Ph.D. Thesis - Physics

Ph.D. Thesis - Physics

Ph.D. Thesis - Physics


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Our experimental results are presented in Fig. 6-9. This composite figure illustrates<br />

several results. First, in (a), it shows that the cloud fluorescence intensity closely matches a<br />

Gaussian fit, allowing measurement of the cloud center to within ±0.5 µm. This translates<br />

into a precision of electric field measurement of about 10 V/m at zero field. The remainder<br />

of this figure shows our measurements of the ˆx and ˆy electric fields as a function of Vtop.<br />

This enables us to determine the required compensation voltages, Vtop = 1.0±0.1 V and<br />

V5 = 1.3±0.3 V. Either V4 or V5 could be used for compensating ˆx. It was convenient to<br />

use V5, since V4 was already used for the secular frequency measurement. The estimated<br />

residual displacement of a single ion at these voltages is 0.2 µm. The nonlinear dependence<br />

of Eˆy on Vtop is due to the anharmonicity of the trap along ˆy, unaccounted for in the above<br />

simple model.<br />

6.3.3 Discussion<br />

Our measurements demonstrate that the compensation voltages for the trap do not agree<br />

well with the prediction of theory. At the theoretical compensation voltages V5 = 0 V<br />

and Vtop = -24.5 V, both Eˆx and Eˆy should be zero. We can determine the stray fields<br />

by measuring the actual values of Eˆx and Eˆy at these settings. At V5 = 0 V and with<br />

Eˆy = 0 (done by setting Vtop to 1 V), Eˆx was measured to be 30 V/m. Unfortunately,<br />

the trap was unstable at the ideal Vtop voltage. Instead of measuring Eˆy at this point, we<br />

extrapolate from Fig. 6-9, subfigure (c), that Eˆy ≈ 2000 V/m. This is in order-of-magnitude<br />

agreement with a parallel plate model, Eˆy = (Vexpt − Videal − V1)/d = 4200 V/m, where<br />

Vexpt is the measured compensation voltage (Vtop = 1.0 V), Videal is the ideal compensation<br />

value (Vtop = -24.5 V), and d is the distance between the top plate and the trap electrodes<br />

(d = 6.3 mm). Of course, these results depend on the agreement between our measured<br />

and predicted secular frequencies. They agree on a 5-10% level, with greater differences<br />

along ˆy, presumably due to the larger stray fields in that direction. These errors increase<br />

the uncertainty in our measurements a bit, but do not change the basic conclusions.<br />

The stray field along ˆx is comparable to those reported for 3-D ion traps [BMB + 98].<br />

However, that along ˆy is on the order of 10 times larger. This suggests significant charging<br />

on either the dielectric on the ion trap, the top plate, or the observation window. This is<br />

clearly a problem when using PCB ion traps. Indeed, these stray fields all but prevented<br />

direct loading at UHV pressures, necessitating the use of the helium buffer gas. This is<br />

mainly because the stray field degrades the trap depth, although it also can cause excessive<br />

rf heating. This is due to the fact that, in the cloud state, driven micromotion couples<br />

to the secular motion. Before compensation, the UHV cloud lifetime was less than 10 s.<br />

Following compensation, ion cloud lifetimes of 10 minutes at 10 −9 torr were observed. This<br />

pressure was limited by residual buffer-gas pressure. As stated above, Rogers 4350B is a<br />

UHV-compatible material after bakeout. Subsequent PCB traps in vacuum have attained<br />

pressures in the 10 −11 torr range.<br />


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