Creationism - National Center for Science Education

Creationism - National Center for Science Education Creationism - National Center for Science Education


conflict with the Scriptures in any way. When we take both the Biblical record, and the facts amassed by science, and let the facts speak for themselves, then we must conclude that God indeed created the world, and life upon it. But much time passed in the process. The geologic record indicates that God created new forms of life at various stages of His Divine plan. [1984:168] “In the beginning,” we read, “God created the heavens and the earth” (Genesis 1:1). The angels were created before the earth was founded (Job 38:4-7). This ancient conflict, therefore, was probably millions of years ago—maybe even billions of years ago. Satan’s Rebellion, with one third of the angels composing his aggressing army invading heaven, must have been responsible for the chaos and destruction which is recorded in Genesis 1:2—the tohu and bohu and darkness which covered the earth, long before the creation of Adam and Eve. The cataclysm in Genesis 1:2 is undoubtedly related to the cataclysmic fall of Lucifer from heaven. [1984:197] After the chaos and destruction which occurred, in verse two of Genesis one, God began a process of recreation, reconstruction, if you please, which lasted for seven days. [1984:203] Dankenbring suggests that the neanderthals were surviving remnants of the pre-Adamic Nephilim of Genesis 6:4 (1984:229), a theory proposed by Kenneth Hermann of the Texas branch of Ambassador College. Adam was probably created 4024 B.C. Dankenbring’s The Creation Book for Children (1976) also presents the Gap Theory, and includes another Foreword by von Braun. Beyond Star Wars (1978) carries this blurb, referring to Satan’s pre-Adamic rebellion: Star Wars really happened! Long ago great battles raged in the universe. A great war caused vast destruction throughout the cosmos and upon the earth. Super beings battled for control of the universe, space, and time. Contemporary UFOs, explains Dankenbring, are really a diversion to scare people into expecting an invasion from outer-space, then to reject Christ at His Second Coming. Other subjects covered include Joshua’s Long Day (caused by a comet disturbing the earth’s rotation), the Lost Continent of Atlantis, Maps of the Ancient Sea Kings, the Great Pyramid (Pharaoh Cheops was actually Job; the Pyramid itself was a memorial to the Flood), the Tower of Babel, frozen mammoths, and surviving Neanderthals. “There can be no doubt that pre-Adamic races of mankind—from the so-called man apes of the Australopithecines and Homo erectus to Neanderthal man and Cro-Magnon man— walked the earth before Adam was ever created.” Joel and Jane French continued this theme with War Beyond the Stars: Angelic Encounters (1979). Joel French, a staff engineer with a NASA contractor, is with the NASA chapter of the Full Gospel Business Men Fellowship International in Houston, and has “shared testimony” with astronaut Tom Stafford. Their book concerns the heavenly war following the rebellion of Lucifer and one-third of the angels. Man was created later, where the dethroned Satan had once ruled: in other words, the Gap Theory. The Frenches are particularly concerned with UFOs, which are supernatural space vehicles, either of Gad or Satan. They also discuss Hitler’s Satanic inspiration, but explain that there was godly intervention in World War II as well. A mysterious stranger, for instance —really the Archangel Michael—appeared at the Nazi General Staff meetings and persuaded the fiendishly clever German High Command to adopt disastrous strategy decisions, providentially affecting the outcome of the war. Benny Hinn, an Israeli-born, Canadian-bred televangelist who heads Orlando Christian Center in Orlando, Florida, also exploits the star wars motif in War in the

Heavenlies (1984). This book gives a thoroughly standard Gap Theory presentation, though Hinn is far more concerned with Satan and his demons than with geology or biology. Hinn received the Holy Spirit attending meetings of faith-healer Kathryn Kuhlman, and was miraculously cured of stuttering when he accepted the calling of the Lord to preach. Hinn, like most Gap theorists, believes that demons are the disembodied former inhabitants of the pre-Adamic world; it is because of this condition that they desperately seek to possess our human bodies. Satan’s fallen angels are not demons. Satan was cast out of the third heaven; he and his fallen angels still inhabit the second heaven (though “he visits here a lot”). Most demons are imprisoned in the Abyss, one of the five underworlds; relatively few are at loose on earth. The Hell of Tartarus, another of the underworlds, holds those fallen angels who have “left their own habitation.” Hinn explains that these are the “sons of God” who, leaving the second heaven, cohabited with women (the “daughters of men”) as described in Gen. 6; their offspring were the wicked giants (Nephilim) of the days before the Flood. Kenneth Hagin, well-known author, televangelist, and head of RHEMA Bible Church (a.k.a. Kenneth Hagin Ministries), includes the Gap Theory in his 1983 booklet The Origin and Operation of Demons (Volume 1 of his 4-volume “Satan, Demons and Demon Possession” series). Hagin is concerned with the same themes as Hinn: the “wicked spirits in the heavenlies”; their abodes in the various heavens, their natures, history, and classification. Like Hinn, he was miraculously cured; he was “almost totally paralyzed and completely bedfast from a deformed heart and incurable blood disease” when he answered the Lord’s call. Hagin has the ability to “discern what kind of spirits are in a locality.” He detects very many, and most are evil. Hagin believes that the only logical explanation for all these spirits is the pre-Adamic creation of the Gap Theory. They were members of Satan’s pre-Adamic kingdom on earth. The Gap Theory is taught in two volumes of Corvin’s Home Bible Study Course (1976) published by Jim Bakker’s PTL network (Bixler 1986:87n). Howard Estep, a televangelist whose World Prophetic Ministry is based in Colton, California, concentrates on pre-millennialist Bible prophecy, but also teaches the Gap Theory in booklets such as Evolution: True or False? (1969), Jehovah—Adam—And You!, and Eons of Ages Ago!. Don Wardell, in God Created (1984), argues against young-earth creationism and Flood Geology. His Gap Theory presentation contains many of the usual arguments in simplified form. He suggests, however, that some plants and animals—seeds and “living fossils”—survived the darkness and flood of Gen. 1:2 into the six-day restoration and recreation (1984:17,56-67). (Scofield and others had also suggested that seeds may have survived from the original creation.) Ronald Wlodyga, another follower of Herbert W. Armstrong, thanks Armstrong and Dankenbring (his publisher) for assistance with his book The Ultimate Source of All Super Natural Phenomena (1981). Wlodyga’s theme is that all supernatural phenomena, including all occult and paranormal manifestations, emanate from Satan—except for God’s miracles. Based on certain scriptures, it seems evident that the earth was originally intended to be the dwelling place of a third of the angels. It appears that God placed them there as a training ground to see if they would accept the government of God. [1981:30]

conflict with the Scriptures in any way. When we take both the Biblical record, and the facts amassed by<br />

science, and let the facts speak <strong>for</strong> themselves, then we must conclude that God indeed created the world,<br />

and life upon it. But much time passed in the process. The geologic record indicates that God created new<br />

<strong>for</strong>ms of life at various stages of His Divine plan. [1984:168]<br />

“In the beginning,” we read, “God created the heavens and the earth” (Genesis 1:1). The angels were<br />

created be<strong>for</strong>e the earth was founded (Job 38:4-7). This ancient conflict, there<strong>for</strong>e, was probably millions<br />

of years ago—maybe even billions of years ago. Satan’s Rebellion, with one third of the angels composing<br />

his aggressing army invading heaven, must have been responsible <strong>for</strong> the chaos and destruction which is<br />

recorded in Genesis 1:2—the tohu and bohu and darkness which covered the earth, long be<strong>for</strong>e the creation<br />

of Adam and Eve. The cataclysm in Genesis 1:2 is undoubtedly related to the cataclysmic fall of Lucifer<br />

from heaven. [1984:197]<br />

After the chaos and destruction which occurred, in verse two of Genesis one, God began a process of<br />

recreation, reconstruction, if you please, which lasted <strong>for</strong> seven days. [1984:203]<br />

Dankenbring suggests that the neanderthals were surviving remnants of the pre-Adamic<br />

Nephilim of Genesis 6:4 (1984:229), a theory proposed by Kenneth Hermann of the<br />

Texas branch of Ambassador College. Adam was probably created 4024 B.C.<br />

Dankenbring’s The Creation Book <strong>for</strong> Children (1976) also presents the Gap<br />

Theory, and includes another Foreword by von Braun. Beyond Star Wars (1978) carries<br />

this blurb, referring to Satan’s pre-Adamic rebellion:<br />

Star Wars really happened! Long ago great battles raged in the universe. A great war caused vast<br />

destruction throughout the cosmos and upon the earth. Super beings battled <strong>for</strong> control of the universe,<br />

space, and time.<br />

Contemporary UFOs, explains Dankenbring, are really a diversion to scare people into<br />

expecting an invasion from outer-space, then to reject Christ at His Second Coming.<br />

Other subjects covered include Joshua’s Long Day (caused by a comet disturbing the<br />

earth’s rotation), the Lost Continent of Atlantis, Maps of the Ancient Sea Kings, the<br />

Great Pyramid (Pharaoh Cheops was actually Job; the Pyramid itself was a memorial to<br />

the Flood), the Tower of Babel, frozen mammoths, and surviving Neanderthals. “There<br />

can be no doubt that pre-Adamic races of mankind—from the so-called man apes of the<br />

Australopithecines and Homo erectus to Neanderthal man and Cro-Magnon man—<br />

walked the earth be<strong>for</strong>e Adam was ever created.”<br />

Joel and Jane French continued this theme with War Beyond the Stars: Angelic<br />

Encounters (1979). Joel French, a staff engineer with a NASA contractor, is with the<br />

NASA chapter of the Full Gospel Business Men Fellowship International in Houston, and<br />

has “shared testimony” with astronaut Tom Staf<strong>for</strong>d. Their book concerns the heavenly<br />

war following the rebellion of Lucifer and one-third of the angels. Man was created later,<br />

where the dethroned Satan had once ruled: in other words, the Gap Theory. The<br />

Frenches are particularly concerned with UFOs, which are supernatural space vehicles,<br />

either of Gad or Satan. They also discuss Hitler’s Satanic inspiration, but explain that<br />

there was godly intervention in World War II as well. A mysterious stranger, <strong>for</strong> instance<br />

—really the Archangel Michael—appeared at the Nazi General Staff meetings and<br />

persuaded the fiendishly clever German High Command to adopt disastrous strategy<br />

decisions, providentially affecting the outcome of the war.<br />

Benny Hinn, an Israeli-born, Canadian-bred televangelist who heads Orlando<br />

Christian <strong>Center</strong> in Orlando, Florida, also exploits the star wars motif in War in the

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