Creationism - National Center for Science Education

Creationism - National Center for Science Education Creationism - National Center for Science Education


At the present time there is dire need for all Church and school authorities to drive this vile “doctrines of devils” (I Tim. 4:1) out of all pulpits and classrooms, and to purge our fair land from this vileness. Let all lovers of truth and youth unite in a holy crusade for the restoration of the Bible to its rightful place of honor in the schools and colleges of the nation, and for the eradication of this loathsome mental leprosy which has recently become a world calamity. Only in Christ is there healing for this deadly disease. [1924:226] Baptist preacher J. Frank Norris of Texas called evolution “the most damnable doctrine that has come out of the bottomless pit”; and vowed, in testimony before the Texas legislature when it was considering a bill banning the teaching of evolution, to resist “that hell-born, Bible-destroying, deity-of-Christ-denying, German rationalism known as evolution,” and to “drive the theory of evolution out of church and public schools in all states” (quoted in Shipley 1927:171-172,177). The anti-evolutionist fundamentalists were not engaged as much in a “war against modern science” as Shipley and others have supposed, but they definitely felt they were waging a war against something. Shipley’s War on Modern Science (1927), and, before that, Andrew White’s History of the Warfare of Science with Theology in Christendom (1896) and John Draper’s History of the Conflict Between Religion and Science (1875), exaggerated the warfare motif in more ways than one, since many theologians and religious believers had always tried to accommodate their religion to scientific doctrines, and even the fundamentalists considered themselves advocates of “true science” (though they did oppose much of modern scientific theory). But in any case, the fundamentalists themselves insisted on militant metaphors of warfare and battles to the death against evolution and other Satanic threats to religion and society. Meanwhile, throughout the decades which saw the spectacular rise of fundamentalist influence and activism, George McCready Price, with his insistence on literal, recent creationism and his re-invention of Flood Geology, was providing a plausible-sounding basis for a “scientific” strict creationism.

CHAPTER 2 ORIGINS OF MODERN “SCIENTIFIC” CREATIONISM: 1900-1960 GEORGE McCREADY PRICE George McCready Price strove throughout the first half of this century to convince the world that strict, recent creation was a fact required by both the Bible and by science. Price, a Seventh-day Adventist, took seriously Adventist prophetess Ellen G. White’s insistence on strict creationism. White, whose writings are considered divinely inspired by Adventists, strongly emphasizes a recent, literal six-day Creation and the world-wide Flood of Noah. In Patriarchs and Prophets (1958:28; originally 1890) White wrote that the biblical account of creation: is so clearly stated that there is no occasion for erroneous conclusions. God created man in His own image. Here is no mystery. There is no ground for the supposition that man was evolved by slow degrees of development from the lower forms of animal or vegetable life. Such teaching lowers the great work of the Creator to the level of man’s narrow, earthly conceptions. Men are so intent upon excluding God from the sovereignty of the universe that they degrade man and defraud him of the dignity of his origin. The Creation Week consisted of seven literal days; its commemoration in our ordinary week, and observance of the Sabbath—the Seventh Day—is of utmost concern to White. To assume that these creation days could be long ages is to deny the Fourth Commandment in which God gave us our week and our Sabbath directly from Creation Week. “The sophistry in regard to the world’s being created in an indefinite period is one of Satan’s falsehoods.” White was implacably opposed to the teaching of evolution. Principles of True Science: or Creation in the Light of Revelation, a collection of excerpts from her writings, contains these warnings: Evolution and its kindred errors are taught in schools of every grade... Thus the study of science, which should impart a knowledge of God, is so mingled with the speculations and theories of men that it tends to infidelity. [1986:166-167] We need to guard continually against those books which contain sophistry in regard to geology and other branches of science... [T]hey need to be carefully sifted from every trace of infidel suggestions… It is a mistake to put into the hands of the youth books that perplex and confuse them. [1986:227] White also emphasized that earth history could only be properly interpreted by reference to the worldwide Flood of Noah. She simply rejected the findings of modern geology, insisting instead that geological features must have been formed as a result of the Flood. The earth was created exceedingly beautiful and bounteous, but it began to deteriorate as a result of Adam’s Fall. It was completely devastated by the Flood, and much remains desolate even today: “The entire surface of the earth was changed at the flood.” The fossils found by geologists which appear to deny the Mosaic chronology are of immense and fantastic antediluvian creatures, all buried by the Flood. Geology cannot tell us the age of such fossils; only the Bible can. Violent winds and currents buried the remains of the pre-Flood inhabitants; mountains were heaped up; minerals useful to man

CHAPTER 2<br />



George McCready Price strove throughout the first half of this century to<br />

convince the world that strict, recent creation was a fact required by both the Bible and<br />

by science. Price, a Seventh-day Adventist, took seriously Adventist prophetess Ellen G.<br />

White’s insistence on strict creationism. White, whose writings are considered divinely<br />

inspired by Adventists, strongly emphasizes a recent, literal six-day Creation and the<br />

world-wide Flood of Noah. In Patriarchs and Prophets (1958:28; originally 1890) White<br />

wrote that the biblical account of creation:<br />

is so clearly stated that there is no occasion <strong>for</strong> erroneous conclusions. God created man in His own image.<br />

Here is no mystery. There is no ground <strong>for</strong> the supposition that man was evolved by slow degrees of<br />

development from the lower <strong>for</strong>ms of animal or vegetable life. Such teaching lowers the great work of the<br />

Creator to the level of man’s narrow, earthly conceptions. Men are so intent upon excluding God from the<br />

sovereignty of the universe that they degrade man and defraud him of the dignity of his origin.<br />

The Creation Week consisted of seven literal days; its commemoration in our ordinary<br />

week, and observance of the Sabbath—the Seventh Day—is of utmost concern to White.<br />

To assume that these creation days could be long ages is to deny the Fourth<br />

Commandment in which God gave us our week and our Sabbath directly from Creation<br />

Week. “The sophistry in regard to the world’s being created in an indefinite period is one<br />

of Satan’s falsehoods.”<br />

White was implacably opposed to the teaching of evolution. Principles of True<br />

<strong>Science</strong>: or Creation in the Light of Revelation, a collection of excerpts from her<br />

writings, contains these warnings:<br />

Evolution and its kindred errors are taught in schools of every grade... Thus the study of science, which<br />

should impart a knowledge of God, is so mingled with the speculations and theories of men that it tends to<br />

infidelity. [1986:166-167]<br />

We need to guard continually against those books which contain sophistry in regard to geology and other<br />

branches of science... [T]hey need to be carefully sifted from every trace of infidel suggestions… It is a<br />

mistake to put into the hands of the youth books that perplex and confuse them. [1986:227]<br />

White also emphasized that earth history could only be properly interpreted by<br />

reference to the worldwide Flood of Noah. She simply rejected the findings of modern<br />

geology, insisting instead that geological features must have been <strong>for</strong>med as a result of<br />

the Flood. The earth was created exceedingly beautiful and bounteous, but it began to<br />

deteriorate as a result of Adam’s Fall. It was completely devastated by the Flood, and<br />

much remains desolate even today: “The entire surface of the earth was changed at the<br />

flood.” The fossils found by geologists which appear to deny the Mosaic chronology are<br />

of immense and fantastic antediluvian creatures, all buried by the Flood. Geology cannot<br />

tell us the age of such fossils; only the Bible can. Violent winds and currents buried the<br />

remains of the pre-Flood inhabitants; mountains were heaped up; minerals useful to man

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