Creationism - National Center for Science Education

Creationism - National Center for Science Education Creationism - National Center for Science Education


This book is the result of a purpose to find out what facts have been discovered by scientists to support the theory of evolution of organic life. I have tried to distinguish between the facts which they present and their deductions from those facts. The highly respected Canadian geologist and paleontologist Sir John William Dawson, in The Bible Confirmed y Science (1932), insisted that the Bible adheres to the Baconian ideal of sticking to fact and avoiding prior hypotheses. A remarkable point in Biblical references to nature, is that we find no definite explanation anywhere of natural things. The writers of the Bible do not go beyond the description of what they actually see around them, and the correct way in which they describe what they do see is beyond praise. The writers of the Bible must have been divinely guided, for unlike all other ancient people, they scrupulously avoided all mythological notions. George McCready Price, founder of twentieth-century Flood Geology and youngearth “scientific” creationism, repeatedly stressed the need to return to the methods of true Baconian inductive science. He praised Bacon and Newton in God’s Two Books (1911), subtitled “Plain Facts About Evolution, Geology, and the Bible.” He actually dedicated his next book, The Fundamentals of Geology (1913), to “Lord Francis Bacon and Sir Isaac Newton, men who realized most clearly the true objects of NATURAL SCIENCE, the methods by which it should be pursued...” and continued to trumpet the praises Bacon and Newton in many successive works. “Modern science,” says Harold W. Clark in Genes and Genesis (1940), began “in a truly inductive manner.” Newton made his great discoveries by building upon the facts accumulated by his predecessors. “The particular value of the discoveries of these great men lay in the fact that they were singularly free from speculative hypotheses” (1940:112). Had Newton’s successors followed his example of pursuing science “without a hypothesis,” current scientific study might today be far more advanced than what it is. Instead, laments Clark, those who followed Newton embarked on a fruitless quest for a purely materialistic science. Evolutionary theory became so interwoven with observation and mathematical calculation that science turned into a “confused mass of fact and hypothesis.” The century following the death of Newton is marked by the entrance of speculative methods of science study… In every field of science objective studies were mingled with speculative and philosophical interpretation. Men turned away from the Biblical account of creation and the Flood... (1940:112, 113) In Genesis versus Evolution (1961:59), Dudley Whitney, an agricultural scientist and editor, says this: “Reason positively demands a decision in favor of divine creation, which is only another way of saying that common-sense science positively proves the fact of God.” Thomas Barnes, a physics professor and former Dean of Graduate Study and Research at the Institute for Creation Research, has written a creation-science textbook, Physics of the Future: A Classical Unification of Physics (1983). In it he asserts that “Our business, as Newton said, is with the sensible causes of the phenomena.” Harold Slusher, who wrote the Foreword to Whitney’s book, also wrote a Foreword to a more recent book by Barnes, Space Medium: The Key to Unified Physics (1986). Slusher, like Barnes, was on the faculty at the University of Texas at El Paso, and was also a professor at ICR. Slusher compares Barnes’s work favorably to Newton’s Principia.

Randall Hedtke, in his 1983 book The Secret of the Sixth Edition (about Darwin’s Origin), argues that Darwin followed an obsolete pre-Baconian, pre-Cartesian scientific ethod, “overloading” facts in order to fit pre-conceived philosophies, and shunning experiment. Darwin was thus not a true scientist, but rather a biased propagandist. It all comes down to this: Evolutionary theory, allegedly one of the greatest scientific theories of all times, the foundation for many philosophies, religions, and political systems, is merely a metaphor “proved” by an analogy, an abomination of science. Those who believe it have been over-influenced by the clever persuasion tactics of a natural philosopher. Even psychic and occultic evolutionists embrace this Baconian philosophy of science. Max Heindel, in The Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception, or Mystic Christianity (1973; orig. 1909), flatly asserts that “Science merely states the facts; the occult scientist gives the reason.” The correct—occult—interpretation of the facts is that we evolve to higher consciousness in each successive cosmic Epoch, but that within each Epoch organic forms degenerate. Non-occultic evolutionary theory has it backwards: “modern evolutionary theory—would, if it were completely reversed, be in almost perfect accord with the knowledge of occult science.” FACT VERSUS THEORY The stated abhorrence of speculative theories and philosophies, and the insistence on straightforward, uninterpreted facts, is illustrated in the title of an 1855 book by David N. Lord: Geognosy; or the Facts and Principles of Geology Against Theories. The biblical account of creation is factual; modern geological theories are not: “The Geological Theory Contradicts the Sacred History of the Creation,” says Lord. Lord denounces doctrines “openly hostile to revelation” featured in popular education, which are “masked under the form of facts or truths of natural science...” W.R. Gordon rails against liberal and atheistic theologians and geologists in The Science of Revealed Truth Impregnable as Shown by the Argumentative Failures of Infidelity and Theoretical Geology (1878), a book based on his lectures at the Theological Seminary of Rutgers College (N.J.). He denounces “theoretical” geology—such as that espoused by Darwinists—as opposed to true geology, which is based an solid fact. Sir John William Dawson, who claims the Bible avoids all theorizing, emphasizes the difference between Facts and Fancies in Modern Science in his 1882 book of that title. In Nature and the Bible (1875), Dawson wrote: Perhaps there can be no surer test of a true revelation from God than to ask the question, Does it refuse to commit itself to scientific or philosophical hypotheses, and does it grasp firmly those problems most important to man as a spiritual being and insoluble by his unassisted reason? This non-committal attitude as to the method of nature and the secondary causes of phenomena is, as we shall see, eminently characteristic of the Bible. [Quoted in Ramm 1954:47] William Bell Dawson, Sir John’s son, agrees that the Bible is factually— scientifically—accurate. It is for this reason—not in spite of it—that the Bible avoids all theory. In The Bible Confirmed by Science he says:

Randall Hedtke, in his 1983 book The Secret of the Sixth Edition (about Darwin’s<br />

Origin), argues that Darwin followed an obsolete pre-Baconian, pre-Cartesian scientific<br />

ethod, “overloading” facts in order to fit pre-conceived philosophies, and shunning<br />

experiment. Darwin was thus not a true scientist, but rather a biased propagandist.<br />

It all comes down to this: Evolutionary theory, allegedly one of the greatest scientific theories of all times,<br />

the foundation <strong>for</strong> many philosophies, religions, and political systems, is merely a metaphor “proved” by an<br />

analogy, an abomination of science. Those who believe it have been over-influenced by the clever<br />

persuasion tactics of a natural philosopher.<br />

Even psychic and occultic evolutionists embrace this Baconian philosophy of<br />

science. Max Heindel, in The Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception, or Mystic Christianity<br />

(1973; orig. 1909), flatly asserts that “<strong>Science</strong> merely states the facts; the occult scientist<br />

gives the reason.” The correct—occult—interpretation of the facts is that we evolve to<br />

higher consciousness in each successive cosmic Epoch, but that within each Epoch<br />

organic <strong>for</strong>ms degenerate. Non-occultic evolutionary theory has it backwards: “modern<br />

evolutionary theory—would, if it were completely reversed, be in almost perfect accord<br />

with the knowledge of occult science.”<br />


The stated abhorrence of speculative theories and philosophies, and the insistence<br />

on straight<strong>for</strong>ward, uninterpreted facts, is illustrated in the title of an 1855 book by David<br />

N. Lord: Geognosy; or the Facts and Principles of Geology Against Theories. The<br />

biblical account of creation is factual; modern geological theories are not: “The<br />

Geological Theory Contradicts the Sacred History of the Creation,” says Lord. Lord<br />

denounces doctrines “openly hostile to revelation” featured in popular education, which<br />

are “masked under the <strong>for</strong>m of facts or truths of natural science...”<br />

W.R. Gordon rails against liberal and atheistic theologians and geologists in The<br />

<strong>Science</strong> of Revealed Truth Impregnable as Shown by the Argumentative Failures of<br />

Infidelity and Theoretical Geology (1878), a book based on his lectures at the Theological<br />

Seminary of Rutgers College (N.J.). He denounces “theoretical” geology—such as that<br />

espoused by Darwinists—as opposed to true geology, which is based an solid fact.<br />

Sir John William Dawson, who claims the Bible avoids all theorizing, emphasizes<br />

the difference between Facts and Fancies in Modern <strong>Science</strong> in his 1882 book of that<br />

title. In Nature and the Bible (1875), Dawson wrote:<br />

Perhaps there can be no surer test of a true revelation from God than to ask the question, Does it refuse to<br />

commit itself to scientific or philosophical hypotheses, and does it grasp firmly those problems most<br />

important to man as a spiritual being and insoluble by his unassisted reason? This non-committal attitude<br />

as to the method of nature and the secondary causes of phenomena is, as we shall see, eminently<br />

characteristic of the Bible. [Quoted in Ramm 1954:47]<br />

William Bell Dawson, Sir John’s son, agrees that the Bible is factually—<br />

scientifically—accurate. It is <strong>for</strong> this reason—not in spite of it—that the Bible avoids all<br />

theory. In The Bible Confirmed by <strong>Science</strong> he says:

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