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78 3WJWEH <strong>CRETACEOUS</strong> <strong>DEPOSITS</strong> IN <strong>CALIFORNIA</strong> <strong>AND</strong> <strong>OREGON</strong><br />

accounts that the Lower Cretaceous deposits containing AuceUa. cra&si*<br />

collis and associated fossils rest in some places upon Upper Jurassic (?)<br />

strata with Aueella cf. piochi, and in other places upon Triassic, or even<br />

upon Paleozoic formations (Chitins Valley, Admiralty Island, Rampart-<br />

Tanana district, and upper Yukon region). These facta may be taken<br />

aa evidence that in Alaska, as in California and Oregon, the Lower Cretaceous<br />

sequence began with a "marine transgression," following a widespread<br />

subsidence that led the aea into many already-formed troughs,<br />

ancestral to existing valleys. As far aa known, the faunas most characteristic<br />

of the Lower Cretaceous in Alaska are similar to those of the<br />

Paskanta group in the Shasta series in California, and, without evidence<br />

to the contrary, they may be assumed to be contemporary with them.<br />

Concerning the forms of Aucella found in the early CretaccoiiB of the<br />

Matanuska region Stanton (Martin, 1928, p. 313) says, in part:<br />

"This ia the same large species which was identified aa A. cravricoUit Koyaarling<br />

in MeadenhaH's collection from Bubb Creek. While this Alaskan species may not<br />

belong to A. crasticollis, aa restricted by the Russian paleontologists, who recognize<br />

a very largo number of species of Aueetia, it does belong to a group of forms which<br />

is most abundant in the Lower Cretaceous, and is therefore suggestive of Cretaceous<br />

age,. .<br />

Horsetown Group,—Beds that may be correlated with the upper part<br />

of the Horsetown group seem to have been found in scattered localities<br />

in Alaska (Alaskan Peninsula, Chitina Volley, and lower Yukon), but, if<br />

we may judge from the summary accounts and especially the lists of<br />

marine invertebrates given by Martin, the evidence is not abundant and<br />

not always very convincing, An examination of the fossil lists from the<br />

various sections of the Lower Cretaceous in Alaska has failed to reveal<br />

any species characteristic of the lower part (Hauterivian or B&rremian)<br />

of the Horsetown group. None of the larger ammonoids found in the<br />

Cottonwood beds have been recorded, and in many places the absence of<br />

species representing upper Horsetown beds leads to the suspicion that they<br />

are absent. In this respect the Lower Cretaceous in Alaska resembles<br />

that in California in that slow subsidence led to transgreseive overlaps<br />

throughout Cretaceous time. It has already been shown that south of<br />

the Great Valley of California no faunol evidence of Horsetown strata<br />

has been recorded.<br />

Mexico and Tezas.—The Lower Cretaceous deposits in Mexico and<br />

Texas have little resemblance to the Shasta series in California and Oregon,<br />

either faunally, lithologieally, or in stratigraphic thickness. For the<br />

region of Mazapil and Concepcifin, south-central Mexico, Burckhardt<br />

(1930) gives a general column (Valanginion to Cenomanian) totaling<br />

3380 feet; for northern Chihuahua, Bitee (1910b) gives a maximum for<br />

Middle and Lower Cretaceous of 870Q feet, of which less than half Is<br />

older than Albian. Kellum (1936) gives a summary of the Cretaceous

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