Antti Lehtinen Doppler Positioning with GPS - Matematiikan laitos

Antti Lehtinen Doppler Positioning with GPS - Matematiikan laitos

Antti Lehtinen Doppler Positioning with GPS - Matematiikan laitos


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Department of Electrical Engineering<br />

<strong>Antti</strong> <strong>Lehtinen</strong><br />

<strong>Doppler</strong> <strong>Positioning</strong> <strong>with</strong> <strong>GPS</strong><br />

Master of Science Thesis<br />

Subject approved by the Department Council on 17.10.2001<br />

Examiners: Prof. Keijo Ruohonen (TUT)<br />

M.Sc. Paula Syrjärinne (Nokia Mobile Phones)

Preface<br />

This Master of Science thesis is the result of my research on <strong>Doppler</strong> positioning<strong>with</strong><br />

the <strong>GPS</strong>. The thesis has been written at the Tampere University of<br />

Technology between the autumn of 2001 and February of 2002.<br />

I began my work on the <strong>GPS</strong> field at the Institute of Mathematics in November<br />

2000. My very first task was to do a literature survey and find out if <strong>Doppler</strong><br />

measurements can be used to positioning<strong>with</strong> the <strong>GPS</strong>. It turned out that the<br />

field was unexplored, which gave me a possibility to develop new algorithms and<br />

theory.<br />

I would like to thank professor Keijo Ruohonen for his mathematical assistance<br />

and other help he has given throughout the work. In addition, I express my<br />

gratitude to Paula Syrjärinne, who has provided me <strong>with</strong> <strong>GPS</strong> related advice,<br />

measurement data and excellent remarks on the contents of the thesis. Nokia<br />

Mobile Phones deserves my thanks for fundingthe project. Moreover, many<br />

Nokia employees have given me valuable feedback at the workshops. I would<br />

also like to thank the personnel of the Institute of Mathematics, especially Niilo<br />

Sirola, who has helped me a lot by proofreadingthe thesis, givingme new ideas<br />

and sharinghis Matlab functions.<br />

Furthermore, I am indebted to all the people who have given me the joy of living<br />

that helped me to complete the thesis. Especially Marjo Matikainen deserves<br />

thanks for her support duringthe work.<br />

Tampere, 26th February 2002<br />

<strong>Antti</strong> <strong>Lehtinen</strong><br />

Iidesranta 3 A 4<br />

33100 Tampere<br />

Tel. 040-7291388<br />


Contents<br />

Abstract v<br />

Tiivistelmä vi<br />

Abbreviations and Acronyms viii<br />

Symbols ix<br />

1 Introduction 1<br />

2 The <strong>Doppler</strong> Effect 3<br />

2.1 PhysicalBackgroundandApplications ............... 3<br />

2.2 Historyof<strong>Doppler</strong>Navigation.................... 5<br />

3 The Global <strong>Positioning</strong> System 7<br />

3.1 History................................. 7<br />

3.2 TheBasicConcepts.......................... 8<br />

3.2.1 ReferenceCoordinateSystems................ 8<br />

3.2.2 Range<strong>Positioning</strong> ....................... 8<br />

3.2.3 <strong>GPS</strong>SignalStructure..................... 9<br />

3.2.4 Pseudorang e and Delta Rang e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10<br />

3.3 Pseudorange<strong>Positioning</strong> ....................... 11<br />

3.3.1 ProblemFormulation..................... 11<br />

3.3.2 SolutionProcedure ...................... 12<br />


3.4 <strong>Positioning</strong>ErrorAnalysis ...................... 13<br />

3.5 Limitationsofthe<strong>GPS</strong>........................ 14<br />

4 <strong>Doppler</strong> <strong>Positioning</strong> <strong>with</strong> the <strong>GPS</strong> 16<br />

4.1 Needfor<strong>Doppler</strong><strong>Positioning</strong>..................... 16<br />

4.2 Comparisonbetween<strong>GPS</strong>andTransit ............... 17<br />

4.3 TheGoverningEquations ...................... 18<br />

4.3.1 The<strong>Doppler</strong>ShiftEquation ................. 18<br />

4.3.2 TheClockDriftError .................... 20<br />

4.3.3 Mathematical Problem Formulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21<br />

4.4 SymbolicMethods .......................... 23<br />

4.4.1 Solvingthe Receiver Position . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23<br />

4.4.2 Existence and Uniqueness Considerations . . . . . . . . . . 23<br />

4.5 StandardNumericalMethods .................... 24<br />

4.5.1 ProblemFormulation..................... 24<br />

4.5.2 TheNewtonMethod ..................... 25<br />

4.5.3 TheGauss-NewtonMethod ................. 26<br />

4.5.4 CalculatingtheDerivativeMatrix.............. 27<br />

4.6 ProblemSpecificIterativeMethods ................. 30<br />

5 <strong>Positioning</strong> Performance 31<br />

5.1 MeasurementNoise.......................... 31<br />

5.1.1 IonosphericEffects ...................... 31<br />

5.1.2 Receiver Noise . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32<br />

5.1.3 UnknownUserVelocity.................... 32<br />

5.1.4 BiasedTimeEstimate .................... 34<br />

5.2 <strong>Positioning</strong>Accuracy......................... 35<br />

5.2.1 Effect of Measurement Errors on <strong>Positioning</strong>Solution . . . 35<br />

5.2.2 <strong>Doppler</strong> Dilution of Precision . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36<br />


5.2.3 Applications of the <strong>Doppler</strong> Dilution of Precision Concept 39<br />

5.3 Case of Normally Distributed Measurement Noise . . . . . . . . . 40<br />

6 Numerical Results 43<br />

6.1 MeasurementData .......................... 43<br />

6.2 PropertiesoftheMeasurementNoise ................ 44<br />

6.2.1 Hypothesis of the Properties of the Measurement Errors . 44<br />

6.2.2 Numerical Testingof Normality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45<br />

6.2.3 Numerical Testingof Correlation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45<br />

6.2.4 MagnitudeofErrors ..................... 47<br />

6.2.5 Conclusions .......................... 48<br />

6.3 <strong>Positioning</strong>Performance<strong>with</strong>RealData .............. 48<br />

6.3.1 <strong>Positioning</strong>Accuracy..................... 48<br />

6.3.2 Convergence.......................... 50<br />

6.4 <strong>Positioning</strong>Performance <strong>with</strong> Simulated<br />

Data.................................. 50<br />

6.4.1 <strong>Positioning</strong>Accuracy..................... 51<br />

6.4.2 TheDistributionofDPDOPValues............. 51<br />

7 Conclusions 53<br />


Abstract<br />


Department of Electrical Engineering<br />

Institute of Mathematics<br />

<strong>Lehtinen</strong>, <strong>Antti</strong>: <strong>Doppler</strong> <strong>Positioning</strong><strong>with</strong> <strong>GPS</strong><br />

Master of Science thesis, 58 pages<br />

Examiners: Prof. Keijo Ruohonen and M.Sc. Paula Syrjärinne<br />

Funding: Nokia Mobile Phones<br />

March 2002<br />

Satellite positioningis expected to have hundreds of millions of users in the near<br />

future. There is a huge commercial potential in personal positioning. The standard<br />

positioningsystem nowadays is the Global <strong>Positioning</strong>System (<strong>GPS</strong>). The<br />

<strong>GPS</strong> is very accurate in good conditions. In indoors and urban areas, however,<br />

the standard <strong>GPS</strong> positioningusually fails. This decreases suitability of the <strong>GPS</strong><br />

for personal positioning.<br />

The objective of this thesis was to examine a new <strong>GPS</strong> positioningmethod based<br />

on <strong>Doppler</strong> measurements. <strong>Doppler</strong> positioning<strong>with</strong> the <strong>GPS</strong> has generally been<br />

overlooked because it provides worse accuracy than the standard method. However,<br />

the <strong>Doppler</strong> measurements can be obtained even in very bad conditions.<br />

Thus, when combined <strong>with</strong> cellular network assistance, the method may prove<br />

valuable.<br />

In this thesis, a new positioning algorithm is developed. The algorithm needs only<br />

the <strong>Doppler</strong> measurements from at least four <strong>GPS</strong> satellites, the <strong>GPS</strong> satellite<br />

orbital parameters and the current time. A general theory for estimating errors<br />

in <strong>GPS</strong> <strong>Doppler</strong> positioningis also developed. Numerical results are compared<br />

<strong>with</strong> the measurements and the accuracy of the algorithm is assessed.<br />


Tiivistelmä<br />


Sähkötekniikan osasto<br />

<strong>Matematiikan</strong> <strong>laitos</strong><br />

<strong>Lehtinen</strong>, <strong>Antti</strong>: <strong>Doppler</strong>-paikannus <strong>GPS</strong>:llä<br />

Diplomityö, 58 sivua<br />

Tarkastajat: Prof. Keijo Ruohonen ja DI Paula Syrjärinne<br />

Rahoitus: Nokia Mobile Phones<br />

Maaliskuu 2002<br />

Satelliittipaikannuksella uskotaan lähitulevaisuudessa olevan satoja miljoonia<br />

käyttäjiä. Henkilökohtainen paikannus tarjoaa suuria kaupallisia mahdollisuuksia.<br />

Tärkein paikannusjärjestelmä on nykyään Global <strong>Positioning</strong>System (<strong>GPS</strong>).<br />

Hyvissä olosuhteissa <strong>GPS</strong> on erittäin tarkka. Ongelmia aiheutuu kuitenkin siitä,<br />

että perinteinen <strong>GPS</strong>-paikannusmenetelmä ei usein toimi sisätiloissa tai kaupunkialueilla.<br />

Tämä luonnollisesti heikentää <strong>GPS</strong>:n soveltuvuutta henkilökohtaiseen<br />

paikannukseen.<br />

Tämän diplomityön tarkoituksena oli tutkia satelliittisignaalien kantoaalloista<br />

tehtävien <strong>Doppler</strong>-mittausten käyttömahdollisuutta <strong>GPS</strong>:ssä. <strong>Doppler</strong>-ilmiöön<br />

perustuvaa paikannusta on menestyksekkäästi käytetty esimerkiksi <strong>GPS</strong>:n edeltäjässä,<br />

Transit-järjestelmässä. <strong>GPS</strong>:n yhteydessä <strong>Doppler</strong>-mittausten käyttöä paikan<br />

selvittämiseen ei kuitenkaan ole käytetty, sillä paikannustarkkuuden on oletettu<br />

olevan huonompi kuin perinteisellä vale-etäisyyksiin perustuvalla menetelmällä.<br />

Vale-etäisyyksien selvittämiseksi <strong>GPS</strong>-vastaanottimen on kuitenkin kyettävä<br />

demoduloimaan satelliittien lähettämä navigointisanoma. Sen sijaan <strong>Doppler</strong>mittauksia<br />

pystytään useimmiten tekemään vaikka signaali olisikin niin vääristynyt<br />

ettei navigointisanomaa saada.<br />

Tässä diplomityössä esitetään uusi <strong>GPS</strong>-paikannusmenetelmä, jolla voidaan ratkaista<br />

vastaanottimen sijainti mittaamalla vähintään neljän <strong>GPS</strong>-satelliitin kantoaaltojen<br />

<strong>Doppler</strong>-siirtymät yhtäaikaisesti. Menetelmässä ei tarvita navigointisignaalia,<br />

joten paikannus voidaan suorittaa myös huonoissa signaaliolosuhteis-<br />


sa. Satelliittien ratatiedot ja aikatieto pitää kuitenkin olla saatavilla. Mikäli navigointisanomaa<br />

ei saada, pitää vastaanottimen siis olla yhteydessä esimerkiksi<br />

matkapuhelintukiasemaan.<br />

Työssa kehitetään myös yleinen teoriapohja <strong>Doppler</strong>-paikannuksen virhetarkastelulle.<br />

Teoria on täysin uusi, mutta perustuu samoihin käsitteisiin, joita käytetään<br />

perinteisessä <strong>GPS</strong>-paikannuksessa. Teorian mukaan paikannusvirhettä estimoitaessa<br />

tarkastelu voidaan eriyttää kahteen toisistaan riippumattomaan osaan:<br />

mittausvirheiden arvioimiseen ja satelliittigeometrian vaikutuksen laskemiseen.<br />

Työssä esitetään myös paikannusvirheteorian käyttomahdollisuuksia esimerkiksi<br />

numeerisen laskennan keventämiseksi. Lisäksi arvioidaan <strong>Doppler</strong>–mittauksiin<br />

vaikuttavia virhetekijöitä sekä niiden suuruuksia.<br />

Diplomityön numeerisessa osassa uuden paikannusmenetelmän toimivuutta kokeillaan<br />

todellisen mittausaineiston avulla. Paikallaanolevalle vastaanottimelle<br />

jolla on tarkka aikatieto saadaan paikannusvirheen arvioksi 100–200 metriä. Virheen<br />

havaitaan kuitenkin riippuvan hyvin voimakkaasti satelliittien sijainnista<br />

sekä saatavilla olevien satelliittisignaalien määrästä. Huonoimmissa tapauksissa<br />

menetelmä osoittautuu antavan paikkaestimaatteja, jotka ovat miljoonien kilometrien<br />

päässä todellisesta vastaanottimen sijainnista. Hyvänä puolena on se,<br />

että työssä kehitetyn virhetarkasteluteorian avulla kyseiset tilanteet kyetään havaitsemaan.<br />

Teoria osoittautui toimivaksi myös numeeristen simulointien valossa.<br />

Tässä diplomityössä esitetty paikannusmenetelmä voisi toimia varmistusmenetelmänä<br />

perinteisen <strong>GPS</strong>-paikannuksen epäonnistuessa. Paikannusvirheen havaittiin<br />

kuitenkin olevan suurempi kuin perinteisellä menetelmällä. Virhe voi olla<br />

hyvinkin suuri silloin kun saatavilla on vain vähän satelliittisignaaleja. Lisäksi<br />

teoreettisesti on odotettavissa, että vastaanottimen liike aiheuttaa hyvin merkittävän<br />

paikannusestimaatin heikkenemisen.<br />


Abbreviations and Acronyms<br />

C/A coarse/acquisition code<br />

cm centimetre<br />

DOD U.S. Department of Defence<br />

DDDOP <strong>Doppler</strong> drift dilution of precision<br />

DDOP <strong>Doppler</strong> dilution of precision<br />

DHDOP <strong>Doppler</strong> horizontal dilution of precision<br />

DGDOP <strong>Doppler</strong> geometrical dilution of precision<br />

D<strong>GPS</strong> differential <strong>GPS</strong><br />

DOP dilution of precision<br />

DPDOP <strong>Doppler</strong> position dilution of precision<br />

DVDOP <strong>Doppler</strong> vertical dilution of precision<br />

ECEF Earth-centred Earth-fixed coordinate system<br />

ECI Earth-centred inertial coordinate system<br />

GDOP geometrical dilution of precision<br />

<strong>GPS</strong> Global <strong>Positioning</strong>System<br />

Hz hertz<br />

m metre<br />

Matlab Matrix Laboratory, a mathematical software<br />

MHz megahertz<br />

PRN pseudorandom noise<br />

P(Y) precision code<br />

s second<br />

SA selective availability<br />


Symbols<br />

× vector cross product<br />

• dot product, scalar product<br />

euclidian norm, 2-norm, length of a vector<br />

∂ partial derivative<br />

α angle between satellite velocity and satellite-to-user vector<br />

△f frequency measurement error caused by receiver clock drift<br />

△n vector n estimate correction in an iterative algorithm<br />

△t receiver time estimate bias<br />

△ti signal propagation time from the ith satellite<br />

△wu error in user velocity vector estimate<br />

△x vector x estimate correction in an iterative algorithm<br />

ɛ machine precision<br />

ɛ ˙ρ delta range vector measurement noise<br />

ɛρi measurement noise of pseudorange from the ith satellite<br />

ɛ ˙ρi measurement noise of delta range from the ith satellite<br />

ɛd clock drift equivalent error<br />

ɛfi satellite i frequency measurement error<br />

ɛru user position error<br />

ɛx positioningerror vector<br />

ν1,ν2 degrees of freedom<br />

ω transmitted frequency<br />

ω ′ received frequency<br />

θ angle between relative velocity and wave propagation direction<br />

˙ρ delta range measurement vector<br />

ˆρ expected pseudorange vector<br />

ˆ˙ρ expected delta range vector<br />

ρi pseudorange measurement from the ith satellite<br />

˙ρi delta range measurement from the ith satellite<br />

ˆρi expected pseudorange from the ith satellite<br />

˙ρ T true delta range vector<br />

ρTi true pseudorange from the ith satellite<br />

˙ρTi true delta range from the ith satellite<br />

σ standard deviation<br />


σ2 variance, covariance<br />

a vector in R3 ai relative acceleration vector of the ith satellite <strong>with</strong> respect to the user<br />

A <strong>Doppler</strong> geometric dilution of precision matrix<br />

b vector in R3 c speed of light<br />

c vector in R3 cov covariance operator<br />

d receiver clock drift equivalent, derivative<br />

ˆd estimated receiver clock drift equivalent<br />

Di <strong>Doppler</strong> shift from the ith satellite<br />

E expectation value operator<br />

f real valued function<br />

f(ɛx) probability distribution function of positioningerror vector<br />

fi measured frequency from satellite i<br />

g real valued function<br />

G <strong>Doppler</strong> geometry matrix<br />

H pseudorange geometry matrix<br />

I identity matrix<br />

i, j, k, l satellite indexes<br />

L1 <strong>GPS</strong> civil frequency 1575.42 MHz<br />

L2 <strong>GPS</strong> military frequency 1227.6 MHz<br />

n number of satellites used in the calculations<br />

n user position and time vector<br />

ˆn estimated user position and time vector<br />

p(ˆx) delta range residuals function<br />

pi(ˆx) ith component of delta range residuals function<br />

R set of real numbers<br />

ri satellite i position vector<br />

ru user position vector<br />

ˆru estimated user position vector<br />

T matrix transpose<br />

tu receiver clock bias<br />

˙tu receiver clock drift<br />

v speed<br />

vprop wave propagation speed<br />

vrel transmitter relative speed <strong>with</strong> respect to the receiver<br />

vi estimated satellite i relative velocity vector <strong>with</strong> respect to the user<br />

wi satellite i velocity vector<br />

wTu true user velocity vector<br />

wu estimated user velocity vector<br />

x wave transmitter position<br />

x user position and drift vector<br />

ˆx estimated user position and drift vector<br />

initial guess for user position and drift vector<br />

x0<br />


xk<br />

xu<br />

ˆxu<br />

yu<br />

ˆyu<br />

zu<br />

ˆzu<br />

vector x estimate after k steps of an iterative algorithm<br />

user x coordinate<br />

estimated user x coordinate<br />

user y coordinate<br />

estimated user y coordinate<br />

user z coordinate<br />

estimated user z coordinate<br />


Chapter 1<br />

Introduction<br />

Satellite positioninghas received much attention duringthe last 40 years. The<br />

beginningera of satellite positioningresearch was focused on military applications.<br />

Now the focus has changed. Because of the huge commercial potential,<br />

the objective of the current research is mainly to develop equipment for personal<br />

positioning.<br />

The Global <strong>Positioning</strong>System (<strong>GPS</strong>) is currently the only satellite positioning<br />

system suitable for personal positioning. The <strong>GPS</strong> is funded by the United States.<br />

A new system, called Galileo, is expected to be launched by the European Union<br />

in 2008. The Galileo is very similar to the <strong>GPS</strong>.<br />

The <strong>GPS</strong> has a very good accuracy in good conditions. However, problems arise<br />

in indoors and urban areas. The standard <strong>GPS</strong> receiver needs to track at least<br />

four satellites simultaneously. In addition, it needs to demodulate the navigation<br />

message from the carrier signals. The demodulation is possible only if the signal<br />

is not too noisy. When the demodulation fails, the position cannot be solved.<br />

This is a huge drawback for use of the <strong>GPS</strong> in personal positioning. Most of the<br />

users of the positioningservices live in urban areas.<br />

Duringthe last few years much effort has been put to solve the problem. Many<br />

innovative solutions have been explored. They are mainly based on the idea of<br />

the assisted <strong>GPS</strong>. This means that the <strong>GPS</strong> measurements are combined <strong>with</strong><br />

other data, which is available for example from cellular network.<br />

In this thesis an entirely new algorithm based on <strong>Doppler</strong> measurements is presented.<br />

<strong>Doppler</strong> positioninghas been earlier mentioned in the literature, but<br />

its value has been overlooked. The reason for the bad reputation of the <strong>GPS</strong><br />

<strong>Doppler</strong> positioningis the fact that its accuracy is expected to be worse than<br />

that of the standard positioningmethod. This may indeed be true, but no one<br />


has seemed to consider the use of <strong>Doppler</strong> positioningin weak signal conditions.<br />

The great benefit of the <strong>Doppler</strong> positioning is that the <strong>Doppler</strong> measurements<br />

can be received even when the standard positioningfails. The <strong>Doppler</strong> measurements<br />

can be used to solve the receiver position even <strong>with</strong>out demodulatingthe<br />

navigation message. This requires that the satellite orbital parameters and the<br />

current time are known from some other source. Thus, this thesis belongs to the<br />

field of assisted <strong>GPS</strong>.<br />

The discussion of the <strong>GPS</strong> <strong>Doppler</strong> positioningis started <strong>with</strong> the physical background<br />

of the <strong>Doppler</strong> effect in Chapter 2. The chapter also enlightens the applications<br />

of the <strong>Doppler</strong> effect in satellite positioningand other fields. Chapter<br />

3 introduces the Global <strong>Positioning</strong>System, its standard positioningalgorithm<br />

and its limitations. Chapter 4 begins by discussing the feasibility of <strong>GPS</strong><br />

<strong>Doppler</strong> positioning. Later in the chapter, the new <strong>Doppler</strong> positioning algorithm<br />

is presented. Chapter 5 turns the attention to the important issue of positioning<br />

accuracy. Possible error sources are discussed. In addition, a theory for estimating<strong>Doppler</strong><br />

positioningaccuracy is developed. The possible applications of<br />

the theory are also covered. Chapter 6 begins <strong>with</strong> a numerical analysis of the<br />

properties of the measurement noise. Later, the new theory is compared <strong>with</strong> the<br />

numerical results. Furthermore, positioningresults <strong>with</strong> real measurement data<br />

are illustrated. Finally, Chapter 7 ends the thesis <strong>with</strong> conclusions.<br />


Chapter 2<br />

The <strong>Doppler</strong> Effect<br />

In this chapter we will shortly discuss the <strong>Doppler</strong> effect as a physical phenomenon<br />

and introduce some of its applications in modern technology. In addition, the<br />

history of exploitingthe <strong>Doppler</strong> effect in satellite navigation is considered.<br />

2.1 Physical Background and Applications<br />

The <strong>Doppler</strong> effect was first noticed by the Austrian physicist C.J. <strong>Doppler</strong> (1803-<br />

1853). The phenomenon was first noticed in sound, but it applies to every kind<br />

of wave propagation. The <strong>Doppler</strong> effect is caused by a transmitter that is in<br />

relative motion <strong>with</strong> respect to a receiver. When the transmitter approaches the<br />

receiver, the transmitted signal is squeezed. This produces a rise in the frequency<br />

of the transmitted signal. As explained in [Alonso & Finn, p. 706] and [Giancoli,<br />

p. 321], the frequency experienced by the receiver can be modelled as<br />

ω ′ <br />

= 1 − vrel<br />

<br />

cos θ<br />

ω (2.1)<br />

vprop<br />

where ω ′ is the received frequency, ω is the transmitted frequency, vrel is the magnitude<br />

of relative velocity of the transmitter <strong>with</strong> respect to the receiver, vprop is<br />

the propagation speed of the wave and θ is the angle between the relative velocity<br />

and the wave propagation direction. The equation 2.1 is a valid approximation<br />

when vrel ≪ vprop. Figure 2.1 illustrates the squeezing of the signal when the<br />

transmitter located at the point x is at motion <strong>with</strong> speed v.<br />

The <strong>Doppler</strong> effect is still mostly known from acoustics. An example from everyday<br />

life is the shift in the tone of a car when it passes the listener. The <strong>Doppler</strong><br />

effect in acoustics is widely exploited in military applications. Assume that a<br />

noisy object (eg. a helicopter) is travellingalonga straight line <strong>with</strong> a constant<br />

velocity. Then a stationary sensor receives a frequency that varies <strong>with</strong> time as<br />


Signal magnitude<br />

Frequency shift for a moving transmitter<br />

x<br />

Position<br />

v<br />

Figure 2.1: <strong>Doppler</strong> effect<br />

Frequency versus time for a passing single-pitch object<br />

Frequency<br />

Time<br />

Figure 2.2: <strong>Doppler</strong> curve<br />


in Figure 2.2. The shape of the so called <strong>Doppler</strong> curve in Figure 2.2 can be used<br />

to estimate the distance to the tracked object as well as its velocity. Numerically<br />

this can be done <strong>with</strong> least squares curve fitting.<br />

The applications of the <strong>Doppler</strong> effect are by no means limited to acoustics.<br />

Perhaps the most used application of the <strong>Doppler</strong> effect is radar. The principle<br />

of <strong>Doppler</strong> radar is explained in [Janza et al., p. 410]. In addition to radars,<br />

the <strong>Doppler</strong> effect is also important in lidars (light detection and ranging). The<br />

workingprinciple of a lidar closely resembles that of a radar, but the lidar is<br />

used at optical frequencies [Post & Cupp]. <strong>Doppler</strong> lidars are mainly used in<br />

atmospheric measurements of small particles.<br />

Another important application is the laser <strong>Doppler</strong> anemometry. The use of<br />

laser <strong>Doppler</strong> anemometry (LDA) in fluid velocity field measurement is explained<br />

in [Tropea]. The method is also sometimes called laser <strong>Doppler</strong> velocimetry<br />

[Wang& Snyder]. Furthermore, <strong>Doppler</strong> ultrasound measurements are widely<br />

used in medicine. Blood flow velocity, for example, is an important measurable<br />

that can be measured <strong>with</strong> <strong>Doppler</strong> ultrasound [Bascom & Cobbold].<br />

2.2 History of <strong>Doppler</strong> Navigation<br />

The precedingsection showed that there are numerous applications in different<br />

fields that take advantage of the <strong>Doppler</strong> effect. The <strong>Doppler</strong> effect, by its nature,<br />

is ideally suited for velocity measurement. However, it has already for longbeen<br />

used in navigation. In this section, we will enlighten the history of satellite<br />

<strong>Doppler</strong> navigation.<br />

The idea of a satellite <strong>Doppler</strong> navigation system comes from Applied Physics<br />

Laboratory of the John Hopkins University, United States. The invention was<br />

made in 1958 and was publicised in 1960. The early development of the project<br />

and a proof of feasibility of satellite <strong>Doppler</strong> navigation was presented in<br />

[Guier & Weiffenbach]. The U.S. Navy Navigation Satellite System, alsoknown<br />

as Transit, was designed based on this idea. The system became operational<br />

in 1964. Details of the system were released in 1967 by the U.S. government.<br />

This was done in order to permit commercial manufacture and use of Transit<br />

navigation equipment.<br />

The Transit system provided intermittent position fix updates rather than continuous<br />

navigation information [Laurila, p. 463]. It consisted of satellites in circular,<br />

polar orbits about 1075 kilometres high. The receiver only needed to track one<br />

satellite to produce a navigation fix. In order to produce an accurate estimate,<br />


the receiver needed to collect measurement data over several minutes. The actual<br />

computation of the receiver position was based on the <strong>Doppler</strong> curve of a satellite<br />

pass. <strong>Doppler</strong> curves of satellites are flatter than in Figure 2.2. This is because<br />

they travel alongcircular orbits rather than straight lines. The position of the<br />

receiver was determined by curve fitting. The latitude and longitude estimates<br />

were optimised such that the computed <strong>Doppler</strong> curve fitted to the measured<br />

data. The computational details can be found in [Laurila, p. 474]. The accuracy<br />

of the Transit system was about half a kilometre.<br />

In order to compute the <strong>Doppler</strong> curves, one also needs to know the position<br />

and velocity vectors of the satellite. Thus, the Transit satellites transmitted<br />

binary data by phase modulation. This data is called ephemeris. One was able<br />

to compute the satellite position and velocity from the ephemeris. The Transit<br />

satellites transmitted continuous wave signals on two distinct frequencies, namely<br />

150 MHz and 400 MHz. The purpose of this was to eliminate the first order<br />

ionospheric refraction and receiver frequency measurement errors. The accuracy<br />

of the Transit system was about 100 meters for a stationary receiver, but was<br />

severely worse for a receiver in unknown motion [Laurila, p. 476]. According<br />

to [Parkinson & Spilker, p. 4], the Transit system is still operational, but new<br />

satellites are not beinglaunched.<br />


Chapter 3<br />

The Global <strong>Positioning</strong> System<br />

In this chapter we will introduce the Global <strong>Positioning</strong>System. Its history and<br />

general working principles will be covered. The accuracy considerations and the<br />

limitations of the system are also discussed in short.<br />

3.1 History<br />

The history of the Global <strong>Positioning</strong>System (<strong>GPS</strong>) can be said to begin from<br />

the year 1973. Until then, the U.S. Navy and the U.S. Air Forces had been<br />

studying navigation separately. But in 1973 a Joint Program Office was formed<br />

by the U.S. Department of Defence (DOD). The new system called <strong>GPS</strong> or<br />

NAVSTAR, was planned. The first prototype satellites were launched in 1978<br />

[Parkinson & Spilker, pp. 4-9]. The full operational capability was reached by<br />

the end of year 1994.<br />

Although the <strong>GPS</strong> has been a military project, it has been designed also for<br />

the civil use. In the beginning the U.S. military feared that the <strong>GPS</strong> could be<br />

effectively used by the enemy. A system called selective availability (SA) was<br />

created. This meant that there were two different signals, one for the public and<br />

one encrypted for the military only. The public signal was deliberately degraded<br />

such that the accuracy for the civil users was an order of magnitude worse than<br />

for the military.<br />

As late as in May 2000 the SA was finally turned to zero. Technically the SA<br />

may still be re-introduced in case a need for that arises. The reason for turning<br />

SA off is partially the economic boost it was thought to give. Partially the reason<br />

is, however, that the effects of the SA can be circumvented <strong>with</strong> the modern<br />

technology. The mentioned modern technology involves carrier smoothing and so<br />

called differential <strong>GPS</strong> (D<strong>GPS</strong>).<br />


Recently, a project similar to the <strong>GPS</strong> has also been launched in the Europe. The<br />

project is called Galileo. The Galileo satellite system is planned to be perfectly<br />

compatible to the <strong>GPS</strong>. This is a benefit, because the same receivers can use<br />

either or both of the systems. The main difference between Galileo and <strong>GPS</strong><br />

is that Galileo has not been planned to be used by the military. Galileo is a<br />

completely civil project, which is funded by the European Union and various<br />

European companies. The Galileo system is expected to be operational in 2008<br />

[ESA].<br />

3.2 The Basic Concepts<br />

3.2.1 Reference Coordinate Systems<br />

In every kind of navigation one needs some reference coordinate system. In <strong>GPS</strong><br />

this is an important issue, since the natural coordinate systems for the satellites’<br />

positions and for the receiver’s position are different.<br />

The Earth-centred inertial (ECI)coordinate system is particularly suitable for<br />

determiningthe orbits of the satellites [Kaplan, p. 23]. The origin of the ECI<br />

system is at the centre of mass of the Earth. The equations of motion of the <strong>GPS</strong><br />

satellites can be modelled as if the ECI system were unaccelerated.<br />

For the purposes of computingthe position of a <strong>GPS</strong> receiver, it is more convenient<br />

to use a coordinate system that rotates <strong>with</strong> the Earth. This coordinate<br />

system is called Earth-centred Earth-fixed (ECEF)system. A stationary receiver<br />

on the surface of the Earth is stationary also in the ECEF coordinate system.<br />

Thus, the natural coordinate system for the satellites is ECI and that for the<br />

receiver is ECEF. The normal procedure is to compute the satellite orbits in<br />

the ECI system and then transform them to the ECEF system. Thereafter, the<br />

receiver position is computed in the ECEF system. In this thesis, unless otherwise<br />

specified, all the given coordinates will be in the ECEF coordinate system.<br />

3.2.2 Range <strong>Positioning</strong><br />

<strong>GPS</strong> has been designed to be a time-of-arrival positioningsystem. This means<br />

that the receiver’s position is determined by measuringthe time that the <strong>GPS</strong><br />

signal uses to travel from the satellite to the receiver. With the knowledge that<br />

the signal travels <strong>with</strong> the speed of light c, the satellite-to-receiver range can<br />

be computed. When range measurements are simultaneously performed <strong>with</strong><br />


sufficiently many satellites, the receiver’s position can be solved. An example in<br />

two dimensions is shown in Figure 3.1.<br />

Satellite 1<br />

Receiver<br />

Satellite 3<br />

Satellite 2<br />

Figure 3.1: Principle of Range <strong>Positioning</strong><br />

When the user knows the positions of the satellites and the satellite-to-receiver<br />

distances, he can draw a picture similar to Figure 3.1. In three dimensions the<br />

circles around the satellites are naturally spheres. The radii of the spheres are<br />

the distances to the satellites measured by the receiver. The receiver position can<br />

be found from the intersection of the spheres.<br />

3.2.3 <strong>GPS</strong> Signal Structure<br />

The <strong>GPS</strong> satellites transmit two different signals. Coarse/acquisition (C/A) signal<br />

is transmitted at the frequency L1 (1575.42 MHz). The C/A signal is open to<br />

be used by everyone. The precision (P(Y)) signal is transmitted at the frequency<br />

L2 (1227.6 MHz). The P(Y) signal is encrypted and can be used only by the U.S.<br />

military. The <strong>GPS</strong> receivers are totally passive in the sense that they need not<br />

transmit anything. In order to conclude its position, the receiver only needs to<br />

listen to the frequency L1.<br />

The satellite carrier signals are binary phase shift key modulated <strong>with</strong> pseudorandom<br />

noise (PRN) codes. The modulation frequency is 1.023 MHz. The code<br />

repeats once in a millisecond. The PRN codes are binary sequences that appear<br />

to be noise but are actually deterministic. Determinism is naturally necessary<br />

because the receiver needs to demodulate the signal. The noise-like characteristic<br />


of the PRN codes is crucial because all the satellites transmit at the same frequency.<br />

The PRN codes are used to differentiate the satellite signals from each<br />

other. The PRN codes have been designed to have extremely low cross-correlation<br />

[<strong>GPS</strong> 1995]. With their wide spectra and low cross-correlations, the PRN codes<br />

are ideally suited for makingthe difference between the satellite signals. Systems<br />

like the <strong>GPS</strong>, which transmit different data at the same frequency, are called code<br />

division multiple access systems.<br />

The satellites transmit also navigation data which is modulated to the C/A signal<br />

at 50 Hz frequency. The navigation data is organised in superframes, frames and<br />

subframes. The superframes, frames and subframes last 12.5 minutes, 30 seconds<br />

and 6 seconds, respectively.<br />

The navigation message contains for example the ephemeris. The ephemeris is a<br />

set of time varyingparameters that are used to calculate the position and velocity<br />

of the satellite. The satellite positions can be computed accurately or approximated<br />

[Korvenoja & Piché]. The knowledge of satellite’s position is crucial for<br />

the positioning, as can be seen from the Figure 3.1. If the satellite position is<br />

biased, also the receiver position will be incorrectly determined. The ephemeris<br />

contains also some correction terms that pass the user information for example<br />

about the satellite clock drift.<br />

One of the most important things that the navigation data contains, is the time.<br />

The time in the navigation message is the time of transmission of the beginning<br />

of each subframe. Thus, the time information is sent in the navigation message<br />

once in 6 seconds.<br />

3.2.4 Pseudorange and Delta Range<br />

Above, the <strong>GPS</strong> was stated to be a time-of-arrival positioningsystem. The way<br />

to measure the propagation times of the signals is based on the PRN codes.<br />

The satellite PRN code is replicated in the receiver. Retardingthe replica code<br />

and performinga correlation process <strong>with</strong> the received signal yields △ti, the<br />

signal propagation time from the ith satellite. This can be obtained because the<br />

user knows both the time of the beginning of each subframe from the navigation<br />

message and the time of signal reception from the correlation process. The <strong>GPS</strong><br />

signals travel at the speed of light c. Thus, the satellite-to-user range can be<br />

computed <strong>with</strong><br />

ri − ru = c△ti<br />

(3.1)<br />

where ri is the satellite position vector, ru is the receiver position vector, c is the<br />

speed of light and △ti is the signal propagation time.<br />


The satellite signal is very accurate. However, the user clock is usually not<br />

synchronised <strong>with</strong> the satellite clocks. This makes the exact measurement of the<br />

range impossible. If the satellite clock is behind the system time, the measured<br />

range shorter than the real range and vice versa. The measured range is called<br />

pseudorange and can be modelled as<br />

ρi = c (△ti + tu) =ri − ru + ctu + ɛρi<br />

(3.2)<br />

where tu is the receiver clock bias and ɛρi is the measurement error. The true<br />

pseudorange is the pseudorange measurement <strong>with</strong> no error:<br />

ρTi = ri − ru + ctu<br />

(3.3)<br />

The other significant measurable in <strong>GPS</strong> positioning is the delta range, orthe<br />

time derivative of the pseudorange. Let us find out an expression for the true<br />

delta range by differentiating the equation 3.3:<br />

˙ρTi = dρTi<br />

dt<br />

= d<br />

dt (ri − ru + ctu) =(wi − wu) • ri − ru<br />

ri − ru + c ˙<br />

tu<br />

(3.4)<br />

where wi is the satellite velocity vector, wu is the receiver velocity vector and ˙<br />

tu<br />

is the receiver clock bias time derivative, or the receiver clock drift. More information<br />

about measuring pseudorange and delta range can be found in [Braasch].<br />

The delta range measurements are further discussed in Chapter 4 and Chapter 5.<br />

3.3 Pseudorange <strong>Positioning</strong><br />

3.3.1 Problem Formulation<br />

The <strong>GPS</strong> receivers calculate their positions in a process called pseudorange positioning.<br />

Assume that the receiver measures pseudoranges to n satellites simultaneously.<br />

We can write the equation 3.2 for all the satellites simultaneously. We<br />

achieve the followingsystem of equations:<br />

⎧<br />

ρ1 = r1 − ru + ctu<br />

⎪⎨ ρ2 = r2 − ru + ctu<br />

(3.5)<br />

⎪⎩<br />

.<br />

ρn = rn − ru + ctu<br />

All the pseudoranges ρi are known from the measurements and all the satellite<br />

position vectors ri are known from the navigation data. It remains to solve for<br />

the user position vector ru and the receiver clock bias tu. Since ru ∈ R 3 ,there<br />

are four unknowns to be solved for. Thus, one needs at least four independent<br />


equations in the system of equations 3.5. Physically this means pseudorange<br />

measurements from at least four different satellites at the same time. If there<br />

are more than four equations, the methods developed for solvingoverdetermined<br />

systems of equations may be applied.<br />

3.3.2 Solution Procedure<br />

There are numerous methods for solvingthe system of equations 3.5. Both closedform<br />

and iterative solutions have been extensively studied. A good overview of<br />

different methods is provided in [Korvenoja, pp. 31-50]. Here we will introduce<br />

the most commonly used method, namely the iterative least squares algorithm.<br />

For notational simplicity, let us denote the user position and time vector as<br />

n =[xuyu zu ctu] T where xu, yu, zu are the user x, y, z coordinates, respectively,<br />

c is the speed of light and tu is the user clock bias. Moreover, let us<br />

denote the estimated user position and time vector as ˆn = T ˆxu ˆyu ˆzu c ˆtu .The<br />

expected pseudorange is denoted by ˆρi and is the theoretical pseudorange calculated<br />

assuming n = ˆn. With the pseudorange model 3.2 one has the expected<br />

pseudorange as a function of ˆn<br />

ˆρi =ˆρi(ˆn) =ri − ˆru + c ˆtu<br />

(3.6)<br />

Usingthe vector notation, we have the pseudorange measurement vector ρ =<br />

[ρ1 ρ2 ... ρn] T and the expected pseudorange vector ˆρ =[ˆρ1 ˆρ2 ... ˆρn] T<br />

Usingthe first order Taylor series, one can approximate the theoretical pseudorange<br />

vector ˆρ at any point ˆn + △n:<br />

ˆρ (ˆn + △n) =ˆρ (ˆn)+ ∂ˆρ<br />

△n (3.7)<br />

∂ ˆn<br />

where n is the linearization point and △n is an arbitrary vector. Naturally, the<br />

approximation 3.7 is most accurate when △n is small.<br />

Obviously, the ultimate purpose of the algorithm is to find the receiver’s position.<br />

Thus, the user needs to find a correction term △n such that the theoretical<br />

pseudoranges match the measured ones. This can be achieved by setting the<br />

right hand side of the equation 3.7 to equal ρ:<br />

ˆρ (ˆn)+ ∂ˆρ<br />

△n = ρ (3.8)<br />

∂ ˆn<br />

Now the equation 3.8 can be solved. Accordingto [Kaplan, p. 521], the least<br />

squares solution for the correction term is<br />

△n = −<br />

∂ˆρ<br />

∂ ˆn<br />

T ∂ˆρ<br />

∂ ˆn<br />

12<br />

−1 T ∂ˆρ<br />

(ˆρ − ρ) (3.9)<br />

∂ ˆn

The estimated position and time vector ˆn can be updated by addingthe correction<br />

term △n to the estimate ˆn. Thereafter, the expected pseudorange vector ˆρ and<br />

the derivative matrix ∂ˆρ<br />

can be calculated again. This allows one to re-use<br />

∂ ˆn<br />

the equation 3.9 to find a new correction term △n. Thus, the iteration can<br />

be continued, until a satisfactory accuracy for the position and time estimate is<br />

reached.<br />

3.4 <strong>Positioning</strong> Error Analysis<br />

The precedingsection introduced an algorithm that is capable of findinga navigation<br />

solution. However, the navigation solution is not necessarily the same as<br />

the real receiver position and time. This results from measurement errors.<br />

It is highly desirable to be able to estimate the accuracy of the navigation solution,<br />

no matter which method is used. The standard method used in the <strong>GPS</strong><br />

pseudorange positioning will be introduced here. It appears that the derivative<br />

matrix ∂ˆρ<br />

∂ ˆn<br />

has an important role in error estimation. For simplicity, let us use<br />

the notation H = ∂ˆρ<br />

∂ˆρ<br />

. Note that some books operate <strong>with</strong> the matrix −<br />

∂ ˆn ∂ ˆn<br />

[Kaplan, p. 51], while others define the geometry matrix as ∂ˆρ<br />

likewedo. The<br />

∂ ˆn<br />

matrix H will here be called the pseudorange geometry matrix. The purpose<br />

of this is to distinguish the matrix from another geometry matrix which will be<br />

introduced later in this thesis.<br />

With the new notations, let us rewrite the expression for the correction term in<br />

the equation 3.9:<br />

△n = − H T H −1 H T (ˆρ − ρ) (3.10)<br />

Let us assume that the pseudorange measurements have errors that are uncorrelated<br />

and have equal variances σ2 ρ. Following[Parkinson & Spilker, p. 414], one<br />

achieves an expression for the positioningerror covariance matrix:<br />

cov(△n) =E △n△n T = σ 2 T −1<br />

ρ H H (3.11)<br />

The matrix H T H −1 is called geometrical dilution of precision matrix or GDOP<br />

matrix. It contains the information about the quality of the satellite geometry.<br />

If one has an estimate for the measurement error variance σ 2 ρ, one can calculate<br />

the positioningvariance cov(△n) <strong>with</strong> the help of the GDOP matrix.<br />

However, it is not very convenient to have the positioningerror as a form of<br />

4 × 4 covariance matrix cov(△n). Actually the matrix cov(△n) containsmuch<br />

information that is not always needed by the user. The effect of the satellite<br />


geometry can be reduced to a single real number. The geometrical dilution of<br />

precision value (GDOP) is defined as<br />

H <br />

T −1<br />

GDOP = trace H (3.12)<br />

where trace means the summation alongthe main diagonal of the matrix. The<br />

GDOP value can be used for estimatingthe magnitude of the positioningerror,<br />

as follows:<br />

(3.13)<br />

σn =GDOP× σρ<br />

where σn is a combined standard deviation of the solution x, y, z and ctu components,<br />

while σρ is the pseudorange measurement standard error. Besides of<br />

the GDOP, there are other useful values that can be computed from the GDOP<br />

matrix. These include position DOP, horizontal DOP, vertical DOP and time<br />

DOP [Parkinson & Spilker, p. 414].<br />

The pseudorange positioning error <strong>with</strong> a particular satellite geometry can be<br />

estimated <strong>with</strong> the formula 3.13. Accordingto [Kaplan, p. 262], the standard<br />

error σρ in pseudorange measurements is about 8 meters. According to [Kaplan,<br />

p. 270], the GDOP value is on average below 3. The equation 3.13 now shows<br />

that the positioningerror is usually below 25 meters. Thus, the positioning<br />

performance <strong>with</strong> the <strong>GPS</strong> pseudorange positioning is far better than <strong>with</strong> the<br />

Transit <strong>Doppler</strong> positioningsystem.<br />

3.5 Limitations of the <strong>GPS</strong><br />

In the previous section it was stated that the <strong>GPS</strong> has a very good positioning<br />

performance. The theory for the pseudorange positioning is well developed and<br />

relatively easy. Still, the <strong>GPS</strong> has its limitations. One of the most severe is the<br />

satellite availability. The standard <strong>GPS</strong> receivers need to measure pseudoranges<br />

to at least four satellites simultaneously, in order to solve for the position estimate.<br />

In theory, at least four satellites should be available nearly always nearly everywhere<br />

[Kaplan, p. 287]. In practise, however, there are problems. The problems<br />

usually arise in weak signal conditions. Sometimes the receiver should have<br />

many satellites in sight but there is some barrier that prevents the <strong>GPS</strong> signal<br />

from reachingthe receiver. This occurs frequently in urban areas and indoors<br />

[Syrjärinne, p. 22]. Usually the signal is received, but it is too much attenuated<br />

for the pseudorange positioning purposes.<br />

Recently, some effort has been put to resolve the satellite availability problem.<br />

Novel methods have been developed for enhancingthe positioningperformance<br />


in weak signal conditions. The key for the solution seems to be the assisted <strong>GPS</strong>.<br />

This means that the receiver gains some extra information, for example through<br />

a cellular network. This helps when the receiver has not been able to demodulate<br />

the navigation message from the attenuated <strong>GPS</strong> signal. With assis<strong>GPS</strong>, also<br />

the attenuated signals can be exploited in the positioning determination. More<br />

details about these methods can be found in [Syrjärinne] and [Sirola].<br />


Chapter 4<br />

<strong>Doppler</strong> <strong>Positioning</strong> <strong>with</strong> the<br />

<strong>GPS</strong><br />

In this chapter, the possibility of usingthe <strong>Doppler</strong> measurements in <strong>GPS</strong> will<br />

be discussed. The theory for positioningbased on simultaneous <strong>Doppler</strong> measurements<br />

will be developed. In addition, an iterative algorithm suitable for the<br />

positioningis presented.<br />

4.1 Need for <strong>Doppler</strong> <strong>Positioning</strong><br />

The Global <strong>Positioning</strong> System was developed for pseudorange positioning. There<br />

is no doubt that usingthe pseudorange measurements is the most accurate way<br />

to find a position estimate for the receiver. However, the end of the preceding<br />

chapter gave a glimpse of the difficulties that frequently arise in pseudorange<br />

positioning.<br />

Very often it happens, that there are several attenuated <strong>GPS</strong> satellite signals<br />

available. The signals are so noisy that the demodulation of the navigation message<br />

is impossible. Thus, the pseudorange measurements cannot be performed.<br />

However, the signals are sufficiently good so that the signals can be recognised<br />

accordingto the PRN codes. In addition, the received signal frequencies can be<br />

measured. The frequency differences are mainly caused by the <strong>Doppler</strong> effect. In<br />

this chapter it will be shown that the frequency shifts can be used for positioning<br />

<strong>with</strong>out knowledge of the pseudoranges. This kind of positioning will be referred<br />

to as <strong>GPS</strong> <strong>Doppler</strong> positioning.<br />

In pseudorange positioning the user needs to know the satellite positions. In<br />

<strong>GPS</strong> <strong>Doppler</strong> positioningthe same applies, but the user also needs to know the<br />

satellite velocities. The usual way to achieve this information is to demodulate the<br />


navigation message. Here, however, we assumed that the signals are so attenuated<br />

that this is impossible. The solution is the assisted <strong>GPS</strong>. We will assume that<br />

the satellite orbital parameters and the current time is received from somewhere<br />

out of the <strong>GPS</strong> system. Typically this means that the receiver is connected to a<br />

cellular network.<br />

It is evident that the ability to perform the positioningusingonly <strong>Doppler</strong> measurements<br />

would be of great use in many situations. Even if the positioning<br />

estimate would not be as accurate as in pseudorange positioning, the <strong>Doppler</strong><br />

positioningwould still make sense. As was written above, the pseudorange positioningis<br />

not always possible. More good news is that carryingout the <strong>Doppler</strong><br />

measurements does not require any hardware modifications to the receiver. Actually,<br />

the state of the art receivers are doingthe <strong>Doppler</strong> measurements all the<br />

time as a by-product of satellite tracking.<br />

4.2 Comparison between <strong>GPS</strong> and Transit<br />

In Chapter 2 the basic principles of the historical Transit <strong>Doppler</strong> positioning<br />

satellite system were enlightened. The Chapter 3, by contrast, introduced the<br />

modern <strong>GPS</strong> pseudorange positioning. There is no doubt that <strong>GPS</strong> pseudorange<br />

positioningis much more accurate than the Transit <strong>Doppler</strong> positioning. But let<br />

us now assume that the <strong>GPS</strong> is used in <strong>Doppler</strong> positioningmode. Naturally, before<br />

going on to designing algorithms for <strong>GPS</strong> <strong>Doppler</strong> positioning, it is desirable<br />

to know if the positioninghas any chances to succeed. We know that the Transit<br />

positioningwas possible <strong>with</strong> about 500 meters accuracy. Let us now compare<br />

Transit and <strong>GPS</strong> <strong>Doppler</strong> positioningto see if the <strong>GPS</strong> can be expected to beat<br />

the Transit.<br />

Let us first consider the bad sides of the <strong>GPS</strong> when compared to the Transit.<br />

First of all, the <strong>GPS</strong> only has one available civil frequency. In Transit there were<br />

two separate frequencies. This is a bigbenefit allowingthe user to eliminate<br />

all the first order errors in measurements. Thus, most of the atmospheric and<br />

receiver measurement errors can be eliminated in the Transit. In addition, the<br />

Transit satellites were at lower orbits and travelled at a higher velocity. This<br />

produces benefits in <strong>Doppler</strong> positioning, because the <strong>Doppler</strong> shifts are larger.<br />

Furthermore, the positioninggeometry is better when the satellites are at lower<br />

orbits. In other words, the positioningerror for the same <strong>Doppler</strong> measurement<br />

error is smaller for low orbit satellites [Hill].<br />

However, there are also good things in the <strong>GPS</strong> when compared to the Transit.<br />

The biggest advantage of using the <strong>GPS</strong> for <strong>Doppler</strong> positioning in stead of the<br />

Transit is the satellite availability. There are much more satellites in the <strong>GPS</strong>. In<br />


the Transit, the receiver was lucky to be able to track even one satellite. Most of<br />

the time there were no satellites in the view. On the contrary, there are usually<br />

several <strong>GPS</strong> satellites in the view at the same time. Even if the receiver is indoors,<br />

most of the <strong>GPS</strong> signals can be received, although attenuated. The high number<br />

of satellites allows a <strong>GPS</strong> receiver to have simultaneous <strong>Doppler</strong> measurements<br />

from several satellites. This is a huge increase in the amount of information that<br />

can be used for the positioning.<br />

In addition, the <strong>GPS</strong> frequency is much higher than the Transit frequencies.<br />

This is a benefit, because relative frequency measurement errors become smaller.<br />

Furthermore, the higher frequency causes smaller atmospheric errors. As a conclusion,<br />

it cannot be said which is better: the Transit or the <strong>GPS</strong> <strong>Doppler</strong> positioning.<br />

Both have their advantages and drawbacks. A summary of these is<br />

shown in Table 4.1. After all, one can say that the <strong>GPS</strong> <strong>Doppler</strong> positioning<br />

may well be of at least the same accuracy as the Transit. Thus, there is a reason<br />

for further <strong>GPS</strong> <strong>Doppler</strong> positioningresearch. More thorough positioningerror<br />

analysis will be provided in Chapter 5.<br />

Table 4.1: Comparison between <strong>GPS</strong> <strong>Doppler</strong> positioningand Transit<br />

<strong>GPS</strong> Transit<br />

+Better satellite availability +Two different frequencies<br />

+Higher frequency +Higher satellite velocities<br />

+Lower satellite orbits<br />

4.3 The Governing Equations<br />

Let us now begin to build a physical model for the <strong>GPS</strong> <strong>Doppler</strong> positioning. This<br />

will eventually lead to an algorithm, that can be used in position estimation.<br />

4.3.1 The <strong>Doppler</strong> Shift Equation<br />

The frequency of the received <strong>GPS</strong> signal differs from the frequency transmitted<br />

by the satellite. This easily measurable frequency offset is mainly due to the<br />

<strong>Doppler</strong> effect. The <strong>Doppler</strong> effect is caused by the relative motion of the transmittingsatellite<br />

<strong>with</strong> respect to the receiver. The <strong>Doppler</strong> Shift can be modelled<br />

<strong>with</strong> the dot product equation<br />

<br />

wi − wu<br />

Di = − •<br />

c<br />

ri<br />

<br />

− ru<br />

L1<br />

(4.1)<br />

ri − ru<br />


where wi is the satellite velocity, wu is the receiver velocity, c is the speed of<br />

light, ri is the satellite location, ru is the receiver location and L1 is the frequency<br />

transmitted by the satellite.<br />

The <strong>Doppler</strong> shift equation 4.1 can be modified to achieve a range rate equation.<br />

For notational simplicity let us define the satellite’s relative velocity <strong>with</strong> the<br />

followingequation:<br />

(4.2)<br />

vi = wi − wu<br />

After algebraic manipulation one obtains<br />

vi • ru − ri<br />

ru − ri<br />

= Dic<br />

L1<br />

(4.3)<br />

We notice that the left hand side of the equation 4.3 is the rate at which the<br />

satellite is approachingthe user. Thus, the equation can also be written as a<br />

range rate equation as<br />

− d<br />

dt ru − ri = Dic<br />

(4.4)<br />

Assume that the user knows the current time as well as his own velocity exactly,<br />

and that he has the valid ephemeris. Consequently he can calculate satellites’<br />

position vectors ri and relative velocities vi. Also assume that the receiver knows<br />

the speed of light constant c, the real transmitted frequency L1 and the real<br />

<strong>Doppler</strong> shift Di.<br />

With precedingassumptions, the only unknown in the equation 4.3 is the user<br />

position vector ru. Interpretingthe dot product geometrically <strong>with</strong> the formula<br />

a • b = a·b·cos ∠(a, b) and noticingthat the vector ru − ri<br />

is of unit<br />

ru − ri<br />

length, the equation 4.3 can be written as<br />

L1<br />

vi·cos α = Dic<br />

L1<br />

(4.5)<br />

where α = ∠(vi, ru − ri) is the angle between the relative satellite velocity vi<br />

and the satellite-to-user vector ru − ri. Solvingfor the angle α in the equation<br />

4.5 gives us<br />

<br />

Dic<br />

α = arccos<br />

(4.6)<br />

L1vi<br />

Thus the receiver must be located such that the satellite-to-user vector ru − ri<br />

forms an angle α <strong>with</strong> the satellite relative velocity vector vi. The possible<br />

receiver positions ru form a surface of a right circular cone whose vertex is at<br />

the satellite position ri. The cone is shown in Figure 4.1. The cone has a semiinfinite<br />

axis in the direction of the satellite velocity vi when the <strong>Doppler</strong> shift<br />

Di is positive and in the direction opposite to vi when Di is negative. The angle<br />

between the surface of the cone and the satellite relative velocity vector vi is<br />


Dic<br />

α = arccos . As a special case of equation 4.6 when the <strong>Doppler</strong> shift<br />

L1vi<br />

Di equals zero the receiver must be located on a plane that is orthogonal to vi<br />

and passes through ri.<br />

ru<br />

vi ✛<br />

α<br />

ri<br />

vi·cos α<br />

Figure 4.1: <strong>Doppler</strong> effect in satellite positioning<br />

If we had three ideal <strong>Doppler</strong> measurements, we could solve for the three unknowns,<br />

namely the user position vector ru =[xu yu zu] T . The user position<br />

would be found at the intersection of the three different cones defined by the<br />

equation 4.3. However, things are unfortunately not that simple. It is extremely<br />

difficult to measure the <strong>Doppler</strong> shift <strong>with</strong> the precision required for the positioning.<br />

4.3.2 The Clock Drift Error<br />

In order to accurately measure the frequency of a signal, one must have a very<br />

stable clock. The same applies also to accurately generating a desired frequency.<br />

Satellite frequency generation is based on a highly accurate free running atomic<br />

standard. The <strong>GPS</strong> control segment makes sure that the frequencies transmitted<br />

by the satellites are very close to the nominal frequency L1 and adds correction<br />

terms to the navigation messages when necessary [Kaplan, p. 50]. Thus, the<br />

error in the transmitted frequency causes little harm for the receiver.<br />

By contrast, the receiver very seldom has sufficiently good an oscillator to accurately<br />

estimate the <strong>Doppler</strong> shift of the received signal. Let us denote the time<br />

derivative of the receiver clock bias, the receiver clock drift, by˙tu. If˙tu is positive,<br />


the receiver clock is runningfast and if ˙tu is negative, it is running slow. The<br />

error △f in the estimate for the received frequency can be modelled as<br />

△f = −˙tuL1<br />

(4.7)<br />

It is important to notice that the error in the received frequency estimate in the<br />

equation 4.7 is independent of the received frequency. Moreover, it is constant<br />

in the sense that it has the same value for every signal if frequencies of multiple<br />

signals are measured at the same time instant. However, the clock drift is not<br />

generally constant in time.<br />

4.3.3 Mathematical Problem Formulation<br />

Let us denote the receiver’s estimate for the frequency of the received signal<br />

from the satellite i by fi. Modellingthe frequency offsets from the <strong>Doppler</strong> shift<br />

(equation 4.1) and the receiver clock drift (equation 4.7) we obtain a model for<br />

the total frequency offset:<br />

fi − L1 = Di + △f + ɛfi<br />

<br />

vi<br />

= −<br />

c • ri<br />

<br />

− ru<br />

L1 − ˙tuL1 + ɛfi<br />

ri − ru<br />

(4.8)<br />

where ɛfi is the unmodelled noise in the frequency measurement. Properties of<br />

the measurement noise will be covered in Chapter 5.<br />

Multiplyingthe equation 4.8 by − c<br />

L1 yields<br />

− fi − L1<br />

c = vi •<br />

L1<br />

ri − ru<br />

ri − ru + c˙tu<br />

ɛfic − (4.9)<br />

L1<br />

c<br />

Usingthe equation 3.4 and denotingɛ ˙ρi = −ɛfi the equation 4.8 can be rewritten<br />

L1<br />

as<br />

− fi − L1<br />

c =˙ρTi + ɛ ˙ρi<br />

(4.10)<br />

L1<br />

is the delta range measurement noise.<br />

where ˙ρTi is the true delta range and ɛ ˙ρi<br />

The delta range measurement ˙ρi is the true deltarange ˙ρTi disturbed by the noise<br />

ɛ ˙ρi :<br />

˙ρi =˙ρTi + ɛ ˙ρi<br />

(4.11)<br />

Combiningthe equations 4.10 and 4.11, one achieves the delta range measurement<br />

model:<br />

˙ρi = − fi − L1<br />

L1<br />

c (4.12)<br />

Analogously, combining the equations 3.4 and 4.11 yields the delta range physical<br />

model:<br />

˙ρi = vi • ri − ru<br />

ri − ru + c˙tu + ɛ ˙ρi<br />

(4.13)<br />


For notational simplicity let us denote c˙tu, the effect of user clock drift to the<br />

delta range measurement, by d. The new variable d has unit of velocity, that is<br />

m/s. The true delta range can now be written in the form<br />

˙ρTi = vi • ri − ru<br />

+ d (4.14)<br />

ri − ru<br />

Now approximate the true delta range ˙ρTi <strong>with</strong> the measured delta range ˙ρi. Using<br />

the equation 4.14 we obtain the followingequation <strong>with</strong> 4 unknowns, namely<br />

ru ∈ R3 and d ∈ R:<br />

vi • ri − ru<br />

ri − ru + d − ˙ρi = 0 (4.15)<br />

Assume we have simultaneous delta range measurements from n different satellites.<br />

Each measurement contributes one equation similar to 4.15. This yields us<br />

the system of equations for multiple satellite <strong>Doppler</strong> positioning:<br />

where<br />

⎧<br />

⎪⎨<br />

⎪⎩<br />

v1 • r1 − ru<br />

r1 − ru + d − ˙ρ1 =0<br />

v2 • r2 − ru<br />

r2 − ru + d − ˙ρ2 =0<br />

.<br />

vn • rn − ru<br />

rn − ru + d − ˙ρn =0<br />

• vi,i=1..n are the satellite relative velocity vectors, assumed known<br />

• ri,i=1..n are the satellite position vectors, assumed known<br />

• ˙ρi,i=1..n are the delta range measurements, assumed known<br />

• ru is the receiver position vector, unknown<br />

(4.16)<br />

• d is the receiver clock drift effect to the delta range measurement, unknown<br />

Thus, there are four unknowns, namely xu,yu,zu and d. To simplify notations,<br />

let us make the followingdefinition:<br />

Definition 1. The receiver position and drift vector<br />

x =<br />

ru<br />

d<br />

⎡<br />

<br />

⎢<br />

= ⎢<br />

⎣<br />

22<br />

xu<br />

yu<br />

zu<br />

d<br />

⎤<br />

⎥<br />

⎦ ∈ R4

Let us now turn into our main goal, namely solvingthe positioningproblem<br />

defined by the system of equations 4.16. There are many different approaches<br />

for solvingthe problem. These include symbolic methods, standard numerical<br />

methods and problem specific iterative methods. It should be both mathematically<br />

and physically clear that the system of equations 4.16 cannot be uniquely solved<br />

unless the number of satellites n ≥ 4.<br />

4.4 Symbolic Methods<br />

4.4.1 Solving the Receiver Position<br />

In pseudorange positioning there are several different ways to manipulate the<br />

set of equations 3.5 such that one obtains closed-form solutions. It is naturally<br />

beneficial to have a closed-form solution for a problem because then one needs<br />

not resort to numerical iteration. A closed-form solution also produces valuable<br />

geometrical insight into the problem. Different closed-form solutions for pseudorange<br />

positioning can be found for example from [Bancroft], [Fang], [Krause],<br />

[Leva], [Hoshen] and [Lundberg].<br />

Because of the success of the closed-form solutions in pseudorange positioning<br />

there is also hope that similar solutions could be found in delta range positioning.<br />

The system of equations 4.16, however, is far more complex than the pseudorange<br />

equations 3.5. Consequently, there are no common knowledge closed-form<br />

solutions for the delta range equations. The main reason for the additional complexity<br />

of the delta range equations <strong>with</strong> respect to the pseudorange equations is<br />

the influence of the satellites’ relative velocity vectors vi.<br />

4.4.2 Existence and Uniqueness Considerations<br />

Let us continue to consider the system of delta range equations 4.16. One cannot<br />

be sure that there exists a solution variables ru and d such that the equations<br />

hold. Actually, if n>4 and the measurements are noisy, it is almost sure that a<br />

solution does not exist. However, as we will see later in this chapter, satisfying<br />

all the equations accurately is not necessary for a good positioning estimate.<br />

Furthermore, we cannot be certain that there is only one pair of variables (ru,d)<br />

that satisfy the equations 4.16. Probably, provided that a solution exists, there<br />

are at least two solutions for the equations [Hill]. However, only one solution is<br />

near the Earth and the other can be excluded.<br />


4.5 Standard Numerical Methods<br />

In this section, a new algorithm is developed for the <strong>GPS</strong> <strong>Doppler</strong> positioning.<br />

The algorithm is based on well known ideas from the numerical analysis. However,<br />

the method has not earlier been applied to the <strong>GPS</strong> <strong>Doppler</strong> positioningproblem.<br />

4.5.1 Problem Formulation<br />

In the following, we will consider iterative methods that begin from an initial<br />

guess for the solution and continue to gradually enhance the estimate.<br />

Notation 1. The receiver position and drift estimate<br />

⎡ ⎤<br />

ˆxu<br />

<br />

ˆru ⎢ ˆyu ⎥<br />

ˆx =<br />

ˆd<br />

= ⎢ ⎥<br />

⎣ ˆzu ⎦ ∈ R4<br />

ˆd<br />

is the current estimate for the receiver position and drift vector x<br />

Notation 2. The delta range measurement vector<br />

˙ρ =[˙ρ1 ˙ρ2 ... ˙ρn] T<br />

is a vector formed of the delta range measurements from the n satellites used in<br />

the calculations.<br />

The equation 4.13 gives a physical model for the delta range measurements. Assumingthat<br />

the noise components ɛ ˙ρi are zero-mean gives rise to the following<br />

definition:<br />

Definition 2. The expected delta range vector<br />

⎡<br />

⎢<br />

ˆ˙ρ = ⎢<br />

⎣<br />

v1 • r1 − ˆru<br />

r1 − ˆru + ˆ d<br />

v2 • r2 − ˆru<br />

r2 − ˆru + ˆ d<br />

.<br />

vn • rn − ˆru<br />

rn − ˆru + ˆ d<br />

is the expected delta range measurement vector assuming the receiver to be located<br />

at ˆru and the clock drift to be ˆ d.<br />

The positioningsolution procedure should aim at findinga point ˆx such that<br />

the expected delta range measurement vector would be equal to the real delta<br />

range measurement vector, that is ˆ˙ρ = ˙ρ. In order to have the problem in a<br />

mathematically standard form we will define the followinghelpful function:<br />

24<br />

⎤<br />

⎥<br />

Definition 3. Delta range residuals function<br />

⎡<br />

⎢<br />

p(ˆx) =ˆ˙ρ − ˙ρ = ⎢<br />

⎣<br />

v1 • r1 − ˆru<br />

r1 − ˆru + ˆ d − ˙ρ1<br />

v2 • r2 − ˆru<br />

r2 − ˆru + ˆ d − ˙ρ2<br />

.<br />

vn • rn − ˆru<br />

rn − ˆru + ˆ d − ˙ρn<br />

is a vector valued function <strong>with</strong> the receiver position and drift estimate ˆx as an<br />

argument. The components of the vector function are the differences between<br />

the predicted delta ranges assuming x = ˆx and the measured delta ranges ˙ρi.<br />

p(ˆx) ∈ R n ,wheren is the number of satellites used in the calculations.<br />

From the system of equations 4.16 one immediately notices that if the estimate<br />

ˆx is equal to the real position and drift vector x then the value of the function<br />

p(ˆx) must be a zero vector. Thus our hope for findingthe real receiver position<br />

and drift vector x lies in findinga zero of the function p(ˆx). The problem can<br />

be formulated by the followingequation<br />

⎡<br />

⎢<br />

p(ˆx) = ⎢<br />

⎣<br />

4.5.2 The Newton Method<br />

v1 • r1 − ˆru<br />

r1 − ˆru + ˆ d − ˙ρ1<br />

v2 • r2 − ˆru<br />

r2 − ˆru + ˆ d − ˙ρ2<br />

.<br />

vn • rn − ˆru<br />

rn − ˆru + ˆ d − ˙ρn<br />

⎤<br />

⎥<br />

⎦<br />

⎤<br />

⎥ ⎡ ⎤<br />

⎥ 0<br />

⎥ ⎢<br />

⎥ ⎢ 0.<br />

⎥<br />

⎥ = ⎢ ⎥<br />

⎥ ⎣ ⎦<br />

⎥<br />

⎦ 0<br />

(4.17)<br />

As should be clear from Subsection 4.4.2, there is no guarantee that the system of<br />

equations 4.16 has only one solution. Consequently, the equation 4.17 may well<br />

have solutions other than ˆx = x. In the followingwe will assume that we have<br />

an initial guess x0 that is sufficiently close to the real position and drift vector x.<br />

Then our solution algorithm should converge to the correct zero of the function<br />

p(ˆx).<br />

Here we will use the Newton method to find the solution. The solution procedure<br />

is based on the idea of linearly approximatingthe nonlinear function<br />

[Kaleva2000, p. 25]. This has to be done because there are no general methods for<br />

directly solvinga nonlinear equation. The linear approximation is accurate only<br />

in a small neighbourhood of the linearization point. However, as the linearization<br />

procedure is repeated, the solution estimate becomes increasingly accurate. Let<br />


us approximate the delta range residuals function p(ˆx) by the first order Taylor<br />

series at the estimated point xk:<br />

p(xk + △x) ≈ p(xk)+ ∂p(ˆx)<br />

<br />

<br />

△x (4.18)<br />

∂ ˆx<br />

where △x is a vector whose norm is relatively small.<br />

ˆx=xk<br />

For simplicity, we will use the followingnotation for the derivative matrix:<br />

G(xk) ≡ ∂p(ˆx)<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

∂ ˆx<br />

ˆx=xk<br />

Now the approximate solution for the equation p(xk + △x) =0 can be found by<br />

settingthe right hand side of the approximate equation 4.18 to zero and solving<br />

for △x. Thus△x needs to be solved from the equation<br />

p(xk)+G(xk)△x = 0 (4.19)<br />

Assumingthat measurements from four satellites are used in the calculations<br />

(p(ˆx) ∈ R 4 ) and that the derivative matrix G(xk) is nonsingular, we obtain the<br />

equation<br />

△x = −[G(xk)] −1 p(xk) (4.20)<br />

where △x = xk+1 − xk is the difference between the new and the old estimated<br />

position and drift vector.<br />

4.5.3 The Gauss-Newton Method<br />

It is not very practical to limit oneself to use only four satellites in the positioning.<br />

There is always some noise present in the delta range measurements ˙ρi. Consequently,<br />

it is usually unwise to discard any available data. The Newton method<br />

can be slightly modified so that it can be used for any number of satellites. We<br />

want to use the equation 4.17 we have derived. Now when we may have more<br />

than four satellites it is highly probable that the delta range residuals function<br />

p(ˆx) does not have a zero. Instead, we now seek the point for which p(ˆx) is<br />

closest to the zero point in the Euclidean norm sense.<br />

The problem of the equation 4.17 is first reformulated as a nonlinear least squares<br />

problem:<br />

min p(ˆx) 2 : ˆx ∈ R 4<br />

(4.21)<br />

It is easy to see that when the number of satellites n = 4, the equations 4.17<br />

and 4.21 produce the same result ˆx. The difference is that the latter can be<br />

used always when n ≥ 4. When the equation 4.21 is solved by the Gauss-Newton<br />


method [Fletcher, p. 110], [Kaleva1998, p. 92], the iteration step solution 4.20 is<br />

replaced by the more general<br />

<br />

△x = − [G(xk)] T −1 [G(xk)] [G(xk)] T p(xk) (4.22)<br />

One can easily see that if G(xk) is a square matrix (G(xk) ∈ R 4×4 ) then the<br />

equation 4.22 reduces to equation 4.20. Thus, the equation 4.22 can be used<br />

<strong>with</strong>out losinggenerality.<br />

We end up <strong>with</strong> the following algorithm for searching the zero of the delta range<br />

residuals function in the least squares sense:<br />

1. Decide the initial guess x0 for the position and drift vector.<br />

2. Given xk, calculate the delta range residuals function p(xk) andthederivative<br />

matrix G(xk).<br />

3. Calculate<br />

<br />

the correction term △x from the equation<br />

△x = − [G(xk)] T −1 [G(xk)] [G(xk)] T p(xk)<br />

4. Calculate the new estimate for position and drift vector <strong>with</strong><br />

xk+1 = xk + △x<br />

5. Continue from step 2 <strong>with</strong> the new estimate xk+1 until △x is less than<br />

the desired tolerance<br />

4.5.4 Calculating the Derivative Matrix<br />

As was seen in the precedingsubsection the derivative matrix of the delta range<br />

residuals function <strong>with</strong> respect to the estimated user position and drift vector is<br />

vital for the Gauss-Newton method. Now we will focus on the matrix G in a<br />

little more detail.<br />

Since G = ∂p(ˆx)<br />

, the matrix G has as many rows as the delta range residuals<br />

∂ ˆx<br />

function p(ˆx) and as many columns as the position and drift estimate ˆx. Thus<br />

G ∈ R n×4 ,wherenis the number of satellites used in the calculations.<br />

The matrix G is very important for us because it appears in the equation 4.18<br />

which is used to linearly approximate the delta range residuals function p(ˆx).<br />


Fortunately, findingthe matrix G by algebraic differentiation of the function<br />

p(ˆx) is quite straightforward. Let us consider the differentiation in detail:<br />

G = ∂p<br />

∂ ˆx =<br />

⎡<br />

⎢<br />

∂p ⎢<br />

= ⎢<br />

ˆru<br />

∂<br />

⎢<br />

ˆd<br />

⎢<br />

⎣<br />

∂p1<br />

∂ ˆru<br />

∂p1<br />

∂ ˆ ∂p2<br />

∂ ˆru<br />

d<br />

∂p2<br />

∂ ˆ .<br />

∂pn<br />

d<br />

.<br />

∂pn<br />

∂ ˆru ∂ ˆ ⎤<br />

⎥ ∈ R<br />

⎥<br />

⎦<br />

d<br />

n×4<br />

(4.23)<br />

where pi are the components of the vector function p. Usingthe Definition 3,<br />

one obtains an expression for a single component of the vector function p. This<br />

can be written as<br />

pi(ˆx) =vi • ri − ˆru<br />

ri − ˆru + ˆ d − ˙ρi<br />

(4.24)<br />

Differentiatingthe ith component of the delta range residuals function p(ˆx) partially<br />

<strong>with</strong> respect to the estimated receiver position ˆru yields<br />

∂pi<br />

∂ ˆru<br />

= ∂<br />

∂ ˆru<br />

<br />

vi • ri − ˆru<br />

ri − ˆru + ˆ d − ˙ρi<br />

<br />

(4.25)<br />

In equation 4.25 vi, ri, ˆ d and ρi are constants <strong>with</strong> respect to the estimated<br />

receiver position ˆru. Applyingthe formula (fg) ′ = f ′ g + fg ′ for differentiating<br />

products gives us<br />

∂pi<br />

∂ ˆru<br />

= vi • (ri − ˆru) ∂ 1<br />

∂ ˆru ri − ˆru +<br />

vT i ∂<br />

(ri − ˆru)<br />

ri − ˆru ∂ ˆru<br />

1<br />

= vi • (ri − ˆru)<br />

ri − ˆru 2<br />

(ri − ˆru) T<br />

ri − ˆru −<br />

vT i<br />

ri − ˆru I3×3<br />

<br />

vi<br />

=<br />

ri − ˆru • ri<br />

<br />

− ˆru ri − ˆru<br />

ri − ˆru ri − ˆru<br />

<br />

ri − ˆru<br />

−<br />

ri − ˆru • ri<br />

T − ˆru vi<br />

ri − ˆru ri − ˆru<br />

where I3×3 is 3 × 3 identity matrix.<br />

(4.26)<br />

The equation 4.26 gives the partial derivative of the delta range residuals function<br />

<strong>with</strong> respect to the receiver position estimate. The form of the equation is<br />

satisfactory for numerical computation. However, the form is not very intuitive.<br />

The right hand side of the equation 4.26 can be transformed into a geometrically<br />

more illustrative form involvingcross products. Makinguse of the vector triple<br />


product formula a × (b × c) =(a• c)b − (a • b)c <strong>with</strong> a = c = ri − ˆru<br />

ri − ˆru and<br />

vi<br />

b = − gives us<br />

ri − ˆru<br />

∂pi(ˆx)<br />

∂ ˆru<br />

<br />

ri − ˆru<br />

=<br />

ri − ˆru ×<br />

<br />

−vi<br />

ri − ˆru × ri − ˆru<br />

ri − ˆru<br />

<br />

ri − ˆru<br />

=<br />

ri − ˆru ×<br />

<br />

ri − ˆru<br />

ri − ˆru ×<br />

vi<br />

ri − ˆru<br />

T<br />

T<br />

(4.27)<br />

The cross product of two vectors is always orthogonal to both vectors. Thus<br />

the partial derivative ∂pi<br />

lies in the same plane <strong>with</strong> both the satellite relative<br />

∂ ˆru<br />

velocity vector vi and the estimated receiver-to-satellite vector ri− ˆru. Moreover,<br />

∂pi<br />

is perpendicular to ri − ˆru. Figure 4.2 illustrates the situation. The negative<br />

∂ ˆru<br />

of the derivative vector is presented in the figure for graphical clarity.<br />

ru<br />

ri − ru✯<br />

ri<br />

−<br />

<br />

❄<br />

vi<br />

ri − ˆru<br />

∂pi(ˆx)<br />

∂ ˆru<br />

Figure 4.2: Derivative of the delta range difference function<br />

To complete the symbolical calculation of the derivative matrix G we still need<br />

to find the partial derivative of the delta range residuals function <strong>with</strong> respect to<br />

the clock drift estimate. Fortunately, this problem is trivial. One can easily see<br />

from the equation 4.24 that ∂pi(ˆx)<br />

∂ ˆ = 1. Now we know all the necessary partial<br />

d<br />

derivatives of the components of the delta range residuals function in order to<br />

form the matrix G in equation 4.23:<br />

⎡ <br />

r1 − ˆru<br />

⎢ r1 − ˆru<br />

⎢<br />

G(ˆx) = ⎢<br />

⎣<br />

×<br />

<br />

r1 − ˆru<br />

r1 − ˆru ×<br />

T v1<br />

r1 − ˆru<br />

<br />

r2 − ˆru<br />

r2 − ˆru ×<br />

<br />

r2 − ˆru<br />

r2 − ˆru ×<br />

T v2<br />

r2 − ˆru<br />

.<br />

<br />

rn − ˆru<br />

rn − ˆru ×<br />

<br />

rn − ˆru<br />

rn − ˆru ×<br />

T vn<br />

rn − ˆru<br />

29<br />

1<br />

1<br />

.<br />

1<br />

⎤<br />

⎥<br />

⎦<br />


The matrix G(x), that is the derivative matrix calculated at the true position<br />

and drift point x, is called <strong>Doppler</strong> geometry matrix. Sometimes the <strong>Doppler</strong><br />

geometry matrix G(x) will be written <strong>with</strong>out the argument as G.<br />

4.6 Problem Specific Iterative Methods<br />

It would appear that the first algorithm for <strong>GPS</strong> <strong>Doppler</strong> positioning was invented<br />

by Jonathan Hill. In his paper [Hill], presented in ION <strong>GPS</strong> 2001, he discusses the<br />

feasibility of <strong>Doppler</strong> positioning. He describes an iterative algorithm that uses<br />

least squares technique after an algebraic manipulation of the set of equations<br />

4.16.<br />

The Hill algorithm does not use the derivative matrix G at all. This has the<br />

advantage of somewhat lighter computation. On the other hand, the derivative<br />

matrix could be beneficial when analysingthe positioningerror, as will be shown<br />

in the followingchapter. There is no documented testingof the convergence<br />

properties of the Hill algorithm.<br />

Probably other iterative algorithms suitable for <strong>Doppler</strong> positioning can be found.<br />

Decidingwhich algorithm to use requires extensive numerical testingand depends<br />

on user’s needs. At least computational efficiency, reliability, convergence properties<br />

and error estimation have to be considered when choosingthe algorithm.<br />


Chapter 5<br />

<strong>Positioning</strong> Performance<br />

In the precedingchapter, it was shown that the receiver position can be estimated<br />

usingonly the delta range measurements <strong>with</strong> the current ephemeris and time.<br />

If the <strong>Doppler</strong> shift in the received frequency could be measured precisely, one<br />

would achieve the accurate position. Unfortunately, there is always some noise<br />

present in the measurements. In this chapter, we will discuss positioningaccuracy<br />

for <strong>GPS</strong> <strong>Doppler</strong> positioningand consider the things that affect it.<br />

5.1 Measurement Noise<br />

Theoretical analysis of the measurement noise is extremely difficult. This is<br />

because the sources of the errors are numerous and depend on the receiver architecture<br />

as well as many other conditions. In this chapter we will only introduce<br />

the main error sources and give some order of magnitude estimates for them.<br />

The more detailed statistical properties of the measurement noise need to be determined<br />

<strong>with</strong> the help of measurement data. Some examples will be given in<br />

Chapter 6.<br />

There are several sources of errors in <strong>GPS</strong> <strong>Doppler</strong> positioning. In the following,<br />

we will discuss the ionospheric effects, receiver noise, the effect of unknown user<br />

velocity and the effect of biased time estimate.<br />

5.1.1 Ionospheric Effects<br />

The <strong>GPS</strong> signals are electromagnetic waves that travel at the speed of light in<br />

vacuum. However, as a signal arrives to the ionosphere, its speed is slowed<br />

down by ions. This causes errors both to pseudorange and delta range measurements.<br />

In delta range measurements, the error due to the ionosphere is<br />


proportional to the rate of change of the total electron content of the ionosphere.<br />

The upper limit for the frequency measurement error due to the ionosphere is<br />

0.085 Hz. This value corresponds to the error of 1.6 cm/s in the delta range<br />

measurement[Parkinson & Spilker, p. 495].<br />

The frequency shift due to the ionosphere is a function of transmitted frequency.<br />

Consequently, the users receivingtwo different frequencies can correct for the first<br />

order ionospheric errors.<br />

5.1.2 Receiver Noise<br />

Even if the frequency of the <strong>GPS</strong> signal managed to penetrate the ionosphere<br />

<strong>with</strong>out disturbance, the actual measurement would still cause errors. The properties<br />

of the measurement errors depend heavily on the receiver architecture. The<br />

largest receiver error in the frequency measurement is the clock drift error d. Its<br />

effect on the delta range measurement can be of the order of 10 m/s. Fortunately,<br />

the clock drift error can be taken as an extra variable that is solved for, as was<br />

done in Chapter 4. The order of magnitude of the remaining receiver noise is<br />

hard to estimate theoretically.<br />

5.1.3 Unknown User Velocity<br />

In Subsection 4.3.3 we assumed that the satellite relative velocity vectors vi are<br />

known. With the equation 4.2, vi was defined as wi − wu, wherewi is the<br />

satellite velocity vector and wu is the user velocity vector. The satellite velocity<br />

vector wi can be calculated from the current ephemeris if one knows the current<br />

time. By contrast, the user velocity vector wu is unknown unless one has some<br />

extra information. The most common form of extra information is probably the<br />

knowledge that the user is stationary.<br />

Takingthe vector wu as a variable to be solved for means that we have three<br />

more unknowns, since wu ∈ R 3 . Thus, the number of required satellites for the<br />

positioningincreases from four to the usually unrealistic number of seven. Solving<br />

for wu is not considered any further here.<br />

Let us consider the error that the unknown user velocity causes. Assume that<br />

the user velocity wu is replaced by a biased user velocity estimate wu + △wu.<br />

Then, accordingto the equation 4.2, the satellite relative velocity vectors vi are<br />


eplaced by vi −△wu. Let us rewrite the equations 4.24 and 4.13 here for the<br />

simplicity of reference:<br />

pi(ˆx) =vi • ri − ˆru<br />

ri − ˆru + ˆ d − ˙ρi<br />

(5.1)<br />

˙ρi = vi • ri − ru<br />

ri − ru + c˙tu + ɛ ˙ρi<br />

(5.2)<br />

From the equation 5.2, one sees that the ith component of the delta range residuals<br />

function, pi(ˆx), is replaced by pi(ˆx) −△wu • ri − ˆru<br />

. Usingthe equations 5.1<br />

ri − ˆru<br />

and 5.2, one finally notices that error △wu in the user velocity is equivalent<br />

to additional error in the delta range measurement. Thus, the errors in the<br />

user velocity estimate can be analysed similarly to the errors in the frequency<br />

measurement. If the only error present is the error in the user velocity estimate,<br />

we have<br />

ɛ ˙ρi = △wu • ri − ˆru<br />

ri − ˆru<br />

(5.3)<br />

Furthermore, let us assume that the user position estimate ˆru is close to the real<br />

user position ru. Now the unit vector ri − ˆru<br />

ri − ˆru can be replaced by ri − ru<br />

ri − ru .<br />

Finally, we get the equation for the effect to the measurement:<br />

△wu • ri − ru<br />

ri − ru<br />

ru<br />

❥<br />

△wu<br />

ɛ ˙ρi = △wu • ri − ru<br />

ri − ru<br />

✿<br />

ru − ri<br />

Figure 5.1: Delta range measurement error caused by user velocity<br />

ri<br />

(5.4)<br />

Figure 5.1 shows the situation graphically. It is evident that the unknown user<br />

velocity has most effect to the measurement when its direction is alongthe line-ofsight<br />

vector. On the contrary, the effect is zero if the unknown user velocity vector<br />

is perpendicular to the line-of-sight vector. Usually, any direction of unknown<br />

user velocity cannot be ruled out. Thus, the worst case situation is that the<br />

effect to the delta range measurements is the speed of the receiver, or △wu.<br />

Apparently, even very slow velocities may have drastic effects on the positioning<br />

accuracy. In the above it was stated that the ionospheric errors are not larger<br />

that 1.6 cm/s. Now, if the receiver is experiencingan unknown motion of, say<br />

1.6 m/s, the measurement error level would effectively be 100 times larger.<br />


More bad news is that the user velocity is extremely hard to measure. A speedometer<br />

will not do, since it produces no information about the direction of the<br />

velocity. And even if the user velocity vector could be determined, say <strong>with</strong> a<br />

combination of gyroscopes and three-dimensional compasses, transforming the<br />

vector into the ECEF coordinate system would complicate the computation.<br />

5.1.4 Biased Time Estimate<br />

In Chapter 4 we assumed that the ephemeris and an accurate time estimate were<br />

available. In practise, however, the receiver only has an estimate for the current<br />

time. In conditions where pseudorange measurements are unavailable the <strong>GPS</strong><br />

satellites cannot provide time information. Thus, the receiver time estimate is<br />

probably biased. The consequence of the biased time estimate is that the satellite<br />

positions and velocities are calculated wrong.<br />

The biased time estimate effect can again be thought of as a measurement error.<br />

The positioning algorithms utilise the delta range difference function p(ˆx).<br />

Accordingto Definition 3, we have<br />

p(ˆx) =ˆ˙ρ − ˙ρ (5.5)<br />

Evidently, the biased time estimate causes error to the expected delta range vector<br />

ˆ˙ρ. Accordingto the equation 5.5, however, the effect is the same as if there were<br />

additional error in the delta range measurement vector ˙ρ. The resultingerror can<br />

be accurately approximated by examiningthe differences of the expected delta<br />

range vectors at time t and at the biased time t + △t. When△t is small we can<br />

use the first order Taylor series:<br />

ˆ˙ρ(t + △t) − ˆ˙ρ(t) = ∂ ˆ˙ρ △t (5.6)<br />

∂t<br />

The symbolic differentiation of the i th component gives<br />

∂ ˆ˙ ρi<br />

∂t = ri − ru<br />

ri − ru3 • vi × (ri − ru × vi)+ri − ru 2 <br />

ai<br />

(5.7)<br />

where ai is the relative acceleration vector of the i th satellite. Theoretical bounds<br />

<br />

<br />

∂<br />

ˆ˙ρi<br />

<br />

<br />

for are hard to derive from the equation 5.7. This is because the two vectors<br />

∂t <br />

in the square brackets are pointingto nearly opposite directions. Numerical<br />

<br />

∂<br />

ˆ˙ρi<br />

<br />

<br />

simulations show that the maximum value of <br />

∂t is about 15 cm/s2 . Applying<br />

the equation 5.6, wee see that for example a time bias error of 0.1 seconds may in<br />

the worst case cause a positioningerror similar to 1.5 cm/s measurement error.<br />


Thus, the time bias effect to the positioningaccuracy may easily be at least the<br />

same order of magnitude as the ionospheric errors.<br />

A solution for the time bias error might be iterating the time estimate. If the<br />

time estimate is expected to be too much biased, one could take it as an unknown<br />

variable and solve it. This results in an additional column to the <strong>Doppler</strong><br />

geometry matrix G. The components of the column would be of the form of the<br />

right hand side of the equation 5.7. This would also mean that a fifth satellite is<br />

needed to produce more measurement information.<br />

5.2 <strong>Positioning</strong> Accuracy<br />

5.2.1 Effect of Measurement Errors on <strong>Positioning</strong> Solution<br />

Let us now discuss the effect of the measurement noise on the position estimate.<br />

In the following, we will consider the accuracy of the Gauss-Newton method.<br />

Since the Gauss-Newton method is iterative, its error estimates are very difficult<br />

to derive rigorously. However, <strong>with</strong> the help of a few simplifying assumptions this<br />

can be done.<br />

Let us assume that the initial guess is sufficiently close to the real receiver coordinates<br />

so that the Newton method converges towards the right minimum. Consider<br />

the algorithm for positioning presented in Section 4.5.2. Now focus on the last<br />

step of the iterative algorithm. The last step takes place just before ending criterion<br />

is fulfilled. Accordingto the formula 4.22, the ultimate estimate ˆx for the<br />

receiver position and drift vector is calculated from<br />

ˆx = xk − [G(xk)] T [G(xk)] −1 [G(xk)] T p(xk) (5.8)<br />

Accordingto the Definition 3, we have p(ˆx) =ˆ˙ρ − ˙ρ. The delta range measurement<br />

vector ˙ρ can in turn be presented as a sum of the true delta range vector<br />

˙ρ T and the measurement error vector ɛ ˙ρ as<br />

˙ρ = ˙ρ T + ɛ ˙ρ<br />

(5.9)<br />

Correspondingly, the position and drift estimate ˆx can be presented as a sum of<br />

the true position and time x and the positioningerror ɛx:<br />

ˆx = x + ɛx<br />

Thus, the equation 5.8 can be written as<br />

x − xk + ɛx = [G(xk)] T [G(xk)] −1 [G(xk)] T<br />

<br />

35<br />

˙ρ T − ˆ˙ρ + ɛ ˙ρ<br />

<br />

(5.10)<br />


If the measurements and other data were ideal, the positioningsolution would<br />

also be perfect. Thus setting ɛ ˙ρ = 0 indicates that ɛx = 0. Applyingthese for<br />

the equation 5.11 gives us<br />

x − xk = [G(xk)] T [G(xk)] −1 [G(xk)] T<br />

<br />

˙ρ T − ˆ˙ρ (5.12)<br />

Now subtractingthe equation 5.12 from the equation 5.11 yields<br />

ɛx = [G(xk)] T [G(xk)] −1 [G(xk)] T ɛ ˙ρ<br />

(5.13)<br />

Let us simplify things by assuming the last linearization point xk to be very close<br />

to the true position and drift x. Now the matrix G(xk) can be approximated<br />

by the <strong>Doppler</strong> geometry matrix G(x), which will be denoted G. Finally, we<br />

have an equation that approximates the effect of the measurement errors on the<br />

positioningsolution:<br />

ɛx = G T G −1 T<br />

G ɛ ˙ρ<br />

(5.14)<br />

5.2.2 <strong>Doppler</strong> Dilution of Precision<br />

The equation 5.14 can be used to calculate the error in the positioningestimate<br />

if the measurement error ɛ ˙ρ is known. Unfortunately, ɛ ˙ρ can never be known. If<br />

the error was known it could be compensated and there would be no error at all.<br />

However, one should thrive to achieve an estimate for the accuracy of the solution.<br />

Otherwise, the user cannot really trust that the solution is even near the right<br />

one. The positioningerror can be estimated by statistical methods. For that<br />

we need some knowledge or assumptions about the statistical properties of the<br />

measurement error ɛ ˙ρ. Letusassume the following:<br />

• The measurement errors are zero mean, that is their expected values are<br />

zero:<br />

E {ɛ ˙ρ} = 0 (5.15)<br />

• The measurements from different satellites have uncorrelated errors and<br />

equal variances σ 2 ˙ρ:<br />

cov(ɛ ˙ρ) =E ɛ ˙ρɛ ˙ρ T = σ 2 ⎢<br />

˙ρIn×n = ⎢<br />

⎣<br />

36<br />

⎡<br />

σ2 ˙ρ 0 ··· 0<br />

0 σ2 ˙ρ ··· 0<br />

.<br />

.<br />

...<br />

0 0 ··· σ 2 ˙ρ<br />

.<br />

⎤<br />

⎥<br />

⎦<br />


Let us first calculate the expected value of the positioningerror. According<br />

to elementary statistics the expectation operator E is linear. Manipulatingthe<br />

equation 5.14 we obtain<br />

E {ɛx} =<br />

G <br />

T −1 T<br />

E G G ɛ ˙ρ = G T G =<br />

T −1 T<br />

G G G 0 =<br />

−1 T<br />

G E(ɛ ˙ρ)<br />

0<br />

(5.17)<br />

The equation 5.17 does not mean that the positioningerror would always be<br />

zero. It simply indicates that the errors of the xu, yu, zu and d components have<br />

equal probability of beingeither negative or positive. To achieve more useful<br />

information about the magnitude of the positioning error one needs to calculate<br />

a second order statistical number, namely the covariance:<br />

<br />

<br />

T<br />

cov(ɛx) = E (ɛx − E {ɛx})(ɛx − E {ɛx})<br />

eq.5.17<br />

<br />

=<br />

<br />

E ɛxɛT eq.5.14<br />

<br />

=<br />

=<br />

<br />

x<br />

G <br />

T −1 G <br />

T T −1<br />

T<br />

T<br />

E G G ɛ ˙ρ G G ɛ ˙ρ<br />

<br />

G T −1 T<br />

E G G ɛ ˙ρɛ ˙ρ T =<br />

G <br />

T −1<br />

T<br />

G G<br />

G T −1 T<br />

E G G ɛ ˙ρɛ ˙ρ T G G T G −1 <br />

=<br />

G T G −1 T<br />

G E ɛ ˙ρɛ ˙ρ T G G T G −1 eq.5.16<br />

<br />

=<br />

T −1 T 2 G G G σ ˙ρIn×nG G T G =<br />

−1<br />

G T G −1 2 σ ˙ρ<br />

(5.18)<br />

The result is completely analogous to the pseudorange positioning error analysis<br />

[Kaplan, p. 262]. The matrix G T G −1 in the equation 5.18 is very important to<br />

us and deserves an own name:<br />

Definition 4. The <strong>Doppler</strong> geometrical dilution of precision (DGDOP)matrix<br />

A = G T G −1<br />

The equation 5.18 shows us how the positioningaccuracy is dependent on the<br />

DGDOP matrix A. One has to keep in mind that the result was derived using<br />

the very strongassumptions 5.15 and 5.20.<br />

Thus the effect of satellite geometry on the positioning performance can be presented<br />

as a matrix A ∈ R 4×4 . This is considerable reduction of information<br />

since the satellite geometry is dependent on several vectors, namely the receiver<br />

position, satellite positions and satellite velocities. However, the matrix A still<br />


contains 16 components whose meaningneeds to be clarified. The matrix A in<br />

its component form can be presented as follows:<br />

⎡<br />

⎤<br />

A =<br />

⎢<br />

⎣<br />

A11 A12 A13 A14<br />

A21 A22 A23 A24<br />

A31 A32 A33 A34<br />

A41 A42 A43 A44<br />

⎥<br />

⎦<br />

(5.19)<br />

The covariance of the positioningestimate can in turn be presented as follows:<br />

⎡<br />

⎤<br />

cov(ɛx) =<br />

⎢<br />

⎣<br />

σ 2 xu σ 2 xuyu σ2 xuzu σ2 xud<br />

σ 2 xuyu σ 2 yu σ 2 yuzu σ2 yud<br />

σ 2 xuzu σ2 yuzu σ 2 zu σ 2 zud<br />

σ 2 xud σ 2 yud σ 2 zud σ 2 d<br />

⎥<br />

⎦<br />

(5.20)<br />

What really interests us are the variances σ2 xu , σ2 yu , σ2 zu and σ2 d . Using5.18, 5.19<br />

and 5.20 one obtains expressions for the precedingvariances:<br />

σ 2 xu = A11 × σ 2 ˙ρ (5.21)<br />

σ 2 yu = A22 × σ 2 ˙ρ (5.22)<br />

σ 2 zu = A33 × σ 2 ˙ρ (5.23)<br />

σ 2 d = A44 × σ 2 ˙ρ (5.24)<br />

When evaluatingpositioningperformance it is more natural to use standard deviations<br />

σ rather than variances σ 2 because standard deviations are physically<br />

much more intuitive. Mathematically transformingbetween the two does not<br />

cause any problems since the standard deviation is naturally the square root of<br />

the variance. Usingthe ratios of different positioningaccuracy standard deviations<br />

and the measurement accuracy standard deviation we can define <strong>Doppler</strong><br />

dilution of precision (<strong>Doppler</strong> DOP, DDOP) measures. These measures indicate<br />

the quality of the positioninggeometry. They are defined as follows:<br />

• <strong>Doppler</strong> position dilution of precision (DPDOP)<br />

<br />

σ2 xu + σ2 yu + σ2 zu<br />

= DPDOP =<br />

σ ˙ρ<br />

A11 + A22 + A33<br />

• <strong>Doppler</strong> horizontal dilution of precision (DHDOP)<br />

<br />

σ2 xu + σ2 yu<br />

= DHDOP =<br />

σ ˙ρ<br />

A11 + A22<br />

• <strong>Doppler</strong> vertical dilution of precision (DVDOP)<br />

<br />

σ2 zu<br />

= DVDOP =<br />

σ ˙ρ<br />

A33<br />

38<br />

(5.25)<br />

(5.26)<br />


• <strong>Doppler</strong> drift dilution of precision (DDDOP)<br />

<br />

2 σd = DDDOP =<br />

σ ˙ρ<br />

A44<br />

(5.28)<br />

The definitions 5.25–5.28 are completely analogous to the pseudorange positioning<br />

dilution of precision measures [Parkinson & Spilker, p.414], [Kaplan, p.268]. The<br />

only difference is that there is no natural way of defininga combined dilution<br />

measure for both position and drift. This measure is called geometric dilution<br />

of precision in pseudorange positioning. The lack of this measure in <strong>Doppler</strong><br />

positioningis caused by the fact that the unit of position is meters whereas the<br />

unit of the drift equivalent is meters per second. Obviously, variables of different<br />

units cannot be summed up. The problem could be circumvented by scaling<br />

the drift equivalent d in an appropriate way. However, there is no physically<br />

intuitive way of expressingthe drift in units of length. After all, one is usually<br />

only interested in the positioningaccuracy, not the accuracy of the drift estimate.<br />

Thus, there is no actual need for a unified dilution measure.<br />

5.2.3 Applications of the <strong>Doppler</strong> Dilution of Precision<br />

Concept<br />

In the precedingsubsection, we defined different DDOP measures. Here we will<br />

consider what they can be used for.<br />

We still need to keep in mind the assumption 5.16 on measurement errors, which<br />

are uncorrelated and have the same variances. With this assumption, we were<br />

able to derive the equations 5.25–5.28. Now these equations can be used to<br />

estimate the positioningerror. It is easy to see that the followingequations hold:<br />

<br />

σ 2 xu + σ2 yu + σ2 zu =DPDOP× σ ˙ρ<br />

<br />

σ 2 xu + σ2 yu =DHDOP× σ ˙ρ<br />

(5.29)<br />

(5.30)<br />

σzu =DVDOP× σ ˙ρ<br />

(5.31)<br />

σd = DDDOP × σ ˙ρ<br />

(5.32)<br />

The <strong>Doppler</strong> dilution of precision values are relatively easy to compute. Now if we<br />

have an estimate for the delta range measurement standard error σ ˙ρ we can easily<br />

achieve estimates for the position estimate standard deviation usingthe equations<br />

5.29–5.32. Estimate for the positioningerror is naturally of great value. The<br />

position estimate achieved by usingthe algorithm presented in Subsection 4.5.2<br />

would be of little value if its error could not be estimated.<br />


The DDOP concept is extremely beneficial both theoretically and practically. It<br />

allows one to consider the positioningerror as a product of two independent factors,<br />

namely the delta range measurement error and the quality of the satellite<br />

constellation. If the measurement standard error can be estimated then the positioningstandard<br />

error can also be estimated theoretically <strong>with</strong>out numerical<br />

simulation or buildinga positioningapparatus. This is important when assessing<br />

the performance of <strong>Doppler</strong> positioningbecause <strong>GPS</strong> <strong>Doppler</strong> positioningapparatuses<br />

are not even known to exist. Theoretical analysis is also in many ways<br />

more reliable than experimenting<strong>with</strong> real hardware. In the latter, the effects<br />

of the measurement errors cannot be separated from the effect of the satellite<br />

constellation. Of course, all this applies only if our assumptions on the nature of<br />

the measurement errors are valid.<br />

Another benefit of the <strong>Doppler</strong> dilution of precision concept is the qualitative<br />

information it gives. Different satellite geometries can easily be compared and<br />

the user can be informed when the DDOP measures are high and the results are<br />

not reliable. Usingthe DDOP values, one can also easily select the best visible<br />

satellites. Usingonly part of the satellites in computations reduces computational<br />

costs and power consumption. When usingall the visible satellites, the DDOP<br />

values are always on their lowest. Sometimes, however, the user does not want<br />

to use all the satellites but selects only a smaller amount of them. This could<br />

be for example in order to avoid the heavy computations needed to process all<br />

the visible satellites. The DDOP values are of great importance in this kind of<br />

situations. The difference between the positioningerrors when usingthe four<br />

best satellites and when usingthe four worst satellites could be several orders of<br />

magnitude.<br />

The probability distribution of the DDOP values is almost impossible to achieve<br />

theoretically. Chapter 6 will discuss numerically obtained values for DDOP and<br />

positioningerror. As a rule of thumb one can say that the order of magnitude of<br />

a normal DPDOP value is about 2 × 10 4 seconds. Now assume that the effective<br />

measurement error is 1 cm/s. Accordingto the theory presented in this chapter,<br />

the order of magnitude of the positioning error should then be about 200 meters.<br />

5.3 Case of Normally Distributed Measurement<br />

Noise<br />

In Section 5.2 we assumed that the measurement errors were zero-mean, uncorrelated<br />

and had equal variances. With these assumptions, we were able to derive<br />

theoretical formulae for the standard errors and the covariances of the positioning<br />

errors. We were not, however, able to conclude anythingelse about the distribution<br />

of the positioningerrors.<br />


Let us now make the even stronger assumption that the measurement error vector<br />

ɛ ˙ρ has a multivariate normal distribution [Johnson & Wichern, p. 126]. Rewriting<br />

the equation 5.14, we have<br />

ɛx = [G(xk)] T [G(xk)] −1 [G(xk)] T ɛ ˙ρ<br />

(5.33)<br />

We notice that on the right hand side of the equation 5.33, there is the multinormally<br />

distributed vector ɛ ˙ρ multiplied by the non-random matrix<br />

[G(xk)] T [G(xk)] −1 [G(xk)] T . The properties of the multivariate normal distribution<br />

propose that also the vector ɛx now has multinormal distribution<br />

[Pohjavirta, p. 78]. The normal distribution parameters, namely the expected<br />

value and the covariance, can be found <strong>with</strong> the formulae presented already in<br />

Section 5.2. From the equations 5.17 and 5.18 one has:<br />

E {ɛx} = G T G −1 G T E(ɛ ˙ρ) (5.34)<br />

cov(ɛx) = G T G −1 G T cov(ɛ ˙ρ)G G T G −1<br />

(5.35)<br />

If one can further assume that the measurement errors are zero-mean and have<br />

equal variances σ 2 ˙ρ, the equations 5.17 and 5.18 are valid:<br />

E {ɛx} = 0 (5.36)<br />

cov(ɛx) = G T G −1 2<br />

σ ˙ρ<br />

(5.37)<br />

In this case, the positioningerror vector ɛx has the following probability density<br />

function:<br />

f(ɛx) = exp − 1<br />

2 (ɛx − E(ɛx)) T cov(ɛx) −1 (ɛx − E(ɛx)) <br />

(2π) dim(ɛx)/2 det (cov(ɛx))<br />

=<br />

=<br />

=<br />

<br />

exp − 1<br />

2ɛT G T −1 2<br />

x G σ ˙ρ<br />

(2π) 4/2<br />

G <br />

T −1<br />

2 det G σ ˙ρ<br />

<br />

det G T G exp<br />

<br />

det G T G exp<br />

(2π) 2 σ 4 ˙ρ<br />

−1<br />

ɛx<br />

<br />

<br />

− 1<br />

2σ2 ɛ<br />

˙ρ<br />

T <br />

T<br />

x G G ɛx<br />

(2π) 2 σ 4 ˙ρ<br />

<br />

−<br />

2 Gɛx<br />

2σ 2 ˙ρ<br />

(5.38)<br />

where det means the determinant of a matrix, exp means the exponent function<br />

e x and dim means the dimension of a vector.<br />

With the help of the equation 5.38, one can further analyse the nature of the<br />

positioningerror. One can see that the probability density is large for ɛx such<br />


that Gɛx ≈0. Thus there are large positioning errors in the directions that<br />

are orthogonal to the most of the row vectors in the <strong>Doppler</strong> geometry matrix<br />

G. Accordingto the equation 4.28, the row vectors in G are always orthogonal<br />

to the respective user-to-satellite vectors ri − ru. One can expect that if there<br />

are many satellites near the horizon then the up-direction position estimate has<br />

relatively small errors. On the contrary, if all the satellites have high elevation<br />

angles then the positioning error in the up-direction is expected to be relatively<br />

high.<br />


Chapter 6<br />

Numerical Results<br />

In Chapter 4, it was shown that the <strong>Doppler</strong> measurements from the <strong>GPS</strong> satellites<br />

can be used for solvingthe user position. Chapter 5, in turn, sets the<br />

theoretical basis for <strong>GPS</strong> <strong>Doppler</strong> positioningerror analysis. There is, however,<br />

no way to prove that the Gauss-Newton algorithm converges. Similarly, we were<br />

unable to derive theoretical model for the measurement noise in Chapter 5.<br />

In this chapter, we will use numerical methods to obtain approximate results.<br />

The effect of the initial guess on the convergence of our algorithm is discussed. In<br />

addition, the positioningaccuracy is explored and the validity of the theoretical<br />

results presented in Chapter 5 is tested.<br />

6.1 Measurement Data<br />

In the analysis of the current chapter we will use both simulated data and real<br />

measured data. The real measured data was collected duringMay 16 th 2001.<br />

The data was collected usingan Avocet VLR10B,3V,R2 <strong>GPS</strong> receiver (Axiom<br />

Navigation) connected to a HP 58504A <strong>GPS</strong> L1 1 HP 58509A <strong>GPS</strong> antenna.<br />

The receiver reported the new pseudorange and delta range measurement values<br />

at 1 Hz frequency. The receiver was stationary duringthe measurements and<br />

its exact location in ECEF coordinates was known. The receiver was continuously<br />

solving the time <strong>with</strong> pseudorange positioning. Consequently, the current<br />

time was known <strong>with</strong> a high accuracy. The integration time in the delta range<br />

measurements was evidently one second.<br />


6.2 Properties of the Measurement Noise<br />

In Section 5.1, we introduced the main sources of errors in the <strong>GPS</strong> <strong>Doppler</strong><br />

positioning. These included the ionospheric effects, the receiver noise, the effect<br />

of unknown user velocity and the effect of biased time estimate. In the current<br />

chapter, we will only consider a stationary receiver <strong>with</strong> a time estimate of high<br />

quality. Since the user velocity and the time are accurately known, they are not<br />

additional error sources here. It should be borne in mind that the positioning<br />

errors might be several orders of magnitude greater for a moving receiver. Similarly,<br />

the results would be significantly weaker, if the current time estimate were<br />

biased.<br />

6.2.1 Hypothesis of the Properties of the Measurement<br />

Errors<br />

In this subsection, we will state the hypothesis we have of the properties of the<br />

measurement data. We will also discuss the methods <strong>with</strong> which the hypothesis<br />

can be validated.<br />

From the equations 4.13 and 4.14 we can see the nature of the measurements.<br />

Our hypothesis is that the measurement data can be modelled <strong>with</strong> the following<br />

system of equations:<br />

˙ρi(t) =vi(t) • ri(t) − ru(t)<br />

ri(t) − ru(t) + d(t)+ɛ ˙ρi (t) (6.1)<br />

where the vector ɛ ˙ρ =[ɛ ˙ρ1 ɛ ˙ρ2 ... ɛ˙ρn] T has multivariate normal distribution and<br />

its components are uncorrelated.<br />

The difficulty of the testingof the hypothesis 6.1 is the unknown clock drift<br />

term d(t). The problematic term can be eliminated by consideringthe differences<br />

ɛij(t) =ɛ ˙ρi (t) − ɛ ˙ρj (t).<br />

<br />

ɛij =<br />

˙ρi − vi • ri<br />

<br />

− ru<br />

ri − ru<br />

<br />

−<br />

˙ρj − vj • rj<br />

<br />

− ru<br />

rj − ru<br />

where the argument t for time has been left out for notational simplicity.<br />

(6.2)<br />

The right hand side of the equation 6.2 can be calculated from delta range measurements<br />

and the current ephemeris. In the measurement data there were 7<br />

satellites that were visible duringthe whole period of 1274 seconds. Since the<br />

receiver reported the measurement data at 1 Hz frequency, there were 1274 delta<br />

range measurements from each of the 7 satellites. The sequences ɛij were formed<br />

for all the different combinations i, j such that i

6.2.2 Numerical Testing of Normality<br />

The normality of the differences ɛij was tested <strong>with</strong> the Lilliefors test which<br />

is implemented in the Matlab 6.1 Statistics Toolbox [Conover]. The level of<br />

significance used in the test was 5 %. In three cases out of the 21 sequences the<br />

test rejected the hypothesis of normally distributed data. In the figure 6.1 the<br />

difference probabilities for one of the sequences ɛij are plotted.<br />

Difference probabilities compared to normal distribution<br />

Probability<br />

0.999<br />

0.99<br />

0.95<br />

0.75<br />

0.50<br />

0.25<br />

0.05<br />

0.01<br />

0.001<br />

Difference sequence<br />

Normal distribution<br />

−0.02 −0.015 −0.01 −0.005 0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02<br />

Differences (m/s)<br />

Figure 6.1: Normal Probability Plot<br />

The Lilliefors test rejected the hypothesis that the sequence whose probabilities<br />

are plotted in Figure 6.1 would be normally distributed. The reason, as can be<br />

seen, are the large errors. There seem to be some outliers that do not fit to<br />

the normal distribution. However, this applies only to a small fraction of the<br />

data. Furthermore, the vast majority of the sequences could be from the normal<br />

distribution, accordingto the Lilliefors test. We can conclude that the sequences<br />

ɛij are not perfectly normally distributed, but the normal distribution is still a<br />

good approximation for the data.<br />

6.2.3 Numerical Testing of Correlation<br />

Next, we will consider the correlation between the errors of the delta range measurements<br />

from different satellites. Again, the clock drift term prevents us from<br />

testingthe correlation between the delta range measurement errors ɛ ˙ρi . However,<br />

we are able to measure the correlations between the difference sequences ɛij.<br />

All the different combinations {ɛij,ɛkl} were formed such that i

of correlation between any two difference sequences ɛij and ɛkl was 7 %. The<br />

histogram 6.2 shows the distribution of the correlations.<br />

Count<br />

20<br />

15<br />

10<br />

5<br />

0<br />

Difference sequence correlations<br />

−0.06 −0.04 −0.02 0 0.02 0.04<br />

Correlation<br />

Figure 6.2: Histogram of difference sequence correlations<br />

Probability<br />

1<br />

0.8<br />

0.6<br />

0.4<br />

0.2<br />

Fisher’s distribution and F statistics<br />

Theoretical Fisher’s distribution<br />

Cumulative F values of correlations<br />

0<br />

0 1 2 3 4<br />

F statistic<br />

Figure 6.3: Correlation significance test plot<br />

The small correlation values imply that the difference sequences are in reality<br />

uncorrelated. The significance of the correlations is investigated calculating the<br />

F statistics for the correlations [Walpole & Myers, p. 349]. In Figure 6.3 the<br />

F statistics of the difference sequence correlations are plotted and compared to<br />

the Fisher’s distribution <strong>with</strong> degrees of freedom ν1 =2andν2 = 1272. The<br />

figure 6.3 shows that the F statistics could well be from the Fisher’s distribution.<br />

This implies that the correlations between the difference sequences ɛij are not a<br />

statistically significant part of the total variance in the sequences. Thus, it can<br />

be said that the difference sequences ɛij do not correlate.<br />


6.2.4 Magnitude of Errors<br />

The actual error in the delta range measurements could not be determined due<br />

to the unknown clock drift error. However, the clock drift error was estimated<br />

as an average of the differences between the measured delta ranges and expected<br />

received frequencies at each instant of time:<br />

ˆd(t) =<br />

n<br />

i=1<br />

<br />

˙ρi(t) − vi(t) • ri(t)<br />

<br />

− ru(t)<br />

ri(t) − ru(t)<br />

This estimate is unbiased and logical consequence of the equation 4.14.<br />

(6.3)<br />

The estimates for the measurement noise components ɛ ˙ρi were calculated <strong>with</strong><br />

the help of the equations 6.1 and 6.3. In Figure 6.4, the measurement noises of<br />

Magnitude (m/s)<br />

0.01<br />

0.005<br />

0<br />

−0.005<br />

−0.01<br />

−0.015<br />

Measurement noise of two satellites<br />

Satellite 1<br />

Satellite 2<br />

500 1000<br />

time (s)<br />

Figure 6.4: Measurement noise<br />

two satellites are plotted. As one can see from the figure, the average error level<br />

contributes more to the error than does the time dependent noise. This holds<br />

in every measurement analysed so far. The reason for this may well be that the<br />

measurement period has been quite short, about 20 minutes. This is so short a<br />

time that for example the ionospheric effects remain about the same duringthe<br />

measurement. Since the ionosphere is the biggest source of errors, the nonzero<br />

average of the measurement noise during a short period is what could have been<br />

expected.<br />

The standard errors for all the seven measurement sequences were calculated<br />

usingthe estimate 6.3. The standard errors were in the range between 0.003 and<br />

0.006 m/s.<br />


6.2.5 Conclusions<br />

In Subsection 6.2.2 it was shown that the difference sequences ɛij can be modelled<br />

as normally distributed. This assumption is valid <strong>with</strong> relatively high accuracy.<br />

In Subsection 6.2.3 it was illustrated that the difference sequences ɛij are uncorrelated.<br />

In Subsection 6.2.4 we analysed the magnitude of the measurement noise<br />

and found out that its order of magnitude in this measurers was about 0.5 cm/s.<br />

All our numerical testingwas done <strong>with</strong> the difference sequences ɛij = ɛ ˙ρi − ɛ ˙ρj<br />

because the measurement noise ɛ ˙ρi cannot be measured. It is difficult to state<br />

anythingabout the nature of the measurement noise sequences ɛ ˙ρi . For our<br />

purposes, we can model the measurement noise as havinga multivariate normal<br />

distribution <strong>with</strong>out correlation between the different sequences. It has to be<br />

borne in mind that the measurement noise cannot be modelled as white noise.<br />

This is because the errors change very slowly <strong>with</strong> time as was explained in<br />

Subsection 6.2.4.<br />

6.3 <strong>Positioning</strong> Performance <strong>with</strong> Real Data<br />

In this section, the positioningresults <strong>with</strong> real measured data are given. The<br />

positioningwas carried out usingMatlab. The used algorithm was presented in<br />

Subsection 4.5.3. Since the algorithm is iterative, we need to investigate both its<br />

accuracy and its convergence.<br />

6.3.1 <strong>Positioning</strong> Accuracy<br />

The Gauss-Newton algorithm was used to calculate the position estimates independently<br />

at each instant of time. The initial guess given for the algorithm<br />

was the centre of the Earth. The iteration was continued until the norm of the<br />

correction term △x fell under √ ɛ, where the machine precision ɛ was 2.2e-16.<br />

In Figure 6.5, the magnitudes of the positioning errors are demonstrated in the<br />

case where seven satellites were used to form a position estimate once a second.<br />

The standard positioningerror is about 105 meters. The <strong>Doppler</strong> position dilution<br />

of precision measures were calculated <strong>with</strong> the equation 5.25. The DPDOP value<br />

changed very slightly during the measurements and was about 9700 seconds. The<br />

good positioning accuracy and low DPDOP value were due to the usage of the<br />

high number of seven satellites. According to the theory developed in Chapter 5<br />

and using the equation 5.29, we get that the standard error in the delta range<br />

measurements is about 1.0 cm/s.<br />


Histogram of positioning errors <strong>with</strong> 7 satellites<br />

300<br />

Count<br />

250<br />

200<br />

150<br />

100<br />

50<br />

0<br />

90 100 110 120 130<br />

Error magnitude (m/s)<br />

Figure 6.5: <strong>Positioning</strong> errors<br />

Next, we will illustrate the effect of the satellite geometry on the positioning<br />

accuracy. The positioningwas now performed usingonly four of the seven visible<br />

satellites in the calculations. All 35 different geometries involving four satellites<br />

were tested. The DPDOP values were also calculated for the different geometries.<br />

In Figure 6.6, the positioning error magnitudes are plotted versus the <strong>Doppler</strong><br />

position dilution of precision values. The positioningerror magnitudes and the<br />

DPDOP values have a correlation of 94 %, the slope of the fit line being1.0 cm/s.<br />

The result implies that the positioningerrors and the DPDOP values actually<br />

have a linear dependence on each other, as suggested in Chapter 5. In addition,<br />

the result implies that the order of magnitude of the delta range errors in the<br />

measurements is 1 cm/s. Figure 6.7 is the same plot <strong>with</strong> the logarithmic scale<br />

on both axes. The purpose of this figure is to show that the linear fit predicts<br />

the positioningerror reasonably well even <strong>with</strong> smaller DPDOP values.<br />

<strong>Positioning</strong> error (m)<br />

<strong>Positioning</strong> errors versus DPDOP values<br />

3500<br />

3000<br />

2500<br />

2000<br />

1500<br />

1000<br />

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3<br />

x 10 5<br />

500<br />

0<br />

Data points<br />

Linear fit<br />

DPDOP (s)<br />

Figure 6.6: Error dependence on geometry<br />


<strong>Positioning</strong> error (m)<br />

<strong>Positioning</strong> errors versus DPDOP values<br />

10 3<br />

10 2<br />

10 4<br />

10 5<br />

DPDOP (s)<br />

Data points<br />

Linear fit<br />

Figure 6.7: Error dependence on geometry, logarithmic plot<br />

6.3.2 Convergence<br />

Most of the algorithms in the numerical analysis, including the Gauss-Newton<br />

method, are iterative. This means that the search for the solution is initiated<br />

from an initial guess point, marked by x0. A tremendously important question<br />

is whether the algorithm will converge towards the correct solution independent<br />

of x0. The answer in most cases is no. If x0 is too far from the correct solution,<br />

the iteration may get stuck in a local minimum or approach infinity. Any general<br />

proofs for the area of convergence cannot be given. Consequently, the numerical<br />

testingof convergence is vital.<br />

Extensive testingwas performed in order to achieve numerical results for the<br />

convergence area. The results were very optimistic. The iteration converged in<br />

all the cases where x0 was near the Earth. The first divergent case took place<br />

only when the initial guess x0 was more than 17 000 kilometres biased from the<br />

real receiver location. When the bias in x0 was more than 17 000 kilometres,<br />

some of the iterations diverged. When the bias was more than 23 000 kilometres,<br />

all the iterations diverged. We can conclude that the algorithm has a very large<br />

convergence area. The iteration can be initiated from the centre of the Earth<br />

<strong>with</strong>out the fear of divergence.<br />

6.4 <strong>Positioning</strong> Performance <strong>with</strong> Simulated<br />

Data<br />

Testing<strong>with</strong> the real data is naturally fruitful, but testing<strong>with</strong> simulated data<br />

is also necessary. The algorithm can be tested very extensively <strong>with</strong> simulated<br />

data because data collection causes no problems. Simulated data can also be<br />


used for testinghow the algorithm behaves in rare and unexpected situations.<br />

In addition, the testingis more controlled since the magnitudes of the simulated<br />

errors are known. Altogether, more than 140 000 simulations were performed <strong>with</strong><br />

different combinations of different simulated receiver locations, initial guesses,<br />

noise magnitudes and numbers of satellites. The used satellite geometries were<br />

taken from real ephemerides.<br />

6.4.1 <strong>Positioning</strong> Accuracy<br />

The positioningaccuracy was now tested <strong>with</strong> the simulated data. Multinormally<br />

distributed white noise was added to the theoretically calculated delta ranges.<br />

Thereafter, the Gauss-Newton algorithm was used to compute the position estimate<br />

for the simulated receiver. In Figure 6.8, the position errors are plotted<br />

versus DPDOP × σ ˙ρ, whereσ ˙ρ is the standard deviation of the added noise. The<br />

<strong>Positioning</strong> error (m)<br />

x 104<br />

2.5<br />

2<br />

1.5<br />

1<br />

0.5<br />

<strong>Positioning</strong> errors versus DPDOP × σ ˙ρ<br />

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3<br />

x 10 4<br />

0<br />

DPDOP × σ ˙ρ (m)<br />

Figure 6.8: Error dependence on geometry and noise<br />

linear fit of the data points in Figure 6.8 gives an index of determination of 0.92.<br />

This means that the positioningerror can be estimated <strong>with</strong> a high accuracy as<br />

the product of DPDOP and σ ˙ρ.<br />

6.4.2 The Distribution of DPDOP Values<br />

We have now seen that the positioningerror can be easily estimated as a product<br />

of DPDOP and magnitude of delta range measurement noise. The measurement<br />

noise is hard to analyse and depends on the receiver. On the contrary, the DPDOP<br />

values are easy to analyse. The DPDOP values are easy to compute, as was<br />

explained in Chapter 5. In addition, the computation of DPDOP values requires<br />

only knowledge of the current ephemeris, time and a reference position but no<br />

measurements.<br />


A bignumber of DPDOP values were computed usingdifferent ephemerides from<br />

different days and choosingdifferent satellite combinations. The satellites whose<br />

elevation angle was less than five degrees were rejected. When using all the available<br />

satellites, the DPDOP values were most of the time below 10 000 seconds.<br />

Furthermore, when usingthe four best satellites, the DPDOP values were most<br />

of the time below 13 000 seconds. The importance of selectingthe right satellites<br />

is demonstrated by the fact that usingthe worst four satellites produced DPDOP<br />

values as high as 10 10 seconds. Figure 6.9 shows the variation of the best and the<br />

worst four satellites’ DPDOP values at a single location. Note the logarithmic<br />

scale. The total number of visible satellites was eight.<br />

DPDOP values during 13 minutes<br />

DPDOP (s)<br />

10 10<br />

10 8<br />

10 6<br />

10 4<br />

10<br />

0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800<br />

2<br />

Worst satellites<br />

Best satellites<br />

time (s)<br />

Figure 6.9: DPDOP values <strong>with</strong> the best and worst 4 satellites<br />

The lesson from Figure 6.9 is that positioning <strong>with</strong> low number of satellites is<br />

risky. Sometimes the positioning results may be very good, the order of magnitude<br />

being100–200 meters. Sometimes, however, the positioningestimate may be<br />

millions of kilometres biased. This all does not depend on measurement errors<br />

but satellite geometry. Luckily, calculating the DPDOP values gives the user<br />

information whether the positioninggeometry is bad or not.<br />

Still much more testingis required to be able to draw conclusions about the<br />

general distribution of the DPDOP values. For example, it would be interesting<br />

to know if some areas on Earth are more advantageous for <strong>Doppler</strong> positioning<br />

than others. In addition, the dependence of the DPDOP value on the reference<br />

position is also important.<br />


Chapter 7<br />

Conclusions<br />

This thesis discussed the feasibility of using<strong>Doppler</strong> positioning<strong>with</strong> the <strong>GPS</strong>.<br />

The predecessor of the <strong>GPS</strong> system, namely the Transit <strong>Doppler</strong> positioningsystem,<br />

was introduced. It was shown that the standard <strong>GPS</strong> positioningmethod<br />

is very accurate, but it cannot be used in weak signal conditions. Thus, there is<br />

need for new positioningtechniques. A heuristic comparison between the <strong>GPS</strong><br />

and Transit <strong>Doppler</strong> positioningshowed that the <strong>GPS</strong> might be at least as accurate<br />

as the Transit. This fact justifies further analysis.<br />

The thesis continued by developinga new positioningalgorithm, beginningfrom<br />

the governing physical equations. The iterative algorithm uses <strong>Doppler</strong> shifts<br />

from at least four simultaneously measured satellite signals. The <strong>Doppler</strong> shifts<br />

are transformed into quantities called delta ranges. The algorithm does not need<br />

to demodulate the navigation message of the satellite signals, provided that the<br />

satellite orbital parameters and the current time are known from other sources.<br />

Thus, the algorithm is ideally suitable for weak signal conditions, such as indoors<br />

and urban areas.<br />

Details affectingthe accuracy of the <strong>GPS</strong> <strong>Doppler</strong> positioningwere covered. It<br />

was pointed out that for a stationary receiver <strong>with</strong> perfect time information, the<br />

ionospheric effects are the main error source. But when the user is in motion or<br />

if the time information is biased, the order of magnitude of the positioning error<br />

is expected to rise substantially.<br />

In addition, a new theory for estimatingpositioningerrors was developed. Accordingto<br />

the theory, the positioningerror analysis can be divided into two<br />

separate fields, namely measurement error analysis and satellite geometry analysis.<br />

The final positioningerror estimate can then be achieved by multiplying<br />

the two effect together. The result is essentially a modification of the dilution of<br />


precision concept in standard <strong>GPS</strong> positioning. Furthermore, it was shown that<br />

the new theory can be used in satellite selection as well as in error estimation.<br />

The last part of the thesis concentrated on numerical results. Real measurement<br />

data was used in the analysis. The properties of the measurement errors were<br />

first analysed. The average error delta range level in the data set was found<br />

to be about 0.6 cm/s. The result is in line <strong>with</strong> the literature, which estimates<br />

the ionospheric error to be at most 1.6 cm/s. The measurements from different<br />

satellites were found to be uncorrelated. The measurement errors were almost<br />

normally distributed, but there was slight tendency for larger errors than the normal<br />

distribution fit expected. However, it was concluded that only a minor error<br />

is done if the measurement errors are modelled <strong>with</strong> multinormal distribution.<br />

A Matlab algorithm was used to perform positioning <strong>with</strong> the newly developed<br />

algorithm. The algorithm was noticed to behave well and converge from an<br />

initial estimate even thousands of kilometres away. The positioningresults were<br />

surprisingly good, the error being on average 105 meters when seven satellites<br />

were used. Moreover, the positioningerrors were found to be well in line <strong>with</strong><br />

the theory developed for estimatingthe errors.<br />

Because of the limited measurement data set, also simulated data was used to test<br />

the positioningperformance. The positioningerror estimation theory was further<br />

tested and found to be valid. Variation of the satellite geometry was also studied.<br />

It became evident that the satellite geometry affects the positioning error much<br />

more than the ionospheric effect, because its variability is many orders of magnitude<br />

larger. With 4 satellites, for example, the positioning error estimate may<br />

be well below 200 meters when the geometry happens to be good. However, the<br />

worst case scenario <strong>with</strong> only four available satellites gives positioning estimates<br />

that are millions of kilometres biased.<br />

This thesis has shown that the <strong>Doppler</strong> positioningis a considerable option for a<br />

rough positioning estimate if the standard <strong>GPS</strong> positioning fails. A positioning<br />

estimate can be achieved <strong>with</strong> only four satellites. The navigation data need<br />

not be demodulated if the satellite positions and velocities are achieved from<br />

other sources. However, the accuracy of the method <strong>with</strong> only four satellites is<br />

not guaranteed. Increasing the number of satellites diminishes the risk of a bad<br />

positioningestimate.<br />

The theory for estimatingpositioningerrors turned out to be extremely useful.<br />

Usingthe theory, bad satellite geometries are noticed and the user can be warned<br />

about unreliable positioningresults. The theory can also be used for selectingthe<br />

most suitable satellites when computational efficiency prevents one from usingall<br />

the visible satellites.<br />


The positioningalgorithm was developed assumingthat the user is stationary<br />

or that its velocity vector is known. The applicability of the method for mobile<br />

devices is significantly diminished by the fact that even a slow receiver motion<br />

weakens the positioningperformance drastically. For example, a velocity of 1.0<br />

m/s is expected to raise the magnitude of positioning errors by two orders of<br />

magnitude. Thus, for a mobile receiver, a modification for the algorithm is necessary.<br />

The modified algorithm would solve for the receiver velocity as well as its<br />

position. The modified algorithm would require at least seven satellites.<br />

In addition, the accuracy is further weakened if the receiver does not have the<br />

correct time information. However, this effect is not as devastatingas that of the<br />

user motion. Still, a bias of one second is expected to diminish the accuracy of<br />

the positioningby one order of magnitude, when compared to a stationary user<br />

<strong>with</strong> correct time information. The algorithm can also be modified to solve for<br />

the time information. This modification requires an additional available satellite.<br />

As a conclusion, the <strong>GPS</strong> <strong>Doppler</strong> positioningserves as a good alternative method<br />

for a stationary user. However, additional research is still required concerningthe<br />

probability of occurrence of a bad positioningestimate. Moreover, the challenges<br />

regardinga mobile user need to be solved before applyingthe method in practise.<br />


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