Antti Lehtinen Doppler Positioning with GPS - Matematiikan laitos

Antti Lehtinen Doppler Positioning with GPS - Matematiikan laitos

Antti Lehtinen Doppler Positioning with GPS - Matematiikan laitos


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Symbols<br />

× vector cross product<br />

• dot product, scalar product<br />

euclidian norm, 2-norm, length of a vector<br />

∂ partial derivative<br />

α angle between satellite velocity and satellite-to-user vector<br />

△f frequency measurement error caused by receiver clock drift<br />

△n vector n estimate correction in an iterative algorithm<br />

△t receiver time estimate bias<br />

△ti signal propagation time from the ith satellite<br />

△wu error in user velocity vector estimate<br />

△x vector x estimate correction in an iterative algorithm<br />

ɛ machine precision<br />

ɛ ˙ρ delta range vector measurement noise<br />

ɛρi measurement noise of pseudorange from the ith satellite<br />

ɛ ˙ρi measurement noise of delta range from the ith satellite<br />

ɛd clock drift equivalent error<br />

ɛfi satellite i frequency measurement error<br />

ɛru user position error<br />

ɛx positioningerror vector<br />

ν1,ν2 degrees of freedom<br />

ω transmitted frequency<br />

ω ′ received frequency<br />

θ angle between relative velocity and wave propagation direction<br />

˙ρ delta range measurement vector<br />

ˆρ expected pseudorange vector<br />

ˆ˙ρ expected delta range vector<br />

ρi pseudorange measurement from the ith satellite<br />

˙ρi delta range measurement from the ith satellite<br />

ˆρi expected pseudorange from the ith satellite<br />

˙ρ T true delta range vector<br />

ρTi true pseudorange from the ith satellite<br />

˙ρTi true delta range from the ith satellite<br />

σ standard deviation<br />


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