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description of specie0 223<br />

The composite character of "Htlicaricyltig aequicaatoiu*" Gabb has already been<br />

shown. Nevertheless the name Helicancylua may bo applied to tbe coiled form involved<br />

in his attempted delineation. Merriam supposed that tbe holotype of Heli-<br />

•ancylua was among the materials left at the University of California by tbe old State<br />

Geological Survey. In a list of "type specimens" at the University, prepared by<br />

Merriam in. 1895, is the name "Helicancylus aequitosiatua" Gabb. In the Museum of<br />

Paleontology there is a small ammonoid bearing this label, hfit it has no further<br />

notation. The label was apparently attached to the specimen by Gabb himself and<br />

probably is the specimen referred to by Merriam as the "type," It has a quite<br />

symmetrical coil and two types of ribs, and ia an example of the young stage of .4UJ-<br />

Iraliaras argua nov., described in this memoir. Incidentally, this Is tbe fourth<br />

species that was included by Gabb under the name "Helicancylua aeguicostaiua."<br />

The holotype of Helicancylu* jjabbi nov.—the genotype of Helieaneyha, as here<br />

emended—is in the muBeum of the Academy of Natural Sciences at Philadelphia, as<br />

already stated. As to ita locality and horizon, little can be said at present; it is<br />

thought to have been found on the Cottonwood Creek near Ona, Shasta County,<br />

and to represent an Aptian, or possibly a Barremian, horizon.<br />


In tho upper Mesozoic, namely, the Knoxville and the Shasta series in California<br />

and Oregon, fossil remains of no less than 35 species of cephalopoda of the order<br />

Belcmnoidca are recognisable at present, and there are indications that others will<br />

won be added to tho list. Of this number 19 or more ore found in the Knoxville<br />

series, and at least 1G are confined to the Shasta series. In the Knoxville the great<br />

majority of the known spcciea arc referable to either Cylindroleuthis Bayle and<br />

Zeiler, Bclemnopsia Bayle, or to Pachyteuthis Bayle, of which few, if any, survived<br />

into Cretaceous time. As far as known, there is little or no relationship between<br />

any in the Knoxville assemblage and those in the Shasta series. Nor is their stratigraphic<br />

occurrence continuoua. Most of the forms constituting the Knoxville<br />

assemblage appear to be confined to the upper (Tithonian) part of the aeries, and<br />

at its close they quickly and completely disappear, leaving no recognisable descendants.<br />

The earliest faunae referable to the Cretaceous sequence contain no distinct<br />

traces of the Knoxville types, whereas the belemnoids of the Shasta series belong<br />

to distinct genera, for the moat part, such aa characterize tbe early Cretaccous of<br />

other regions (England, western Europe, and Russia). In the Cretaceous assemblage<br />

the following genera, recognised by Stollcy, are fairly well represented, although<br />

not equally:<br />

AcroUulhia Stolley, 10 species Beltrnnoituihit Pierce, 2 spcciea<br />

Aulacotcuihia Stolicy, 2 apecioa Beltmnapsii Bayle, 2 spcciea<br />

Hibolilet Montfort, 1 spcciea<br />

From the generic character of this assemblage, as contrasted with tbat of the<br />

Knoxville series, it is believed that they entered the California province as immigrant<br />

races, following some profound changes in sea and land conditions in western<br />

America and in the Pacific basin, which opened new connections or avenues of<br />

migration. Although their stratigraphical order is not yet fully known, some of the<br />

Cretaceous assemblage seem to be confined to restricted rones. It is perhaps too<br />

early in their study to give the vertical range of many of them, although wc may<br />

note the zones in which they have been found up to the present.<br />

The earliest representatives of the order appear in almost the lowest Cretaceous

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