Ph.D. Thesis - Physics

Ph.D. Thesis - Physics

Ph.D. Thesis - Physics


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where V0 is the maximum signal strength and ρ is the sample density matrix. The phase of<br />

the measurement operator can be chosen so that a given spin state produces a given spectral<br />

line shape: for instance, for the above operator −iXk − Yk, a spin along −ˆy produces a<br />

positive absorptive spectral line, while one along ˆy produces a negative absorptive line. A<br />

spin along ±ˆx produces positive or negative dispersive lines. To perform this measurement<br />

in the ˆz basis, we must first rotate all spins into the ˆx-ˆy plane, since the rf coils are only<br />

sensitive to magnetizations in this direction. Thus a Rˆx(π/2) pulse is first applied to the<br />

spins being measured.<br />

The resulting free-induction decay (FID) signal oscillates at the frequency of the qubit<br />

being measured; a Fourier transform of this signal yields a frequency spectrum, from which<br />

one can determine the spin state along ˆz of each nucleus (using the chemical shift interaction,<br />

Eq. 2.4). The FID decays exponentially at a rate T ∗ 2 , due to decoherence processes which<br />

will be discussed shortly. The exponential decay in the time domain leads to a Lorentzian<br />

lineshape in the frequency domain:<br />

V (t)e −t/T ∗ 2 ↦→ F(ω) ∝<br />

1<br />

1/(2T ∗ 2 )2 1<br />

−<br />

+ (ω − ω0) 2 1/(2T ∗ 2 )2 , (2.21)<br />

+ (ω − ω0) 2<br />

where the two parts represent absorptive and dispersive lineshapes. A signal may, in general,<br />

be of only one type or a mixture of the two. The full width at half-maximum (FWHM) of<br />

the NMR peaks is then given by ∆f = 1/(2πT ∗ 2 ).<br />

Although measurements in quantum information are often assumed to be strong, pro-<br />

jective measurements, those in NMR are quite weak. The constant T ∗ 2<br />

depends on magnetic<br />

field inhomogeneities and other interactions between spins and with the environment; it is<br />

noteworthy that the decay of the FID is dominated not by the interaction of the sample<br />

with the coil, but by decoherence processes more intrinsic to the sample. This may be<br />

contrasted with the classic “strong” measurement, in which the very act of measurement<br />

induces sufficient decoherence to immediately effect wavefunction collapse! This weakness<br />

of the measurement, combined with the ensemble nature of the experiment, is also the rea-<br />

son why both ˆx and ˆy components of the magnetization can be simultaneously measured, a<br />

feat which is forbidden (for a single quantum system) by the uncertainty principle. What<br />

is recorded is the ensemble average of the magnetizations in each direction; each of the 10 18<br />

or so molecules gives its own answer regarding its spin state, and these are added up.<br />

The result of a measurement is a frequency-domain spectrum, with peaks located at all<br />

possible locations for a given nucleus, given the various splittings due to the chemical shifts.<br />

To summarize this section so far, we have assembled all the basic concepts and techniques<br />

for performing quantum operations in solution-state NMR. In the next section we show how<br />

these principles apply to the simulation of quantum systems. First, though, we address the<br />

sources of decoherence in NMR systems.<br />


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