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88 3WJWEH <strong>CRETACEOUS</strong> <strong>DEPOSITS</strong> IN <strong>CALIFORNIA</strong> <strong>AND</strong> <strong>OREGON</strong><br />

may have been lost during, or subsequent to, its period of deposition.<br />

This sediment is almost wholly detrital and has been derived from a commensurate<br />

land area, which was then occupied by a river system of like<br />

proportions, and which carried a volume of water corresponding to the<br />

work accomplished. Such an area of basin-like form, adjacent to the<br />

delta, is now occupied by the Trinity River system, which in Cretaceous<br />

time had a possible drainage area of 5300 square miles, including a large<br />

part of the present Klamath River drainage. The larger part of this<br />

area comes within tbe limits of the Yolla Bolly basin, whose drainage<br />

direction has been reversed since Cretaceous time. This reversal of<br />

direction was due partly to faulting and uplift on its eastern side, and<br />

partly to downwarping on its western border. Into this intermontane<br />

basin, marine water entered from the east and received sediments from<br />

the surrounding mountains, remnants of which, containing marine, partly<br />

marine, and fresh-water Mollusca, still remain intact but widely scattered<br />

within tbe basin.<br />

It would require the removal of nearly one mile of surface material from<br />

the entire drainage area here described to have supplied the sediment<br />

found within the delta area in the Sacramento embayment. The accumulation<br />

of detritus constituting this delta could have been built up only<br />

under conditions of prolonged subsidence in the embayment, of which the<br />

vertical measure would equal an abysmal depth scarcely credible, considering<br />

the present restricted breadth of the trough; its breadth may have<br />

once been greater.<br />

Much of the coarser sediment brought into this area by the river was<br />

dropped near its discharge point, whereas the finer sediment was carried<br />

farther from it. The current from the river would be southward along<br />

the west border of the trough, and this would automatically induce tidal<br />

currents northward along its eastern border, producing segregated areas<br />

of purely marine and partly freshened water on opposite sides of the embayment<br />

and the setting up of rotating currents within it.<br />

The axial part of the delta lies along the Shasta-Tehama County line,<br />

dividing it into two unequal districts to the north and to the south of this<br />

line. These districts would present in Cretaceous time considerable contrasts<br />

in ecological conditions, which would react upon the faunas and<br />

their development throughout the entire period.<br />

At the north is the North Cottonwood district of restricted area, and<br />

at the south tbe more extensive district crossed by the South fork, Redbank,<br />

Elder, McCarthy, and Thomes creeks in Tehama County. Both<br />

districts are rich in marine Mollusca, which constitute parallel and nearly<br />

contemporary faunal successions which, when biotically compared, show<br />

surprising contrasts. For these we must suppose either different sources of<br />

origin, or different ecological conditions of life and development, or both.<br />

In the southern district the lowest Cretaceous fauna is dominated by

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