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220 lower cretaceotffi deposits in california and oregon<br />

divisions, in part single; branching riba bearing tuberculate nodes at points of<br />

division more prominent than on the larger limb; section of limha subcircular, Battened<br />

on the dorsum, where the ribs bend strongly forward; septa only imperfectly<br />

shown, sutures similar to those of Ilamulina. Insofar as the body-chambers indicate,<br />

this species has characters similar to 4, ("fiamutina") larioli Uhlig, described<br />

from the Wernadorfet beds of the Carpathian Mountains, eastern Silesia. Aa Hyatt<br />

included this apecies in Anahamvlina, its California analogue should also he<br />

admitted.<br />

In form this species is somewhat more robust than Uhlig'a, the costae are heavier<br />

and leas numerous, and the costal nodes are more prominent on the smaller limb,<br />

whereas i n TJhlig's species they are more prominent on the larger limb. The holotype<br />

(Calif. Acad. Sei. type Coll.) has the following dimensions; width of body-chamber<br />

across both limbs, mm,; dorso-ventrat diameter of larger limb, 21 mm.; diameter<br />

of smaller limb, IS mm.; holotype found 3 miles southwest of Ono, Shasta County.<br />

HETE&OCERATIDAE Spath 1924<br />

SemUmcuiiles Hyatt 1369<br />

Genotype, "Toxoeeras" obliquatum d'Orbigny<br />

No formal description ol this genua has been found in the literature, but, aa the<br />

genotype ia sufficiently characterized and distinctive, a further description may<br />

have been thought unnecessary by the author. D'Orbigny makes no statement as<br />

to the early stages of the species or to a retrovers&l body-chamber, if such esiated.<br />

Few other writers aeem to have recognized forma of this group, although it seems to<br />

have been well represented in Europe, In the Lower Cretaceous sequence in the<br />

Cottonwood district, Shasta County, various distinct species have been found,<br />

apparently referable to this genus, the earliest appearing in beds thought to be Barremian<br />

(upper "Heteroceratao"), and others at higher levels. These several forma<br />

differ much in size, form, surface markings, and other characters, as well aa in the<br />

horizons of their occurrence. All occur below the top of the Cottonwood Beds<br />

(Aptian) and therefore range from Barremian to middle or upper Garganian.<br />

Hemibaculites mirabilis Anderson, n. sp,<br />

{FUta Tt, Giurw }, 2K 3)<br />

Ancyloceras (sp. indet.), GABB, Paleont. Calif., vol. 1,1861, p. 78, pi. 16, figs, 30, 30a;<br />

Cottonwood Creek, Shasta County; (not "C." (Aneyloccras ?) flemondt GABB,<br />

Paleont. Calif,, vol. 1,1B64, p. Tfi).<br />

Gabb's confusion of this species with Hoploterioceras remondi (Gabb) seems surprising,<br />

even though there is some resemblance in the character of the septum. The<br />

species here described ia quite distinct and is not closely related to H. remondi<br />

(Gabb). This form is the largest of the four or five specie? of the genus found in<br />

the Horse town group in the Great Valley embaymant deposits. The holotype of<br />

the apecies has not been recognized, although similar examples are in the Museum<br />

of Paleontology, University of California, and others have been found in the field.<br />

According to Gabb's statement, the fragment from which hie drawing waa made<br />

measured 6 inches in length and 2.25 inches in greater diameter. A fragment with<br />

nearly these dimensions was found at Locality 1347 (Calif, Acad. Sci.), eaBt of<br />

Mitchell Creek, associated with PAjrlfoeenja onoense, BeltmnoUuihit paeifiea nov.,<br />

and Lytoeeras argenautarum (Anderson) in the Argonaut zone, about 200 feet above<br />

the Barr conglomerate, and 100 feet above the zone of Tropaium percontalum, The<br />

figured example was found by W. P. Popenoe and D. W. ScJiarf half a mile farther

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