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The holotype affords the following measurements: greatest diameter, 60 mm.;<br />

width of umbilicus, IS mm.; height of whorl, 23 mm.; thickness of whorl, 17 mm.;<br />

umbilical ratio, 0.300:1.<br />

This apecies is most closely related to SoniwraJiu stantoni Anderson. It is named<br />

in honor of Mr, C. M. CroBS, whose work with J. A. Taflf on the Cretaceous sections<br />

in the Diablo Range and in Tehama County has been of great help and value.<br />

Sonntratia rogersi Hall and Ambrose<br />

(Pint* 20, Crmi S, 7)<br />

Sonwraiia TOQtrii HALL and AMBSOSB, Nautilus, vol. 30, 1910, p. 69, (not figured);<br />

three-quarters of a mile south of Carnegie, Alameda County, California.<br />

The holotype of this apeeies is in the Museum of Paleontology, Stanford University,<br />

and has been carefully examined. Its original description shows clearly<br />

its relation to the foregoing, to which it conforms in most essential features, except<br />

for the number of costae on a single whorl. The surface of the shell is ornamented<br />

by about 60 transverse flexueus coBt&e, which usually cross the ventral zone, and<br />

terminate at the umbilical border in about one-fourth as many distinct tubercules.<br />

Thia species was compared by the authors to Sonrwraita atantoni Anderson. It has<br />

since been found sparingly on the cast branches of Hulen Creek, associated with<br />

other species of the genus, and with PhyUocera* theretoe, Nemodon breweriana, and<br />

Phaloddmya Aamgani Hall and Ambrose. Its horizon is about 900 feet below the<br />

top of the Horsetown group, and the Hulen beds, and therefore somewhat lower than<br />

the horizon of SenneraCia jloniont. The holotype affordB the following measurements:<br />

greatest diameter, 4ft mm,; diameter of umbilicus, 12 mm.; height of whorl,<br />

20 mm.; thickness of whorl, 13 mm.; umbilical ratio, 0.23:1,<br />

Its horizon is regarded as near the middle, or a little below the middle, of the<br />

Albion in the Cottonwood district,<br />


FidcAciito Douvill6<br />

PulcheUia popenaei Anderson, n. sp.<br />

(Plata 13, Beam I, 3)<br />

The shell of this species is of moderate size, discoidal, moderately inflated, broadly<br />

costate; rihe flattened, branching near the middle of the aide, strongly flexed, bearing<br />

numerous growth lines; ribs terminating at tbe ventral border in thin, elongated<br />

nodes; umbilicus narrow, deep, with steeply sloping walls, flaring above, with<br />

rounded borders; siphonal zone narrow, flattened, bordered on either side by moderately<br />

elevated costal nodes. Beneath these terminal nodes the ribs are slightly<br />

swollen, giving the appearance of a distinct ridge concentric with tho periphery.<br />

The holotype, septate throughout, has the following dimensions: greatest diameter,<br />

67 mm.; width of umbilicus, 5.6 mm.; height of whorl, 32 mm.; thickness of whorl,<br />

17 mm.; umbilical ratio, 0,006:1.<br />

This example is tho first recorded occurrence of PulcheUia in the Cretaceous cf<br />

California, although it U common in the Barremian strata of the northern Andes and<br />

has been found in Japan. The apecies belongs to the group represented by jPufcAeUia<br />

leai (Forbes), from which it differs chiefly in the greater curvature of the ribs and in<br />

the form of the umbilicus. The holotype was found by W. P. Popenoc and D. W.<br />

Scharf on Roaring River, Locality 967, (Calif. Inst. Tech.), a quarter of a mile west<br />

of the Millaap road, and beneath the Mitchell zone of the Horsetown group.<br />

Only four identifiable examples have been found; they were associated with

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