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200 <strong>LOWER</strong> CRETACEOtffi <strong>DEPOSITS</strong> IN <strong>CALIFORNIA</strong> <strong>AND</strong> <strong>OREGON</strong><br />

from none so f&r known on the Pacific Coast. There is little satisfactory evidence<br />

of the adoptability of these forms into any group already mentioned, although<br />

possibly they could he included in Hemihoplitidaa Spath,<br />

Uhlig (1903, p. 253-25S) has illustrated many hoplitid forms from the Valanginian<br />

part of the Spiti shales, including some with reduced umbilicus, sinuous divided ribs<br />

and peripheral bodes, as for esample Neccomite* malkeri and Ntocamilea aff. tcalktri<br />

Uhlig. Such forms may possibly represent the progenitors of our crioceratid group,<br />

and it may be that the parent stocks of these California types should be sought in<br />

these distant regions.<br />

However, for the present, the name Shasticrioccra* may be adopted for these<br />

forms. The attention of students who may seek a more suitable name for them ia<br />

here directed to the neocomitid characters of the species described under this name,<br />

especially appearing in their forms, ribbing, and umbilical features, and especially<br />

in the resemblance of the suture lines to those of Ntocomitcs aff, walkeri Uhlig (IOCS,<br />

pi. 87, fig. Ad.).<br />

Criotmaa LevciUe<br />

Crioceraa latum Gabb<br />

(Pht« if, fifui* 1)<br />

Criocerax latum GABB, Paleont. Calif,, vol, 1, 1864, p. 70, pi. 14, fig. 25b; pi, 15, figs.<br />

25, 25a: "near Weaverville, in the Trinity River: vol. 2,1869, p. 218—STANTOW,<br />

U. S. Geol. Surv., Bull. 133, p. 17,18,83; Elder Creek district.<br />

The holotype of thia species is in tbe Museum of Paleontology, University of<br />

California, and baa been loaned for study and illustration. Gabb states that it is<br />

very closely allied to Criocerat duvali Leveille, but as Gabb referred to the description<br />

and figure given by d'Orbigny, which Kilian has renamed Crioctra* nelam,<br />

Gabb's statement may be emended accordingly. Gabb stated that the holotype<br />

had been obtained in the Trinity River "from a boulder," As Weaverville is not<br />

very near any part of the Trinity River, and as no Cretaceous deposits are near the<br />

town, the words "near Weaverville" may be interpreted to mean "near Douglas<br />

City," where the river does approach such deposits, The "boulder" is a eandy concretion<br />

and contains not only the holotype of this species but other identifiable<br />

molluscan species, as Pecien operculiformig Gabb and a bivalve shell resembling<br />

JVucula gabbi Stanton. This "boulder" may easily have been enrried down from the<br />

Lower Cretaceous beds on Redding Creek, where various other Shasta apecies, including<br />

Pecten optrculifarmis, Pleurotnya papyracea, and various cephalopoda, have<br />

been found.<br />

Stanton (1895, p. S3) reports the species from the Shasta series south of Elder<br />

Creek, in beds here regarded as belonging is the Paskenta group, and also in the<br />

"basal Horsetown beds" immediately overlying the Paskenta group.<br />

The several examples referable to this species obtained by the writer were found<br />

in the Cottonwood district, as on the North fork of thia stream above Ono; at Locality<br />

113 (Calif. Acad. Sci.), 4 miles southwest of Ono; at Locality 1865, Duncan Creek,<br />

and in the Paskenta group; at Locality 1353 (Calif. Acad. Sai.), and on Eagle Creek,<br />

near Ono, which 1B in the lowest beds of the Horsetown group. The stratigraphic<br />

range of the species is, therefore, nearly that of Hoploerioceras remondi (Gabb)—<br />

that is, from upper Valanginian to Hauterivian.<br />

Crioccrat duncanense Anderson, n. sp.<br />

(Flat* 15, fltfif* 2)<br />

Shell small or moderate in a Lie, aa known from the holotype; coiling crioccratid,<br />

numerously ccstate, coils barely touching in young stages, more openly coiling

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