Creationism - National Center for Science Education

Creationism - National Center for Science Education Creationism - National Center for Science Education


If you possess a scientific turn of. mind, I suggest that you go through the book of Job, 3 looking only for scientific statements. You will be amazed at the wealth of scientific material that you will find. [1929:101] Winrod devoted a chapter to explaining how Lot’s wife became encrusted with salt (turning into the biblical “pillar of salt”) due to a Dead Sea volcanic eruption. Harry Rimmer devoted an entire book (Lot’s Wife and the Science of Physics, 1947) to this, and similar, Bible-science questions. (He also explained it as petrification from volcanic emissions.) In The Harmony of Science and Scripture (1936), Rimmer argued aggressively for the scientific inerrancy of the Bible and the superiority of Biblescience, brandishing many scientific arguments. The Bible, although it does not use scientific language, contains no scientific error whatsoever, and in scores of cases it has “anticipated the discoveries of modern science.” Rimmer in fact includes a whole chapter “Modern Science in an Ancient Book,” as well as chapters such as “Modern Science, Jonah, and the Whale” (Rimmer avers that the sea monster which swallowed Jonah was supernatural, but relates cases from modern times in which huge fish have swallowed humans), “Modern Science and the Deluge” (Rimmer is a Gap Theory believer, but he also insists on the literal truth of the worldwide Flood, citing Woolley’s excavations as proof), and a chapter on the “Long Day of Joshua.” Creation’s Amazing Architect (1955), by Walter Beasley, the first volume in the “Modern Science and the Bible Series,” professes to show “How the Modern Science of Geology was Anticipated by Nearly 3,500 Years.” Like Pierson, Beasley applies a Day- Age creationist interpretation to Genesis. The field of genetics has attracted much Bible-science attention. “The modern law of heredity,” wrote Winrod (1929:49), “was revealed to a human scribe when God said that the sins of the parents are visited upon the children until the third and fourth generations, and again, where it is written that the parents had eaten sour grapes and the children’s teeth are set on edge.” The same law, he continued, explained how Jacob got plain goats to conceive spotted and speckled offspring. William Tinkle, who has a zoology Ph.D. from Ohio State University, and was a founding member of the Creation Research Society, wrote a textbook Heredity: A Study in Science and the Bible (1970). It is largely a straightforward presentation of Mendelian genetics, but Tinkle denies that genetics is a vehicle for evolution. 4 Tinkle concedes that life has undergone certain changes (the development of parasites being a notable 3 Bible-Science Association founder Walter Lang has been lecturing on writing on science in the Book of Job for decades; see also Henry Morris’s The Remarkable Record of Job (1988). 4 Creationists have used the perceived conflict between Darwinian evolution and Mendelian inheritance—a feature of much scientific (evolutionist) as well as fundamentalist opposition to Darwinism in the first decades of this century prior to the neo-Darwinian synthesis—as an example of the contrast between “facts” (the scientifically proven laws of Mendel, which show that each organism reproduces “after its own kind”) and mere “theories” (the unproven theory that one type of organism can produce a different type). “The rediscovery of Mendel’s Law of Heredity was a crushing blow to the arguments for evolution,” says A.I. Brown (n.d.:43) in Evolution and the Bible; this claim was and is widely repeated by creationists. Darwin was a scientific pretender; Mendel was the true genius, declares George O’Toole (1925), a professor of both biology and theology. Mendelian genetics, according to O’Toole (and also many noncreationist scientists in the first quarter of the century), forbids natural selection, which he sees as the only original aspect of Darwin’s theory—the only difference between it and Lamarck’s. Hence Lamarckism and Darwinian transformism prove each other wrong: “no modern biologist attaches very much importance to natural selection,” and variations are now known not to be hereditary.

example), but these changes are all the result of mere variation and degeneration within the original types caused by mutations. Genetics itself does not teach Christianity nor any other form of religion but it allows plenty of room for Christianity and does not clamor for change. It does not supply facts to indicate a natural upward evolution of the race but indicates a horizontal tendency for the most part with loss when mutation occurs. This type of change is the vain hope of those who would see man emerging as the culmination of natural change. [1970:175] John Klotz, who has a biology Ph.D. from the University of Pittsburgh, and was also a founding member of CRS, presents a similar treatment in Genes, Genesis, and Evolution (1970; originally 1955). Mutations have occurred in the past and still occur at a fixed, measurable rate. But all of this change, insofar as the organic world is concerned, has taken place within limits fixed by the Creator when He fashioned the different “kinds” in the beginning. [1970:vi] Many other creationists besides Winrod have explained the story of Jacob and Laban’s goats in Genesis, which is often cited by opponents as an example of the unscientific nature of the Bible, by means of a Bible-science approach. Tinkle (1970:153-154) interprets the real cause of the appearance of spotted and striped offspring as due to recessive genes (though Jacob obviously thought it was due to the external visual influence of striped rods to which Jacob exposed the mother goats). According to Frank Marsh (1944:81), John Van Haitsma (an organic science professor at Calvin College and a founder of the evangelical American Scientific Affiliation) also explained the story in terms of recessive genes in The Supplanter Undeceived (1941). In The Genesis Record, Henry Morris of the Institute for Creation Research says that Jacob “had apparently learned something of what we now call Mendelian genetics,” and realized that the spotted and speckled traits were recessive. Morris rejects the apparent meaning of the story: that Jacob, believing in prenatal influences, supposed that the striped rods could cause the birth of similarly marked goats by a kind of sympathetic magic. It may be that Jacob had learned certain things about these animals which modern biologists have not yet even approached. There are, indeed, certain factors which can become prenatal influences, and which can determine to some degree the physical characteristics of the progeny. Though it is surely very unlikely that an external image can be transmitted through the visual apparatus to the brain and thence in some way as a signal to the DNA structure to specify certain characteristics to be triggered in the embryo, it is nevertheless true that certain chemicals can and do have a signficant prenatal influence if they can reach the embryo or, prior to conception, the DNA in the germ cells. It is possible that certain chemicals in the wood of these trees— peeled rods of which were actually in the water which the flocks came to drink—were capable of affecting the animals. [1976:475-476] In any case, continues Morris, the rods probably had an aphrodisiac effect (whether chemical or visual), inducing the goats to produce more offspring, which benefitted both Laban and Jacob, who got to keep the recessive phenotypes. Morris adds, however, that God, to benefit Jacob, supernaturally increased the proportion of these recessive phenotypes.

If you possess a scientific turn of. mind, I suggest that you go through the book of Job, 3 looking only <strong>for</strong><br />

scientific statements. You will be amazed at the wealth of scientific material that you will find. [1929:101]<br />

Winrod devoted a chapter to explaining how Lot’s wife became encrusted with salt<br />

(turning into the biblical “pillar of salt”) due to a Dead Sea volcanic eruption.<br />

Harry Rimmer devoted an entire book (Lot’s Wife and the <strong>Science</strong> of Physics,<br />

1947) to this, and similar, Bible-science questions. (He also explained it as petrification<br />

from volcanic emissions.) In The Harmony of <strong>Science</strong> and Scripture (1936), Rimmer<br />

argued aggressively <strong>for</strong> the scientific inerrancy of the Bible and the superiority of Biblescience,<br />

brandishing many scientific arguments. The Bible, although it does not use<br />

scientific language, contains no scientific error whatsoever, and in scores of cases it has<br />

“anticipated the discoveries of modern science.” Rimmer in fact includes a whole chapter<br />

“Modern <strong>Science</strong> in an Ancient Book,” as well as chapters such as “Modern <strong>Science</strong>,<br />

Jonah, and the Whale” (Rimmer avers that the sea monster which swallowed Jonah was<br />

supernatural, but relates cases from modern times in which huge fish have swallowed<br />

humans), “Modern <strong>Science</strong> and the Deluge” (Rimmer is a Gap Theory believer, but he<br />

also insists on the literal truth of the worldwide Flood, citing Woolley’s excavations as<br />

proof), and a chapter on the “Long Day of Joshua.”<br />

Creation’s Amazing Architect (1955), by Walter Beasley, the first volume in the<br />

“Modern <strong>Science</strong> and the Bible Series,” professes to show “How the Modern <strong>Science</strong> of<br />

Geology was Anticipated by Nearly 3,500 Years.” Like Pierson, Beasley applies a Day-<br />

Age creationist interpretation to Genesis.<br />

The field of genetics has attracted much Bible-science attention. “The modern<br />

law of heredity,” wrote Winrod (1929:49), “was revealed to a human scribe when God<br />

said that the sins of the parents are visited upon the children until the third and fourth<br />

generations, and again, where it is written that the parents had eaten sour grapes and the<br />

children’s teeth are set on edge.” The same law, he continued, explained how Jacob got<br />

plain goats to conceive spotted and speckled offspring.<br />

William Tinkle, who has a zoology Ph.D. from Ohio State University, and was a<br />

founding member of the Creation Research Society, wrote a textbook Heredity: A Study<br />

in <strong>Science</strong> and the Bible (1970). It is largely a straight<strong>for</strong>ward presentation of Mendelian<br />

genetics, but Tinkle denies that genetics is a vehicle <strong>for</strong> evolution. 4 Tinkle concedes that<br />

life has undergone certain changes (the development of parasites being a notable<br />

3 Bible-<strong>Science</strong> Association founder Walter Lang has been lecturing on writing on science in the Book of<br />

Job <strong>for</strong> decades; see also Henry Morris’s The Remarkable Record of Job (1988).<br />

4 Creationists have used the perceived conflict between Darwinian evolution and Mendelian inheritance—a<br />

feature of much scientific (evolutionist) as well as fundamentalist opposition to Darwinism in the first<br />

decades of this century prior to the neo-Darwinian synthesis—as an example of the contrast between<br />

“facts” (the scientifically proven laws of Mendel, which show that each organism reproduces “after its own<br />

kind”) and mere “theories” (the unproven theory that one type of organism can produce a different type).<br />

“The rediscovery of Mendel’s Law of Heredity was a crushing blow to the arguments <strong>for</strong> evolution,” says<br />

A.I. Brown (n.d.:43) in Evolution and the Bible; this claim was and is widely repeated by creationists.<br />

Darwin was a scientific pretender; Mendel was the true genius, declares George O’Toole (1925), a<br />

professor of both biology and theology. Mendelian genetics, according to O’Toole (and also many<br />

noncreationist scientists in the first quarter of the century), <strong>for</strong>bids natural selection, which he sees as the<br />

only original aspect of Darwin’s theory—the only difference between it and Lamarck’s. Hence<br />

Lamarckism and Darwinian trans<strong>for</strong>mism prove each other wrong: “no modern biologist attaches very<br />

much importance to natural selection,” and variations are now known not to be hereditary.

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