Matlab introduction

Matlab introduction

Matlab introduction


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Image processing<br />

in <strong>Matlab</strong><br />

TBMI02<br />

Medical Image Analysis<br />

Division of Medical Informatics<br />

Department of Biomedical Engineering<br />

Linköping University

Agenda<br />

<strong>Matlab</strong> basics<br />

How are images represented in <strong>Matlab</strong>?<br />

How do we read images into <strong>Matlab</strong>?<br />

How do we write images from <strong>Matlab</strong>?<br />

How do we look at images?<br />

How do we perform operations on images?<br />

How do we perform convolution?<br />

Information, then laboration with exercises

<strong>Matlab</strong> basics<br />

<strong>Matlab</strong> = matrix laboratory<br />

All variables are matrices, a vector is a N x 1<br />

or a 1 x N matrix, a scalar is a 1 x 1 matrix<br />

Interpreting language, no compiler<br />

For-loops are slow<br />

Vectorized code is fast<br />

Type help and the function name to know<br />

how the function works<br />

Code is either a function or a script<br />

Every line that is not terminated with a<br />

semicolon prints the result

<strong>Matlab</strong> basics<br />

Create a matrix<br />

a = ones(10,20), all the values are 1<br />

a = zeros(40,42), all values are 0<br />

a = randn(100,100), random values from a normal<br />

distribution with mean 0 and variance 1<br />

a = rand(100,100), random values from a uniform<br />

distribution on the interval (0,1)<br />

Warning, if you don’t create a matrix before your<br />

operations, your program can be slow due to that <strong>Matlab</strong><br />

has to allocate memory and copy data each time you<br />

change the matrix

<strong>Matlab</strong> basics<br />

my_vector = ones(100,1)<br />

my_vector(10) gives the 10th value<br />

my_image = ones(100,100)<br />

my_image(20,30) gives the pixel value at<br />

x = 30, y = 20<br />

my_volumes = ones(100,100,100,100)<br />

my_volumes(5,2,3,4) gives the voxel value at<br />

x = 2, y = 5, z = 3, t = 4

<strong>Matlab</strong> basics<br />

Indirect indexing<br />

my_image(my_image > 10) = 100<br />

my_image(isnan(my_image)) = 0

<strong>Matlab</strong> basics<br />

Pointwise operations use a dot before the<br />

operator, for example .* ./ , otherwise the<br />

operator is interpreted as a matrix operation<br />

Addition, subtraction<br />

C = A + B, C = A – B<br />

Pointwise multiplication and matrix<br />

multiplication<br />

C = A .* B, C = A * B<br />

Pointwise division and matrix division<br />

C = A ./ B, C = A / B<br />

A = B^2, matrix square, A = B.^2, pointwise<br />


<strong>Matlab</strong> basics<br />

Transpose a matrix with ’<br />

Row vector, a = ones(1,10)<br />

Column vector, b = ones(10,1)<br />

Scalar product, c = b’*b<br />

Matrix product, c = b*b’

for-loops<br />

for a = 1:5<br />

a<br />

end<br />

for a = 1:2:100<br />

a<br />

end<br />

for a = 100:-1:1<br />

a<br />


if-statements<br />

if (a == b)<br />

c = d;<br />

elseif (a == f)<br />

c = t;<br />

else<br />

c = e;<br />


Functions and scripts<br />

A function takes a number of parameters and<br />

returns a number of parameters<br />

Can’t access variables inside the function,<br />

without setting them as out parameters<br />

A script simply runs the code in a m-file<br />

Use scripts for the laborations in this course<br />

Scripts and functions can be launched from<br />

the <strong>Matlab</strong> terminal, i.e. if the filename is<br />

mylab1.m, simply type mylab1 and enter<br />

Scripts can also be launched with the runbutton<br />

in the editor

Image representation<br />

An image in <strong>Matlab</strong> is stored as a matrix<br />

The size of the matrix is height * width<br />

my_image = ones(height,width)<br />

The data is stored as row major, i.e. y first<br />

(column major is normally used in other<br />

languages)<br />

Pixel value at (x,y) = my_image(y,x)<br />

Origo is at the top left corner of the image<br />

y is positive downwards, x is positive to the<br />

right<br />

[height width] = size(my_image)

Casting between types<br />

<strong>Matlab</strong> variables are normally doubles, i.e.<br />

floating point numbers with 64 bit precision<br />

When an image is read into <strong>Matlab</strong>, it is<br />

normally NOT a double, necessary to convert<br />

to a double<br />

my_image = double(my_image);<br />

Other types are single (32 bit float),<br />

uint16 (16 bit unsigned integers) etc<br />

my_image = single(my_image);

Reading and writing images<br />

Read an image into a <strong>Matlab</strong> matrix<br />

my_image =<br />

double(imread(’my_image.jpg’,’jpg’));<br />

Write a matrix to file<br />

imwrite(uint8(image1),’image1.jpg’,’jpg’);<br />

For medical images<br />

dicomread, dicomwrite

Looking at images<br />

imagesc(my_image), autoscaled<br />

(WARNING, autoscaling can fool you)<br />

image(my_image), not autoscaled<br />

colormap gray to look at grayscale images<br />

colorbar to see the scale<br />

gopimage, to look at complex valued images<br />

(in this course only, not <strong>Matlab</strong> standard)<br />

figure, create a new figure<br />

figure(number), create a figure with a number<br />

surf(my_image), simple surface rendering

The colon operator<br />

Colour images have 3 channels<br />

(for example RGB or YCbCr), i.e.<br />

my_image = zeros(sy,sx,3)<br />

To get one channel, use the colon operator<br />

my_red_image = my_image(:,:,1);<br />

To get one vertical line from an image,<br />

my_line = my_image(:,5)<br />

To get one horizontal line from an image,<br />

my_line = my_image(5,:)<br />

Downsample an image a factor 2<br />

my_image = my_image(1:2:end,1:2:end);

The colon operator<br />

Useful for max, min, sum etc<br />

my_image(:) returns a column vector with all<br />

the pixel values<br />

max(my_image) gives the maximum for each<br />

column<br />

max(my_image(:)) gives the maximum value<br />

of the image, equivalent to<br />

max(max(my_image))<br />

The same principle for min, sum

Convolution<br />

conv2 performs 2D convolution<br />

’same’, the filter response has the same size as the<br />

image<br />

filter_response = conv2(my_image,my_filter,’same’)<br />

’valid’, the filter response is smaller than the image<br />

filter_response = conv2(my_image,my_filter,’valid’)<br />

’full’ (default), the filter response is bigger than the<br />

image<br />

filter_response = conv2(my_image,my_filter)<br />

For higher dimensions, convn (slow)

Fast Fourier Transform<br />

MY_IMAGE = fft2(my_image);<br />

my_image = ifft2(MY_IMAGE);<br />

fftshift, ifftshift to move the DC component<br />

Can be used for convolution<br />

For higher dimensions, fftn, ifftn

Interpolation<br />

interp2 can be used for 2D interpolation,<br />

supports nearest, linear, cubic and sinc<br />

interpolation<br />

For higher dimensions, interp3, interpn<br />

(both are slow)

Help functions<br />

clc, removes all text in the terminal<br />

close all, close all the figures<br />

clear all, removes all the variables<br />

save, save <strong>Matlab</strong> data to a *.mat file<br />

load, load data from a *.mat file

Mex-files<br />

To get faster programs (for example forloops),<br />

it is possible to combine C<br />

programming with <strong>Matlab</strong> through mex-files<br />

A mex-file is a C-file with some extra code for<br />

communication with <strong>Matlab</strong><br />

The mex-file is compiled through <strong>Matlab</strong><br />

The compiled mex-file acts as a normal<br />

<strong>Matlab</strong> function<br />

Not used in this course but can be good to<br />

know that it exists

Exercises<br />

Read an image into <strong>Matlab</strong><br />

Look at the image<br />

Create a simple filter, for example with fspecial<br />

(use randn to see fun results)<br />

Look at the filter with surf<br />

Perform 2D convolution with ’same’, ’valid’ and ’full’<br />

and compare the results at the edge<br />

Try different filter sizes<br />

Perform a 2D FFT and look at the logarithm of the<br />

magnitude, with and without fftshift<br />

Compare pointwise multiplication and matrix<br />

multiplication when multiplying two small matrices

Exercises<br />

Loop through all the pixels in an image and<br />

multiply the pixel value by 2 if the pixel value<br />

is bigger than a threshold that you set<br />

Do the same operation as above, but without<br />

for-loops<br />

Take an image and interpolate it to double the<br />

size, using different interpolation techniques,<br />

and compare the results<br />

Add random noise to an image, with different<br />

variance of the noise, look at the results<br />

Flip every second line in an image from left to<br />

right, using fliplr

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