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Download - Bechtel International Center - Stanford University

Download - Bechtel International Center - Stanford University


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Comparison of international undergraduate to domestic undergraduate population<br />

1980-2002<br />

7000<br />

6000<br />

5000<br />

4000<br />

3000<br />

2000<br />

1000<br />

0<br />

6445 6334 6297 6296 6282 6245 6268 6238 6151 6150 6161 6321 6304 6299 6260 6277 6246 6331 6282 6293 6234 6300 6396<br />

185 256 266 295 311 293 304 333 306 355 394<br />

1980<br />

<strong>International</strong> Undergrads<br />

Domestic Under grads<br />

1981<br />

1982<br />

1983<br />

1984<br />

1985<br />

1986<br />

1987<br />

1988<br />

1989<br />

1990<br />

206 260 274 301 300 304 308 309 301 314 336 335<br />

Year <strong>International</strong> Domestic Univ. Total % of Undergrads<br />

Undergrads Undergrads Undergrads Who Are Int’l<br />

1980 185 6445 6630 2.8%<br />

1981 256 6334 6590 3.9%<br />

1982 266 6297 6563 4.1%<br />

1983 295 6296 6591 4.5%<br />

1984 311 6282 6593 4.7%<br />

1985 293 6245 6538 4.5%<br />

1986 304 6268 6572 4.6%<br />

1987 333 6238 6571 5.0%<br />

1988 306 6151 6457 4.7%<br />

1989 355 6150 6505 5.4%<br />

1990 394 6161 6555 6.0%<br />

1991* 206 6321 6527 3.1%<br />

1992* 260 6304 6564 3.9%<br />

1993* 274 6299 6573 4.2%<br />

1994* 301 6260 6561 4.5%<br />

1995* 300 6277 6577 4.50%<br />

1996* 304 6246 6550 4.60%<br />

1997* 308 6331 6639 4.60%<br />

1998* 309 6282 6591 4.60%<br />

1999* 301 6293 6594 4.50%<br />

2000* 314 6234 6548 4.80%<br />

2001* 336 6300 6636 4.90%<br />

2002* 335 6396 6731 4.90%<br />

* Non-immigrant only<br />

1991*<br />

1992*<br />

1993*<br />

1994*<br />

1995*<br />

1996*<br />

1997*<br />

1998*<br />

1999*<br />

2000*<br />

2 0<br />


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