presentation I - MANHAZ

presentation I - MANHAZ

presentation I - MANHAZ


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EMEP long range transport air<br />

pollution models and their<br />

applications for policy making<br />

Jerzy Bartnicki<br />

Norwegian<br />

Meteorological<br />

Institute<br />

EMEP MSC/W<br />


Outline of Part 1<br />

What is EMEP and why EMEP?<br />

Beginning of EMEP<br />

EMEP as a part of Geneva Convention (CLRTAP)<br />

Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution<br />

FIRST EMEP model<br />

EMEP UNFIED model (MSC-W)<br />

Heavy Metal model (MSC-E)<br />

POPs model (MSC-E)

What is EMEP and why EMEP?<br />

EMEP – Co-operative programme for monitoring and<br />

evaluation of the long-range transmission of air pollutants<br />

in Europe. Popular shorter name: European Monitoring and<br />

Evaluation Programme. At present international<br />

programme in the frame of Geneva Convention with more<br />

than 50 participating European countries.<br />

Emergency context: 1) Serious problem with acidification<br />

in Scandinavia in 1960s and 1970s 2) some of European<br />

forests reported dead in 1970s and1980s 3) nitrogen<br />

oxides, ozone, heavy metals, POPs and aerosol problems<br />

at present 4) experimental runs with radioactive debris

Beginning of EMEP<br />

Svante Oden – Sweden (1967) – first public warning:<br />

• precipitation all over Europe more acid and correlated<br />

with increase of SO 2 emissions<br />

• serious acidification of lakes in Scandinavia<br />

• acidification of forest soils<br />

Follow up OECD study with 11 participants, which<br />

concluded that:<br />

“air quality in any European country is measurably<br />

effected by emissions from other countries”<br />

and that<br />

“if countries find it desirable to reduce substantially the<br />

total deposition of sulphur within their borders individual<br />

national control programmes can achieve only a limited<br />


Beginning of EMEP<br />

1977 – A new programme is established under UNECE:<br />

European Monitoring and Evaluation Programme for<br />

Transboundary Long-Range Transported Air Pollutants,<br />

EMEP. In total 25 European countries participated in the<br />

programme.<br />

Modelling in the frame of EMEP started at the Norwegian<br />

Institute for Air Research (NILU) and after a short period<br />

was continued at the Norwegian Meteorological Institute in<br />

Oslo, initially by the team of two scientists: Anton Eliassen<br />

and Jørgen Saltbones.<br />

1979 – EMEP becomes a part of the Geneva<br />

Convention: Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air<br />

Pollution (CLRTAP)

CLTRAP Convention<br />

(www.unece.org<br />

www.unece.org)<br />

November 1979 – signature of Convention by 34<br />

European Governments and European Community<br />

The Convention was the first international legally binding<br />

instrument to deal with problems of air pollution on a broad<br />

regional basis<br />

16 March 1983 – The Convention entered to force, 90<br />

days after it had been ratified by 24 Parties<br />

At present, there are more than 50 Parties to the<br />


Major principles of CLTRAP:<br />

a) The recognition that air pollution is a major problem;<br />

b) The declaration that Contracting Parties determined “to<br />

protect man and his environment against air pollution”<br />

would “endeavour to limit and, as far as possible,<br />

gradually reduce and prevent air pollution”;<br />

c) The commitment of Contracting Parties to ”by means of<br />

exchange of information, consultation, research and<br />

monitoring, taking into account develop without undue<br />

delay policies and strategies which shell serve as a<br />

means of combating the discharge of air pollutants,<br />

taking into account efforts already made at national and<br />

international levels”;<br />

d) The intention to use “the best available technology<br />

which is economically feasible” to meet the objectives of

Structure of CLTRAP and EMEP

Elements of the EMEP<br />

programme:<br />

programme<br />

1. collection of emission data (MSC-W);<br />

2. measurements of air and precipitation quality<br />

(CCC);<br />

3. modelling of atmospheric dispersion, using<br />

emission data, meteorological data, and functions<br />

describing the transformation and removal<br />

processes (MSC-W + MSC-E).

Anton Eliassen<br />

Jørgen Saltbones<br />

First EMEP model<br />

One layer, 2-D trajectory model for<br />

SO 2 and SO 4<br />

Backward 48 hours trajectories<br />

850 hPa wind, every 6 hours<br />

Constant mixing height 1000 m<br />

Constant dry deposition velocities<br />

Constant scavenging ratios<br />

127 km grid resolution

Development of the EMEP<br />

models<br />

Trajectory model for SO 2 and SO 4 only<br />

Implementation of nitrogen oxides<br />

Implementation of ozone chemistry<br />

First Eulerian multi-layer model<br />

Eulerian models for HM and POPs (MSC-E)<br />

Introduction of aerosol module<br />

EMEP Unified model

UNIFIED model -<br />

scientists<br />

Leonor Tarrason<br />

Project leader<br />

David Simpson<br />

Hilde Fagerli<br />

Chemistry<br />

Anton Eliassen - Leader<br />

Jan Eiof Jonson<br />

Ozone<br />

Peter Wind Svetlana Tsyro Vigdis Vestreng

EMEP UNIFIED model<br />

UNI - AERO<br />

EMEP acidification<br />

14 species, 4 size modes<br />

Aerosol dynamics<br />

Multimono<br />

Boundary, lateral and initial conditions<br />

Meteorological conditions<br />

Advection<br />

Emissions<br />

UNI - ACID<br />

EMEP acidification<br />

10 species + PPM<br />

Dry and Wet Deposition<br />

UNI - OZONE<br />

EMEP photochemistry<br />

69 species, 170 reactions<br />

PPM mass: 2 species

EMEP grid system

Vertical<br />

structure<br />

σ – co-ordinates<br />

20 layers +mid-layers

Vertical structure (cont.)

Model equation<br />

p − pT<br />

σ<br />

=<br />

p*<br />

*<br />

p = p − p<br />

S<br />


Advection<br />

Bott 4 th order - horizontal<br />

Bott 2 nd order with variable grid distance in<br />

vertical<br />

Pure air is also advected to conserve mass<br />

After each advection step the new mixing<br />

ratios are calculated:<br />

C<br />

p<br />

t+<br />

∆T<br />

x<br />

*<br />

=<br />

* t+<br />

∆t<br />

x = * t+<br />

∆t<br />

( Cair<br />

p )<br />

p<br />

S<br />

(<br />

C<br />

−<br />

p<br />

T<br />

p<br />


Meteorological data

Vertical diffusion<br />

K z calculated first based on local Richardson<br />

numbers for the entire 3D model domain.<br />

These values are applied above the PBL and<br />

for stable PBL<br />

O’Brien (1970) profile is used to calculate<br />

K z (z) for unstable boundary layer<br />

PBL is calculated based on NWP data and K z<br />

and there are limits: 100m < PBL < 3000m

Anthropogenic emissions<br />

Sulphur dioxide (SO 2 )<br />

Nitrogen oxides (NO x =NO+NO 2 )<br />

Ammonia (NH 3 )<br />

Non-methane volatile organic compounds<br />

(NMVOC)<br />

Carbon monoxide (CO)<br />

Particulates PM 2.5 and PM 10

Sector 1<br />

Sector 2<br />

Sector 3<br />

Sector 4<br />

Sector 5<br />

Sector 6<br />

Sector 7<br />

Sector 8<br />

Sector 9<br />

Sector 10<br />

Sector 11<br />

Agriculture<br />

Source sectors<br />

Combustion in energy and transformation industry<br />

Non-industrial combustion plants<br />

Combustion in manufacturing industry<br />

Production processes<br />

Extraction and distribution of fossil fuels and geothermal energy<br />

Solvent and other product use<br />

Road transport<br />

Other mobile sources and machinery (including ship traffic)<br />

Waste treatment and disposal<br />

Other sources and sinks

Emissions<br />

VOC – VOC emissions are specified in each<br />

sector<br />

Aircraft– seasonally averaged aircraft<br />

emissions are included for NO x as 3D fields.<br />

Shipping – emissions included in sector 8<br />

NMVOC – emissions calculated as function of<br />

temperature and solar radiation<br />

DMS – mantly average emissions as SO 2<br />

Lightning - monthly average 3D NO x fields<br />

Volcanoes – included for Italy

Land use<br />

data<br />

16 classes<br />

Same for<br />

deposition<br />

modelling and<br />

biogenic<br />

emission<br />


Initial and boundary conditions<br />

Four methods currently available:<br />

1. 3D fields from previous runs of the same or<br />

another version of the Unified model<br />

2. 3D fields from observations<br />

3. 3D fields from global chemical transport<br />

model<br />

4. Prescribed concentrations in terms of latitude<br />

and time of the year (or time of the day)

Chemical species<br />

Chemical species<br />

MACRO2<br />

MVKO2<br />

MALO2<br />

MEKO2<br />

OXYO2<br />

PRRO2<br />

ETRO2<br />

ISRO2<br />

SECC4H9O2<br />

C2H5O2<br />

CH3O2<br />

HO2<br />

OH<br />

OP<br />

OD<br />

Short-lived:<br />

PMco<br />

PM2.5<br />

AMNI<br />

AMSU<br />

NH3<br />

pNO3<br />

SO4<br />

SO2<br />

CH4<br />

CO<br />

H2<br />

C2H5OH<br />

CH3OH<br />

ISNIRH<br />

ISONO3H<br />

MAR2O2H<br />

CH3COO2H<br />

H2O2<br />

ISRO2H<br />

MARO2H<br />

MVKO2H<br />

MALO2H<br />

MEKO2H<br />

OXYO2H<br />

PRRO2H<br />

ETRO2H<br />

secC4H9O2H<br />

C2H5OOH<br />

CH3O2H<br />

ISOP<br />

OXYL<br />

C3H6<br />

C2H4<br />

NC4H10<br />

C2H6<br />

CH3CHO<br />

HCHO<br />

MVK<br />

MEK<br />

MAL<br />

MGLYOX<br />

GLYOX<br />

ISNIR<br />

ISNI<br />

MACR<br />

CH3COO2<br />

CH2CCH3<br />

HNO3<br />

ISONO3<br />

N2O5<br />

NO3<br />

MPAN<br />

PAN<br />

NO2<br />

NO<br />

O3<br />

Advected species



Photolysis<br />


Chemical<br />


Chemical<br />


Chemical<br />


Chemical<br />


Chemical<br />


Chemical<br />


Chemical<br />


Chemical reactions<br />

Numerical solution – the chemical equations are<br />

solved using TWOSTEP method tested by Verwer<br />

and Simpson (1995).

Dry deposition of gases<br />

dCi ( zref<br />

) Vg<br />

⋅Ci<br />

( zref<br />

= −<br />

dt ∆z<br />

V<br />

g<br />

=<br />

R<br />

a<br />

1<br />

+ R<br />

b<br />

+<br />

R<br />

c<br />


Dry deposition for aerosol<br />

dCi ( zref<br />

) Vg<br />

⋅Ci<br />

( zref<br />

= −<br />

dt ∆z<br />

Vg υs<br />

R R R R υ +<br />

1<br />

=<br />

+ +<br />

a<br />

b<br />

Bounce-off effect is calculated for aerosols<br />

a<br />

b<br />

s<br />


Wet deposition:<br />

in-cloud in cloud<br />

scavenging<br />

For soluble component C:<br />

∆C<br />

wet<br />

=<br />

Win<br />

⋅ P<br />

−C<br />

∆z<br />

⋅ ρ<br />


Wet deposition: below-cloud<br />

below cloud<br />

For gases:<br />

∆C<br />

For particles:<br />

∆C<br />

wet<br />

wet<br />

=<br />

scavenging<br />

=<br />

Wsub<br />

⋅ P<br />

−C<br />

∆z<br />

⋅ ρ<br />

−C<br />

A⋅<br />

P<br />

⋅ E<br />

V<br />

dr<br />


Aerosol dynamics<br />

AEROSOLS: SO4, NO3, NH4, organic carbon (AC),<br />

elemental carbon (EC), mineral dust,<br />

sea salt (NaCl)<br />

Four modes:<br />

1. nuclation (d < 0.02µm)<br />

2. Aitken (0.02 µm < d < 0.1 µm)<br />

3. accumulation (0.1µm < d < 2.5 µm)<br />

4. coarse (2.5 µm < d < 10 µm)<br />

• Calculation of particle mass and number<br />

distributed in four modes, aerosol chemical<br />

composition, as well as, concentrations of PM 2.5<br />

and PM 10 .

Computer implementation<br />

1. Parallel design<br />

2. Code in FORTRAN 90<br />

3. Computer in Trondheim – SGI Origin 3800<br />

4. One year run requires 11 hours real time on 32 MIPS<br />

R14000 1200 Mflops processors<br />

Synchro<br />

Meteo10%<br />

10%<br />

Adavectio<br />

n<br />

10%<br />

Chemistry<br />

70%<br />

CPU usage

Heavy metal model (MSCE-HM)<br />

(MSCE HM)<br />

Eulerian 3D, 5 layers<br />

Pb, Cd, Hg<br />

50×50km, 135×11 grid cells

POP model (MSCE-POP)<br />

(MSCE POP)<br />

Eulerian 3D, 5 layers<br />

HCB, PCBs, γ-HCH<br />

50×50km, 135×11 grid cells

Hemispheric model (in development)<br />

MSC-E MSC<br />

Eulerian 3D, 8 σ-layers<br />

HCB, PCBs, γ-HCH, Pb, Cd, Hg<br />

2.5 o ×2.5 o

Future of EMEP models<br />

• Hemispheric or global approach<br />

• Improvement of aerosol module<br />

• Increased resolution in the large cities<br />

• Data assimilation<br />

• Closer cooperation with the Parties

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