Ph.D. Thesis - Physics

Ph.D. Thesis - Physics

Ph.D. Thesis - Physics


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1.1 Quantum information<br />

The concept of using the information contained in quantum states has led to the discovery<br />

of many new technologies, including computation, cryptography, communication, precision<br />

measurement, and simulation.<br />

The possibility of exponential speedups for tasks such as factoring and discrete loga-<br />

rithms [Sho94], in addition to the square-root (but nonetheless attractive) speed-up of the<br />

quantum search algorithm [Gro97], has spurred a huge effort from theoretical and experi-<br />

mental research groups toward developing a practical quantum information processor. Many<br />

experimental successes using NMR, trapped-ion, and other physical systems have demon-<br />

strated all the basic protocols of quantum computation and quantum communication. The<br />

theoretical breakthrough of the discovery of quantum error correction [CS96, Ste96], and<br />

with it fault-tolerant quantum computation [Sho96, DS96, Got97], has provided a way to<br />

overcome the unavoidable errors that will afflict the delicate information encoded in quan-<br />

tum states. With error correction, however, comes a large overhead in the number of qubits<br />

(quantum bits) that must be employed.<br />

The discovery of these algorithms has been accompanied by other interesting possibilities<br />

that make use of the tools of quantum information. One of these is quantum cryptography,<br />

which is a provably secure protocol for private key distribution [BB84]. A series of qubits is<br />

used in this scheme to transmit a key which can be used to decode a message; attempting<br />

to intercept the quantum message leads to a loss of the coherence of the message, and this<br />

can be detected and the key discarded in the event of eavesdropping. It is remarkable that<br />

the laws of physics guarantee privacy that no one may breech. This is to date the most<br />

technologically advanced application of quantum information, in that commercial quantum<br />

cryptography systems are already available 1 .<br />

Another exciting application of quantum information has been to precision measure-<br />

ment. There are two main approaches: the first has shown that phase measurement on a<br />

set of N entangled qubits has an error that scales as 1/N, whereas the best that is pos-<br />

sible classically is 1/ √ N. Another more recent technique uses a two-qubit quantum logic<br />

gate in an ion trap to probe the structure of an ion that itself has no “cycling transition”<br />

and thus cannot be directly probed [SRL + 05]. Such techniques have improved our measure-<br />

ment of time and frequency, and perhaps also enable more-precise measurements of physical<br />

constants such as the fine structure constant.<br />

The field of quantum communication is integral to many of the applications above, and is<br />

also interesting in its own right. The most noteworthy protocol for transmission of quantum<br />

information is quantum teleportation, in which a quantum state may be sent between two<br />

arbitrarily distant persons if they share a single entangled state in advance, and use two<br />

bits of classical communication per quantum bit [BBC + 93]. A related technique, superdense<br />

coding, permits the transmission of two classical bits using one qubit of a two-qubit entangled<br />

1 For example, see MagiQ: http://www.magiqtech.com<br />


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