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<strong>CHARACTERIZATION</strong> <strong>OF</strong> A <strong>BIOMASS</strong> <strong>MILLING</strong> <strong>PILOT</strong> PLANT<br />

M. Gil*, I. Ramos, I. Arauzo, J. Román<br />

CIRCE, Centre of Research for Energy Resources and Consumption<br />

C/ Maria de Luna, 3 50018, Zaragoza, Spain<br />

*Corresponding author: miguelgc@unizar.es; tel: +34 976762562; Fax:+34 976732078<br />

ABSTRACT: Biomass milling pretreatment is a necessary process to adapt particle size to the requirements of<br />

different energy conversion technologies. The objectives of biomass milling experimental tests are to optimize the<br />

high energy requirement and to characterize the different milling variables to produce a high quality solid fuel and to<br />

decrease the electrical consumptions.<br />

The characterization process of milling facility at CIRCE cofiring laboratory includes the analysis, instrumentation,<br />

control and data acquisition of the main factors that have an influence in size distribution and shape of milled<br />

particles, in drying and densification effects, and in energy requirement of the whole process. The facility is fully<br />

instrumented and a control and data acquisition system has been installed. These features will allow to obtain on line<br />

information about the working conditions and energy requirements in mills and pneumatic conveying system. Also<br />

several sample points has been installed to take a representative sample of milled biomass. A study has been<br />

developed to assess the feasibility of isokinetic sampling methods in pneumatic conveying ducts to obtain a<br />

representative sample of milled biomass and to analyse and characterize the influence of the grinding variables in the<br />

milled product.<br />

Keywords: characterization, pretreatment, sampling, control systems.<br />


Biomass is one of renewable energy with highest<br />

potential and implantation capacity due to the great<br />

variety of biomass species and the wide possibilities of<br />

energetic transformation. Biomass energy conversion<br />

technologies include solids combustion in power stations<br />

to electricity generation (cofiring or biomass exclusive<br />

combustion in pulverized or grate boilers), in district<br />

heating generation or by combustion of densified biomass<br />

solids in domestic boilers. Other technologies transform<br />

the biomass to liquid fuels, mainly for automobile<br />

engines, or to gaseous fuels for later combustion.<br />

Most of these technologies require biomass<br />

pretreatment to adequate the physic and chemical<br />

properties to the final transformation requirements. One<br />

of these pretreatment is size reduction. It is considered<br />

grinding or milling when the final particle size is lower<br />

than 80 mm [1]. Milling objective is to provide a milled<br />

product, whose characteristics satisfy the requirements,<br />

with the lowest possible milling energy requirements.<br />

Usually, biomass is supplied with a previous chipping or<br />

crushing pretreatment. The size reduction results in an<br />

increase of the particle surface-to-volume ratio (particle<br />

specific surface) and, subsequently, in an increase of the<br />

outer surface that will promote further treatments or<br />

chemical reactions. This size reduction is required to<br />

optimize the combustion of biomass in pulverized-fuel<br />

burners or the production of high-density fuels [2-4] or<br />

bio-ethanol [4-6]. However, the milling process brings<br />

along remarkable energy consumptions, within the range<br />

0.5-10% of biomass heating value and depending on<br />

multiple factors [7]. The decrease of the related costs<br />

could represent the key step to warrant the feasibility for<br />

using biomass as the raw material for all those processes.<br />

Aside from the particle size reduction, the milling<br />

process includes several advantages that strengthen the<br />

added value of the product:<br />

Easy sorting of material by size through<br />

separation<br />

Significant biomass bulk density increase. A<br />

reduction size stage is necessary to carry out<br />

intensive densification process as briquetting or<br />

pelletezing [8-10]<br />

Easy handling and drying of bulk material<br />

Reduced transportation costs<br />

Drying effect during milling process [8-10]<br />

Physical properties homogenization of milled<br />

material.<br />

Increase the efficiency energetic conversion<br />

Although publications in this subject are scarce,<br />

several studies show the influence of different variables<br />

in milling energy requirement. These variables can be<br />

classified in input and output biomass characteristics and<br />

operational parameters of comminution process. Physical<br />

and mechanical properties of biomass species and<br />

varieties are very important to select the appropriate type<br />

of mill. Conditions of supply biomass as initial particle<br />

size, moisture content or impurities play an essential role.<br />

In modelling of pulverization process, three aspects are<br />

fundamental to achieve the established goals. Facility<br />

design requires: a suitable selection of type of mill and<br />

the appropriate combinations between mills and auxiliary<br />

equipments. Mills can be arranged in series or in parallel,<br />

with one or more number of mill stages by production<br />

line, batch or continuous milling and the possibility to<br />

include previous, intermediate or later particle size<br />

classifier equipment. Finally, operational parameters<br />

should be studied to decrease the global operational costs<br />

of pretreatment.<br />

Identification and study of different physical process<br />

carried out during milling may allow to determinate the<br />

influential variables. Instrumentation and automation<br />

permit its variation, registration, acquisition and<br />

visualization to evaluate the influence on enumerated<br />

objectives.<br />

By means of the control and monitoring systems of<br />

the variable, it is possible to regulate automatically the<br />

main principal operational parameters, as mills angular<br />

speed, air mass flow in pneumatic conveying and<br />

biomass feed rate to the mills. The system presents other<br />

advantages as the signals treatments, visualization and<br />

observation of variables trends on line. With this<br />

information it is possible to take decisions during test<br />

based on the actual system state.<br />

Process characterization is completed by several

milled biomass characteristics analysis: particle size<br />

distribution, moisture content, bulk density, particle<br />

shape factor and chemical composition as function<br />

particle size. The properties variations permit to assess<br />

the influence of the parameters mentioned in final milled<br />

material.<br />

2 <strong>BIOMASS</strong> <strong>MILLING</strong> <strong>PILOT</strong> PLANT<br />

Experimental facility characterization should analyse<br />

the design and operational parameters needed to satisfy<br />

the particle size requeriment with the lowest milling<br />

energy consumption.<br />

The size requirements are fixed by the final energetic<br />

conversion technology and can be expressed by range of<br />

particle sizes, or by more specific granulometric<br />

regulations.<br />

Biomass shows a high heterogeneity in connection<br />

with inherent mechanical and physical properties, and in<br />

reception conditions (moisture content, raw particle<br />

size…). Flexibility in experimental comminution facility<br />

permit to carry out several tests varying:<br />

Type of mill<br />

Equipment combinations<br />

Operational parameters<br />

Biomass mechanical properties represent a relevant<br />

parameter to select the adequate type of mill. Biomass is<br />

mainly composed of non-brittle materials [11] in contrast<br />

with other energetic resources as coal. Several studies<br />

show three types of mills as the most appropriate for<br />

biomass milling: hammer mills, knife mills and also disc<br />

mills in specific conditions [11].<br />

Studied facility is composed of two mills: a hammer<br />

mill and duplex mill [8]. Hammer mill with horizontal<br />

axis and a drive of 11kW comprises 6 hammers arranged<br />

on 3 radial lines. Duplex mill with a drive of 4kW consist<br />

of three hammers in revolution that carry out two<br />

different milling actions: impact breakage of hammers<br />

against particles and breakage by shearing stress between<br />

the hammer, particles and a fixed element inside the<br />

milling chamber.<br />

Grinders are the main equipment in any milling<br />

facility. However, classifying equipments are<br />

incorporated to separate the particles as function their<br />

size. The classifier has operational flexibility which<br />

increases the number of possible mills configuration<br />

allowing the most suitable solid treatment.<br />

Classifying systems select those particles whose size<br />

satisfies the final requirement. Classifier can be used as a<br />

previous stage to separate the particles which satisfy the<br />

size requirement, as a final stage to guarantee the particle<br />

size of final product or as an intermediate stage to convey<br />

the coarse particle again to mill (recirculation flow).<br />

When the upper limit size is fixed, coarse particle can be<br />

eliminated or can be passed by the mill a number of times<br />

necessary to obtain the desired size. In case of lower size<br />

limit, the fine particles are eliminated of the final milled<br />

product.<br />

Milling facility also incorporates auxiliary solid<br />

handling equipment to convey the particles between the<br />

main equipments. At CIRCE milling biomass facility<br />

(e.g. Fig. 1), three different systems are installed to<br />

convey solids. First of all, a belt conveyor is used to feed<br />

the biomass to the mills. Subsequently, pneumatic<br />

conveying, composed of two fans to generate the air<br />

flow, and two equipments (cyclone and bag filter) to<br />

separate the air-particles flow, carries the pulverized<br />

biomass from mills to the final bin. Finally, coarse<br />

particle recirculation is conveyed to mills using an screw<br />

conveyor.<br />

The different combinations between hammer mill,<br />

duplex mills and screen classifier provide five milling<br />

configurations:<br />

1. Configuration A.1: hammer mill<br />

2. Configuration A.2: hammermill and screen<br />

classifier<br />

3. Configuración B.1: duplex mill<br />

4. Configuración B.2: duplex mill and screen<br />

classifier<br />

5. Configuración C: hammer mill, screen<br />

classifier and duplex mill.<br />

Experimental tests in A.1 and A.2 configurations are<br />

focused on the hammer mill analysis:<br />

A.1. Hammer mill.<br />

Particle size is fixed by the internal screen opening<br />

size. Particles pass trough the hammer mill and are<br />

directly carried by pneumatic conveying to the bin. .<br />

A.2. Hammer mill with recirculation to the same mill.<br />

Milled biomass particles in hammer mill are<br />

conveyed to the screen classifier where fines are<br />

separated from the coarse ones. Fine particles are<br />

directly transported to the bin, whereas coarse<br />

particles are conveyed again to the hammer mill<br />

until a suitable particle size is achieved. In this<br />

configuration, the goal particle size is fixed by the<br />

screen opening size in the classifier.<br />

Third and fourth configurations allow the study to be<br />

focused on duplex mill:<br />

B.1. Duplex mill.<br />

As in the A.1 configuration, particles pass trough the<br />

duplex mill before they are being transported by<br />

pneumatic conveying to the bin. Internal screen<br />

determines the final particle size.<br />

B.2. Duplex mill with recirculation to the same mill.<br />

This configuration is similar to A.2. In case finer<br />

particle sizes are needed, this configuration allows<br />

the particle flow to pass several times trough the<br />

mill until the suitable size is reached.<br />

The last configuration is focused on the combination<br />

between both mills with a screening intermediate stage:<br />

C. Hammer mill with recirculation to the duplex mill.<br />

In this configuration (e.g. Fig. 1) the milling and<br />

classifying process are the same as in A.2 configuration,<br />

except for the coarse recirculation. In this case, the coarse<br />

particles are redirected to the duplex mill. The facility<br />

allows both recirculation types.<br />

Configuration changes can be made by means of<br />

removable pneumatic conveying ducts. The combinations<br />

between configurations and internal screens allow to<br />

obtain the suitable particle size in the process.<br />

To control the equipment of the facility, an control<br />

automatic system and data acquisition have been<br />

implemented. The main elements are:<br />

Programable logic Control (PLC): it is the main<br />

control unit. It collets all plant information, and<br />

it take the action on the plant.<br />

Distributed input/output units: they are remote<br />

device, where signals from sensor an signals to<br />

actuators are connect to the PLC<br />

Variable speed drivers: It is the main actuator<br />

in the mill plant. With this we can regulate the<br />

angular speed and the power supply to mill, fan<br />

and others devices.

Belt conveyor<br />

B.1<br />

A.1.Configuration<br />

A.2 Configuration<br />

B.1 Configuration<br />

B.2 Configuration<br />

C Configuration<br />

Duplex mill<br />

C<br />

Coarse<br />

recirculation<br />

Hammer<br />

mill<br />

l<br />

Hammer<br />

mill<br />

l<br />

A.2<br />

Fig 1: Milling configurations of experimental pilot plant<br />

Comunication network: It is used to<br />

communicate the PLC with the others devices<br />

in the network. The industrial fielbus used in as<br />

plant are CANOpen and Ethernet.<br />

Supervisor Control And Data Acquisition<br />

(SCADA): It is the Human Machine Interface<br />

(HMI) and offers the function of monitoring<br />

and control the operation in the plant.<br />

Several control loops have been implemented to<br />

regulate and optimize the equipment electrical<br />

consumption. Used control loops are:<br />

Biomass feed rate control: this control loops<br />

optimize the mills electrical consumption<br />

regulating the biomass feed rate by means to<br />

control the feeding belt conveyor velocity. It<br />

exits an optimal input biomass feed rate for<br />

which milling energy requirement (kWh/t)<br />

decreases [12].<br />

Pneumatic conveying control. Control is carried<br />

out varying the angular speed of fans blades.<br />

By means of this control, the pressure at mill<br />

outlet can be modified to observe the influence<br />

in the particle residence time in grinding<br />

chamber (section 3.1.1).<br />

Finally, operational parameters should be obtained,<br />

registered and analyzed to study their influence in the<br />

process and in the milled product. A study of the<br />

instrumentation has been carried out to obtain these<br />

variables.<br />


Pilot plant characterization requires the inherent<br />

processes identification during the milling to determinate<br />

the variables that have significant influence in the<br />

pulverized biomass properties or/and in the milling<br />

A.1<br />

B.2<br />

Cyclone<br />

+<br />

Screen<br />

classifier<br />

Biomass bin<br />

Bag filter<br />

Primary air<br />

Secondary air<br />

Screw feeder<br />

energy requirement.<br />

Two influential processes inside the milling chamber<br />

are analyzed:<br />

Residence time of the particles<br />

Drying effect during milling<br />

3.1 Residence time<br />

Describes the amount of time a particle could spend<br />

inside the grinding chamber. Consequently, the particle<br />

can be impacted and fractured by the mobile elements<br />

inside the mill.<br />

Usually, the final maximum particle size in the<br />

milling chamber is fixed by a metal screen that encloses<br />

the chamber, or by pneumatic system.<br />

The final goal consists in determining the optimal<br />

operational conditions for which the particle evacuates<br />

the chamber as far as possible when its size is smaller as<br />

desired size. Residence time increase involves higher<br />

possibility of new breaking actions which entails milling<br />

energy consumption increment in creating new particle<br />

surfaces. This over-consumption would not be necessary<br />

because the particle would have had a suitable size.<br />

Obviously, the screen openings sizes and mechanical<br />

properties of biomass are fundamental factors in<br />

connection with residence time. Others aspects with no<br />

direct dependency have been analyzed to check his<br />

influence on residence time.<br />

3.1.1 Mill outlet pressure<br />

Particle removal can be by gravity or pneumatic<br />

discharge. Gravity discharge takes place when other<br />

pneumatic system is not connected to mill outlet. The<br />

mill fan effect generates a slight overpressure in the<br />

outlet region. Rotating hammers in the grinding mill act<br />

as fan and built up air pressure against the screen and mill<br />

outlet.<br />

On the other side, pneumatic discharge is commonly

used to convey the particles from mill outlet to other<br />

equipments of handling, storing, treatmeant or directly to<br />

consume milled biomass.<br />

Usually, mills are composed by rotating elements<br />

inside the grinding chamber and at high revolutions The<br />

material circulates around the mill along paths parallel to<br />

the screen surface making the openings are only partially<br />

effective [13].<br />

This rotating flow produces an oblique particle<br />

trajectory to the screen (e.g. Fig. 2). Therefore the<br />

probability of particle evacuation through screen<br />

openings decreases. Higher angle between normal to the<br />

screen and particle trajectory causes higher probability of<br />

impact against the screen and bounce back into the<br />

impact zone where non necessary impacts may happen.<br />

Working under negative pressure in the mill exit<br />

modifies the air stream and the trajectory of fine particles<br />

against the internal screen, increasing the particle<br />

evacuation probability of grinding chamber. Inertial<br />

effect predominates on coarser particles due to their<br />

higher mass and high velocity after impact.<br />

Figure.2: Particle impact trajectory against the internal<br />

screen.<br />

On the other side, high negative pressure may<br />

produce screen blinding since the particles leave so far<br />

the impact zone blocking the screen. After the impact,<br />

high negative pressure hinder the bounce particle,<br />

remaining against the screen and decreasing the screen<br />

effective surface. Under the most unfavorables<br />

conditions, biomass can totally blind the screen and cause<br />

the stop of mill drive and the stop of the process.<br />

Negative pressure is controlled by means of variable<br />

speed drive installed in fans. These electronic devices<br />

vary the rotary revolutions of fan blades, increasing or<br />

decreasing the suction in the mill outlet.<br />

To assess the influence of this parameter in the<br />

properties of milled material and milling energy<br />

consumption it has been necessary to install pressure<br />

transducers in both mills outlets. Negative pressure is<br />

obtained, registred and saved for data processing.<br />

The parameter study allows to determine:<br />

Upper limit of negative pressure without<br />

blinding<br />

Optimal pressure to decrease the milling<br />

energy requirement<br />

Their influence in the pulverized biomass<br />

properties<br />

3.1.2 Speed of rotation<br />

Speed of rotation influences residence time in two<br />

aspects:<br />

Released energy in impacts<br />

Rotating air-particles flow inside the grinding<br />

chamber<br /> Impact energy<br />

Residence time depends on breaking velocity, i.e. the<br />

velocity at which the particle is fractured until it achieves<br />

a lower size than the screen opening size. In the case of<br />

hammer mill, the fragmentation (creation of new<br />

surfaces) is influenced by the energy released in impact.<br />

The impact energy is entirely in the form of the relative<br />

kinetic energy between the particle and the point of<br />

hammer where the impact happens.<br />

2<br />

r<br />

I = mν<br />

/ 2 = m ⋅ ( ν −ν<br />

) / 2 = m ⋅ ( r ⋅ω<br />

− v<br />

m<br />

p<br />

m<br />

p<br />

) / 2<br />

Where m is the particle mass, vr the relative lineal<br />

velocity between the particle velocity (vp), and velocity<br />

of the impact point in hammer (vm),r radius from mill<br />

axis to impact point in hammer and ωm the hammers<br />

angular velocity.<br />

Lower angular velocity ωm implies lower impact<br />

energy and lower particle fragmentation. Therefore, the<br />

original particle needs a higher number of impacts until<br />

the suitable size is achieved, increasing the residence<br />

time of particle in grinding chamber.<br /> Rotating air-particle flow inside the grinding<br />

chamber<br />

Higher angular velocity of internal elements produces<br />

higher rotating air-particle flow effect inside the chamber.<br />

As it is explained in section 3.1.1, this effect increases the<br />

angle between the particle trajectory and normal to the<br />

screen and decreases the probability of particle<br />

evacuation of the chamber.<br />

3.2 Drying effect during milling<br />

Grinding process causes significant secondary effects<br />

in final milled product. One of those is the mositure<br />

content reduction.<br />

Drying effect is caused by the heat released through<br />

two processes:<br />

Global drying: particles are in air-particles<br />

turbulent atmosphere receiving constantly heat<br />

flows from friction process between the mobile<br />

elements and between this elements and the airparticle<br />

flow.<br />

Local drying: It is caused by the evaporation of<br />

water content in particle due to released heat in<br />

impact. As the particle strikes and compresses,<br />

some of the kinetic energy is converted to strain<br />

energy in the compressed particle, with the sum<br />

of strain energy and kinetic energy equal to the<br />

impact energy. When the strain energy reaches<br />

that required to cause fracture, some of the<br />

stored strain energy is used to create new<br />

surfaces and the rest is converted to heat by<br />

relaxation of the fragments of breakage [14].<br />

The released heat as from friction process as from<br />

particle relaxation after impact is difficult to quantify. For<br />

this reason, a global energy balance in mill is raised. The<br />

objective is to determinate quantitevily the disiped and<br />

inverted energy in drying effect by means of the<br />

numerical value determination of implicit variables<br />

regarding as air as biomass:<br />

Input and output temperature<br />

Input and output air humidity and biomass<br />

moisture content<br />

Biomass feed rate and air mass flow<br />

3.2.1 Input and output temperature<br />

In practice, air-particle flow temperature inside the<br />

grinding chamber is increased during the milling.

Input and output temperature measurement of air and<br />

biomass allow to assess the heat flow spent in<br />

temperature increase.<br />

3.2.2 Input and output air humidity and biomass<br />

moisture content<br />

Moisture content is analyzed by means of initial and<br />

final biomass representative sampling [15]. Input and<br />

output air humidity are also instrumented.<br />

Water evaporation flow per mass unity is calculated<br />

considering the difference between input and output<br />

moisture content of biomass.<br />

On the other side, it is necessary to know the initial<br />

air humidity to assess the heat flow to increase the water<br />

vapour temperature.<br />

3.2.3 Biomass feed rate and air mass flow<br />

An average biomass feed rate is calculated as ratio<br />

between total raw biomass weigtht and the measured<br />

feeding time.<br />

Air volumetric flow is instrumented with an annubar<br />

flowmeter located in a pipe stretch in ausence of<br />

particles.<br />

4 MILLED <strong>BIOMASS</strong> SAMPLING<br />

Milling process characterization includes the analysis<br />

and influence of several variables and operational<br />

parameters in the final properties of milled biomass.<br />

First of all, different sampling methodologies to<br />

obtain a representative sample of the total comminuted<br />

biomass in milling experimental pilot plant are reviewed.<br />

4.1 Coning and quartering procedure.<br />

Once the total volume is milled, a representative<br />

sample can be obtained using the coning and quartering<br />

procedure. It is a progressive process, from the bulk<br />

volume (A) two quarters are taken (C and D) and they are<br />

divided into quarters again. The final sample is taken<br />

from the last one (G). The process is shown in figure 3.<br />

Figure 3: Coning and quartering procedure [16]<br />

It is a static sampling method where powder is<br />

confined or heaped. In this situation, size segregation<br />

occurs. Fine particles tend to remain at the center of the<br />

heap and coarse ones congregate at the periphery and the<br />

particle size analyse of the sample is disturbed.<br />

4.2 Gravity discharge sampling.<br />

Sampling from flowing powder such as discharging<br />

flow by gravity, the entire stream of powder should be<br />

sampled by traversing the stream, and the sampling<br />

should continue for a long series of short time intervals.<br />

The sampling point is located between cyclone outlet<br />

and screen classifier (e.g. Fig. 6, GS.1). Particles from<br />

grinders are conveyed until cyclone where are collected<br />

and precipitated to screen classifier. Two-way distributor<br />

(e.g. Fig. 4) has been introduced between both<br />

equipments to change the direction flow on discharge to<br />

the sampling outlet.<br />

This sampling method is simple, economic and<br />

allows taking a representative sample of collected<br />

biomass in cyclone. However, finer particles not<br />

collected by cyclone are not represented in this sample.<br />

Figure 4: Two-way distributor<br />

4.3 Isokinetic sampling<br />

The principal standard for direct measurement of<br />

local particle mass flux in most gas-solid flows is<br />

provided by the isokinetic sampling system. The<br />

isokinetic sampling principle requires that the sampling<br />

probe which is aligned with the flow (isoaxial) extracts<br />

airborne particulates at the sampling velocity matching<br />

the original undisturbed local flow velocity.<br />

In practice, the isokinetic sampling is closely<br />

approached but almost impossible to be rigorously<br />

realized. Several problems as the determination of flow<br />

velocity in the presence of significant amount of<br />

particles, the elimination of intrusive effect of the<br />

sampling probe, the interactions between particles and<br />

carrying fluid, the loss of particles to the wall deposition<br />

and particle bounce/reentrainment in the sampling tube<br />

are frequently observed. By these reasons, three types of<br />

sampling (e.g. Fig. 5) can be carried out: isokinetic<br />

(sampling velocity=stream velocity) or two kind of<br />

anisokinetic sampling: over-sucking (sampling<br />

velocity>stream velocity), under-sucking (sampling<br />

velocity< stream velocity).<br />

Figure 5: Isokinetic and non-isokinetic sampling [17]

Other important factors in this sampling method are<br />

the size and concentration of particles. A study of several<br />

isokinetic sampling points with radical different<br />

conditions is presented to overcome these problems<br />

4.3.1 Sampling points<br />

Milled biomass from Mills (IS.1)<br />

Sampling point is located between mill outlet and<br />

cyclone inlet, previous to intermediate screen classifier<br />

stage. Dilute phase air-solid flow is characterized by high<br />

solids concentration of full range of particle size (

4.4 Characterization of sampling point<br />

The extracted sample at IS.1 from mills is a<br />

representative of full range of milled biomass particles,<br />

however, this localization presents several problems to<br />

achieve the isokinetic conditions and the sampling can<br />

not be representative of this particle flow.<br />

The obtained samples in GS.1 and IS.2 are not<br />

representative of full range of milled particles. At GS.1<br />

point, it is sampling the collected particles by cyclone. At<br />

IS.2, the particles flow is from not collected in cyclone,<br />

in other words, the very fines particles of the full milled<br />

biomass particles. Both samples are not representative of<br />

full range, but the feasibility of a right sampling is higher<br />

due to, in the first place, GS.1 is a correct system to<br />

obtain a sample in discharge, and in the second place, at<br />

IS.2 presents less problems to achieve the isokinetic<br />

conditions.<br />

The possibility of three sampling point allows:<br />

To obtain a representative sample of the whole<br />

amount of milled biomass using two different<br />

methods.<br />

In the first place, to obtain a representative<br />

sampling of full range at IS.1<br />

In second place, to estimate a representative<br />

sampling of full range as composition of the<br />

obtained sample at GS.1 and IS.2:<br />

χt<br />

=<br />

m<br />

m<br />

m = m + m<br />

t<br />

GS1<br />

IS 2<br />

m<br />

· χ IS<br />

GS1<br />

IS 2<br />

χGS1<br />

+ ·<br />

GS1<br />

+ mIS<br />

2 mGS1<br />

+ mIS<br />

2<br />

where:<br />

χ: analyzed property (granulometry, moisture<br />

content, chemical composition or shape factor).<br />

Note: bulk density can not calculate as<br />

composition of both samples.<br />

m GS1: mass flux solids at GS.1<br />

mIS2: mass flux solids at IS.2<br />

Validation of extracted sample at IS.1 through<br />

the comparison his properties with the<br />

properties of the composed sample from GS.1<br />

and IS.2<br />

4.3.2 Milled biomass sample analysis<br />

Milled biomass characterization involves:<br />

Particle size distribution:<br />

It represents the mass percentage for each<br />

particle size interval. It is the most important<br />

parameter in analysis of milled product.<br />

Shape factor.<br />

The spherical approximation is a used<br />

<br />

commonly in powder handling. However, the<br />

milled biomass presents usually a cylindrical<br />

shape. Shape factor allows to asses the final<br />

particle shape.<br />

Moisture content<br />

This parameter is expressed as:<br />

Ww<br />

−Wd<br />

M = 100<br />

Ww<br />

where M is the moisture content expressed in<br />

percentage of wet matter, Ww is the weight of<br />

the wet sample and Wd the weight of the dry<br />

sample.<br />

The difference between inlet and outlet<br />

moisture content allows to asses the drying<br />

2<br />

effect during comminution. Several studies [8-<br />

10] have observed a decrease between 10 and<br />

30% of the initial moisture content as function<br />

different factors.<br />

Bulk density.<br />

Miling is ones of solids densification process<br />

due to bulk density increase with particle size<br />

decrease.<br />

Chemical composition<br />

It is observable that the particle size shows<br />

influence on chemical properties [21].<br />


Several parameters have been instrumented to assess<br />

the influence on particle residence time on grinding<br />

chamber and on drying effect:<br />

Pressure, temperature, humidity and mass flow<br />

air at mill inlet and outlet.<br />

Moisture content, temperature and feed rate of<br />

biomass at mills inlet and outlet.<br />

Variable speed drives have been installed in<br />

mills to control the energy impact, in fans to<br />

control the mill outlet pressure and in belt<br />

conveyor to control the biomass feed rate.<br />

Milled biomass properties characterization has been<br />

realized to analyse the parameters influence on the final<br />

product properties.<br />

Three sampling methods have been studied to obtain<br />

a representative sample of milling process:<br />

Coning and quartering sampling can show size<br />

segregration due to the sample is taken out<br />

form stored milled biomass.<br />

Two-way distributor has been installed to<br />

obtain a representative sample in gravity<br />

discharge. Particle flow is in motion and size<br />

segregation is avoided.<br />

Two isokinetic sampling points have been<br />

analyzed where the air-particle flow conditions<br />

are extremely different. At first point, high<br />

solids concentration of all range of milled<br />

particle sizes in horizontal ducts, isokinetic<br />

sampling presents inertial effect of coarse<br />

particle, possible asymmetry in the solids<br />

concentration profiles as function sampling<br />

point height from the bottom of the pipe in the<br />

vertical plane of the cross section and finally,<br />

erroneous solid concentration measurement in<br />

case of anisokinetic sampling.<br />

At second point, low air-particles concentration<br />

of fines particles, isokinetic sampling can<br />

realize suitable, even the concentration<br />

measurement and representative sample can be<br />

obtained in anisokinetic conditions.<br />

Possibility to obtain two representative<br />

sampling of full range of milled biomass size:<br />

isokinetic sampling at first point and as<br />

composition of isokinetic sample at second<br />

point (fines particles representative) and gravity<br />

discharge sample (coarse particles<br />

representative).<br />

First isokinetic sample validation in<br />

comparison with a composition sample of<br />

gravity discharge sample and second isokinetic<br />



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