Creationism - National Center for Science Education

Creationism - National Center for Science Education Creationism - National Center for Science Education


each other in the 1920s—and indeed all three are still competing today. In fact, while Price raged against all compromises with strict young-earth creationism, Riley and Rimmer held friendly but serious debates on Day-Age versus Gap Theory creationism (Riley and Rimmer’s 1929 A Debate: Resolved, That the Creation Days in Genesis Were Aeons Not Solar Days; also The Creation Days of Genesis: A Profound Debate Between Dr. W.B. Riley and Dr. Harry B. Rimmer, 1974). William B. Riley, pastor of First Baptist Church in Minneapolis, was the founder of the World’s Christian Fundamentals Association in 1919, and also founder and president of Northwestern Bible College. Riley declared that evolution was even worse than compulsory vaccination: I confess to no small degree of revolt against having an impure virus forced into the pure blood of a girl of perfect health; but a thousand times over would I prefer my daughter’s blood tainted, and her flesh scarred for a time, to having her mind tainted with infidelity and her soul scarred for eternity. I believe in education, but not in an Anti-christian one! I believe in Science, but not in an anti-scriptural one! I believe in the college, but not if it deny my Christ... When Christ is no longer worshipped, men will sink back into cannibalism... [1917:127-128] Riley’s 1923 book Inspiration or Evolution was a “call to arms” to protect American democracy and Christian faith against the destructive doctrines of modernism and evolution. The title refers to the divine origin of the Bible as opposed to its supposed “evolution” according to Higher Criticism. But Riley attacks biological evolution ferociously as well, emphatically asserting that evolution promotes atheism and anarchy. Evolution is not science, and it destroys the Christian beliefs of students to whom it is taught. Proclaiming that “bestial Bolshevism” is the product of evolution, Riley writes that the Soviets are actively seeking to control U.S. education by planting the evil seed of evolution in our schools. “Science is now the subtle word of Satanic employment,” he warns; he then goes on to quote many academics and scientists who oppose either evolution or Darwinism. Riley demanded that evolution be removed from both private and public schools. Since it is false, it should not be taught. Riley rejected the accommodationist view that science and the Bible spoke of different but harmonious truths. To be sure, all truths are harmonious! But why speak of evolution as a truth? ... Our entire contention is that in its conception, development and application, evolution is utterly false; as false to science as to Scripture; and so Scripture and this unproven and unprovable hypothesis can never speak together. “What communion hath light with darkness?” Truth is the embodiment of intolerance! It cannot be forced into any fellowship with falsehood. God’s Word is truth! Darwin’s theory is a falsehood and between them there can be no fellowship! [1923:116-117] ...I affirm without fear of contradiction—For this age, at least, the theory of evolution is the evil seed. It has evilly affected every ground into which it has been sown... [N]o two phrases were ever coined that became such shibboleths of blood as “The struggle for existence,” and “The survival of the fittest” proved in the combat of 1914-1918. “By their fruits ye shall know them.” If any philosophy was ever weighed in the balance and found wanting, to such an extent that intelligent men ought to turn with loathing from the same, it is the theory of evolution... [1923:122-123] The tares of evolution have been surreptitiously sown. [W]hen, five years ago, the Christian Fundamentals Association began to fight this theory, it was soon discovered that, like cuckoos, they had laid their eggs in almost every college nest, and made sacred endowments to unwittingly hatch them, and unknowingly

nurture their young, and sent them forth to propagate their kind! It begins to look as though, in origin and animus, it is another anarchistic, socialist propaganda. [1923:124-125] Fill a nation with the German conceit that “We are the superior race, and all the women of weaker nations are our natural prey, and the men of such nations our legitimate servants”, and you turn the world into a slaughter house, and, as one has said, “There is no logic to show why such a code of international ruffianism is wrong or at all blame-worthy if the evolution theory be true.” Its premises granted, an Armageddon is the result. ... The triumph of Darwinism would introduce the day of the Great Tribulation! [1923:47] Harry Rimmer, a Presbyterian minister, attended Whittier College and the Bible Institute of Los Angeles (now Biola University), and was at one time field secretary of Riley’s World’s Christian Fundamentals Association. He was a delightfully flamboyant lecturer and debater as well as a popular writer; debating against evolutionists was child’s play for him. 10 Rimmer founded the Research Science Bureau in Los Angeles to promote Bible-science and creationism, and promoted himself as a research scientist. Beginning in the mid-1920s, the Research Science Bureau (it seems to have been a one-man operation) published a series of anti-evolution pamphlets by Rimmer; these were later incorporated into Rimmer’s book The Theory of Evolution and the Facts of Science (1966 [1935]). Rimmer’s confident, breezy style was quite effective and popular. He appealed to scientific evidence and arguments (but gives no specific references), and threw in a lot of impressive scientific terms and references, managing to sound quite authoritative and knowledgeable. His prose is simple to understand and sprinkled with homespun analogies, anecdotes and folksy humor. Rimmer followed this book with The Harmony of Science and Scripture (1936), also originally issued as a pamphlet series. He boasts that he learned “double-jointed, twelve cylinder, knee-action” scientific vocabulary at medical college (he spent one term at a homeopathic school, according to Numbers 1982:539) and that he could out-argue any evolutionist. More seriously, he argues aggressively for the scientific inerrancy of the Bible and for the proven superiority of Bible-science. In 1939 Rimmer offered $1000 for proof of any scientific error in the Bible. One William Floyd, 11 believing he could demonstrate a number of errors, sued to collect the money. That Lawsuit Against the Bible (1956 [1940]) is Rimmer’s account of the ensuing trial in New York, which “ended in legally establishing the position of all who hold that the Word of God is inerrant.” Judge Shalleck ruled in favor of Rimmer. Interestingly, Rimmer defended the Bible’s inerrancy against one of Floyd’s claims—that the earth is extremely old, contrary to the biblical account of creation in six days—by arguing that the original creation occurred long ages before the six-day creation of Genesis: in other words, Gap Theory creationism. Rimmer’s lawyer, James E. Bennet, wrote his own account of the trial titled The Bible Defeats Atheism (1941). OTHER EARLY CREATIONISTS 10 Morris (1984b:92n) says: “Dr. Rimmer debated many leading evolutionists of his day, always before great crowds and always clearly winning each debate. Reading these accounts in Mrs. Rimmer’s biography makes it obvious that present-day debates are amazingly similar to those of his time.” 11 Apparently the same William Floyd who donated prize money for a contest sponsored by Shipley’s Science League of America for the best essay on the topic “Why Evolution Should Be Taught in Our Schools Instead of the Book of Genesis.” According to Shipley (1927:67), rabid anti-evolutionist T.T. Martin (this was soon after after his Hell in the High Schools) sent in an essay under a phony name.

nurture their young, and sent them <strong>for</strong>th to propagate their kind! It begins to look as though, in origin and<br />

animus, it is another anarchistic, socialist propaganda. [1923:124-125]<br />

Fill a nation with the German conceit that “We are the superior race, and all the women of weaker nations<br />

are our natural prey, and the men of such nations our legitimate servants”, and you turn the world into a<br />

slaughter house, and, as one has said, “There is no logic to show why such a code of international<br />

ruffianism is wrong or at all blame-worthy if the evolution theory be true.” Its premises granted, an<br />

Armageddon is the result. ... The triumph of Darwinism would introduce the day of the Great Tribulation!<br />

[1923:47]<br />

Harry Rimmer, a Presbyterian minister, attended Whittier College and the Bible<br />

Institute of Los Angeles (now Biola University), and was at one time field secretary of<br />

Riley’s World’s Christian Fundamentals Association. He was a delightfully flamboyant<br />

lecturer and debater as well as a popular writer; debating against evolutionists was child’s<br />

play <strong>for</strong> him. 10 Rimmer founded the Research <strong>Science</strong> Bureau in Los Angeles to promote<br />

Bible-science and creationism, and promoted himself as a research scientist. Beginning<br />

in the mid-1920s, the Research <strong>Science</strong> Bureau (it seems to have been a one-man<br />

operation) published a series of anti-evolution pamphlets by Rimmer; these were later<br />

incorporated into Rimmer’s book The Theory of Evolution and the Facts of <strong>Science</strong> (1966<br />

[1935]). Rimmer’s confident, breezy style was quite effective and popular. He appealed<br />

to scientific evidence and arguments (but gives no specific references), and threw in a lot<br />

of impressive scientific terms and references, managing to sound quite authoritative and<br />

knowledgeable. His prose is simple to understand and sprinkled with homespun<br />

analogies, anecdotes and folksy humor.<br />

Rimmer followed this book with The Harmony of <strong>Science</strong> and Scripture (1936),<br />

also originally issued as a pamphlet series. He boasts that he learned “double-jointed,<br />

twelve cylinder, knee-action” scientific vocabulary at medical college (he spent one term<br />

at a homeopathic school, according to Numbers 1982:539) and that he could out-argue<br />

any evolutionist. More seriously, he argues aggressively <strong>for</strong> the scientific inerrancy of<br />

the Bible and <strong>for</strong> the proven superiority of Bible-science.<br />

In 1939 Rimmer offered $1000 <strong>for</strong> proof of any scientific error in the Bible. One<br />

William Floyd, 11 believing he could demonstrate a number of errors, sued to collect the<br />

money. That Lawsuit Against the Bible (1956 [1940]) is Rimmer’s account of the<br />

ensuing trial in New York, which “ended in legally establishing the position of all who<br />

hold that the Word of God is inerrant.” Judge Shalleck ruled in favor of Rimmer.<br />

Interestingly, Rimmer defended the Bible’s inerrancy against one of Floyd’s claims—that<br />

the earth is extremely old, contrary to the biblical account of creation in six days—by<br />

arguing that the original creation occurred long ages be<strong>for</strong>e the six-day creation of<br />

Genesis: in other words, Gap Theory creationism. Rimmer’s lawyer, James E. Bennet,<br />

wrote his own account of the trial titled The Bible Defeats Atheism (1941).<br />


10 Morris (1984b:92n) says: “Dr. Rimmer debated many leading evolutionists of his day, always be<strong>for</strong>e great crowds<br />

and always clearly winning each debate. Reading these accounts in Mrs. Rimmer’s biography makes it obvious that<br />

present-day debates are amazingly similar to those of his time.”<br />

11 Apparently the same William Floyd who donated prize money <strong>for</strong> a contest sponsored by Shipley’s<br />

<strong>Science</strong> League of America <strong>for</strong> the best essay on the topic “Why Evolution Should Be Taught in Our<br />

Schools Instead of the Book of Genesis.” According to Shipley (1927:67), rabid anti-evolutionist T.T.<br />

Martin (this was soon after after his Hell in the High Schools) sent in an essay under a phony name.

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