When Should Software Firms Commercialize New Products ... - MISRC

When Should Software Firms Commercialize New Products ... - MISRC

When Should Software Firms Commercialize New Products ... - MISRC


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ucts. First, software products nowadays are increasingly built using a modular architecture<br />

which, in turn, facilitates grouping, separating, or locking certain features. Second, it is<br />

relatively easytoembedinsoftwareprogramstrial-expiration clocksassociated withfeature-<br />

locking mechanisms. Third, software products are digital goods with negligible marginal<br />

reproduction cost, that can be provided in unlimited supply and can be “shipped” via rela-<br />

tively cheap online distribution channels. This way, absolutely all interested customers have<br />

access to the free consumption opportunities embedded in the freemium offering. Fourth,<br />

software products often belong to the category of experience goods. By trying (sampling)<br />

the product or part of it before committing to any purchase, consumers could learn more<br />

about the quality and other attributes (such as speed, functionality, and features) of the<br />

software, capabilities of related modules, compatibility issues, hardware requirements, etc.<br />

It remains largely unknown how well these freemium models fare, compared with con-<br />

ventional and well established business models. As illustrated by the examples above,<br />

freemium models are applied nowadays in both software-as-a-service markets as well as<br />

markets for software products characterized by a one-time purchase and designed to run<br />

autonomously on the consumers’ hardware. In this paper, we focus on the latter. Moti-<br />

vated by inquiries from entrepreneurs, we advance a unified multi-period framework that<br />

accounts for word-of-mouth effects and cross-module synergies and can capture the essence<br />

of several software business models, including freemium and seeding ones. We use this<br />

framework in particular to derive the equilibrium for each model and fully characterize<br />

conditions under which freemium models are superior to conventional charge-for-everything<br />

and seeding models. We further compare freemium models against each other. To the best<br />

of our knowledge, this represents the first extensive analytical benchmarking study that<br />

juxtaposes for-fee, freemium, and seeding models. Our results indicate that, while seeding<br />

models are always dominated, the conventional for-fee model and the freemium models can<br />

each be optimal in separate regions of the feasible space. We also address policy implica-<br />

tions by demonstrating that switching from conventional or seeding models to freemium<br />

models always increases social welfare. Matching welfare results with the profit analysis,<br />

we also explore cases when the firm should be subsidized (i.e., when the interests of the firm<br />

and the society are not well aligned).<br />

The rest of the paper is organized as follows. §2 presents a summary of the relevant<br />

literature. In §3, we introduce the general models. In §4, §5, and §6, we derive the optimal<br />


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