Creationism - National Center for Science Education

Creationism - National Center for Science Education Creationism - National Center for Science Education


[1] That during the time of the Deluge...all the stone and marble of the antediluvian earth, all the metals of it, all the mineral concretions, everything, in a word, that had obtained any solidity, were totally dissolved and their constituent corpuscles all disjointed, their cohesion perfectly ceasing. [2] That all this sand, earth and the like, together with animal and plant remains were all assumed up promiscuously into the water and sustained in it in such a manner that the water and bodies in it together made up a common, confused mass. [3] That at length all the mass that was thus borne up in the water was again precipitated and subsided toward the bottom. [4] That this subsidence happened generally, and, as near as possibly could be expected in so great a confusion, according to the laws of gravity. [5] That the matter, subsiding thus, formed the strata of stone, of marble, of coal, of earth and the rest, of which strata. lying one upon another, the terrestrial globe...doth mainly consist. [6] That human bodies and the bodies of quadrupeds and other land animals, of birds, of fishes, as also trees, shrubs and all other vegetables...were not precipitated till the last, and so lay above all the former, constituting the supreme or outermost stratum of the globe. Nelson stressed the importance of Woodward’s hypothesis of sorting by specific gravity (1968:35), but pointed out that, by itself, it was incomplete. To this agency must be added the hypothesis that the Flood consisted of successive tidal waves or currents sweeping back and forth, each wave depositing another set of sediments, thus accounting for the alternatively layered nature of much of the stratigraphic record. Flood Geologists such as John Williams were to add this later (1789), as Nelson carefully explained; and Morris, after Nelson, also made it an important feature of his Flood Geology. William Bell Dawson, son of John William Dawson of McGill University, was, like his father, a geology professor at McGill. He was active in this era writing books and booklets such as Forethought in Creation (1925), Evolution Contrasted with Scripture Truth (1926), The Bible Confirmed by Science (1932), Is Evolution True? Error and the Way of Truth (1932). “The essential contrast between the doctrine of Evolution and the Bible, and the need to choose between them is thus clear”; the spread of unbelief is due to evolutionary teaching. Captain Bernard Acworth, the founder and later president of the Evolution Protest Movement, was a British submarine commander (according to Nature 1973:360 he was reputed to have won a libel suit against Churchill), and also a respected amateur ornithologist. He wrote a 1929 book based on anti-evolution articles published in various journals (Morris 1984b:206; Acworth 1929). Later (1934), he wrote a book subtitled The Tragedy of Evolution, which is an eloquent plea for creationism. Stating that evolution and creation are “flatly contradictory,” he contends that if creationism were to be accepted as true, then Christianity would regain the ground it lost in England due to the advance of evolution. Evolution, he claimed, resulted in bad morals and evil behavior. Acworth founded the Evolution Protest Movement in 1932. The EPM’s first leaflet (quoted in Munday 1986:41) explained the new organization’s motivation and objectives: Dear Sir (or Madam), The public is conscious that the country is in a critical state and that subversive doctrines are undermining every aspect of our national life. There must, therefore, be some fundamental fallacy operating in the mind of the country as a whole. We believe this fallacy to be the acceptance, as true, of the theory of Evolution and its employment as the spring of action in all spheres... Christianity sanctifies the individual and the home; Evolution glorifies the herd and is the parent of Socialism and Communism. In Russia the theory of evolution has supplanted Christianity. Darwin is the new Messiah.

We feel the public are being deceived. Evolution propaganda does not present the facts impartially; it dwells upon those which favour the theory, while suppressing those which oppose it. Such are not the methods of true, but of false, science. Seventh-day Adventist Harold W. Clark carried on the pioneering tradition of George McCready Price. Clark studied under Price at Pacific Union College, then taught biology there himself for 35 years. His 1929 book Back to Creation is “A Defense of the Scientific Accuracy of the Doctrine of Special Creation, and a Plea for a Return to Faith in a Literal Interpretation of the Genesis Record of Creation as Opposed to the Theory of Evolution.” Clark wrote ten more books advocating strict creationism right up to 1980. “Any true scientific theory regarding the origin and early history of earth and its life,” he wrote (1947:3), “must agree with a plain, simple obvious rendering” of Genesis. In Genes and Genesis (1940), Clark tried to correct the common accusation that all creationists must believe in absolute fixity of species. He allowed for some speciation, and regarded the created biblical “kinds” as larger taxa, with variation possible within kinds. The record says that God created each “after his kind,” but does not say that variations were impossible. The creationist of today does not make any claims for the immutability of species... He has no dispute with modern science over the possibility of variation, isolation, natural selection, and such factors producing new species. He does, however, maintain that the world and its life originally came into existence in six days through the direct intervention of the power of God. In this position he holds his ground against the speculations and criticisms of all who attempt to interpose the theory of evolutionary processes in the place of the record of the creative fiat of the Almighty. [1940:138] Clark continued to deny fixity of species in later books. The original plan of Creation has been subverted by Satan, he explained; this itself involved much mixing and variation within “kinds.” Some animals became carnivores. Parasites are clear examples of degenerative change. This denial of species immutability is part of Clark’s attempt at a “positive” treatment of creationism, rather than simply a debunking of evolution. By the late 1930s, Clark began to realize that his mentor Price’s Flood Geology had certain shortcomings. He tried to update Price’s New Geology in 1946 with his book The New Diluvialism. 12 Though remaining a devout strict young-earth creationist and Flood Geologist, he added a discussion of post-Flood glaciation (Price simply attributed glacial effects to the Flood). He also introduced his Ecological Zonation theory, proposing that the systematic order of fossil strata results from burial by the Flood of different life zones or ecological communities. This was a departure from Price’s assertion that the strata could and did appear in any order. Price recognized different fossil assemblages, to be sure, but insisted that these could appear in any order; Clark proposed that these ecological zones, though still contemporaneous, followed a certain order from bottom to top; in other words, he accepted the standard geological column (though not its temporal implications). According to Numbers (1982:541), Price, when he learned of Clark’s apostasy, aimed a “vitriolic pamphlet,” Theories of Satanic Origin, at his disloyal student. Though Price denounced him for years afterwards, Clark insisted that he was still a literal 12 In The New Geology (1923:7), Price had written: “The first edition of any pioneer work of this kind, which endeavors to reconstruct the whole body of so highly developed a science as geology in many of its aspects now is, can not fail to be in many respects a crude affair; but the readers of the book can materially assist the author in making subsequent editions more in keeping with his high aims to build only on that solid ground of nature...”

[1] That during the time of the Deluge...all the stone and marble of the antediluvian earth, all the metals of<br />

it, all the mineral concretions, everything, in a word, that had obtained any solidity, were totally dissolved<br />

and their constituent corpuscles all disjointed, their cohesion perfectly ceasing. [2] That all this sand, earth<br />

and the like, together with animal and plant remains were all assumed up promiscuously into the water and<br />

sustained in it in such a manner that the water and bodies in it together made up a common, confused mass.<br />

[3] That at length all the mass that was thus borne up in the water was again precipitated and subsided<br />

toward the bottom. [4] That this subsidence happened generally, and, as near as possibly could be expected<br />

in so great a confusion, according to the laws of gravity. [5] That the matter, subsiding thus, <strong>for</strong>med the<br />

strata of stone, of marble, of coal, of earth and the rest, of which strata. lying one upon another, the<br />

terrestrial globe...doth mainly consist. [6] That human bodies and the bodies of quadrupeds and other land<br />

animals, of birds, of fishes, as also trees, shrubs and all other vegetables...were not precipitated till the last,<br />

and so lay above all the <strong>for</strong>mer, constituting the supreme or outermost stratum of the globe.<br />

Nelson stressed the importance of Woodward’s hypothesis of sorting by specific<br />

gravity (1968:35), but pointed out that, by itself, it was incomplete. To this agency must<br />

be added the hypothesis that the Flood consisted of successive tidal waves or currents<br />

sweeping back and <strong>for</strong>th, each wave depositing another set of sediments, thus accounting<br />

<strong>for</strong> the alternatively layered nature of much of the stratigraphic record. Flood Geologists<br />

such as John Williams were to add this later (1789), as Nelson carefully explained; and<br />

Morris, after Nelson, also made it an important feature of his Flood Geology.<br />

William Bell Dawson, son of John William Dawson of McGill University, was,<br />

like his father, a geology professor at McGill. He was active in this era writing books<br />

and booklets such as Forethought in Creation (1925), Evolution Contrasted with<br />

Scripture Truth (1926), The Bible Confirmed by <strong>Science</strong> (1932), Is Evolution True?<br />

Error and the Way of Truth (1932). “The essential contrast between the doctrine of<br />

Evolution and the Bible, and the need to choose between them is thus clear”; the spread<br />

of unbelief is due to evolutionary teaching.<br />

Captain Bernard Acworth, the founder and later president of the Evolution Protest<br />

Movement, was a British submarine commander (according to Nature 1973:360 he was<br />

reputed to have won a libel suit against Churchill), and also a respected amateur<br />

ornithologist. He wrote a 1929 book based on anti-evolution articles published in various<br />

journals (Morris 1984b:206; Acworth 1929). Later (1934), he wrote a book subtitled The<br />

Tragedy of Evolution, which is an eloquent plea <strong>for</strong> creationism. Stating that evolution<br />

and creation are “flatly contradictory,” he contends that if creationism were to be<br />

accepted as true, then Christianity would regain the ground it lost in England due to the<br />

advance of evolution. Evolution, he claimed, resulted in bad morals and evil behavior.<br />

Acworth founded the Evolution Protest Movement in 1932. The EPM’s first<br />

leaflet (quoted in Munday 1986:41) explained the new organization’s motivation and<br />

objectives:<br />

Dear Sir (or Madam),<br />

The public is conscious that the country is in a critical state and that subversive doctrines are undermining<br />

every aspect of our national life. There must, there<strong>for</strong>e, be some fundamental fallacy operating in the mind<br />

of the country as a whole.<br />

We believe this fallacy to be the acceptance, as true, of the theory of Evolution and its employment as the<br />

spring of action in all spheres...<br />

Christianity sanctifies the individual and the home; Evolution glorifies the herd and is the parent of<br />

Socialism and Communism. In Russia the theory of evolution has supplanted Christianity. Darwin is the<br />

new Messiah.

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