Creationism - National Center for Science Education

Creationism - National Center for Science Education

Creationism - National Center for Science Education


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Even in Christian and creationist circles the statement is repeated that the Bible is not a book of science,<br />

rather it is only some imaginary book of faith. Some creationists are trying to get into the public schools<br />

and to move the courts to require that creation also be taught in the public schools. However, they wish to<br />

prove that creation is science, apart from the Bible, just from nature alone rather than to demonstrate how<br />

truly religious and pagan the mega-evolutionary picture of science really is. In the public schools today,<br />

the big issue is that anything Christian cannot be science... [1986:6]<br />

Rather than de-biblicize creationism, science should be re-biblicized, according to Lang.<br />

“The main purpose of science is to ‘subdue’ the earth,” as Genesis mandates. “The main<br />

controls should be the moral ones,” as defined biblically. And, “Research should first of<br />

all be based on God’s infinity-.rather than, on falsifiability or testability” (1986:7).<br />

Lang, who promotes “Creation evangelism,” emphasizes, rather than denies, the<br />

connection between biblical and scientific creationism. In a 1985 lecture to the San<br />

Fernando Valley BSA chapter, Lang said that of the perhaps five thousand people he<br />

knew who converted from evolution to creationism, not more than three or four said they<br />

converted because of the scientific evidence. Rather, they first converted to Christianity<br />

(fundamentalism), and only then discovered that evolution must not be scientific. So,<br />

asks Lang, why waste so much time on merely scientific evidence, if people are<br />

converted, <strong>for</strong> religious reasons, to biblical creationism first?<br />

John Whitcomb, Morris’s Genesis Flood co-author, has expressed concern about<br />

a purely “scientific” creationism. He warns that science must not be considered on a par<br />

with biblical truth. In this respect he implies that Morris and his followers, in claiming<br />

that science alone can prove the truth of creationism, risk doing just that. Whitcomb has<br />

explicitly denied the “Double-Revelation” theory in various books and publications on<br />

astronomy and earth history written since The Genesis Flood, notably The Origin of the<br />

Solar System: Biblical Inerrancy and the Double-Revelation Theory (1975; originally<br />

published in 1963 and based on a 1962 Moody Bible Inst. lecture). The Double-<br />

Revelation holds that God’s truth is revealed equally in His “two books”—Nature and the<br />

Bible, and that the theologian must yield to the scientist in the interpretation of nature.<br />

Whitcomb rejects the approach that science and religion deal with different realms of<br />

truth, and insists that biblical truth must always be accorded primacy, in whatever realm.<br />

Absolute primacy must be given to the Bible, even when scientific theories contradict the<br />

Bible. God does reveal Himself in nature, but many truths remain outside of scientific<br />

investigation, especially one-time supernatural acts of creation. The Bible is God’s<br />

“special revelation”; nature is His “general revelation,” which, due to the Fall and the<br />

corruption of sin, is inherently inferior.<br />

The most serious creationist opposition to the ICR-style divorce of “scientific”<br />

from “biblical” creationism comes from strongly Calvinist groups such as Christian<br />

Reconstructionists and others who similarly emphasize presuppositional apologetics and<br />

post-millennialist eschatology, discussed later. One of the sharpest attack has come from<br />

John Robbins, head of the Trinity Foundation in Maryland. The Trinity Foundation<br />

promotes the teachings of Gordon H. Clark, a Calvinist philosophy professor. Clark<br />

declares that empirical science can prove nothing, and that truth can be derived only from<br />

the Bible. Such biblical truth, according to Clark, has exactly the same absolute status as<br />

proof in pure logic. Clark’s The Philosophy of <strong>Science</strong> and Belief in God (1964) was<br />

published by Craig Press; in The Biblical Doctrine of Man (1984), he addresses evolution<br />

directly. The Bible, which is inerrant, “definitely asserts” the special creation of Adam

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