Ph.D. Thesis - Physics

Ph.D. Thesis - Physics

Ph.D. Thesis - Physics


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precision of a quantum simulation is then discussed, in light of these experiments, in Sec. 2.3.<br />

In Sec. 2.4, we summarize the chapter and then enumerate some outstanding questions that<br />

remain to be addressed.<br />

2.1 Hamiltonian and control techniques<br />

In this section we present a simple description of the NMR system, and with it the Hamilto-<br />

nian that governs the nuclear spins. We then show how this Hamiltonian enables quantum<br />

control of the nuclear spins. In so doing, we explain how a NMR system satisfies most of<br />

the DiVincenzo criteria for quantum computation (Sec. 1.4.3).<br />

We begin with a comment on the first criterion. Although suitable for small systems,<br />

NMR is not a scalable architecture for quantum computation (or universal quantum sim-<br />

ulation) because there is no way to do operations fault-tolerantly. It is not possible to<br />

perform operations on the system conditioned on fast measurements, as would be required<br />

in the diagnosis and correction of errors. This stems from the nature of measurement in<br />

solution-state NMR, which is based on a slow recording of the bulk magnetization of the<br />

system (see Sec. 2.1.6).<br />

The other criteria are state initialization, a universal set of gates, high-efficiency mea-<br />

surement, and a sufficiently long coherence time; the satisfaction of these by NMR will be<br />

explained in the remainder of this section. Throughout we will use “nucleus,” “spin,” and<br />

“qubit” interchangeably, since the exclusive topic of this section is spin-1/2 nuclei.<br />

2.1.1 The static Hamiltonian<br />

The NMR system consists of a sample of dissolved molecules, the nuclear spins of which,<br />

in thermal equilibrium, are aligned (or antialigned) with a strong external magnetic field<br />

of magnitude B0, which by convention points along the ˆz direction. Oscillating magnetic<br />

fields of peak magnitude B1, and oriented along ˆx and ˆy, are applied to the nuclei to<br />

rotate their spin states. Finally, the bulk magnetization of the sample may be read out<br />

inductively, giving an ensemble measurement of the spin states. Details of this setup for a<br />

real experimental system are given in Sec. 3.4. In this chapter, we focus on the Hamiltonian<br />

and control techniques.<br />

The static portion of the NMR Hamiltonian is composed of two terms: one describes<br />

rotations of the nuclei about the ˆz axis due to the the static magnetic field, and the other<br />

describes the spin-spin coupling between nuclei. Using i to index the individual nuclear<br />

spins, the term due to B0 is written<br />

H0 = <br />

ω0Zi , (2.1)<br />

i<br />

where the Larmor frequency ω0 is given by ω0 = gNµnB0/, and gN is the nuclear g-factor,<br />


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