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description of species 225<br />

BELEUNITLDAE de Blalnvilkt<br />

Acrafeu^is Stolley 1911<br />

Aeroleuthig imprw (Gabb)<br />

(Plal* fl. faun S; Plata S3, 6jor® 1. la, lb)<br />

BelemniUa impressus GABB, Paleont. Calif., vol, 1,1864, p. 68. pi. 0, figs. 2, 2a; North<br />

fork of Cottonwood Creek, Shaata County; vol. 2, 1889, pp. li», 209; "Shaata<br />

group"—STAJJTOJJ, U. S. Geol. Surv., Bull. 133, 189B, p. 8i (in part, pL 20,<br />

figs. 1, 2, 5).<br />

AcroleuUiit TMPRWIO (Gabb) STOLUIT, Foss. Catal., 1920, p. 207.<br />

The holotype of this Bpecica ia in the Museum of Paleontology, University of California,<br />

and haa been carefully studied and compared with many forms from the<br />

Shasta series in California. Tho holotype has a total length of 172 mm. and a maximum<br />

normal diameter of 25 mm.; it ia nearly circular in section but at the upper end<br />

has been crushed and flattened, giving it the appearance of having a flare, aa la shown<br />

in Gabb's figure. This Sare is obviously dus almost entirely to crushing and ia<br />

accordingly negligible. On the side figured by Gabb thia is almost covered by a thin<br />

layer of the prolonged guard, but on the opposite side the wholly septate wall of<br />

the phragnwcono is exposed, protruding from the upper end of the rostrum about 45<br />

mm. on this side. Critical measurements of the holotype necessitate some emendment<br />

of ita description. The actual dimensions of the rostrum, below the point at<br />

which the "flare" begins, are as follows: total length, 127 Run..; maximum diameter,<br />

25 mm. Gabb'a figure of the holotype does not conform to the facts and makes the<br />

form appear much more slender. The apical angle of the phragmacone cannot be<br />

determined from the holotype but, as found in other examples and as indicated in the<br />

figure of the plaaiotype, i t extends through about one-fifth of the guard, and the angle<br />

is about 26 degrees. There iB no evidence in any of the examples studied that the<br />

axis of the phragmacone, or of the guard, is excentric; on the contrary, it is normally<br />

central to tbe guard. The figured plesiotype (Calif. Acad. Set. type Coll.) was<br />

found with others of the same species in the Mitchell zone in the lower part of the<br />

Horsetown group, at Locality 134? (Calif. Acad. S«i.)r on Mitchell Creek, about &<br />

miles south of Ono, Shaata County. It occurs in the same sons on the North fork<br />

of Cottonwood Creek and in other places and ia usually associated with Shaslicrioceras<br />

ptmitnU or with soma form of Ancylocerae, indicating that its horizon<br />

is a little lower than Aptian. It has also been found below tho Mitchell zone. It<br />

has been reported from near Wilbur Springs, Colusa County, in strata of probable<br />

Paskenta age. Gabb'a reference to its occurrence near Mount Diablo, associated<br />

with AuceUa piochi, is probably due to mistaken identity. It docs not seem to have<br />

been found at any place ia the Knoxville series (Tithonian) in either California or<br />

Oregon.<br />

Acrcleuiiits abori^inalii Anderson, n. sp.<br />

CPUto so, firm 1)<br />

The guard of this species is the largest yet described from the Cretaceous of California.<br />

The guard of tbe holotype (Calif. Acad. Sci. type Coll,) has a length of<br />

nearly 7 inches (175 mm.) and a width of 30 mm. The ventral aide is marked by a<br />

broad shallow groove extending from near the apex along the lower one-third of the<br />

guard; guard tapering from near the middle, rounded on tbe back; section nearly<br />

circular; section of phragmacone circular, concentric to the surface, axis nearly<br />

central. This species is not uncommon in the Barr tone near the middle of the

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