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228 lower cbetaceoub depobits in california. and oregon<br />

Although Stanton seems to have noticed tho species he did not have examples<br />

complete enough for a satisfactory description and illustration, and this condition<br />

has been but little improved since. Many fragments have been found in the area<br />

between Elder and Thomes creeks, Tehama County, and similar fragments have been<br />

found in the upper part of the Paskenta group in tha Cottonwood district, Shasta<br />

County. According to Stanton's partial description:<br />

"It apparently has about the form of B. tehamaenaia, but the alveolus, with an<br />

apical angle of about 26", is inclined toward the ventral side, so that its apex ia midway<br />

between tho center and the ventral side, making the axis of the guard very<br />

eccentric."<br />

In the excentrieity of its axis this species resembles A. onwnsf* nov. but, in<br />

addition to having a thicker and stouter guard and a more nearly circular seotion,<br />

it represents a lower position in the sestion, namely, for tbe moat part the uppermost<br />

portion of the Paskenta group. The holotype (Calif. Acad. Sci. type Coll.) consists<br />

of a fragment of the upper half of a guard, having a length of 38 mm. and a lateral<br />

diameter of 27 mm. It contains the lower part of the alveolar pit, which is axccntric<br />

to the surface of the guard, and shows the axis inclined toward the ventral aide. At<br />

its lower end the axis is midway between the center of the guard and its ventral surface.<br />

The figured examples were obtained on the Wilcox ranch, 5 miles north of<br />

Paskenta, where they were associated with AtteeUa crassa, A. eraasieoUia, Diehoto~<br />

mitea grtgerseni nov., and Bachiaailct patkcTitacnsis nov. Its stratigraphic position<br />

is in the upper part of the Paskenta group.<br />

Acroleuthia miUhelli Anderson, n. sp.<br />

ffjat* 60, ftiuri* I, !»)<br />

The guard of this species is rather large, with sides nearly parallel in the upper<br />

half but tapering to an acuminate point below; the section of the guard ia subcircular<br />

above, but becomes somewhat flattened below, the lateral diameter being greater<br />

than the dorso-ventral; ventral groove deep and broad, extending along most of the<br />

guard, and terminating below at a point near the apex. Apparently the phragmaeone<br />

is concentric with the sides of the guard, and no evidence has been seen that the<br />

axis is excentrio, The holotype (Calif. Acad. Sci. type Coll.) was found in the<br />

Mitchell zone of tho Horsetown group, at Locality 16157 (Calif. Acad. Sei.), not far<br />

above the mouth of Mitchell Creek, 7 miles south of Ono, Shaata County. It has the<br />

following dimensions: length of guard (incomplete), 115 mm.; greatest diameter, 21<br />

mm. The species appears to bo related to A. fernsiuts nov. but is larger, has a<br />

broader and longer ventral groove, and a relatively broader aeetioa. Its atratlgrnphio<br />

position is also higher in the Shasta series, being but little below the Barr<br />

zone, whereas the highest position of A, kernenaiz yet found was in the Ono zone,<br />

near Ono. A. mitchtlli has been found on Fiddler Creek, associated with A, sAot{«nand<br />

Shaslicriaceraa ponxente, in strata thought to be of Barremian age.<br />

Aerofetttftw barrana Anderson, n. ap.<br />

(Plata tt. fliura 2,2i><br />

The guard of this apecies is relatively short and stout and somewhat conical in<br />

form; tho section is subcircular, flattened on the ventral side; lateral diameter a<br />

little greater than the dorso-ventral; ventral groove broad and shallow, extending<br />

from the lower part of the alveolar pit to near the apex of the guard; alveolar pit<br />

concentric with the sides, central, short. The holotype (Calif. Acad. Sci. type Coll.)<br />

was found in the Barr zone at Locality 1347 (Calif. Acad- Sci.) in the lower part of the

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