Creationism - National Center for Science Education

Creationism - National Center for Science Education Creationism - National Center for Science Education


No, we must have a supernatural God. We must have a Bible divinely inspired. We must have this earth coming into being at the hands of God. We must have a man made in the image of God, then fallen, then needing to come for mercy and forgiveness, and to be born again. [1963:10-11] In Man—Ape or Image (1984), John Rendle-Short concurs that the Bible “flatly contradicts” the theory of evolution. “Therefore, if evolution is true, the Genesis narrative must be largely myth or poetry, with a spiritual, non-historic basis”—a conclusion he flatly rejects. “If evolution is true, there was no historical Fall. If man did not Fall, there is no need for a Saviour.” In Evolution: When Fact Becomes Fiction (1986:173), a book endorsed and distributed by the Creation-Science Legal Defense Fund, Ricki Pavlu says: If a person rejects the Old Testament account of creation and classifies Genesis 1 and 2 as mere fables, then he must also reject the New Testament, for the New Testament accepts as valid the creation, Adam and Eve, and the curse. If any portion of God’s Word is in error, then we must reject the whole, including the message of salvation. Robert Whitelaw, the Virginia Tech engineering professor, says that the acceptance of evolution results in the relegation of the biblical record “to the dust-bin of folk lore.” For instance, if [evolution] is true, then there is no origin, no purpose, no destiny. There is no truth or error. There is no right or wrong. There is no way to tell the real from the imaginary. There is no good, no evil, no hope. The end now justifies the means. Might becomes right and tyranny, brutality, greed, all become acceptable, IF total evolution is the answer... [1981:1] In Genesis Versus Evolution (1961:58-9), Dudley Whitney argues that if natural law cannot explain earth history (and it cannot), then special creation must be true; if the Flood really occurred (and science shows that it did), then special creation must be true; if the geological ages are illusory (and they are), then special creation must be true; if human history started recently (and evidence shows that it did), then special creation must be true. David C.C. Watson says that the “monstrous error” of evolution is the biggest delusion, the “greatest brain robbery,” ever perpetrated (The Great Brain Robbery 1976). There is no possible harmonization between evolution and Genesis; they flatly contradict each other. Darwinism contradicts nearly everything in the creation account of Genesis: instant creation, the fixity of species, the special creation of man and woman, the Fall, the curse, the universal Flood, the miraculous confusion of tongues, and the young age of the earth. In Evolution Vs Science and the Bible (1974), a series of pamphlets designed as a study course for church schools (but also deliberately designed to double as tracts for wide distribution), Bob West denounces evolution because it contradicts the Bible. “The Bible record is the only record that harmonizes with scientific fact,” proclaims West, a Gap Theorist. If evolution is true, it is necessary for the following to also be true. (1) There is no God. (2) The Bible account of creation is a myth or fantasy. (3) The scriptures are not from God. (4) Jesus is not our saviour. (5) Man is only an animal. (6) There is no such thing as sin, or morality. [tract #1]

EVOLUTION AS MAN’S ESCAPE FROM GOD “From first to last,” said Adam Sedgwick of Darwin’s Origin, “it is a dish of rank materialism cleverly cooked and served up... And why was this done? For no other solid reason, I am sure except to make us independent of a Creator” (quoted in Gillespie 979:140). As Gillespie notes, this may be partially true: Darwin may have been motivated in part by a desire to propose a purely positivist science—a science which did not allow of supernatural causation and explanation. But ever since, fundamentalists have extrapolated from this the allegation that people believe in evolution not because of scientific evidence, but primarily in order to escape from acknowledgment of God. Philip Mauro, in Evolution at the Bar (1922:60), says: “It requires no great penetration to see that the real object of attack by supporters of Evolution is the Bible, with its revelation of Christ as the Redeemer and Saviour of men.” If evolution is contradicted by the findings of science, asks Theodore Graebner, why do scientists believe in it? He continues: In answering this question let us first observe that scientists do not stand opposed to Christian belief as representatives of science. It is not science, but the scientists, not geology, but the geologists, not physics, but the physicists that oppose Christian theology. [1921:141] The warfare of philosophy against Christian faith is readily explained. Man is corrupt. He loves sin. He is conscious of his guilt and fears the penalty. Hence every avenue of escape is welcome, if only he can persuade himself that there is no God, that there is no judgment. [1921:145] In Why Scientists Accept Evolution, R.T. Clark and J. Bales argue that nineteenth century scientists “accepted evolution because of their anti-supernatural bias, and not because of the weight of scientific evidence” (1966:108). (They claim that twentieth century scientists accept it, uncritically, simply because their teachers and predecessors did.) People are so opposed to God, says Carl Theodore Schwarze in The Harmony of Science and the Bible (1942), that they accept any silly theory, such as evolution, that “gives the lie to Scripture.” “The reason people believe in evolution,” says evangelist John R. Rice, founder and editor of Sword of the Lord, “is not that it is reasonable but that it is an excuse for not believing in God and direct creation” (In the Beginning..., 1975:43). In Evolution: The Incredible Hoax, Homer Duncan, director of Missionary Crusader in Lubbock, Texas, gives as one of the primary reasons people believe in evolution that “man wishes to escape the authority of God and the authority of His Word”: Human nature does not like the restraints that are put on us by believing in God. We want to be free. We want to do what we want to do. We do not want to be under the authority of God, or under the authority of the Bible. Men refuse to recognize the awful reality of sin. They do not wish to believe that they will be held accountable for their sins. [1978:52] Satan uses the theory of evolution to exploit this desire to escape God: “The theory of evolution is one of Satan’s master strokes.” The conflict between creation and evolution is a major part of the gigantic battle between God and Satan. It is a battle for the minds and souls of men. The Biblical account of creation and atheistic evolution are diametrically opposed to each other. Both positions cannot be true. Common sense compels me to believe

No, we must have a supernatural God. We must have a Bible divinely inspired. We must have this earth<br />

coming into being at the hands of God. We must have a man made in the image of God, then fallen, then<br />

needing to come <strong>for</strong> mercy and <strong>for</strong>giveness, and to be born again. [1963:10-11]<br />

In Man—Ape or Image (1984), John Rendle-Short concurs that the Bible “flatly<br />

contradicts” the theory of evolution. “There<strong>for</strong>e, if evolution is true, the Genesis<br />

narrative must be largely myth or poetry, with a spiritual, non-historic basis”—a<br />

conclusion he flatly rejects. “If evolution is true, there was no historical Fall. If man did<br />

not Fall, there is no need <strong>for</strong> a Saviour.”<br />

In Evolution: When Fact Becomes Fiction (1986:173), a book endorsed and<br />

distributed by the Creation-<strong>Science</strong> Legal Defense Fund, Ricki Pavlu says:<br />

If a person rejects the Old Testament account of creation and classifies Genesis 1 and 2 as mere fables, then<br />

he must also reject the New Testament, <strong>for</strong> the New Testament accepts as valid the creation, Adam and<br />

Eve, and the curse. If any portion of God’s Word is in error, then we must reject the whole, including the<br />

message of salvation.<br />

Robert Whitelaw, the Virginia Tech engineering professor, says that the<br />

acceptance of evolution results in the relegation of the biblical record “to the dust-bin of<br />

folk lore.”<br />

For instance, if [evolution] is true, then there is no origin, no purpose, no destiny. There is no truth or error.<br />

There is no right or wrong. There is no way to tell the real from the imaginary. There is no good, no evil,<br />

no hope. The end now justifies the means. Might becomes right and tyranny, brutality, greed, all become<br />

acceptable, IF total evolution is the answer... [1981:1]<br />

In Genesis Versus Evolution (1961:58-9), Dudley Whitney argues that if natural<br />

law cannot explain earth history (and it cannot), then special creation must be true; if the<br />

Flood really occurred (and science shows that it did), then special creation must be true;<br />

if the geological ages are illusory (and they are), then special creation must be true; if<br />

human history started recently (and evidence shows that it did), then special creation<br />

must be true.<br />

David C.C. Watson says that the “monstrous error” of evolution is the biggest<br />

delusion, the “greatest brain robbery,” ever perpetrated (The Great Brain Robbery 1976).<br />

There is no possible harmonization between evolution and Genesis; they flatly contradict<br />

each other. Darwinism contradicts nearly everything in the creation account of Genesis:<br />

instant creation, the fixity of species, the special creation of man and woman, the Fall, the<br />

curse, the universal Flood, the miraculous confusion of tongues, and the young age of the<br />

earth.<br />

In Evolution Vs <strong>Science</strong> and the Bible (1974), a series of pamphlets designed as a<br />

study course <strong>for</strong> church schools (but also deliberately designed to double as tracts <strong>for</strong><br />

wide distribution), Bob West denounces evolution because it contradicts the Bible. “The<br />

Bible record is the only record that harmonizes with scientific fact,” proclaims West, a<br />

Gap Theorist.<br />

If evolution is true, it is necessary <strong>for</strong> the following to also be true. (1) There is no God. (2) The Bible<br />

account of creation is a myth or fantasy. (3) The scriptures are not from God. (4) Jesus is not our saviour.<br />

(5) Man is only an animal. (6) There is no such thing as sin, or morality. [tract #1]

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