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198 <strong>LOWER</strong> CRETACEOtffi <strong>DEPOSITS</strong> IN <strong>CALIFORNIA</strong> <strong>AND</strong> <strong>OREGON</strong><br />

Lytoeeras cf. aulaeum nov. and Aeroteulhis shastensis nor. The holotype is the property<br />

of the California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California.<br />

Oxytropidoceras Sticlcr 1920<br />

Genotype Ammonites roissyanus d'Orbigny<br />

Oxytropidoceraa paekardi Anderson, n. sp,<br />

(Flat* SO, Sgv« 1)<br />

Shell large, diseoldal, inflated near and below the middle of the sides, which<br />

converge toward the periphery; keel high and thin; sides heavily coatate with about<br />

40 "proreiradiate" riba; umbilicus moderately broad, bordered by sloping walla, the<br />

slope blending evenly with the convex Bides; costae arising at the umbilical suture,<br />

inclining forward, crossing the sides in a sigmoid curve, bending strongly forward<br />

upon approaching the keel; sides of keel'marked by growth lines almost parallel<br />

with the periphery; septa numerous, but not well shown.<br />

The holotype is a large fragment making two-thirds of a whorl. It is in the<br />

Museum of Paleontology, University of California. It was found by E, L. Packard,<br />

of the University of Oregon, about 2 miles south of Ono and near the top of the Horsetown<br />

group, where it waa associated with Puzosia hoffmarmi (Gabb) and £>OUM'4leiceras<br />

mammillatum var, It has the following dimensions: greatest diameter, 170<br />

mm.; width of umbilicus, 47 mm,; height of whorl, SO mm.; apparent thickness, 45<br />

mm. The species appears to be most closely related to Oxytropideeeras btlknapi<br />

(Marcou), aa figured by Adkins (1938, pi. 4, fig. 3), although it possesses fewer and<br />

coarser ribs, has a more elevated keel, a gentler umbilical slope, and more strongly<br />

curved ribs. It is also closely related to the genotype Ammonites roistyanus<br />

d'Orbigny.<br />

Three examples of this species, obtained at the type locality by G. D. Hanna and<br />

the writer, arc now in the Museum of the California Academy of Sciences. Its horizon<br />

is near, or above, that of the Neptune zone of the Hulen beds as found on Hulen<br />

Creek.<br />

PsnviMQmsBiDAS Spath<br />

Peroinquieria J. Bohm 1910<br />

Ptrvinquieria hulenana Anderson, n. sp.<br />

(PUuaj.fltursS)<br />

Species of Pemnguten'o have long been known in the uppermost Albian beds<br />

in the Cottonwood district, but thus far have been confined to the Chico series.<br />

The holotype of the present species was found in the Hulea beds below the lowest<br />

strata assignable to the Chico series, and beneath the unconformity that marks its<br />

base. Its horiton ia near the middle of this stage, but within a few hundred feet of<br />

the top of the Hulen beds.<br />

The shall ia large and brondly uubllicate, strongly eostate with a distinctly ovate<br />

section in its mature stages; umbilical walls in its younger stages abrupt, rounded and<br />

sloping in older shells; in younger whorls the periphery is flattened, but in the older<br />

whorls it becomes sloping and ridge-like; keel elevated, wedge-shaped, and prominent;<br />

in younger stages of growth (diameter 65 mm.) the section of the whorl ia inflated,<br />

aa broad as high; in older stages (diameter 150 mm.) the section becomes<br />

thinner; in youth the ribs on the ventral border are faintly marked by flutings, but<br />

with growth these are lost.<br />

The holotype, found by E. L. Packard, is the property of the Oregon State College.

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