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description of species 217<br />

The holotype of this species, a fragment of the body-chamber only, is in the<br />

Museum of Paleontology, University of California. More complete examples of the<br />

same species have been obtained from Alderson Creek and have been compared with<br />

tbe holotype. The shell is small, with limbs not closely approximate; the smaller<br />

limb has a subcircular section, and that of the larger limb is more nearly circular;<br />

both limbs are costate; the ribs on the smaller limb are much more oblique than those<br />

of the other; ribs without pronounced ornament, more elevated on the ventral surface;<br />

on the smaller limb the ribs are less prominent and the interspaces shallow;<br />

gome of the riba on the smaller limb bear faint nodes on the ventral border, but they<br />

croea the ventral zone without interruption. The figured specimen (Calif. Acad.<br />

Sci, type Coll.) was found on Alderson Creek, in the Alderson zona, associated with<br />

Lyloceraa bale ax (Traak) and Phyllocerat aldersoni nov, CSabb's statement that<br />

' 'from one imperfect impression, showing 2fi ribs, it seems that on a single rib there<br />

have been two tubercules, or spines, one near the dorsal and the othor near the ventral<br />

aide," did not refer to hia holotype, but to some other specimen not figured. Faint<br />

nodes are found on tbe ventral border of the smaller limb only, as already noted.<br />

Toxaceras d'Orbigny<br />

Toxoeertu cornueapri Anderson, a. sp.<br />

(Flits it,<br />

Shell small, openly curved, tapering somewhat regularly, transversely costate,<br />

with rounded ribs, most of which bear Bmall, inconspicuous spines on the ventral<br />

border and a lesser number on the side of the shell; the ventro-lateral spines are<br />

somewhat more prominent than the lateral; the lateral spines seen only at irregular<br />

intervals. The curvature of the abell increases gradually with growth, the shell<br />

being almost straight at first but curving more rapidly toward the bucal end. This<br />

shell resembles Toxoceras cmericianum. d'Orbigny from Vergons (Bassea-Alpes),<br />

France. The holotype (Calif. Inat. Tech. Coll.) haa the following dimensions:<br />

length of cone (incomplete), 67 mm.; ventro-dorsal width, 8 mm,; transverse thickness,<br />

7 mm.<br />

This example was found by W. P. Popenoe and D, W. Sehsrf on Alderson Creek,<br />

half a mile southeast of the Barr ranch house, south of Ono. Its position appears to<br />

he below the Argonaut zone of the Alderson Creek section. Ita locality number ia<br />

969 (Calif. Inst. Tech.) and is not known to have had associates of other apecies.<br />

HAUrnDAE Hyatt, emend. Spath, 1922<br />

Although Spath has included in this family many later Cretaceous types, only a<br />

brief consideration is here given the pre-Cenom&nian, costate, and non-tuberculate<br />

bamitids, and a single tuherculate form that cannot well be omitted from the list.<br />

The family is here regarded aa including the following;<br />

Hamitee Parkinson; genotype, IIamitee altenutUut Sowerby (not d'Orbigny)<br />

Tornutoeerae Hyatt; genotype, Hamilea altenuaixie d'Orbigny (not Sowerby)<br />

Helicoceras d'Orbigny; genotype, "BamiUs" annulatwi d'Orbigny<br />

Plyeheteeras d'Orbigny; genotype, PtychocErait gaultianum (Pictet)<br />

Whitehouse (1920, p. 321-226) has questioned the practical value of Tornuiocerat<br />

AS a generic term; he believes that the forms placed under it may well be included<br />

in Hamilee. It would appear also that along with Ptychoeeras d'Orbigny, it would be<br />

permissible to include Diptychoeeraa Gabb; genotype, Diplychoceras laeve, and a moderately<br />

tuherculate form, both of which arc found in the Perrin 20ne of the Hulen<br />

beds in the Cottonwood district- The single unquestionable species of Hamitet<br />

below tbe Cenomanian ia a rather large form found near the middle part of the Albian<br />

and is represented by only a fragment of a shell.

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