "other,"<br />

a level of agreement of92% was achieved between the coders. Subsequently, the verbal<br />

protocols from Experiment 3 were scored by one coder.<br />

4.3b Judgnlent Codes. An individual using a judgment-based stopping rule would be<br />

expected to make comments consistent with the use of judgment in drawing conclusions. That is,<br />

the comments should suggest the use of some type of mental scale and/or internal threshold to<br />

gauge the available evidence.To categorize participants' comments that provide evidence of<br />

judgment, a two-way classification was used; it is summarized in Table 5. The rows of the table<br />

describe the distinction between an individual's assessment of the balance of evidence or direction<br />

and an assessment of the weight of evidence or amount (Griffin & Tversky, 1992; Smith et aI.,<br />

1991). The defining aspect for comments categorized in row is that the direction of evidential<br />

impact is noted. For example, the individual may comment that he assessed the evidence as either<br />

positive or negative in favor of a prediction for an increase in sales. In contrast, remarks were<br />

coded in the second category (row 2) when they addressed the weight or credibility of the<br />

evidence. In general, comments of this type provide an indication of the amount or absolute<br />

strength of the evidence without an indication of the direction toward which the evidence points.<br />

[Insert Table 5 here.]<br />

The second dimension used for differentiating an individual's use of judgment is in tenns of<br />

the number of information items addressed. An individual's judgmental assessment could relate to<br />


a single information item, to a subset of the items such as in comparing one information item to<br />

another, or to the evidence as a whole Table 5 provides a cell-by-cell categorization for<br />

participants' comments that relate to the use of judgment and to the use of the judgment-based<br />

stopping rules.<br />

4.3c Mental Representation Calles. A participant's comments may contain evidence of<br />

the use or content of an internal mental representation as she reached her conclusion via reasoning<br />

in the sequential stopping tasks. Comments about the subject matter of the task would be<br />

expected. Arguments and interconnections between newly accessed information and previously<br />

obtained information would be expected. Such comments would reflect the makeup of the<br />

individual's internal representation. Insight into the individual's internal representation connects to<br />

the reasoning-based stopping rules, such as the representational stability, propositional stability, or<br />

mental list rules, that employ such representations.<br />

The six codes shown in Table 6 were developed to classify a subject's comments as<br />

reflecting the content of her mental representation of the decision situation, These codes fall into<br />

two general types: meta-statements and evidence of mental representation construction.<br />

Meta-statements are statements concerning the individual's knowledge about the task and/or the<br />

information she considers for completing it. For example, the code, MSwhole' was used for<br />

meta-statements that revealed something of the subject's mental representation as a whole. The<br />

code, MS., was used for the meta-statement suggesting a set of elements believed by the<br />

individual to be important for completing the task. The third meta-statement code, MSr-iJilr' was<br />

used when the individual recognized familiar information or acknowledged data as not previously<br />

accessed.<br />

[Insert Table 6 here.<br />

The second general type of codes was used to mark statements indicating that the<br />

individual is constructing or expanding her internal representation by adding elements or linkages<br />


etween elements in the decision situation. When comments suggested that a linkage was being<br />

made between items contained in the experimental task, code RC\aSL:. was used to mark this type of<br />

representation construction. Interconnections that went beyond the content provided in the<br />

experimental material were coded RCeXten.a, Tentative conclusions were coded RC~ as<br />

evidence that a new element, i.e., the conclusion, had been added to the decision representation.<br />

4.3d Results. Although a perfect mapping does not exist between the proposed stopping<br />

rules and each code used in the verbal protocol analysis. certain correspondences would be<br />

expected and are summarized in Table 7. The stopping rules are listed in the first column,<br />

grouped under the two dominant patterns of responses in Experiment 3 that each implicate a<br />

subset of stopping rules. The judgment and mental representation codes that are associated with<br />

each rule are listed in the second column. For example. ifpal1icipants in the zero group were<br />

using the mental list rule, more instances on average of code MSset would be expected in the zero<br />

group of responses compared to the greater-than-zero group. This particular mental<br />

representation code was used for participants' meta-statements that suggested a set of elements<br />

believed to be important for completing the task, and, thus, connects to the mental list rule.<br />

[Insert Table 7 here.<br />

One-tailed test results indicate that more instances on average of the mental representation<br />

codes, RC-'usKIII (I (37) = 91, P = .032) and MSSd (I (35) = 60; P = .059) occurred in the zero<br />

group of responses compared to the greater-than-zero group. These outcomes are consistent<br />

with use of the reasoning-based proposi~ionaJ stability and mental list rules. Both are implicated<br />

by the zero group of responses.The zero group also implicated the difference threshold rule.<br />

However, the data do not suggest a significant difference between the zero and greater-than-zero<br />

groups in the average number of each of the three judgment codes. B-' WI, orW ~ ' associated<br />

with the difference threshold rule. Even when these three judgment codes are combined, although<br />


on average there are more instances in the zero group of responses than in the greater-than-zero<br />

responses, the means do not differ significantly (I (37) = .5, P = .3<br />

Mental representation codes RCIas1; and RCc.'(1cmaJ were used to mark comments to indicate<br />

the expansion of the individual's internal representation. More instances of these codes in the<br />

greater-than-zero group would have been consistent with use of the representational stability rule,<br />

implicated by the greater-than-zero responses. However, there were more instances on average<br />

of each of these codes in the zero group than in the greater-than-zero group<br />

(RC-<br />

t (36) = 37.p = .089; RCe.'UemaI: t (37) = 38, P = .089). The greater-thaD-zero<br />

responses also implicated the magnitude threshold rule. For the judgment code, Ball' associated<br />

with the magnitude threshold rule, the test results suggest that significantly more instances<br />

occurred in the greater-than-zero group (I (21) - -1.40, P = .088). For the judgment code, Wall'<br />

also consistent with the magnitude threshold rule but based on the weight rather than the balance<br />

of the evidence. the means of the greater-than-zero and zero responses did not differ significantly.<br />

Three codes, MSwIM>le, MS ram.li.. and B I . were not expected as diagnostic of any of the proposed<br />

stopping rules. As expected. no significant differences obtained across groups (allp > .36).<br />

Thus, the protocol analyses are consistent with the participants in the zero subgroup using<br />

the propositional stability or mental list stopping rules. These are both reasoning-based rules. For<br />

the greater-than-zero subgroup, the analyses are consistent with the magnitude threshold rule.<br />

5. SUMMARY <strong>AND</strong> IMPLICATION.~ OF RESULTS<br />

Each experiment was designed to implicate a subset of the proposed stopping rules as<br />

suggested by the predictions in Table Table 8 provides a summary of the supported<br />

implications. In Experiment I, participants accessed data in a manner consistent with the<br />

predictions of the magnitude threshold and mental list stopping rules. In Experiment 2, the data<br />

were consistent with the difference threshold and mental list stopping rules. Analysis of the data<br />

collected in Experiment 3 revealed two subgroups of subjects showing different response<br />


patterns. In the first subgroup, participants accessed more data when the data contradicted rather<br />

than confirmed their initial predictions~ this is consistent with the magnitude threshold or<br />

representational stability stopping rules. In the other subgroup, there was no effect of the<br />

manipulation, implicating the difference threshold, propositional stability, or mental list rules.<br />

[Insert Table 8 here.<br />

An analysis of the verbal protocols collected in Experiment 3 from participants in the first<br />

subgroup, those who accessed more data in the contradictory condition, pointed to the magnitude<br />

threshold rule as operative for these subjects. More specifically, it was also suggested that the<br />

scale being monitored in trusjudgment-based rule was based on the balance (direction), not the<br />

weight (amount) of the evidence.The analysis of comments from participants in the second<br />

subgroup, those who did not access additional information in either contrasting condition, pointed<br />

to the use of the reasoning-based propositional stability and mental list rules for these subjects.<br />

A particularly noteworthy overall finding is the consistent support across all three<br />

experiments for the rero'oning-has'ed mental list rule. This finding expands our conception of the<br />

stopping rules that subjects may use. Previous research involving deferred-decision tasks has<br />

concentrated exclusively on judgment-based stopping rules. In contrast, the current study<br />

provides support that stopping rules emanate from both judgment and reasoning. Accordingly,<br />

the current study advances our understanding of how these mental activities may influence the<br />

individual's completion of a probability assessment task and. thus. provides prescriptions for<br />

avoiding premature stopping. For example, knowledge that the assessor uses a particular<br />

reasoning-based rule may suggest measures for exploiting the informal reasoning activities that<br />

dominate belief assessment, the initial phase of probability assessment. As the findings in<br />

Experiments 2 and 3 demonstrate, if aspects of stopping are content or reasoning-based, then<br />

relying on the introduction of contradictory evidence to prevent premature stopping may not be<br />

effective. Instead, the content of the available data must prompt the individual to question her<br />


epresentation of the decision situation. Otherwise, the inadequacy of the representation<br />

underlying the individual's mental list may still cause her to stop accessing additional information<br />

prematurely.<br />

In addition, the current research holds implications for probability assessment and decision<br />

making more generally.The prominence of reasoning-based rules supports the view that<br />

individuals' cognitive capacity to reason plays a significant role in the construction of probability<br />

assessments, expanding the more typical judgment-centered approach to probability assessment<br />

and decision making.<br />

Issues to be addressed in future research include the possibility that stopping criteria<br />

operate simultaneously and/or in tandem The results from Experiment 1, for example, implicate<br />

both the mental list rule and the magnitude threshold rule. The verbal protocol analysis in<br />

Experiment 3 reveals prevalent patterns across contexts, information manipulations, and response<br />

patterns of both reasoning and judgment codes that are associated with particular stopping rules.<br />

Important to address in future research are the potential complexities and the possible interactive<br />

effects when use of two or more of the stopping rules is indicated<br />

In addition, results from the current study do not rule out the possibility that other<br />

stopping rules may function in probability assessmentWide<br />

individual differences were apparent<br />

in each experiment<br />

These differences may suggest stopping criteria not previously identified and<br />

motivate continued investigation in this area.<br />



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I In previous research, decision makers who were instructed to generate an opposing<br />

argument to an initial conclusion often generated a new line of arguments that in some cases led<br />

to different conclusions (perkins et aJ., 1983).<br />

2 During data collection. participants in Experiment 1 frequently commented on their lack of<br />

knowledge with regard to forecasting future bank interest rates and often appeared to be more<br />

comfortable predicting future housing sales in the national housing market. Of the 18 instances in<br />

which participants assessed a probability of .5, a possible indication that their predictions were<br />

pure guesses, all occurred in the bank interest tasks, 17 in the familiar condition (F) and 1 in the<br />

new data condition (N).<br />

3 Of the remaining cases of nonzero differences, 16 were in the negative direction,<br />

(F - N < 0) consistent with the predictions of the difference threshold, representational stability, or<br />

propositional stability rules. Compared to the anomalous zero differences, (F - N = 0), there were<br />

7 housing sales responses (H: 7/12; I-tailedp = .3872) and 9 bank interest responses (B: 9/11; 1<br />

tailed p = .0327) in which more items were accessed in the new, non-repeating condition (N).<br />

Thus, across settings, strong evidence does not exist for a secondary minority response pattern.<br />

4 The plots for Experiment 2 in Figure I show one outlier in the housing sales setting<br />

(HA-HU = 10). However, exclusion of this extreme value from S9 did not change the conclusion<br />

and so it was included in the analyses.<br />

S As a subset, the 20 instances of nonzero differences in the negative direction in Figure 1,<br />

i.e., HA-HU < 0 and BA-BU < 0, are anomalous, not predicted by any of the stopping rules.<br />

However, 13 responses in the negative direction equal -I and may be random variation along with<br />

the 11 responses equal to + I. Including these + 1 or -1 responses, the clustering of the data<br />

around zero, i.e., 16 of30 responses in the housing sales setting and 22 of30 in the bank interest<br />

rate setting, supports the conclusion of HA = HU and BA = BU as the predominant response<br />

pattern.<br />

6 The graphs of the distributions of the paired differences for the settings (HCT -HCF ,<br />

BCT -BCF) in Experiment 3 reveal three outliers, values more than three standard deviations from<br />

the mean. Two of these were generated by one individual (HCT -HCF = 5, BCT -BCF = 7). The<br />

third outlier was generated in the housing sales setting (HCT -HCF = 4). Significance is<br />

maintained after these three values are excluded (HCT -HCF: 8/8, p = .0039; BCT -BCF: 8/10,<br />

p = .0547), and, therefore, these three data points are included in the analyses.<br />

7 523 was the only participant who accessed the same number of information item in each<br />

of the housing sales tasks, one item in each contrasting situation, i.e., HCT-HCF = 0, and,<br />

therefore, is included in the 4?O1o.<br />

8 A conversational move is the smallest segment of an individual's utterance that makes<br />

sense (Reichman-Adar, 1984). It is a distinguishable phrase or sentence that holds meaning such<br />

that any further division risks destruction of the expression's content.<br />


FOOTNOTES - contimted<br />

9 During coding, five codes of conversational moves were identified and categorized as not<br />

relating specifically to any judgment-based or reasoning-based stopping rule. These expressions<br />

included: ( a) statements in which the subject read a passage or phrase; (b) statements of a final<br />

conclusion relative to the task of making a prediction ("I think housing sales will increase"); (c)<br />

statements expressing affect ("I hate this bank stuff'); (d) questions and responses to the<br />

interviewer, including statements of task strategy; and ( e) statements expressing a rescaling or<br />

translation of previously accessed information, unrelated to drawing a specific conclusion.<br />

Interviewer's comments were not coded.<br />


Information<br />

Manipulations in<br />

3 Contrasting<br />

Situations:<br />

Stopping Rules<br />

Magnitude<br />

Threshold<br />

Difference<br />

Threshold<br />

Representational<br />

Stability<br />

Propositional<br />

Stability<br />

TABLEt<br />

Summary of Stopping Rule Predictions.<br />

Familiar (F)<br />

Ys.<br />

New (N)<br />

Alternating (A)<br />

vs.<br />

Unanimous<br />

Support (U)<br />

F>N A>U<br />

Contradictory (CT)<br />

Ys.<br />

Continuing (CF)<br />

CT > CF<br />

F CF<br />

FU CT = CF<br />

Mental List F>N A-V<br />

CT = CF<br />

. Each cell in the table represents a partiCltlar stopping nile's prediction for that experimental<br />

manipulation. The prediction serve.f as the criterion.for indicating the IlSe of the role.<br />


TABLE 2<br />

Experiment I<br />

Frequencies of Paired Differences in Participants' Responses across Settings<br />

S I<br />


TABLE 3<br />

Experiment 2<br />

Frequencies of Paired Differences in Participants' Responses across Settings<br />


TABLE 4<br />

Experiment 3<br />

Frequencies of Paired Differences in Participants' Responses across Settings<br />


TABLES<br />

Classification of Judgment Codes<br />


TABLE 6<br />

Classification of Mental Representation Codes<br />


TABLE 7<br />

Correspondence between Stopping Rules<br />

and Judgment and Mental Representation Codes<br />

tt Zero Group tt Responses Protocol Code<br />

Difference Threshold I B...nc. WI, W...nc<br />

Propositional Stability RC~usion<br />

Mental List<br />

"Greater-Than-Zero Group" of Re.\"pon.\"es<br />

MSMt<br />

Magnitude Threshold Bal,' WaU<br />

Representational Stability RCI8Ik,RCextcmaI<br />


IExperiment 1<br />

Experiment 2<br />

Experiment 3<br />

TABLE 8<br />

Stopping Rules Implicated by Results in Experiments .]<br />

Magnitude Threshold<br />

Mental List<br />

Difference Threshold<br />

Mental List I<br />



II Greater- Than-Zero II Group<br />

Magnitude Threshold<br />

Representational Stability<br />

"Zero" Group<br />

Difference Threshold<br />

Propositional Stability<br />

Mental List I<br />

37<br />


Magnitude Threshold<br />

(Balance)<br />

Propositional Stability<br />

Mental List:

FIGURE 1<br />

(0) Expcrimcnt 1 - P:lircd DiffcrcnceJ HF-HN, BF-BN<br />

. ...<br />

.<br />

.<br />

.<br />

:.::::<br />

...<br />

...<br />

:.<br />

+ + + + + HF-HN<br />

-3.0 0.0<br />

mean - 0.867;<br />

3.0 6.0<br />

median - 1.000; stdev<br />

9.0<br />

- 2.270<br />

12.0<br />

. .<br />

. . ..<br />

. .. ..<br />

. . .. . . . .<br />

+ + + + + SF-aN<br />

-3.0 0.0 3.0 6.0 9.0 12.0<br />

mean - 1.900; median - 1.500; stdev ~ 4.551<br />

(b) Expcrimcnt 2 - Paired Differences HA-HU, BA-BU<br />

. .<br />

.. .<br />

.<br />

-+<br />

.<br />

. :<br />

+<br />

..<br />

.<br />

:<br />

.<br />

:<br />

+<br />

.<br />

:<br />

.<br />

.<br />

: ...<br />

+ + +<br />

.<br />

HA-HU<br />

-6.0 . -3.0 mean - 0.500; 0.0 median - 3.0 0.000;<br />

. . .<br />

stdev 6.0 - 2.874 9.0<br />

. . .<br />

. . .<br />

..<br />

.<br />

.<br />

:<br />

.<br />

.<br />

:<br />

.<br />

.<br />

: : . 1 .<br />

-+ + + + + + BA-BU<br />

-6.0 -3.0 0.0<br />

mean - 0.400,. median<br />

3.0<br />

- 0.000;<br />

6.0<br />

~tdev - 2.078<br />

9.0<br />

. .<br />

. .<br />

0.0 +<br />

(c) Experiment 3 - Paircd Diffcrcnces HCT-HCF. BCT-BCF<br />

. .. ..<br />

+ + + + + HCT-HCF<br />

0.4 1.5 3.0 4.5 6.0 7.5<br />

_.n - 0.600; median. 0.000:. .stdev. 1.192<br />

.<br />

.<br />

4<br />

I.!<br />

..n.<br />

.00,. .<br />

-+ +<br />

3 .0<br />

HlaD<br />

4.$<br />

- 0.001<br />

38<br />

.<br />

+ BCT-BCF<br />

0 7.5<br />

. 1.408

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