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Masterskill Education Group Berhad / Annual Report 2012<br />

69<br />


The accounting policies set out below have been applied consistently to the periods presented in these financial statements,<br />

and in preparing the opening MFRS statements of financial position of the Group and of the Company at 1 January 2011 (the<br />

transition date to MFRS framework), unless otherwise stated.<br />

(a) Basis of consolidation<br />

(i) Subsidiaries<br />

Subsidiaries are entities, including unincorporated entities, controlled by the Company. The financial statements of<br />

subsidiaries are included in the consolidated financial statements from the date that control commences until the date<br />

that control ceases. Control exists when the Company has the ability to exercise its power to govern the financial and<br />

operating policies of an entity so as to obtain benefits from its activities. In assessing control, potential voting rights that<br />

presently are exercisable are taken into account.<br />

Investments in subsidiaries are measured in the Company’s statement of financial position at cost less any impairment<br />

losses. The cost of investments includes transaction costs.<br />

(ii) Business combinations<br />

Business combinations are accounted for using the acquisition method from the acquisition date, which is the date on<br />

which control is transferred to the Group.<br />

Acquisitions on or after 1 January 2011<br />

For acquisitions on or after 1 January 2011, the Group measures the cost of goodwill at the acquisition date as:<br />

• the fair value of the consideration transferred; plus<br />

• the recognised amount of any non-controlling interests in the acquiree; plus<br />

• if the business combination is achieved in stages, the fair value of the existing equity interest in the acquiree; less<br />

• the net recognised amount (generally fair value) of the identifiable assets acquired and liabilities assumed.<br />

When the excess is negative, a bargain purchase gain is recognised immediately in profit or loss.<br />

For each business combination, the Group elects whether it measures the non-controlling interests in the acquiree<br />

either at fair value or at the proportionate share of the acquiree’s identifiable net assets at the acquisition date.<br />

Transaction costs, other than those associated with the issue of debt or equity securities, that the Group incurs in<br />

connection with a business combination are expensed as incurred.<br />

As part of its transition to MFRS, the Group elected not to restate those business combinations that occurred before<br />

the date of transition to MFRSs, i.e. 1 January 2011. Goodwill arising from acquisitions before 1 January 2011 has been<br />

carried forward from the previous FRS framework as at the date of transition.<br />

(iii) Acquisitions of non-controlling interests<br />

The Group treats all changes in its ownership interest in a subsidiary that do not result in a loss of control as equity<br />

transactions between the Group and its non-controlling interest holders. Any difference between the Group’s share of<br />

net assets before and after the change, and any consideration received or paid, is adjusted to or against Group reserves.

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