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form, and having a tripartite first lateral lobe, in which the finer elements terminate<br />

in sharp digitoid points.<br />

This species belongs to the group of Moplocriocerm laevitueulum (von Koenen).<br />

The holotype (Calif. Acad. Sei. type Coll.) was obtained at Locality 1661 (Calif.<br />

Acad. Sci.), a mile west of the Murphy house in the Roaring River district, where it<br />

was associated with Pseudocrioceraa indopadficum nov., /S/nuJicraecerat poniente<br />

nov., and Inoceramus ovatoidta nov.<br />

The holotype is much broken but permits of restoration, and its general form ia<br />

shown in the drawing, which is made from careful measurements.<br />

Haplocrioctrat yollabotlium Anderson, n. sp.<br />

(PUtcTi, firun 3)<br />

Because of the apparent "bundling" of the ribs at the umbilical border, this<br />

apecies is placed here with some doubt as to its proper lineage. The shell ia large,<br />

diseoidal, apparently compressed, having a crioceratid coil and strong, somewhat<br />

"rurairadiate" primary ribs, between which the interspaces are relatively broad;<br />

interspaces occupied by two to four fine secondary costae, which marge with the<br />

primary ribs near the umbilical border; sides slightly flattened, section of whorl<br />

higher than broad; whorls not contiguous, but apparently not leaving a regular spiral.<br />

The holotype is a rook mold, represented by the plastotypo (Calif, Acad. Sci, type<br />

Coll.), shown in the figure. It was found by A. I. Gregersen, on Browns Creek, 1}<br />

miles southwest of the Clements ranch in eastern Trinity County. Its stratigraphic<br />

position is apparently about 600 feet beneath the zone exposed at Clements ranch,<br />

and probably not far from the horizon of Crioceras latum Gabb. It is thought to<br />

represent an upper Paakenta horizon, not far from that of the Hamlin-Broad zone,<br />

Locality 113 (Calif. Acad. Sci.), southwest of Ono, Shasta County.<br />

In its ribbing and form this species has some resemblance to Criaccrai bederi<br />

Gerth, though less to Crtoeeras andinum Gerth, from the Lower Crctsceous ef the<br />

Rio Diamante, Argentina.<br />

SAasiim'ceera! Anderson, n. gen.<br />

In the group of crioceratid forms for which this name is proposed hoplitid characters<br />

are more prominent than in other related groups found in the Shasta series<br />

in California. These characters seem to rcfleet Neocomiies more nearly than any of<br />

the other hoplitid groups, although no close relationship is apparent. Characteristics<br />

of the genus are seen in its form, ribbing, ornamentation, manner of uncoiling,<br />

and, with growth, its progressive changes in form and ornamentation. In its earlier<br />

stages the coils are closely approximate but they soon become separated, and finally<br />

the shell sends oS a long, curved arm (body-chamber), although without developing<br />

a recurved limb. In none of the several apecies of this group so far found have any<br />

traces of dorsal (umbilical) tubercules been observed, even in young stages of growth,<br />

having a diameter cf 25 mm. or lesa. In all eseea the costae begin i n a short forward<br />

flexure on the dorsal border, cross the sides in an openly sigmoid curve, and on the ventral<br />

borders develop rounded tubercules, which in adult stages become the moit notable<br />

feature of the shell, The sides are flattened, or but little convcx, the section of tho<br />

whorl is subquadrate, the thickest part being n little above the dorsal margin, from<br />

which zone the sides converge toward the periphery. The costae are at first fine and<br />

crowded but with growth become heavier and more widely separated; in young stages<br />

these often divide, though no such tendency ia seen later; all costae (or riba) cross the<br />

ventral zone without interruption, although on the venter they may be somewhat

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