Creationism - National Center for Science Education

Creationism - National Center for Science Education Creationism - National Center for Science Education


BIBLIOGRAPHY Acworth, Bernard 1929 This Bondage. London: J. Murray. 1934 This Progress: The Tragedy of Evolution. London: Rich & Cowan. Adler, Mortimer J. 1937 What Man Has Made of Man. New York: Longmans Green. 1940 Problems for Thomists. New York: Sheed and Ward. 1967 The Difference of Man and the Difference It Makes. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston. Ambassador College 1972 [1956] The Origin of Life. Pasadena CA: Worldwide Church of God. American Scientific Affiliation 1948 Modern Science and Christian Faith. Wheaton IL: Van Kampen Press. 1986 Teaching Science in a Climate of Controversy: A View from the American Scientific Affiliation. Ipswich MA: Amer. Scientific Affil. Andrews, E.H., W. Gitt, and W.J. Ouweneel, eds. 1986 Concepts in Creationism. Welwyn, Hert., U.K.: Evangelical Press. Archer, Gleason L. 1982 Encyclopedia of Bible Difficulties. Grand Rapids MI: Zondervan. Argyll, Duke of [George Douglas Campbell] 1867 The Reign of Law. London: Alexander Strahan. N.d. Primeval Man. New York: George Routledge & Sons. Armstrong, Garner Ted 1966 The Fable of the First Fatal Flight. Pasadena CA: Ambassador College. 1967 [1966] The Amazing Archer Fish Disproves Evolution! Pasadena CA: Ambassador College. Armstrong, Garner Ted, and Paul W. Kroll 1968 A Whale of the Tale, or—the Dilemma of Dolphins and Duckbills. Pasadena CA: Ambassador College. 1971 [1967] A Theory for the Birds. Pasadena CA: Worldwide Church of God.

1973 Our Awesome Universe. Pasadena CA: Ambassador College. Armstrong, Herbert W. 1978 [1959] Did God Create a Devil? Pasadena CA: Worldwide Church of God. 1985 Mystery of the Ages. New York: Dodd, Mead. Artist, Russell 1966 “The Wonder of Life and Its Endless Varieties.” In Behind the Dim Unknown (J. Monsma, ed.). 1969 “The Concept of Homology.” Creation Research Society Quarterly: 6(1):55. Austin, Steven A. 1984 Catastrophes and Earth History. El Cajon CA: Institute for Creation Research. ICR Technical Monograph No. 13. Baerg, Harry J. 1972 Creation and Catastrophe: The Story of Our Father’s World. Washington. DC: Review and Herald. Baker, Alonzo, and Francis D. Nichol 1926 Creation—Not Evolution. Omaha NE: Pacific Press. Bales, James D. 1975 The Genesis Account and a Scientific Test. Priv. pub. (Searcey AR). Barker, Eileen .......1979 “In the Beginning: Battle of Creationist Science Against Evolution.” In On the Margins of Science (Roy Wallis, ed.). Barnes, Thomas G. .......1983 [1973] Origins and Destiny of the Earth’s Magnetic Field. El Cajon CA: Institute for Creation Research. ICR Technical Monograph No. 4. .......1983 Physics of the Future: A Classical Unification of Physics. El Cajon CA: Institute for Creation Research. .......1986 Space Medium: The Key to Unified Physics. El Paso, Texas: Geo/Space Research Foundation. Barr, James .......1981 Fundamentalism. London: SCM Press. Bartoli, Giorgio


Acworth, Bernard<br />

1929 This Bondage. London: J. Murray.<br />

1934 This Progress: The Tragedy of Evolution. London: Rich & Cowan.<br />

Adler, Mortimer J.<br />

1937 What Man Has Made of Man. New York: Longmans Green.<br />

1940 Problems <strong>for</strong> Thomists. New York: Sheed and Ward.<br />

1967 The Difference of Man and the Difference It Makes. New York: Holt,<br />

Rinehart and Winston.<br />

Ambassador College<br />

1972 [1956] The Origin of Life. Pasadena CA: Worldwide Church of God.<br />

American Scientific Affiliation<br />

1948 Modern <strong>Science</strong> and Christian Faith. Wheaton IL: Van Kampen Press.<br />

1986 Teaching <strong>Science</strong> in a Climate of Controversy: A View from the American<br />

Scientific Affiliation. Ipswich MA: Amer. Scientific Affil.<br />

Andrews, E.H., W. Gitt, and W.J. Ouweneel, eds.<br />

1986 Concepts in <strong>Creationism</strong>. Welwyn, Hert., U.K.: Evangelical Press.<br />

Archer, Gleason L.<br />

1982 Encyclopedia of Bible Difficulties. Grand Rapids MI: Zondervan.<br />

Argyll, Duke of [George Douglas Campbell]<br />

1867 The Reign of Law. London: Alexander Strahan.<br />

N.d. Primeval Man. New York: George Routledge & Sons.<br />

Armstrong, Garner Ted<br />

1966 The Fable of the First Fatal Flight. Pasadena CA: Ambassador College.<br />

1967 [1966] The Amazing Archer Fish Disproves Evolution! Pasadena CA:<br />

Ambassador College.<br />

Armstrong, Garner Ted, and Paul W. Kroll<br />

1968 A Whale of the Tale, or—the Dilemma of Dolphins and Duckbills. Pasadena<br />

CA: Ambassador College.<br />

1971 [1967] A Theory <strong>for</strong> the Birds. Pasadena CA: Worldwide Church of God.

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