+ ActiVe Strength - Gfitness

+ ActiVe Strength - Gfitness + ActiVe Strength - Gfitness


ask. ian o’ Dwyer how he. Name: ian 0’Dwyer CompaNy: oD on movement positioN: owner How maNy years Have yoU beeN iN tHe FitNess iNDUstry? i have been involved directly since 1987, focusing on sports conditioning in the early days through a number of various sports and then moving into movement conditioning/correction from 2001. wHere Do yoU go For New iDeas? i don’t really look for new ideas - they are continually brought forward by innovators in the industry. i try to laterally think “how do i improve the knowledge that already exists?”. quite often our industry introduces new fads or trends that look “sexy” but don’t have a lot if any science, research or practicality behind them.. i prefer to challenge the science/research we have in a practical manner; if we can’t apply it to the client and get results then it really isn’t valuable to us. wHat booK, speaKer or preseNtatioN Has reCeNtly iNspireD yoU? i am very fortunate to be exposed to a lot of our industry pioneers and they are all inspirational. anyone who has passion, desire and positivity is inspirational. one person who has particularly inspired me is robert Cappuccio: he has travelled one of the most unique journeys of any i have heard. How Do yoU tHiNK tHe iNDUstry sHoUlD motivate its CUstomers to ‘move it’? i think we need to get back to common sense. our lives are so complex and automated these days that we have become de-sensitized to what our body wants, needs and feels. our body was designed to run, jump, hop, skip, lift, push, pull, twist, turn and many other things yet we seem to do just the opposite by mainly sitting and walking. we need to get back to having fun in our lives when we move. Find a child and play catch with them for ten minutes - the amount of movement that you will perform and fun you will have will far exceed your expectations, not to mention be far healthier for you by de-stressing your body and also moving you in the directions you are designed for. sounds a bit too much like common sense doesn’t it? How Do yoU DiFFereNtiate yoUr bUsiNess From yoUr Competitors? my business has two divisions; education and personal training. the way that each of these differentiate from other businesses is that they are practical, effective and fun. both areas of my business focus on tools that clients and trainers can use to get an instant change, not a fix. if we can apply simplistic, effective movements or systems that allow clients or trainers to experience change then that person has become and instant client. Do this consistently and you now have a point of differentiation. wHat New exerCise treNDs Do yoU see emergiNg Next year? i am not a big believer in trends. i think that our industry needs to get back to making the experience more relationship based for all. From the gym owner to trainer to client to cleaner, everyone has to feel important and wanted. the better your culture within the Club the more successful you will become. at present there is too much “i am more important than you” syndrome involved in our industry. wHat Do yoU tHiNK is tHe seCret oF yoUr sUCCess? integrity, morals and ethics are the key ingredients; they are no secret. wHat is yoUr strategy to eNsUre yoUr bUsiNess CoNtiNUes to be sUCCessFUl iN tHe CUrreNt eCoNomiC Climate? my current strategy is the same as it has always been. make sure your products are effective, practical and work. make sure you always place the client first; they are in fact paying you.. service is one area that has been overlooked in the prosperous financial times. the better your service the better your retention. s ^ + balance the reeboK professional balance range The range has now been updated and extended to give it added energy. The range includes new balance options with air discs and balance domes. New easily identifiable colours bring a vibrancy that complements the fun and functional Reebok Professional range. + page 147 + balance

www.reebokprofessional.com call: 0800 458 5558 + balance + core boarD + steVe barrett REEBoK gLoBAL mAsTER TRAINER What can You use it With? The Core Board has attachment points for the Reebok Core/stabiliser Tubes and of course you can use barbells and dumbbells. I also find a dramatic way to demonstrate body awareness and body recruitment is to use the board as part of a strength training session using the hi/low pulley – just place the board where you normally stand. Who is it for? The Core Board earned its respect from the role it played in the rehabilitation of some of the UsA’s top athletes. It quickly became invaluable to those wanting to maximise the effects of their strength and conditioning sessions - not just in the elite field but for everybody who appreciates the value of core strength. What’s a gooD WaY to get starteD? Initially do the exercises you already know, then once you have learnt how the Reebok Core Board reacts, start to get more creative with your movements. DVD core boarD The essential guide to achieving the best from the Reebok Core Board. + The DVDs are designed to give instructors focus for specific applications + They offer a quick and affordable variety of workouts, to keep clients engaged and motivated RE-dT003 Core Training DVD Basics RE-dT004 Core Training DVD Tubing Workout RE-dT008 Core Training DVD Training Camp Format Pal compatible All prices exclude vat and carriage core boarD escapefitness .com/movies webvideo designed for beginners and advanced users to improve tone and function of the core muscles through its ability to tilt, twist and recoil against the body’s movements. + Non-slip surface provides a great platform for aerobic training, incorporating balance to strengthen ankles, knees and hips + 2 adjustable levels of stability offering a unique training tool for group instructors and personal trainers + 8 location points for Reebok Core Board Tubes RE-21160 Core Board WARRANTy 1 year dIms Core Board 723 x 526 x 170mm WEIghT Core Board 12.7Kg All prices exclude vat and carriage core boarD tubes All the advantages of the Reebok adjustable tubes with the added feature of a nylon extension strap which protects and aids positioning. RE-21034 Core Board Tube Level 1 (Light) RE-21035 Core Board Tube Level 2 (Medium) RE-21036 Core Board Tube Level 3 (Heavy) RE-21037 Core Board Tube Level 4 (X-Heavy) WARRANTy 6 months All prices exclude vat and carriage + What can i use With the core boarD ? core boarD tubes Please go to page 141 for more details on this product. + poWerbag Please go to page 130 for more details on this product. + Double grip meD balls Please go to page 133 for more details on this product. + meD balls Please go to page 132 for more details on this product. + page 149 + balance

ask.<br />

ian o’<br />

Dwyer<br />

how he.<br />

Name: ian 0’Dwyer CompaNy: oD on movement positioN: owner<br />

How maNy years Have yoU beeN iN tHe FitNess iNDUstry?<br />

i have been involved directly since 1987, focusing on sports conditioning in the early days through a number of various<br />

sports and then moving into movement conditioning/correction from 2001.<br />

wHere Do yoU go For New iDeas?<br />

i don’t really look for new ideas - they are continually brought forward by innovators in the industry. i try to laterally<br />

think “how do i improve the knowledge that already exists?”. quite often our industry introduces new fads or trends<br />

that look “sexy” but don’t have a lot if any science, research or practicality behind them.. i prefer to challenge the<br />

science/research we have in a practical manner; if we can’t apply it to the client and get results then it really isn’t<br />

valuable to us.<br />

wHat booK, speaKer or preseNtatioN Has reCeNtly iNspireD yoU?<br />

i am very fortunate to be exposed to a lot of our industry pioneers and they are all inspirational. anyone who has<br />

passion, desire and positivity is inspirational. one person who has particularly inspired me is robert Cappuccio: he has<br />

travelled one of the most unique journeys of any i have heard.<br />

How Do yoU tHiNK tHe iNDUstry sHoUlD motivate its CUstomers to ‘move it’?<br />

i think we need to get back to common sense. our lives are so complex and automated these days that we have become<br />

de-sensitized to what our body wants, needs and feels. our body was designed to run, jump, hop, skip, lift, push, pull,<br />

twist, turn and many other things yet we seem to do just the opposite by mainly sitting and walking. we need to get<br />

back to having fun in our lives when we move. Find a child and play catch with them for ten minutes - the amount of<br />

movement that you will perform and fun you will have will far exceed your expectations, not to mention be far healthier<br />

for you by de-stressing your body and also moving you in the directions you are designed for. sounds a bit too much like<br />

common sense doesn’t it?<br />

How Do yoU DiFFereNtiate yoUr bUsiNess From yoUr Competitors?<br />

my business has two divisions; education and personal training. the way that each of these differentiate from other<br />

businesses is that they are practical, effective and fun. both areas of my business focus on tools that clients and<br />

trainers can use to get an instant change, not a fix. if we can apply simplistic, effective movements or systems that<br />

allow clients or trainers to experience change then that person has become and instant client. Do this consistently and<br />

you now have a point of differentiation.<br />

wHat New exerCise treNDs Do yoU see emergiNg<br />

Next year?<br />

i am not a big believer in trends. i think that our industry needs to get<br />

back to making the experience more relationship based for all. From the<br />

gym owner to trainer to client to cleaner, everyone has to feel important<br />

and wanted. the better your culture within the Club the more successful<br />

you will become. at present there is too much “i am more important<br />

than you” syndrome involved in our industry.<br />

wHat Do yoU tHiNK is tHe seCret oF yoUr sUCCess?<br />

integrity, morals and ethics are the key ingredients; they are<br />

no secret.<br />

wHat is yoUr strategy to eNsUre yoUr bUsiNess<br />

CoNtiNUes to be sUCCessFUl iN tHe CUrreNt<br />

eCoNomiC Climate?<br />

my current strategy is the same as it has always been. make<br />

sure your products are effective, practical and work. make sure<br />

you always place the client first; they are in fact paying you..<br />

service is one area that has been overlooked in the prosperous<br />

financial times. the better your service the better your<br />

retention.<br />

s ^<br />

+ balance<br />

the reeboK<br />

professional<br />

balance<br />

range<br />

The range has now been<br />

updated and extended to<br />

give it added energy. The<br />

range includes new balance<br />

options with air discs and<br />

balance domes.<br />

New easily identifiable colours bring a<br />

vibrancy that complements the fun and<br />

functional Reebok Professional range.<br />

+ page 147<br />

+ balance

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