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54 <strong>LOWER</strong> <strong>CRETACEOUS</strong> <strong>DEPOSITS</strong> INT <strong>CALIFORNIA</strong> <strong>AND</strong> <strong>OREGON</strong><br />

plied helpful data bearing upon this problem in the environs of this valley.<br />

Many of the exposures described by him are referable to the Paskenta<br />

group, and others to the Knoxville series. In all instances in which<br />

Aucella crassicaUia and associated forms have been listed, the strata should<br />

be regarded as belonging to the Paskenta group.<br />

A locality described by Branner, Newsom, and Arnold (1959) as 3<br />

miles west of Redwood has yielded Aucella crassicollis and Amberlya<br />

dilleri, both belonging in the lower beds of the Paskenta group. Smith<br />

has recorded the finding of "Hoplites" a few miles to the north of this locality.<br />

All these forms are referable to the Paskenta group. More recently<br />

O. P. Jenkins and E. W. Galliher 9 have discovered fragments of a<br />

erioceratid shell in the dark shales at Point San Pedro, which seems to fix<br />

the age of these beds as lower Horsetown.<br />

In 1903 Josiah Owen discovered a large specmen of Inaceramus near<br />

I. vallejosnsis nov., in dark shales near Alma, south of Los Gatos, which<br />

indicates the Paskenta group.<br />

Diablo Range.—Some evidence has recently been discovered proving the<br />

occurrence of Lower Cretaceous strata in various parts of this range, tho<br />

accounts of which have not yet been published, but they show the presence<br />

there of both Paskenta and Horsetown beds. Pack and English (1914)<br />

report tbe finding of AuceUa crassicollis in Lower Cretaceous strata in the<br />

Waltham Creek Valley, southwest of Coalinga. During field work in<br />

1937 N. L. Taliaferro discovered Knoxville beds with Aucella hyatti and<br />

fragments of Perisphinctid shells in the Waltham Creek Valley, not far<br />

from the Fresno Hot Springs.<br />

These beds were overlaid unconfonnably by basal Paskenta conglomerate,<br />

containing Neocomiks neocomiensis (d'Orbigny) and A croleuthis<br />

macarthyeims nov. Near Orchard Peak (Devils Den district), G. D.<br />

Hanna and C. C. Church obtained many fossils from calcareous gray<br />

shales in the lower part of a thick sequence of beds dipping toward the<br />

northeast. These fossils include Aucella erassa, A. crassicollis, A. inflata,<br />

Acroteuihis impressa, A. kcrnensis, and Lytoceraa cf. salwrndle. These<br />

species were found in near-basal beds, which here rest upon Franciscan<br />

rocks and serpentine, with no Knoxville beds intervening. It could be<br />

inferred from the facts thus far recorded that only the lower part of the<br />

Shasta series (Paskenta) occurs in the Diablo Range, but in addition to<br />

the above records it may be stated tbat both lower and upper Horsetown<br />

fossils have been found on the eastern flank of the range, especially north<br />

of the Panoche Hills. These include species of Neocraspedites, Hcmibaculites,<br />

Sonneratia, and Beudaniiceras. Near Quinto Creek, southern<br />

Stanislaus County, Paskenta beds with Aucella erassa, A. crassicollis, and<br />

belenmitea, occur, overlying Knoxville beds containing AuceUa stantoni,<br />

A. krotovi, and a small species of Oppelia (Slreblites).<br />

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