Ph.D. Thesis - Physics

Ph.D. Thesis - Physics

Ph.D. Thesis - Physics


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Figure 4-2: Generic level structure for the ions used in the experimental work for this thesis.<br />

Here n is the principal quantum number; the D states have one less unit of n, as shown.<br />

The three transitions are the ones discussed in this chapter. λDopp is the Doppler cooling<br />

and detection transition. λRep is the repumper for the P 1/2 state; it is needed whenever<br />

the λDopp transition is addressed. λSB is a narrow quadrupole transition that is used for<br />

sideband cooling and state manipulation.<br />

4.1.2 Control of ionic internal states<br />

In this section we will study the basic atomic structure of all the ions used in this work,<br />

and describe how lasers can be used to effect transitions between these levels. There are<br />

two types of atomic structure that are widely used in trapped ion quantum information<br />

processing: the first relies on a ground state connected to a metastable excited state by an<br />

optical transition (hundreds of THz), while the second connects two hyperfine levels with a<br />

transition that is in the GHz range. Here, we will focus on the former case, since it applies<br />

to both ions used in this work, 88 Sr + and 40 Ca + .<br />

We begin with a review of the atomic structure of such ions. Both are hydrogenic,<br />

meaning that there is only one valence electron. A diagram of the electronic level structure<br />

of such an ion is given in Fig. 4-2. Each transition is characterized by two numbers: the<br />

transition frequency Ωij, where i and j label the states, and the excited state lifetime τ,<br />

which is related to the spontaneous emission rate Γ by τ = 2π/γ. The term symbols<br />

follow the usual conventions for L-S (Russell-Saunders) coupling, which is valid whenever<br />

spin-orbit coupling is weak. This scheme assumes that the orbital angular momentum L<br />

and total angular momentum J are good quantum numbers, leading to an atomic state<br />

|nSLJmJ〉. The first number is the principal quantum number n. The superscript 2 is<br />

equal to 2S + 1, and is always two for such atoms since there is only one valence electron.<br />

The capital letter following it gives the orbital angular momentum, assigning each value a<br />

letter (for historical reasons): (L = 0) ↦→S, (L = 1) ↦→P, and (L = 2) ↦→D. The subscript<br />

gives the value of the total angular momentum J. J may take values ranging in integer<br />

steps from L−S to L+S. The quantum number mJ represents the projection of the total<br />


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