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Acriocerai itarrkingi Anderson, n. ap.<br />

(PUTO FIGURES T, (A; P!»TE U, FLJUR® 1A}<br />

Shell of medium size, early wborlg not known; shell forming a shaft and bent<br />

body-chamber, with an enlarged recurved limb; abaft closely costate, with small<br />

simple costae arising in the dorsal zone at ita median tine, curving at first strongly<br />

forward to the dorsal border, thence rising with a gentle forward elope toward the<br />

ventral tone; costae prominently tubcrcuiate on the ventral border only, where two,<br />

three, or four lateral costae are gathered into knot-tike, rounded tubercules; ventral<br />

sons depressed, with costae crossing it somewhat irregularly, either singly, in pairs,<br />

or in trios, On the body-chamber the ribs become greatly altered, forming coarse<br />

ridges, which are tube re ul ate chiefly on the dorsal border; ribs a little prominent,<br />

often dividing at the dorse-lateral node, separated by interspaces wider than the<br />

ribs; from soma of thedorao-latcral nodes the ribs branch into pairs, from others they<br />

arise singly, all crossing the ventral zona without interruption; above the dorsal<br />

border are two rows of inconspicuous tubercules on most of the ribs, one above and<br />

another below the median lino of the side, and a single row on the ventral border,<br />

tending to produce an angle on the rib; section of both limbs subeireular, flattened<br />

on the dorsal zone, narrowed slightly toward the ventral none. This specics appears<br />

to belong to the group of AcrioG&raa sileaiaeum (TJhlig) from the Wernsdorfer beds;<br />

A. rilesiaiiuTii seems to be its nearest analogue. The holotype (Calif. Aoad. Sci.<br />

type Coll.) was obtained at Locality lflfil (Calif. Acad. Sci.), & mile west of the<br />

Murphy house in the Roaring River district, It w found with Shasticriocerae<br />

pomenle, Pteudocrtoceras tienlor, Aeroteuihit shmtensu, and Inaceramue otaloidee<br />

nov. Its horizon is probably lower Barremian, somewhat below that of tho<br />

Mi tchell zone.<br />

Aspindetrtu a. gen.<br />

Genotype, AapinaciTos hantlini, n. sp.<br />

Among the ammonoid forme found in the Hamlin-Broatl zone (upper Valanginian)<br />

in the Cottonwood district there is an unusual crioceratid type for which no suitable<br />

generic name has been found, although the type itself is not unknown. Its perisphinctoid<br />

(? aulacosphinctoid) character ae-enuj to appear in ita general form,<br />

subquadrate section of whorl, and manner of costation—that is, in the alternation<br />

of simple and divided ribs. As far as can be seen in the holatype-genotype there<br />

is no evidence of costal spines or tubercules at any stage of its development, and in<br />

this simplicity of ornamentation, aa well as in its manner of coiling, it recalls "Crioceras<br />

{Ancyloccras)" dilatatum d'Orbigny, from the Neocomioo of France, To<br />

this group probably belongs "Crioceras" muhante Astier, aa figured by Saraaiu and<br />

Schoendelmayer (1902, p. 133, pi. 18, figs. 1, 2), who have compared it also with<br />

"Crioceras" dilalatum d'Orbigny. Neither d'Orbigny, Astier, nor later authors<br />

have described any costal ornamentation for these species, and, as far as can be seen<br />

in their figures, none exists at any stage of growth. No description or figure has been<br />

found illustrating the suture line of either of them, and this feature ia poorly shown<br />

in the proposed genotype. The only sutural elements exposed are a stout first<br />

lateral lobe which has asymmetrical, tripartite divisions and an asymmetrical,<br />

deeply cleft second saddle. These add little to the characterization of the genus,<br />

although they conform to a periaphinctoid type of ancestry.<br />

A&pinoceras hamlini Anderson, a. sp.<br />

CP]MIL CO, &PBTJ! 1, I)<br />

Shell of medium size, moderately inflated, coiling at Brat crioceratid, later forming<br />

a short, gently curved shaft and a retroversal bucal limb; section of early whorls<br />

nearly circular, becoming semi-elliptical on the shaft, higher than broad; dorsal

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