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exert forces on atoms even though<br />

atoms are only slightly magnetic and<br />

electrically neutral. An atom in a mag-<br />

netic field will be drawn toward the re-<br />

gion of strongest field if the south pole<br />

of the atom points toward the north<br />

pole of the field. An atom in an electric<br />

fleM will be attracted toward the re-<br />

gion of highest field as well. The elec-<br />

trie field pulls on the negative charges<br />

in the atom, white repelling the positive<br />

charges. As a result of the new distribu-<br />

tkm of charge, the atom is attracted to-<br />

ward the positively charged rod.<br />

The magnitude of this scattering<br />

force is quite low. If an atom absorbs a<br />

single photon, its change in velocity is<br />

tiny compared with the average veloci-<br />

ty of atoms in a gas at room tempera-<br />

tare. (The change is on the order of one<br />

centimeter per second, the crawling<br />

speed of an ant, whereas an atom at<br />

room temperature moves at the speed<br />

of a supersonic jet.)<br />

This scattering force was first detect-<br />

ed in 1933, when Otto R Frisch used it<br />

to deflect a beam of sodium atoms. He<br />

prepared the atoms by vaporizing sodi-<br />

um in a container. To form the beam,<br />

he allowed the atoms to pass through a<br />

hole in the container and a series of<br />

slits. Once established, the beam was<br />

bombarded with light from a sodium<br />

lamp. Although, on average, each sodi-<br />

um atom absorbed only a single pho-<br />

ton, Frisch was able to detect a slight<br />

deflection of the beam.<br />

The scattering force that Frisch gen-<br />

erated was far too weak to capture<br />

\ atoms. Decades later workers realized<br />

that the photon-scattering rate could<br />

be increased to more than 10 million<br />

photons per second, corresponding to<br />

a force 100,000 tunes greater than the<br />

pull of gravity by the earth. The first<br />

dramatic demonstration of the scattering<br />

force on atoms was made by two<br />

separate groups led by Phillips and John<br />

L. Hall at the National Bureau of Standards.<br />

In 1985 they stopped a beam of<br />

atoms and reduced the temperature of<br />

the atoms from roughly 300 kelvins<br />

(room temperature) to 0.1 kelvin.<br />

The power of the scattering force<br />

attainable with lasers gave researchers<br />

hope that they could not only stop<br />

atoms but trap them as well. But attempts<br />

to configure several laser beams<br />

so that they could collect and concentrate<br />

atoms in some region of space<br />

seemed doomed to failure. According to<br />

a principle known as the Optical Earnshaw<br />

Theorem, it is impossible to fashion<br />

a light trap out of any configuration<br />

of light beams if the scattering force is<br />

proportional to the light intensity. The<br />

problem is that the beams cannot be<br />

arranged to generate only inward directed<br />

forces. Any light that enters a trapping<br />

region must eventually escape and<br />

must therefore carry outward directed<br />

forces as well. Even if Luke Skywalker<br />

were a physicist, the (scattering) force<br />

would not always be with him.<br />

F<br />

ortunately, an atomic trap can be<br />

based on another kind of force<br />

that light can exert on atoms. To<br />

understand this force, it is instructive<br />

to consider how small particles can be<br />

attracted to a positively charged object,<br />

such as a glass rod rubbed with cat's<br />

fur. The rod produces an electric field<br />

that polarizes the particle. Consequently,<br />

the average position of positive<br />

charges in the particle will be slightly<br />

farther away from the rod than the average<br />

position of the negative charges.<br />

This asymmetric distribution of charge<br />

is said to have a dipole moment. The attractive<br />

dipole force exerted by the electric<br />

field on the negative charges of the<br />

particle is stronger than the repulsive<br />

force on the positive charges. As a result,<br />

the particle is pulled toward the<br />

regions where the electric field is<br />

strongest. Notice that this force is analogous<br />

to the magnetic dipole force first<br />

used to trap neutrons and atoms. If the<br />

charge on the rod were negative, the<br />

electric field would induce a dipole moment<br />

of reversed polarity, and the particle<br />

would still be attracted to regions<br />

of high electric field.<br />

Because of the dipole force, atoms can<br />

be trapped by an electric field that has a<br />

local maximum of some point in space.<br />

Could such fields be produced by some<br />

clever arrangement of electric charges?<br />

For any system of fixed charges, the<br />

answer is no. Yet an electric fieldwith a<br />

local maximum can be achieved in a<br />

dynamic system. In particular, because I<br />

light is made up of rapidly oscillating<br />

electric and magnetic fields, a focused<br />

laser beam can produce an alternating<br />

electric field with a local maximum. \<br />

When the field interacts with an atom,, '<br />

it alters the distribution of electrons<br />

around the atom, thereby inducing an<br />

electric dipole moment. The atom will<br />

thus be attracted to the local maximum<br />

in the field, just as the charged particle<br />

was drawn toward the rod.<br />

The fact that the electric field changes<br />

rapidly does not present a problem. As<br />

the field changes polarity, the dipole<br />

moment of the atom also switches<br />

around. As long as the field changes at<br />

a rate slower than the natural oscillation<br />

frequencies of the atom, the dipole<br />

moment remains aligned with the field.<br />

The atom therefore continues to move<br />

toward the local maximum. As a result,<br />

this dipole force can be used to confine<br />

atoms. In 1968 Vladilen S. Letokhov<br />

first proposed that atoms could be<br />

trapped in a light beam using the dipole<br />

force, and 10 years later Arthur<br />

Ashkin of AT&T Bell Laboratories suggested<br />

a more practical trap based on<br />

<<br />

focused laser beams.<br />

Although the dipole-force trap is ele-<br />

gant in conception, it had practical<br />

problems. To minimize the scattering<br />

force, the light must be tuned well be-<br />

low the frequency at which the atoms<br />

readily absorb photons. At those large<br />

detunings, the trapping forces are so<br />

feeble that atoms as cold as OJOl kelvin<br />

cannot be held in the trap. Even when<br />

colder atoms were placed in the trap,<br />

they would boil out of the trap in a mat-<br />

ter of a few thousandths of a second as<br />

a result of the ever present photon scat-<br />

tering. In addition, the task of injecting<br />

atoms into the trap seemed daunting<br />

because the volume of the trap would<br />

only be 0.001 cubic millimeter.<br />

For these reasons, the challenges to<br />

optical trapping seemed formidable.<br />

Then, in 1985, a scheme for a workable<br />

optical trap became apparent after<br />

atoms were laser cooled in all dimen-<br />

sions and to much lower temperatures<br />

than the stopped atomic beams. The<br />

laser-cooling idea was first proposed in<br />

1975 by Theodor Hansch and Arthur<br />

Schawlow of Stanford University. In the<br />

same year, a similar scheme for cooling<br />

trapped ions with lasers was proposed<br />

by David J. Wineland and Hans G. Deh-<br />

melt of the University of Washington<br />

The researchers predicted that an<br />

atom could be cooled if it is irradiated<br />

from two sides by laser light at a fre-<br />

quency slightly lower than the frequen-<br />

cy needed for maximum absorption. If<br />

the atom moves in a direction oppo-<br />

*<br />

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I<br />


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