Ph.D. Thesis - Physics

Ph.D. Thesis - Physics

Ph.D. Thesis - Physics


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angular momentum along the quantization axis, which is determined by the orientation of<br />

the external magnetic field.<br />

We now describe the interaction of the trapped ion with laser radiation, which is essential<br />

for understanding how quantum operations may be performed on trapped ions, as well as<br />

other techniques such as Doppler cooling and state measurement. We focus on electric<br />

dipole transitions, which occur between atomic levels that differ by one unit of orbital<br />

angular momentum. For simplicity, we will limit the discussion to the coupling of two<br />

discrete levels. The interaction is that of the dipole moment of the electron interacting with<br />

the oscillating laser field. The interaction is written as<br />

Hdip = − d · E = − <br />

d ·ǫE0 cos −ωlt + <br />

k · z + φ , (4.14)<br />

where d = ecz is the dipole operator, z is the displacement vector of the ion from its<br />

equilibrium position, ǫ is the polarization of the laser, E0 is the amplitude of the laser’s<br />

electric field, ωl is the frequency of the laser radiation, k is the wavevector of the radiation<br />

field, and φ is a phase that may be chosen by the experimenter. We will assume that the<br />

wavevector of the light is in the ˆz direction.<br />

We note that the dipole operator is proportional to σ + + σ − , where σ + = |↑〉 〈↓| and<br />

σ − = |↓〉 〈↑| are the raising and lowering operators for the atomic state, respectively. Making<br />

use of the relation of the creation and annihilation operators to the operators x and p, and<br />

making a rotating wave approximation, the above Eq. 4.14 takes the form<br />

<br />

HI = Ω e iη(a+a† <br />

) + −i(ωlt+φ)<br />

σ e + h.c. , (4.15)<br />

where h.c. denotes Hermitian conjugate. The Rabi frequency Ω is the rate at which the<br />

atomic state |↑〉 is flipped to |↓〉 and vice-versa. For an electric dipole transition, Ω =<br />

|ecE0 〈↓|z |↑〉 |, that is, it depends on the applied electric field and on the expectation value<br />

of the dipole operator ecz. The Lamb-Dicke parameter η is equal to kz0, where k is the<br />

norm of the wavenumber of the radiation field and z0 is the width of the ground state wave<br />

<br />

function along ˆz: z0 = . A small η (η ≪ 1) means that the ion in its ground state<br />

2mωˆz<br />

is well-localized in space to within the wavelength of the laser light, which implies that the<br />

light field will couple well to the harmonic oscillator mode in that direction. This condition<br />

is called the Lamb-Dicke limit, and when it is satisfied, the interaction Hamiltonian looks<br />

like<br />

<br />

HI = Ωe iφ<br />

σ + <br />

−i(ωl−ω0)t<br />

e 1 + iη ae −iωˆzt † iωˆzt<br />

+ a e <br />

+ h.c., (4.16)<br />

where ωˆz is the ion’s secular frequency in the ˆz direction.<br />

Eq. 4.16 actually reveals all the physics of how manipulations may be made on both the<br />

internal and external states of a single trapped ion using laser radiation. We focus first on<br />

the case in which the laser detuning δl, defined as δl ≡ ωl − ωˆz, is zero. We also neglect<br />


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