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consists of a body-chamber, net known to belong to the earns individual, although<br />

to one of the same size. The holotype, par&type, and smaller fragments of other<br />

individuals were found at Locality 1661 (Calif. Acad. Sci.) in beds near the bottom<br />

of tho Mitchell zone in the lower part of the Horsetown group, a mile west of the<br />

Murphy house south of Roaring River, The holotype has the following dimensions:<br />

length along siphonal line, 230 mm.; diameter of shaft at top, 60 mm.<br />

AwlraH&erea White ho use 1029<br />

Genotype, "Crioceras" jacki Etheridge Jr.<br />

According to its author, "the genus is proposed for a group of species richly<br />

represented in the Australian Aptian," and it is known also in other countries. He<br />

gives the following diagnostic notes (Whitehouss, 1026, p. 213):<br />

"Crioceratid shells with initial whorls trituberculate, later whorls without tubercules<br />

until the adult body-chamber, which ia trituberculate; ccwtae simple or<br />

bifurcating near the umbilical margin; septal suture (I. U. L. E.) with prominently<br />

bifid, relatively short-stemmed saddles and regularly trifld lobes."<br />

No less than sic species of this genus are described by Whitehouse from the Aptian<br />

of Australia. The number of species found in corresponding horizons in California<br />

is leas, although it appears that at least two exist, and there are indications of still<br />

others in fragmentary examples.<br />

•rluslraiicfrtw argus Anderson, n. sp.<br />

CPlite ?0, HtuiM 1, is, lb, 1)<br />

Shell rather large, robust, subcircular in section of whorl, coiling crioceratid,<br />

heavily costate; riba nearly straight, or curving forward in mature examples (5 to<br />

6 inches ia diameter); in young stages below 76 mm. costae alternately simple and<br />

trituberculate, the latter being much heavier; at a diameter of 85 to 90 mm. the costae<br />

all become simple and rounded, without tubercules, except an occasional ono near<br />

the ventral border; coatae cross the ventral sone with a forward sinus, and the flattened<br />

dorsal area with a backward bend; shell aeptate up to a diameter of 9.5 inches,<br />

not known beyond this point; septa not well exposed. In its mode of coiling, coatation,<br />

and other characters, this shell bears some resemblance to Auslralicerae robusfum<br />

Whitehouse (not von Koencn), f rom the upper Bedoulian of central Queensland,<br />

Australia. However, there are obvious differences, as in the single minor ribs<br />

in the present species, instead of two or more, in its less prominent outer tubercules,<br />

in its forward curving ribs, and in its relatively higher section. The holotype (Calif.<br />

Acad. Sci. type Coll.) was found on Bee Creek, 4 miles south of Ono, Shasta County,<br />

on the Shoup ranch, and stratigraphically a little below the Argonaut zone containing<br />

Tropaeum pereestalatn (Gabb), Phylloctras enatme Stanton, and Parahopliloidet<br />

shoupt nov. A larger example, somewhat distorted by rock pressure, was<br />

found in the same zone H miles farther south. Fragments of this, and perhaps other<br />

species of the genus, have been found at other places in the Bald Hilla of the Roaring<br />

River diatrict south of Ono, but not sufficiently complete for description.<br />

Tropaeum J, de C, Sowerby, 1837<br />

Genotype, "Crioccratiles" bouserbanki Sowerby<br />

The genus Tropatttm of Sowerby was revived by Hyatt (1900, p. 571). According<br />

to Whitehouse (1926, p. 213):<br />

"the genus WAS derived from Australiccras, with which it 1B identical in coiling,<br />

costation and septal sutures, but it appears to have developed along aevcral lines.<br />

Tropaeum, aa represented by its genotype, is non-tuberculate, while most if riot all

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